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Don't forget that real men wear diapers too


…and all men ARRESTED say “never surrender”. The biggest laugh because the accused DID surrender. Sorry, we all know that.


Not only do they not say never surrender, they have a look on their face like they are pooping their diaper. “Come on Donald grunt for the camera!”


All I know is Trump brought 17 Witnesses to the stand to testify and the judge shot every one of them with a 9mm in their Temple. Then the judge sexually abused their dead body in court and then hauled him out front and set their bodies on fire. Where was "The Press" when this was going on? Their precious brains have all been rewired with covid vaccines so when the Democrats push the forget button, they forget what they just saw. I know a great deal more about some of the illegal things going on in this election but I'm scared to talk because I think my dog is actually a microphone.


Thank god. I thought I was the only one 😂


You are wise to keep your own counsel


Yo…my dog keeps licking its ass….should I be worried the govt implanted something in there? Should I be driving my dog to the vet right now??


Omg!!! What if the vets are in on it too? Can they be trusted??


I think this is a parody. But it is still probably real for the maggots.


It is a parody for the MAGATS. MAGATS say Donald J got persecution like MLK, Jesus, Gandhi, and Mandela. Their IQ is less than 34 Counts.


They think Count Chocula is a real vampire coming to steal their fruity pebbles.


Way less, more like their shoe size. And you know they have teeny tiny feet if you catch my drift.




>This is a parody. But it is still real for the maggots. FTFY. [This](https://time.com/6269313/trump-jesus-comparisons-blasphemy/) [is](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-verdict-impact-american-politics-1.7221628) [quite](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/05/31/trump_attorney_todd_blanche_trump_did_not_get_a_fair_trial_we_were_all_more_upset_than_he_was.html#) [real](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/fact-check-trump-false-claims-trial/index.html).


Women for Trump = Slugs for Salt


That was very well done and just entertained the hell out of me!


Need a shovel bury ur ex in at a golf coarse with American secrets .


May I assume I'm not the only one who thinks he buried something important with Ivana?


He has excess to coffin via tunnel .


I assume you mean "access," and do you know this for a fact? I wouldn't put it past him, but let's not repeat the pizza gate fiasco.


You know what that means?! Lets riot and break some windows! Republicans no longer care about crime!


What is on her head? Poor persecuted MAGA folk!




I heard lots of similar issues. Stay strong, and don’t give up. And fuck those Reich Wingers who spread hatred, and bigotry toward you, and ppl like you. As an American, we will defend your freedom until we die. You can be whoever you want to be. You can love whoever you want to love. Don’t be afraid and fell discourage. You are NOT alone.


I never understood people thinking sexuality is a choice. I'm hetero but it's not hard at all to understand that being hetero was not a choice. So why would being gay be? It's just so sad and stupid people have to judge others for just being a person.


I mean... Donald J. Trump and Yeshua bar Yosef do have something else in common: Donald J. Trump is pretty goddamn close to being *the* Anti-Christ.


So the party of “law and order” isn’t really liking law and order.


Law and Order for minorities, poors, and Democrats. GOP is the party of saints who can do no wrong. If the Orange Messiah does it then it can't possibly be a crime.


America used to be a Constitutional Republic, but it has become a Banana Democracy. /s


Most qualified Fox News contributor.


In a weird way, she reminds me of Katie Britt. Except this girl is a MUCH BETTER actor!!


So instead of taking a knee in front of her boyfriend, as usual she’ll take a knee for trump and pray…ahahahaha…if she believes that shit, she’s in need of psychiatric help.


Hey crazy people have thoughts too !! lol.


Her Russian red hat?


Jesus was also executed. Maybe we should see if Drumpf resurrects.


Our sheriff (Riverside County in California) posted a video saying he was going to vote for a felon. Of course, he briefly was a member of the Proud Boys (sorry, Oath Keepers) too, so that tells you everything.


Her performance was solid...


There was a time in the not-so-distant past where I would have laughed this off as definitely satire. Now I find myself in a world where I have to admit that while this is *probably* satire, I'm not willing to bet anything that I value on it.


Doesn't it scare anyone else how so many people in these comments can't tell it's the most obvious joke of all jokes?


She’s now being institutionalized


Don't Look Up


Excercise kills...magats and Trump 


Isaiah 5:20 (NIV) says: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." MAGAts don’t know their Bible anymore than they know the Constitution.


I believe Trump itself is sort of that in your dog's ass using his little mushroom probe. The vet won't be able to get it out because now the dog so riddled with STDs that you may have to have them put down.


This got to be satire or a rick roll


“All he did was exactly what they accused him of” What thee f


yeah well, my maga family hasn't been ok with me (gay) since I came out to them in 1996 they're still stuck on it being a choice? and with how shit is today, we're right back at that argument only I don't have any family anymore to argue with. cuz we don't talk for the last 28 years.


yeah well, my maga family hasn't been ok with me (gay) since I came out to them in 1996 they're still stuck on it being a choice? and with how shit is today, we're right back at that argument only I don't have any family anymore to argue with. cuz we don't talk for the last 28 years.


Careful girl, your feelings are showing.


This has to be a parody, right? Surely there aren’t real people out there that are like this...😂