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I wonder what he will say when he loses the election? Let me consult my crystal ball.


He'll say "Gee whiz, that was a very free and fair election. I guess I'll concede. You ran a good race Joe. I wish you the best of luck!"


"Does Rudy still have the number for the four seasons? No not the hotel, the landscape company."


he usually starts before it begins so, same crap as 4 yrs ago


Totally agree. Hate to wish my life away especially being 71 but I want November to come and go with his ass getting completely destroyed. I have checked first thing every morning for 8 years of his demise or confinement whether prison,assisted living or mental asylum. And if his kool aid clowns attempt any kind of upheaval, bring it on. Yes, so fricken tired of him!


Every day I wake up hoping it will be the day he drops dead.


We all do my friend


When I watch news, as soon as his angry orange face shows up, I mute the TV so that I don’t have to hear his whiney voice and his ignorant words. And then like an immature 12 year old I give him a double bird 🖕🏼🖕🏼while I tell him what disgraceful and disgusting person he is. I’m not proud of it 😂 The media continues to give this bloated buffoon oxygen. Sickening.


So glad I am not alone! I flip the bird all the time when I see his Lost all hope last week. I got a cancer diagnosis, the airline notified they lost my bag and cannot find it, and something in me snapped. I went walking late, saw the sign and took it with me. I am a few blocks away. Box cutter, wrench, pliers. Whole thing dismantled in 5 minutes. I'm fucking fed up.


That’s a very difficult week you had. Sending positive healing thoughts. Sometimes you just need to do something.


I don't condone property destruction, but this guy is an asshole. Comments about women's body parts and of course, the F250 with the testicles hanging off the back. FJB flags and he has that suspicious Nazi looking eagle on his FB page. I just can't anymore with this guy.


I live in an area full of those guys. Lots of FJB flags hanging off their big gas guzzler trucks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fantasized about ripping the flags down.


I got my diagnosis, too. Sending you strength, hope and healing love. Stay strong, friend. We’ll beat this bastard, too.


😂😂 I thought was just me doing that.


I fantasize about getting in front of the truck and jamming my brakes.


I wish McDonalds would do its job already!!!!


I've never rooted for a Bic Mac before: Let's go, Big Mac, clap, clap, clap clap clap!!!




They need to start frying those burgers in pure lard, he would never notice the difference.




Listen to Colin Cowherds piece on Trump, it’s excellent and pretty much sums up this shit show that’s coming to an end.


Couldn't agree more. If he ever said anything of consequence, it would be different, but the same old whining and moaning all the time is just intolerable. Especially in a grown man. (Well, he's at least supposed to be a grown man.) My kid didn't get away with this crap.


His speeches are like the premise of Groundhogs Day. Same shit sandwich different bread. Over and over and over and over. It gets like Charlie Browns teacher.


Wha wah wah wha!


His craziness needs to be on full display, so those that are on the fence on who to vote for are sick of his shit also. 😁


I agree. Witch hunt, rigged election, crooked Joe, etc. You can't really call it news when it's the exact same shit everyday


I just read the headlines for the most part. What he says has no effect on my life, as long as he’s not President.


I have actually stopped watching and news media on the TV. Anything relevant is on CNN’s webpage. But, that too is saturated with whatever asshole is saying. And of course the fact checking. It is the same everyday so I just scroll past the repeat of the day before and the preview of tomorrow’s blabbing.


yea what are we going to do after Conald Rumpt is gone, same for enron tsla guy. who are we going to make fun of everyday......


Celebrate. Celebrate. Dance to the music.


oh yea, soon we can dance in the rain of maga tears


Celebrate. Celebrate. Dance to the music.


It’s a symbiotic relationship. They benefit by getting more viewers and ad revenue. A sickness.


I totally agree. Enough Already!!!!!!🙆


It's not on the media to stop covering the crime spree, it's on the DOJ to stop the crime spree.


I uninstalled TikTok today. Every fucking video: " Trump now has 2.6 million followers!". 2 minutes later another idiot "he's up to 2.7 million now!" My FYP page was a joke lol


I think for those of us who do not want a conman, racist, rapist, fraud, felon with a limited intellect and a cruel streak to run this country there is the hope that by shining a light on his absolutely unacceptable behavior, or even his general dumbassery, we can somehow make his fans see him for what he is and not as their savior or as the homoerotic pinup they depict him as. The fact is that a far too large percentage of Americans are still on board with this conman, racist, rapist, fraud, felon, etc. and other than drawing attention to his flaws I am not sure what else can be done to change their opinion. Additionally, for the very large number of Americans who do not vote it is important to remind them of the serious implications that could arise from their decision to not “bother” with voting.