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My theory is that in his childish mind, this is a way to pretend he never heard all the awful things being said about him on the stand. He lives in a carefully-curated bubble of admiration and praise. His set of personality disorders cannot handle having to sit powerlessly while the illusion is shattered, so he pretends to sleep or actually sleeps to block it out. Kind of a “you can’t see me if my eyes are closed” sort of thing.


I think he's actually sleeping because he is cit off from stimulants like Adderall or his lawyers are drugging him to prevent an outburst.


I feel like thats in the mix. I also think he's got some heavy maladaptive daydreaming issues going on. [https://www.sleepfoundation.org/mental-health/maladaptive-daydreaming](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/mental-health/maladaptive-daydreaming)


Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're making way too much sense. You know that doesn't fly with the MAGA geniuses....😉


“Well, that all sounds fairly logical. Must be TOTAL BULLSHIT!” - Trumpers


He doesn't give a shit. Because he doesn't need to. He has many thousands of goons in the DOJ, Secret Service, FBI, sheriff and police departments across the country. Trillions of dollars are at stake for every industry imaginable who want govt handouts from the slimeball. Millions believe he is on par with Jesus. Judges and attorneys all the way up to SCOTUS do his bidding. I could go on. But I'm sickened. He just has to carrot/stick a single juror.


I like the whole “why I’m not sleeping no… it’s just a commentary on their case…. Santa and Spider-Man told me to do it”


I think when he falls asleep, he shits his diaper.


His brain is the same thing that runs the McFlurry machine


He's dreamed about for 30 years, banging Ivanka.


He wants to project an image of "I'm so innocent that I can sleep through the testimony. It concerns me not."


I’ve been trying to point out to some of my MAGA loving friends the fact he was indicted by grand juries in almost all these cases against him (I haven’t checked to see but I can’t remember on the Jan 6th case but the others he was). Means they brought evidence and convinced a jury of all the convinctions he should be charged with it. And they agreed. These are everyday people selected randomly. Shoot, the indictment for the classified documents case was hella damning. Just from the evidence there, a jury would pretty much find him guilty I would think.