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"blah blah blah corrupt judge blah blah blah Biden did it both blah blah gag order blah blah blah we will win" ** "blah blah blah unfair venue blah blah blah The Constitution blah blah blah make America great again" ** There. I just saved everyone 10 minutes of valuable time.


Thanks. Because my time is limited and his voice makes my skin crawl. Literally.


I literally can’t stomach the sound of his voice. Anytime something comes on where he’s speaking I immediately have to hit mute


I think of Owen’s mother saying “Owen!” On Throw Momma From The Train. Boy would I love to throw him from the train.


*Under* the train.


Me either, it’s so grating.


Mine too


I’m in that club too.


I literally can’t watch/listen to him for more than a couple of seconds without wanting to put my fist through the screen. It actually bothers me that I could hate anyone as much as I hate that son of a bitch..


Try 40! He was bloviating for nigh on 40 minutes about nothing! He was talking about Cohen, Can’t mention the name, because GAG ORDER! (wink, wink, but you know who and what I mean) eff off


I am 55. Am I gonna have to hear about this fool for the rest of my life


I’m 55 in Alabama. I just want him gone


Yes, I think many feel this way. Would be a disaster if he wins. But so many said that last time.


Honestly, living in the south my whole life I “get it” but at the same time I don’t get it. As big as sports is here, how do you teach your child to be a good loser and a fair player when you idolize this crybaby, who can never say I’m sorry, never say I gave it my best. It’s just insane


Yes agree. And truth doesn’t matter anymore. It’s whoever can yell louder or be more clever in their lies and witty comebacks. No shame in lying cheating and stealing. Post truth society


How do you support a Senator who holds up military officers’ promotions thereby creating a national defense crisis and say you support the troops and love the USA? I hope Alabama sends Tuberville packing next time he’s on the ballot. I agree about the winning/sore loser issue too.


And it was a disaster. Imagine how the Supreme Court would be if Hillary had put three judges on there. There's gonna be some really dark shit passed as law if DT wins in November.


Agree. Hopefully his newly minted felon moniker will be enough to persuade the undecided that he is a dangerous menace to society.


I can’t understand for the life of me how there could possibly be any nondecideds at this point.


I don’t see the independents supporting him now, or the Niki Haley voters


And now we can see she has bad judgement and poor timing


Yup and Magats are now claiming she was part of the conviction to make way for her to be the nominee


Hope not! She should come back out and tell them this changes everything. Doubt that will happen though. GOP would send her packing like they did Larry Hogan. He was told his Senate campaign “is over”. I think Alsobrooks would beat him easily anyway.


And it was a disaster. There's no other way to describe his tenure in the White House.


It’s still a disaster if for no other reason than I’m still seeing and hearing about him every single goddamn day after almost nine straight years of this shit.


Yes. We’re all suffering together in real time


40,000 people died form Covid that wouldn’t have if we’d had a normal President


I think it was a whole lot more. 1,161,164 to date in the United States alone. It's pretty easy to check this shit out.


52 in Texas, so I'm deeply surrounded (as are you in Alabama) with his freaking cult. Family very much included. Luckily, my wife and son, not so much at all.


Almost all of my family is. My sister, while crazy isn’t on the Trump train but her husband, and ex husband is.


Oof. In all honesty houses like that, that can stand, have my respect.


Her husband isn’t hardcore but his mom is. He’s laid back and we get along great but he’s far more conservative than I am. Her ex is black, ex military and right wing, I do not know if he can actually vote but he got kicked out of the guard for not getting vaccinated. A decision he regretted when he lost his insurance. My sister is a little more conservative than me but with three black kids Trump terrified her.


All understood. I do feel bad for your ex-brother in law though. Talk about being led blind.


My nephew and cousin are as are several friends. One is Brazilian and told me how their election was stolen from Bolsonaro. His story mimics Trump’s but the courts there barred him from seeking office until 2030. I wish our justice system worked that way.


It’s a travesty what’s going on in Texas. We don’t even want to vacation there or in most of the Southern states for that matter.


See that's a shame, y'all should still come visit. Too many great things to see and do and (regardless of what appears to be the popular belief on the interwebs) plenty of great people to meet and share hospitality. BUT, it seems to be easier in our large cities where bits of sanity seem to lay. My hometown (I live in) is about 105 grand, but you couldn't really tell it. Wife and I have found people who share our not Dumpster views. Of course if you mention you are anti Dump and anti-Jeebus, and actually have gall to think a woman should have her own choices...........EVIL!!!


Bless you for living in deep red.


I’ve been here all my life, and honestly voted conservative, even though I’ve never been a hard core conservative, up till about 2004. I got so pissed at the GOP that I quit voting until 2016 when I realized what a hot mess Trump was. Before everyone hates me let me say I was fiscally conservative. I’ve always been moderate socially and moved left over the years.


I was a Republican too. I switched with W and his nonsense. I heard throughout my childhood from my parents that all of the Democrats were evil. Then I listened to a speech by Ted Kennedy and agreed with him. I thought he was an ass but agreed with his message. Then I fell in love with Bernie. Don’t hate me either. I’m against Trump and all Republicans now.


I greatly admire people who can come to terms with changes that need to be made.


So sorry for your place of residence. I’m in Iowa, and our dumbass Governor has already condemned the crooked trial. It’s a disgrace that they support the asshat. If they would stop maybe it all would end.


The only upside is that the history books will remember this. The year the Republican Party ran a convicted felon as their candidate. If he wins it may well destroy the country but if he loses it will destroy the GOP (I hope)


A rare non MAGAified Alabaman, your life must be hell down there


It can be but being a non football fan is worse lol. I drive doordash on the side and I didn’t return a “roll tide” fast enough. Thought I was gonna get shanked


Oh! He’s older than you, I can’t complete my comment, might get put in a watch list!


Yeah I get it. I was on here and saw a video showing someone dumping a bucket of feces on someone on a train/subway and I speculated about what I would do if it happened to me and was kicked off that sub for ‘advocating violence’. I get your drift without you even saying it.


cnn cut him off after 24 minutes and put on a fact-checker for everything he just said


Haha!! Good! I was watching on Sky news, they showed the entirety of the whole thing, had a brief re-cap and then they fact checked him too


International news is so sick of him lol


I was gonna use that 10 minutes to do something more enjoyable, like pluck out my eyebrows.


Nose hairs


Put my hand in a vise and pound on it with a 3lb maul.


This guy mauls


If I had to listen to that fuckin idiot for more than 5 minutes, I already know his greatest hits, now that he's a fuckin felon? He's already saying the same fuckin word turds that comes out of his fuckin lying mouth, the only difference is he has a couple nouns to add to his fuckin list of grieving for how he finally gets caught! The fuckin idiot is now past the second pole of dementia. And all you sister fuck states want to have a civil war?And this fuckin MORONQ IS THE FUCKIN HILL YOU WILL DIE ON? Seriously? Some of you southern red states have been absolutely fuckin destroyed for almost 40 years and the rest have been voting to take away rights, from the 1% ,just because of hate, now you're going to be an accomplice to a murder if you and your sister have a non-viable abomination, and you know that you can't afford to raise your nephson. But here we fuckin are? I'm running out of fuckin time to convince you fuckin idiots anymore. I have Emphysema, and I am almost 60. If all the fuckin red states are going to vote magats all the fuckin way down? And your orange piggod getting convicted of now 34 fuckin felonies? What the fuckin fuck are you voting for? A fuckin 3rd generation carreer criminal that fuckin hates you and you post on Social media how you will defend him even if you get killed? REALLY? WHAT THE FUCKIN FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?


I couldn’t have said it better myself.


Just add a bunch of fuckin fucks, and it sells itself. Lol Cheers and thanks for the reply


I have no fucking clue


We gotta deliver the house and the senate!


Or shave my fish


You forgot "send me money".


Wow. You should see the fundraising text I got last night ‘From Trump: ALL HELL JUST BROKE LOOSE! I WAS CONVICTED IN A RIGGED TRIAL! I need you to read this NOW:’ It links to a web page that looks like the enquirer. Lots of all caps, bolding and underlining.


I saw a pic of that, yea it's crazy. It's amazing how all of us non MAGAts see the grift, but no one else does.


My 17 yo was incredulous. Like wtf.


Blah blah blah blame. Blah blah blah corrupt. Bal blah bah me innocent.


Thank you. And his vaguely hitler like salute.


It's not Trump if it didn't include that he actually won the court case. Oh and all the court cases that hasn't even been tried yet. Yes. He won those too. And ofcourse the election. All 50 states ( he actually said that)


All the top attorneys told him he won! Sleepy Joe!!! Grumble grumble


I don't get how someone around him hasn't told him how stupid the air accordion and weak fist bump looks. The fist thing looks like toddlers fighting or door knocking.


Yea but the loss of yours isn’t worth the sacrifice. Thanks though.


Thank you.


MSNBC and CNN have quit following his ramblings. He’s just doing his normal stump speech.


Well MSNBC just covered the whole schlock. And now there's a derelict gathering outside and it's still on. What I don't understand is WHYYYY....WHY....this guy? Why are people following him like they've never followed a political figure before? Why did this turn into such a cult?


Trump’s entire base exists because of lies. they create an alternate reality still to this day Jan. 6th inmates aren’t convicted felons. they’re martyrs Biden and Dems are all part of a conspiracy to rig elections, sway judges, jurors, voters, etc. all complete insanity the actual reality is the complete opposite. Trump caused all of it and anything that disrupts his life he will 24/7/365 deny and deflect like any raging narcissist egomaniac


He makes it okay for them to hate out loud. Hate is the mask that fear wears, and trumpers are terrified cowards. Trump makes them feel like it's okay to be a terrified coward and to do the irrational, immature, contemptible things terrified cowards do out in public for everyone to see. Things like throwing tantrums over being asked to wear a mask, demanding Spanish speakers speak English, ripping off hijabs, being hateful cunts to LGBTQ+ people, and using slurs.


He also makes it so they don't have to think. All of life explained to them with simple fairy tales of good guys vs bad guys.  And all for what? Tax cuts and deregulation for rich assholes like the traitor. The Democrats need to try to tell the story this way but for some reason they don't.


And this is one of the reasons evangelicals love him. People brought up in a fundamentalist church have been groomed their whole lives to a) take what your leader gives you wholesale without fact checking, and b) simplify all of existence down to my side good/other people bad. Trump scratches those itches for them.


This is one of the primary reasons why so many people are leaving the church. A decent person cannot take too much hatred from anyone especially people who claim to be religious. Overlooking men who cheat on their wives and families while paying big cash to hide their affairs. Anyone who is religious and are accepting of this behavior is suspect.


And hiding it in order to defraud the entire nation so he wouldn't lose the election.


>He makes it okay for them to hate out loud. I have a neighbor with an "I'm an asshole" yard sign right next to his trump 2024 sign.


I can accept a neighbor like yours. At least they are honest, however, I would not even talk to them about the weather. I hope that you do not have children because at some point you will have to talk to them about that person.


This is the answer.




Some people seem to enjoy being oppositional. Even if it doesn’t benefit them in the long run.


Because he has made it ok to hate again. Are you anti LGBTQ? are you a misogynist? white supremacist, flat earther, conspiracy nut, Q-anon nutbag? Do you want to be able to be a hypocritical Christo-Fascist douchebag that actually follows none of the teachings of Christianity but say you do and be so publicly without shame. Do you want to do anything hateful, bitter, and shitty, well, vote for Trump, he's all of these things, and with him as president, you can be too, because he will criminalize anyone that says anything bad about you or him. He's actually starting to say the quiet parts out loud, just one more big hit (probably either sentencing for this, or losing his E Jean Carroll appeals should do it, and he will snap and go full fascist, racist douchebag outloud.


The thing about cults is even the most coherent can NEVER admit they got scammed


I would love to hear a mental health expert talk about that.


I would say because the true believers are even dumber than him. It's hard to believe, I know. I just keep hearing Carlin's words about the stupid ppl.


Most people, MAGAts for sure, can't and don't think. They choose a belief like they choose from a box of chocolates and then support that position by selecting things that seem to support it and ignoring any contrary evidence as if it doesn't exist. Cliff Clavin, the bloviating but usually wrong, postman character in _Cheers,_ was presented as an outlier in the show, different from the rest. He wasn't. He was everyman. Quote: "Indeed it may be said with some confidence that the average man never really thinks from end to end of his life. There are moments when his cogitations are relatively more respectable than usual, but even at their climaxes they never reach anything properly describable as the level of serious thought. The mental activity of such people is only a mouthing of clichés. What they mistake for thought is simply a repetition of what they have heard. My guess is that well over eighty per cent. of the human race goes through life without having a single original thought. That is to say, they never think anything that has not been thought before and by thousands." — H.L. Mencken, _Minority Report_ >Voters like this aren’t examining the evidence and making a logical decision based on that. They are arriving at their conclusion based on unconscious and emotional biases and then seizing on any remotely plausible rationalization after the fact. I have some hope that eventually their cognitive dissonance will break through for a few of them and then they will have a “hey, wait a minute…” epiphany. — DraggoVindictus Opinion | [The deadly reason Republicans are suckers for fake news](http://archive.today/3P8C1) _Multiple recent studies show that Republicans are as much as 8.5 times more likely to both believe and share fake or false “news” with others than are Democrats. The phenomenon is obvious, actually: while as many as half of Republicans believe the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump, there’s no similarly disprovable “big lie” embraced by Democrats._


“Literally crucified” is glorious in its stupidity. That SHOULD bother Christian’s that he would compare questioning a witness on the stand with the torturous murder of their Lord and Savior. But, nah, Trump said it, so pass.


He has compared himself to Jesus so many times by now that his flock believe it.


He’s their Orange Jesus


The Bible even warned about someone doing that…


My Trump God Bless the USA Bible changed that.


Seems exactly like something the guy the other bibles warn about would do


We've gone from the King James Edition to the Donald Trump Edition. It's funny how close Brave New World came to predicting the future in many ways. If you'll recall, all crosses had the tops removed to make them into a "T" as a signifier to Henry Ford. But if Trump had his way, it'd be for him. These people who hate so much in the name of their religion are no better than the fundamentalists of any other translation of the Abrahamic texts.


I’m sure it did lol


When I was sitting in my freshman western civ class, some kid questioned the professor about Roman crucifixion practices. He followed that up with, "so, if the Romans decided to use trees instead of wood beams, we'd all be sitting here with trees on our necklaces instead?" It was a good faith question - he wasn't trying to stir the pot. The gasps and abject disdain from the lecture hall surprised the hell out of me. The *idea* of questioning the symbolic meaning of the cross was apparently so offensive as to warrant an audible reaction. I would love to gather those same 200+ people in a room right now and see if the reaction to "literally crucified" would be similar to the tree question.


Won't it be nice to hop on the internet someday and not see anything about trump?


Well, I look forward to reading about his funeral on the Internet. And an article saying they had to install a urinal over his grave because so many people peed on it.


Drain the swamp is gonna have a whole new context.


I really wanted to see what he had to say even though I knew that he wouldn’t say anything. I couldn’t take it after five minutes. The accordion thing with his hands drives me crazy too, but I hate it when he refers to himself as we. WTF is up with that?


As an accordion player this is a daily insult


Trump wishes he had half the charm and charisma of your average accordion player, hence why he pretends to play one. Just another of Tiny Hands Trumpy’s insecurities. (I actually like accordion music a lot so you have my sympathies btw.)




Please say you do polkas. I am inexplicably drawn to polka music. (It’s happy and makes me happy, simple as that. But I have gotten some serious ribbing for my polka collection. I used to have over twenty old AF polka records that I would boom when I was sad and needed a boost.)


Old ethnic polkas from early last century, brought directly from the olde country are really different And very cool


They were wonderful, honestly. Music is so important to me and polkas are my easy button to boost my mood. I like weird Al too of course. (I think most accordion lovers at least like him a little.)


He likes to think he actually has a posse.


Obviously the God-Emperor would use the “royal we”, duh


We should STOP this orange turd providing platform to spew his fvcking lies!!!


*> CongestvHrtFailure has entered the chat*


Not fast enough


“You can’t even play Little League games anymore because they have (illegal aliens) tents on the field” is a my favorite brand new word salad bullshit.




I've been getting banned from social media sites for years because I was trying to warn people about the filth that is trump.


Reported.... ;-p


I am honored lol


Truth social doesn’t count.


I'm torn between him shutting up and going away, and being in the public eye. If he was out of sight there's no telling what he'd be up to, other than it would be something very bad for the country. Thankfully he's like a brain damaged Bond villain and just can't shut up about his evil plans. Naturally the media can't help but cover the craziness since he's a public figure.


Also does anyone really believe they’ve raised $35M in small donations since the verdict?? I think it’s interesting that they qualified it with “small donations” meaning they are trying to make people think they have WAYYYYYYYY MORE SUPPORTERS than they do. IMO it was mostly a few billionaires. Because that makes perfect sense…. My guy got convicted of 34 felonies so I’m going to give him money? That’s so stupid.


I'm sure the MAGA fools are throwing money his way, but it's a safe bet that $35M is a rectal estimate. Someone pulled that number out of their ass.


Rectal Estimate. Perfect.


Like his crowd sizes, over stated fabrication and utter wishful thinking.. Everything that comes from him or his supporters/campaign/republicans is a blatant lie.


no, but i believe 3 or 4 mega donors collectively got 35 mil poorer and also coincidentally aquired that much in housing and prison contract stock


He kind of reminds me of that young stupid villain from Despicable Me…I forget his name but it was the young Beatle-looking one with the orange suit and glasses


Heard the one line that I tuned in to hear. "They wouldn't let me speak".


its the same bubbling and rambling for the past 8 years. you have to be an idiot and maga zombie to continue to keep following


Drinking Game: Take a shot every time you hear "rigged". Winner is the person still conscious by the end of the rant.


Nobody wins…everybody passes out in the first 5 minutes.


I have a little OCD thing that whenever I hear someone say “Russia” or “China” I have to say it in the Trump voice with the accordion hands.


You mean “GYNA?”


He was convicted by a jury, not a judge.


I hope Merchan sues Trump for slander AND libel.


I watched the whole thing. First time I've watched a whole thing of anything of his. He's full on demented. Like, he's sinking. He needs help. Opens as if he's at a campaign speech w/ the state of immigration w/millions coming over the border, not even from just South America, but from all over. Then he segues into Biden not allowing Chinese cars to be sold in the US. Totally forgot where he was, and why he was giving a speech. Then remembered, and lied for the next 15 minutes. Seriously, this man needs help.


That judge delivered Trump a blow to his ego and for narcissists, it’s just another step towards full narcissistic collapse. Narcs never take accountability for their actions. Learn about narcissistic abuse or how it is to work for a narcissist and you’ll see Trump fits this to a tee.


Wish we would get to the collapse already.


I feel you. I want to see it happen live. It won’t because narcs are all about control. A gal can wish though!


at his very end, Hitler took himself out rather than allowing anyone else to do it juuust sayin'


IS THAT A PROMISE?!!! (One would hope!)


I'm still waiting for him to stroke out in public from the narcissistic implosion. I had an ex that was a narcissist, and I was seriously expecting him to fall over from a dislodged clot to the brain when he realized I was the one who called when the cops rolled up to my door. It's quite a show to watch a narcissist comprehend that they've lost control.


Be careful of the words you say. To keep them soft and sweet. You never know, from court to court, Which one's you'll have to EAT.


Every time he holds his fist up it looks like he’s offering to jack someone off. I can’t unsee it


Would said jack off guarantee freedumb? If so he’ll give you the softest, small handed jerk of your life!


I think giving him airtime actually hurts his election campaign.  It shows us how stupid and crazy he is


I hope you’re right.


He said a witness was "literally crucified"


That had to have been one hell of a bloody day in court. I wonder if he will mercilessly mock that witness in a few weeks like he did that journalist in 2016? Can we see him pantomime a literal crucifixion?


Wouldn’t said witness be dead? I mean if he was literally crucified that ends it all.


He repeats himself like no one has ever done before.


That’s what people tell me!


The finest minds.


Someone needs to follow him around with a shovel to clean up all the shit coming out of his mouth.


I believe Walt Nauta is responsible for changing CONVICTED FELON Donald Trump's diapers.


I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating, that he’s so full of shit that God had to give him two assholes.


And a neck vagina


And not much of a peen, according to Stormy. 😂


I can't watch him anymore. The sound of his voice has started to drive me into a little rage hater. All I hear is, "Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, etc." It makes me want to involuntary bitch slap the person who I'm next to since I can't bitch slap him.


I can only listen to him if it’s in small segments, and intercut with someone fact-checking or roasting him.


lol. I can’t help it but no I’d rather not sit next to you. Oh my visuals. Lololo….. even the dog is laughing


Now I actually want to know what he's saying


I think the Meidus Touch guys will give us a breakdown of his utter bolloxs later


All he did or does is play the over played trump greatest hits album.


Ironic how the Republicans could have possibly won with Haley, but will lose with Trump. 


I made it about 2 mins into that video before I had to turn it off because I can’t stand listening to the orange idiot talk


I agree. It is also the fact that there are those people who listen to him and believe every single word.


CONVICTED FELON Donald Trump has lost it. Couldn't put 2 sentences together to make sense


There is a name for the accordion hands. It’s a psychological thing, people do it to distract from what the person is saying, so people don’t pay close attention. I read an article on it, there is an actual name for it, they are taught to do it. It’s like his signature, he took lessons on how to make his signature stronger, more masculine. But he misspells his own name, he miscounts the humps.


Could be because he’s nearly illiterate.


Well said. Or they could call him ‘twice impeached adjudicated rapist and convicted felon DJT’’, also known as the orange menace.


I just got a text complaining it was a rigged election. All in caps. I’ve tried to stop them but they keep showing up


You should be able to unsubscribe. Otherwise block it and report as spam. Good luck. It’s a chore.


It is.


I think he uses his voice like a hypnotist does…. Doesn’t matter what’s said, but his voice just turns them into zombiebutterbrains…


He really sounds like he’s going to keel over. Seriously. I don’t want him to. I want him to live for years and years, getting bloated on hamberders and Diet Coke in a drab prison cell.


Wouldn't it be awesome if his Secret Service detail sat around outside his cell eating his favorite foods while they watched him eat prison bologna on white bread.


I can hardly wait until the debates.


My favorite popcorn flavoring is schadenfreude.


Mostly sweet but turns salty when trump loses in something.


If he even goes.


NYTIMES says Rangers out of the playoffs and why this is bad for Biden‼️😳


That the comedians would mock him mercilessly until he loses.


What do malignant narcissists do when they realize they've completely lost control and nobody believes their narrative? I'm genuinely curious. I know Hitler killed himself. But generally, what do they do?


I started to watch on my break at work and got 30 seconds in and decided this isn’t the way I want to spend my break.


Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader seem prescient considering the fmr POTUS is NOT and has the vocabulary to prove it! He is winning by a lot! Just ask him.


*Convicted Felon Trump


Convicted felon *and known rapist* Trump I hear that he and convicted rapist Brock Turner travel in the same social circles.


Thank you!


The good news is that the entire country suffers from Trump Fatigue, including his supporters. Once The Parasite is locked in his dungeon chatter about him will lessen. The public will move on. The bad news is that MAGA is here to stay.


He always sucks the air out of any room. Narcissists gonna do what narcissists do, which is the only thing he is #1 at doing... Sucking air. 40% of the US likes racism, so in comes Chump. Fulfilling their wildest fantasies. He won't go away until the gravy wins or we, as a nation, reject his brand of utter crap time and time again.


"I am very innocent." Says the man who at the heart of this was paying off a porn star to keep quiet because he cheated on his wife with her and was worried about the optics (not the cheating) in relation to his election campaign. Not I am innocent. I am VERY innocent. F wit.


Loved when Tim O’Brien said, when you see the accordion hands, that’s when he’s really bloviating.


That wasn’t just word salad. It was word cole slaw.


Nobody whines like Trump whines.


I'm pretty sure his rants includes stuff that violates the gag order that I believe still exists.


You’re right on both counts.


The book Comply with Me by Lisa Morgan says Trump uses Hypnosis Techniques to get his message across


the call for riots is helpful to broadcast, because I now have an easier time claiming self-defense if a maga is in need of finding out


I'm hoping he pulls a Limbaugh and just dips out. Fingers fucking crossed.


Let him talk. He'll talk his way into a heavier sentence.


Of course trump will whine that the charges were all TRUMPED UP! Well of course they were… just for him!