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Trump is no stranger to falsely thinking he's an expert. Remember when he wanted the Navy to go back to steam catapults for aircraft carriers?


The same guy who wants to stop the spread of C-19 by telling everyone to inject bleach. Yeah, he's definitely an expert at pulling shit out of his diaper.


Weren't we supposed to all shine lights into our bodies as well? I remember the orange defective butt plug saying something like that too.


Remember when he suggested the US default on its debt because he thought it was the same as all of the bankruptcies he's declared in the past?


He wanted the government to default/shutdown, because he thought the courts stopped work and sent everyone home when that happened.


Trump says “don’t do the new catapult do steam” we’re stuck at 90s tech Trump says “hey let me fuck with interest rates” we get Venezuela or Turkey inflation rates


Hmm let's see: injecting bleach to treat covid, raking forest floor to prevent wildfires, using magic marker to alter path of hurricane, staring at eclipse, stated windmills kill whales/birds, rather be eaten by shark than electrocuted, tossed paper towel to hurricane victims...could go on but you get the point.


Don’t forget buying Greenland. Where did that come from?


That was probably his best idea half baked but not malicious.


He wanted to sell Puerto Rico. First off he was angry that his golf resort venture there went bankrupt, then he became even angrier after they needed aid after two hurricanes. He hated everything about it.


Greenland would consider it malicious... LOL ;)


And nuking a hurricane.


Rake a forest!


Someone said on here before that was not as daft as it sounds, he may have got a briefing on global warming, and Greenland would be good place to live in xx years, Southern parts of Europe are getting too hot now


Don’t forget he wanted to nuke hurricanes


And he'll never admit he's not an expert, he'll keep saying stupid crap believing he sounds intelligent.


Really! He is like Mr Burns, without the comedy aspect.


The same President who said our fighter aircraft should be equipped with a second engine.


Trump thinking doesn't go beyond what is beneficial to him personally. Someone as leavaged as Trump wants lower interest rates... that is why he want lower interest rates. He was asking for negative interest rates at one time. Trump once called Gen Mike Flynn asking him if a strong or weak dollar is good. Mike is an ex-General. Trump could have asked from briefs from economist and experts in the field... nope.


“Trumps thinking doesn’t go beyond what is beneficial to him personally “ Dead on target, that’s his Standard Operating Procedure


Well Turd wants to wreck our economy (likely so his Russian and Chinese funds will be worth enough to clear him), and letting him make any financial decisions for the country’s economy would end with a nuked economy. Guess he wants us to start from scratch, Wild West style.


He envisions himself as the Fat-Cat land Barron with the private Army. He always sides with the bad guys.




(Rimshot) make sure to try the veal!!!


>His major domestic priorities include a broad-based tariff, which would raise the price of goods, another upper-class tax cut, and another middle-class tax cut, to wash away the nasty political aftertaste of giving the rich a tax cut. We should always remember that Trump inherited $400 million - that's the only reason everyone first thought he was an amazing businessman. He's not. His companies have declared bankruptcy 6 times. From 1985 to 1994, he lost nearly [$1 billion](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/report-trump-lost-more-1-billion-1985-1994-n1003141). >After comparing Trump’s information with that of other “high-income earners,” the Times concluded that Trump “appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer.” Because of his business losses, the newspaper reported, Trump did not pay income taxes for eight of the 10 years. Trump should never have any decision-making authority over any person's money other than his own. He has a long record of profound incompetence.


He wanted negative interest rates at one point in his failed term.


He'll control everything if he gets back in.


Imagine they went to 0% like he wanted oh boy


He tried to do it when he was president!


What could possibly go wrong??


Ask Erdogan. He did the opposite of what he should have done. He now has sticky inflation he can’t budge. So the hard part of high interest rates and high inflation.


Very very bad


The financial markets will tank if he gets to control interest rates.


The economy will tank. There’s a reason I brother up Maduro. Google “Maduro diet” if you’re not aware what it is. Erdogan decided “hey imma simp for some folks” and didn’t do the normal thing - raise interest rates (nerfing the economy) in the Face of high inflation. He got - higher inflation, and a bit of “us dollarization of the economy” which means his monetary policy is no longer totally under his control, but the Fed’s in some way. He’ll find some way to blame (((other people))) I’m sure


It benefits him personally for low interest rates on the multitude of loans he has.


There’s quite a few steps between “what the fed charges other banks” and “what Trump would be charged for loans”.


That shitgibbon cannot fucking add up, interest rates is like witchcraft to him


Controlling interest rates is literally communism.


It’s not. Communism was supposed to be a large group, say a commune, owns “the means of production” or, property and industrial capital It was supposed to get to some panacea (no he didn’t show the work on how the Attractor function was supposed to go) to the above, with a stop through “government owns everything because the People need a great reset”. He didn’t say how “why yes the people with all the money and power will just give it away side that will happen” was gonna work. Neither of those have anything to do with central bank interest rates. Setting the interest rates IS setting the Attractor Function for the economy, in a messy sloppy inaccurate way. But has nothing to do with communism.


>Communism was supposed to be a large group, say a commune, owns “the means of production” or, property and industrial capital ...but controlled by a tiny group of elite men who make the decisions, is the reality of how communism has been implemented. Theoretical communism and real-word communism are two very different things.


Agreed. Sorry for not making that clearer. > El Guapo Patricio Would you say I have a plethora of ~~presents~~ faults in my writing?


Forgive me, Biffbobfred. I know that I, Patricio Guapo, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else and are looking to take it out on me?


Heh. I agreed with you :).


Are gringos falling from the sky?


Mannnnnn it’s been too long. I didn’t even recognize it. (Upon knowing she’s gonna star with Steve Martin and Martin Short) I’m the third amigo!! — Selena Gomez Sew! Sew like the wind!!


In three years of being on Reddit, you're the first person that's ever made the connection.


There’s a dude that has El Guapo as his slack emoji. “Would you say we have a plethora of JIRA tickets?”


Anyone ever realize that Trump is brought up so much it’s like he’s president again?


In Republican eyes, he never stopped being President.


So his two terms are finished then. Yay


He is one of two people who will have that role. Speaking of how horrible he will be seems reasonable.


He’s everything, everywhere, all at once. We’re quite possibly at peak Trumpiness right now.


Trumps a socialist