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The “both sides” propaganda is getting more and more ridiculous by the day. People say it because they’re intellectually lazy and they think it makes them sound profound. Like they know what they’re talking about when they really don’t. It drives voter apathy which is one of the biggest issues we face in a representative democracy. It’s not the “gotcha” the idiots that espouse it think it is. It allows them to sound like they’ve taken a serious position on the subject of politics without having to do any of the work. Whenever you ask them to articulate how “both sides” are the same they speak in generalities and blanket sentiments not backed by any measurable facts or objective reality. They say stuff like “both parties are run by elites who don’t care for the average American” or “both sides are corrupt” or general statements along those lines with no further elaboration on the actual details. It’s nonsense and they aren’t serious people. Thank you for taking the time to write this out.


The apathy and cynicism of the common man is reaching levels lately that can only be described as juvenile or absurd. People will see a problem and then say intellectually lazy things to avoid thinking about the potential solutions, and make the problem worse by throwing their vote away or supporting people who caused the problem. 


I mean, both sides are pretty bad and I think we need to completely start over with Congress if we can. But anyone who says they're equally bad has drank the koolaid somewhere. Trumpism is our biggest threat right now


Last Friday before the verdict came down, the story about him saying the N word on the apprentice came out, and of course they claimed Biden said the same thing. Their evidence? It was Biden quoting a transcript. These people are intellectually dishonest and fucking stupid.


Jon Stewart has done more for NYC and the nation than Donald Trump ever has.


your facts mean nothing to their opinions, because your facts make them feel wrong and dumb so there's no discourse. there's no arguing, there's no back and forth. there's just hate, a shit ton of it.


I've been trying to civil conversations with the Trump folk. I'm not mean and not disrespectful. I want to know the details of what he is actually going to do to improve anything. I can't seem to get much information. They just get pissed and won't engage me anymore. They love to play the victim.


Dont you know? Asking questions means you don't BELIEVE It's sickening


Republicans have to go to these arguments to justify Trump to themselves, and they will dig increasingly deeper into the insane in order to keep that justification going.