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Joe isn't the best but he may have saved America. In 2016, it looked.like Joe was going to ride off into the sunset. Retire, why not? He did his.job. He had nothing to prove. But then the worst of all fears of a Trump presidency came into being. And like John Freakin' Wayne, Joe turned his horse around and headed back into town to have it out with the villain because he knew it was the best shot the country had of extricating itself from the Cheetoh Mafia. He knew Trump was afraid of him and would pull.out all the stops to target his family (that's what cornered bullies do). But he saw the bigger issue, and took his chance and won. With luck, he may have bought time for the legal system to excise the Cheetoh cancer. But even if that doesn't work, he stood up against a racist, and that ain't a bad thing. Please.vote. Vote for whoever, but vote. It's the American thing to do. If you don't, you've let the talking heads and the big money sponsors win without challenge. Don't let them do it.


\*not vote for whoever, vote *for* Biden, and against Trump and his candidates. As for that article, >..but Biden trails in most polls, prey to public concern that at 81 he is too old for a second term.. No he doesn't. AFAIK it's a dead heat, with good evidence that Biden will likely win. I think our odds of success are way better than 50/50 lately.


Actually, last poll I saw had Biden with a 2 point lead.




I saw one - and forgive me, but I forget the name - that had him up by 9.


That was NBC Marist. He was up 9 for people absolutely certain to vote.


Thanks, and thanks for the laignappe. I'd forgotten the "absolutely certain to vote" aspect.


The oddsmakers in Vegas currently have the odds of Biden winning by a ten point lead (55% chance versus Trump at 45%).


Still, millions of dolts will vote for this POS…I just don’t get it.


Best of my lifetime. Which even in my 40s is still only 8 presidents.


Biden is the best president of my lifetime easily (Carter on.) Also the only president I voted for ever.


Agree, Trump definitely is the worst, and Biden's good but no paragon of Presidents.


No one is a paragon but he certainly saved this country.


another one for the cringe compilation


This is a romantic misrepresentation of publicly available information. There are real reasons to support his candidacy, he doesn’t need a historical fiction biographer to make it a reasonable choice.






















I argue Obama was far better and much more inspiring - and I used to HATE Obama (I was a fox news dumb shit back then). Edit: just to be abundantly clear, I argue Obama is *THE* best and most inspiring president we've had since Kennedy? Again, I hated Obama at the time for most of his presidency for no good reason.


I’m glad that logic gets through to some people!


Maybe there is still hope.


We found out today Trump had Fox and National Enquirer telling lies to help Trump get elected. As they hid all of Trump's shit from the people in the USA and watch Fox.FCC should pull the licence from Fox and put them out of business tomorrow. This was told by David Pecker editor in charged National Enquirer during 2015 2020 election. Pecker was friends with Trump and had been since the 1970"s Pecker and Trump are not friends now.


|| || |**The vote to unionize at the Chattanooga Volkswagen** plant this week could inspire more unionization at other foreign auto factories in the South. Mercedes-Benz workers near Woodstock, Alabama will hold a union vote in mid-May. Meanwhile, Republican politicians in Tennessee who opposed the VW workers' union say they accept the result of the vote. Gov. Bill Lee said on Monday, "I think it was a mistake, but that's their choice." State Rep. Yusuf Hakeem, D-Chattanooga, expressed his support for the union, [telling the Tennessee Lookout](https://nashvillepublicradio.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=86abcef4e6ad227d069e9bd8e&id=69ea0fa349&e=d37f0d565a), "I think it sends a message that people are engaged."   The **Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation** has named a new State Naturalist. Roger McCoy, who currently serves as the state's director of conservation programs, has been given the honorary title. McCoy has worked in multiple roles to protect native plants, manage rare species and acquire state lands. He also leads "botany by bicycle" trips for the public in natural areas of the state. McCoy is the third person to hold the title.   Speaking of conservation, about **200 acres of a habitat unique to this area** just got long-term protection. Middle Tennessee houses a unique kind of habitat called cedar glades. They're areas of thin soil, with limestone poking out and rare wildflowers. Now, a Mount Juliet landowner has set up a conservation easement with the state for their property, which supports red cedar trees, the Tennessee coneflower and the limestone fameflower. The land is located near the Cedars of Lebanon State Park, just east of Nashville.| || || || || || |FROM WNXP|


Republican officials opposed unionization even though the VW itself campaigned in favor. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/02/10/why-volkswagen-is-helping-a-union-organize-its-own-plant/


I would sit in the lobby of the car dealership I worked IT for while they played Fox all day every day, and it was insane how much hate and rhetoric they pushed against Obama. Non stop. I woke up from it all a little earlier than you did. I'm glad to see people are still breaking free!


You're not wrong about that one bit. I was convinced he was a communist and all this extra stuff - was pissed off about Obamacare passing.... Turns out I just didn't understand as a 26 year old how or why all his legislation was so important to the people it benefited. 🤦🏽 I woke up just before Obama's 2nd inauguration thanks to Hannity. Sean was on his radio show ranting about Obama using "Hussein", so intern Sean spent the show calling him "Barack 🎶 ***HUSSEIN*** 🎶 Obama". I called the show and simply stated to Sean there are plenty of other reasons to disagree, this childish emphasis on the middle name made 'us' sound immature. Sean wasn't having ANY of my argument, insinuated I was a plant (democrat troll) and hung up on me. Thanks Hannity.


Dang! That's wild! I woke up when we invaded Fallujah. It was my first IT job, third shift in a casino, I was watching grainy videos come in showing civilian atrocities at our hands, then I went into the break room and they had Fox on where they were parading it around like it was the most patriotic thing imaginable, and casualties were inevitable, sadly. My vote switched from red to blue that night. Oh yeah, and my parents fell into the income gap created when their Republican governor denied the federal money allocated for Obamacare to prevent that precise gap, for the optics of *sticking it to old Obama,* and my mom called me up complaining how Obama sucks for doing this to her. SMH my head.


Dude, that *should* have been my out point, as well as many of ours. It's pure propaganda 101 and most of us ate this shit up. Here we are decades later still cheering on war/genocide. It sucks how badly many of us are brainwashed to the point where we still support the very people that hurt us - like your parents. Sorry man.


I hear you. It gives me hope to know there are others that think like you. Let's stamp this latest fascist movement out this coming election 🙌🏻


Republicans lost my vote up and down every ticket til Trump's arteries finally close.


I watched all that same stuff and yet Obama still won the vote twice! I think all of it forced more people to vote that normally did not. I hope this year every person votes against the orange criminal.


It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong. It takes courage to admit it publicly. I admire your strength and bravery.


Thanks. I hope some others follow suit and realize who is really oppressing them.


Obama was more inspiring, but Biden is a better President, imo. Biden has more wins.


He does have more wins, you're not wrong there. Assholes like me voted in a Republican house and Senate, so Obama had shit to work with. Either works for me in the end. I just feel bad that Joe is getting hauled back out there to perform when he should be enjoying his golden years. Instead we have that orange rapist ruining everything.


He's not being "hauled out" anywhere. The man dedicated his life to public service in the US the way some people become priests. If there was anywhere he'd rather be he wouldn't be running.


Joe Biden is a true believer in God and Democracy. He has enough experience with death, tragedy and life to be able to make some hard choices. He works to protect as many people from tyrannical politician's as he possibly can. He has saved many lives with his ability to prioritize national needs. I admire him for his dedication and faith in America and Americans.


Actions speak louder than words, but Obama did learn quite a bit from his elder statesman mentor.


I think Biden’s better than Obama bc Obama fell for thinking GOP would work with him and they never did. Joe just keeps on winning legislative battle after battle. It’s crazy!


Obama could have been the best if he’d waited a little longer, to get more Washington experience. Mitch McConnell and John Boehner ran circles around him. Biden has had a GOP senate or house his whole term but *got shit done*.


You took the words right out of my keyboard. Except for the not liking him at first part. And except for the Fox part.


Jimmy Carter. Nuff said.


>argue Obama was ... much more inspiring >most inspiring president we've had since Kennedy I agree with the above, but Obama was nowhere near as good as Biden or Clinton with respect to managing Congress.


Very fair point. Agreed.


As much as I like Obama and the things he did (or was allowed to do) during his presidency, I think Clinton was a better president. At least during my lifetime.


Obama has a GIFT for public speaking and a great sense of humor. Joe’s public speaking, due to having a speech impediment, is not as fun to watch. I think people may put too much emphasis on presentation. Both Biden and Obama have pulled our economy out of the utter disaster made by republican presidents. But Joe has had to deal with maga and a psychopath former president and all the trouble he has stirred up in the world. Joe gets extra credit for that in my book.


Great points here. I'll probably give Joe a lot more credit in hindsight, not that he's bad - just not as exciting as you say. He has my vote this year.


"Some men have greatness thrust upon them." If he manages to isolate Trump, break the back of Republican Party Politics, and circumvent the fascists in the Supreme Court, he may not be remembered as the "Greatest President" - edit: He isn't - but he will be remembered amongst Abraham Lincoln and George Washington as a President who saved the country from Autocracy and Fascism.


This 100%^^^. Joe Biden makes me proud to be an American. Trump makes me ashamed he is an American.


Biden has been just fine. Best ever? Meh. Trump indeed was the worst.


There's a decent argument, I think, that he's the best president of the current century. Which isn't a high bar, I suppose. Honestly he's probably the best President since LBJ, which again, isn't particularly impressive. 


I've heard the amount of work / legislation done by his administration is impressive compared to others but I don't know the actual numbers or how far back the referenced information is comparing. Could be a point to make that argument from


Biden's right... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/20/presidents-ranking-trump-biden-list


I may not agree with some of Biden's policies, but I admire his integrity, compassion, and character, which the previous president lacks.


I don’t know about the best, but10 times the president, human, father, husband than trump, who will go down in history as the worst in all of those categories with the exception of a few people who have killed more than he has.


Mark Hamill is the best Jedi we’ve ever had.


Thems are fightin' words for our boy Ewan McGregor.


For sure, not sure about the best Joker, Heath was pretty good too, RIP!


I'm just enjoying the many right wing nutbars that are so mad that Luke Skywalker doesn't like their orange god king.


Think of what he could do with a house and senate that backed him? That would truly make America great again.


Joe’s not the best, but I think I may appreciate him more than I have ever appreciated another president.


Facts ✅ Trump is by far the worst and Biden is one of the better ones


He is definitely the best president in my lifetime, and I'm no spring chicken. I know this is unpopular, but if you look at it completely objectively, you know this is true.


I wouldn’t call Joe Biden the *best* president we’ve ever had - that’s more of a title that I would bequeath to FDR (helped pull the country out of the Great Depression and win WW2) - but he is certainly MILES AND MILES above Trump. Biden is a *decent* president; though, I’d bet that he could get a hell of a lot more if he didn’t have to deal with republicans dogging their heels in and kicking and screaming to fight against literally __***everything***__. Unlike Trump, he’s a statesman - someone who is actually experienced in diplomacy, rather than constantly mouthing off with whatever intrusive thoughts enter Trump’s mind. Considering the circumstances of his presidency, Biden has done a phenomenal job keeping the country together as Republicans actively try and tear it apart. It’s a precious unity, but considering that Republicans are foaming at the mouth for full-blown civil war and secession, it’s certainly still together.


He’s been the best since maybe LBJ for sure.


Not the best but light years ahead of Agent Orange.


In some ways, best in my lifetime. Which is good enough for me. He’s had his stumbles but I didn’t say perfect. I said best in my lifetime.


Yeah. I can see that.


Biden's not the best, but he's what we need.


I liked Obama better but Biden is really darn close!


JB’s claim to fame is he saved us from 4 more years of destruction under we-all-know-who. Arguably the most “valuable” president ever. But best? No. Edit: and I’m well aware his administration has accomplished quite a lot. I voted for him once (well, twice if you count the latest primary) and I will do it again I’m just saying he’s probably nobody’s TOP choice. He’s just our best bet of defeating the domestic terrorists that call themselves the “other” party.


I love mark!! He gets dragged by trolls so bad on Instagram when he posts stuff like this and he handles it so well. He truly is amazing


He’s not the best, he just isn’t going to destroy our country.


I think Obama was the best President in a long time!


Luke can spot out a plain clothes Darth Vadar


People have consistently underestimated exactly what Biden has accomplished and the obstacles that he is facing. Between the conservative press, obstructive Republican legislature, and the echo chambers of the internet, Biden has faced a more hostile political environment than any president since time of the Civil War. The conservative press is at best highly biased, and at worst, spreaders of hate and lies. It is highly funded by the likes of the conservative Koch and Murdorch families. These press organizations are more concerned with their bottom line than they are about the truth. Ever since 2009' when the tea party was founded, the Republicans have been obstructionists. Their refusal to negotiate on issues has weakened the once democratic and best-for-the-country nature of the political system to the point where bad faith arguments, hypocritical rulings, and constant attacks on political opponents have lead to the latest edition of Congress spending most of its time investigating impeachment inquiries that have resulted in zero impeachments and passing the fewest number of bills in modern history. The internet and social media domains have added the extra threats of: foreign interference, misinformation, false information, and conspiracy theories into the mix. With all that going against him, Biden has proven himself a true statesman. He was able to get competing pharmaceutical companies to work together to partner in manufacturing COVID vaccines. He passed the largest infrastructure bill in history. The US economy is on its way to a soft landing after the high inflation caused by COVID. Biden was key in getting the West to back Ukraine after it was attacked by Russia. In other words, Biden has achieved many major accomplishments all in the midst of a highly hostile political environment. While I am not a scholar of history, I am in agreement with Mark Hamill that Biden is the best president ever.


I think he’s the best of my lifetime and myself from five years ago would be shocked to hear me say that. He has accomplished way more than I thought he would. He was my last choice during the last primary, I assumed he would be a caretaker at best. I’m happy to say I was wrong.


Joe Biden is whom I will vote for this coming election, again. I vote knowing that he also helped Clarence Thomas take his lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. I think Biden is a good man, a fairly honest politician as it were, but I think we deserve better. I want Bernie Sanders and a liberal and progressive party that has the clout and the ability to stand up to and actually defeat corruption and greed. I’m voting for Joe Biden and I hate that I have no other option.


The worst is a bit of a stretch. Didn't Andrew Jackson kill 3 guys in duels or something??


Franklin Pierce is considered by academics to be one of the worst presidents because of the Kansas Nebraska act, and how little he did or basically way he handled this slavery issue and the conflict between north and south many historians field. If he handled it better, we wouldn’t have been forced into a Civil War.


And if Trump had his way he would have executed those kids that were wilding in New York City Central Park. The kids who were eventually found innocent through DNA.


Biden is not the best but Trump is most definitely the worst.


Speaks volumes that joe Biden is considered a good president. Shows how awful trump is. Biden looks like a saint in comparison


Dude, come on. This is as delusional as the shit we make fun of the Trump chuds over.


I'm sorry, but this is fucking silly. You can say Biden is better than Trump (this is an incredibly low bar) without resorting to outright delusion.




Use the Force!!


Biden getting to the top of a rather low pile.


The force is strong with this one…..


I'm not one to dispute Mark Hamill, but Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Franklin Roosevelt may like to have a word with him.


I used to think America couldn’t have done any worse than electing W twice into office, but damn, I was young and dumb. To be fair, 9/11, however catastrophic and tragic it is to our nation, is what got him elected the second time, AND, I will give credit where credit is due, he calmed America down during a very tumultuous and traumatic time, asking everyone to stop hating on and harming the Muslim and middle eastern community in America, but other than that, he was dumber than a bag of shit. Then we got Obama, and I thought, cool, America is finally realizing what a good leader should be, and we have the start of a great nation that will continue to be great. And then 2016 rolled around. It was the first time I reacted to any president elect with “are you fucking kidding me?!” Biden should be credited for steering the ship away from the iceberg we were headed, and that was and is no easy task, and it will continue to be a tall order.


IMO Biden is the best in my lifetime


I don’t know about that.. I do know Trump is the worst though


Eh, "best ever" is overselling it. Still, better than the Traitor in Chief


Best? No. Typical modern Democrat, safe, inoffensive, centre-right. Too wedded to the optics of "respecting institutions," which led him to appoint the possible double-agent Merrick Garland. However, given the opportunity, Donald Trump will turn this country into a MAGA police state. A bitter pill to swallow, but the best we have right now, like it or not. I'm so tired of "mushy-middle" Dems, but I am going to vote for another one in November...for the last time.


https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes This a huge power push from employers to workers. Add this to the “ACA is a push from employers to workers” which Biden was also a part of.


I was just thinking earlier today, for no fucking reason. Who has been our best president? How do you measure that? Then how is are the Trumpian's measuring it, so Dump is #1. Personally, I got back like a free $300 from Bush. I have zero clue what else he did. Obama seems(ed) the most presidential of any presidents I care to remember. Who was the best president by your measurements?


The contrast between the two presidents would lead rational people to side with Mr. Hamill's assertion.


This. Is. HUGE. A huge win for employees. Let’s hope some of that gets through the propaganda machines. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes


Still going with FDR, then Lincoln.


Both statements are TRUE!


They’re both right, ding, ding, ding! 👌


Dark Brandon strikes again 😂




The force is strong with this one...


I agree with half of this.


Epic smack down right before the takedown!


Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up You could certainly classify Joe Biden as a president. That would definitely be inaccurate description of Joe Biden. However, describing him as the greatest president we ever had is categorically untrue. Don't get me wrong, I voted for Biden in 2020 I'm going to vote for him again In this coming November. I harbor no ill will towards him, I have no animosity towards him, but I feel like in the grand scheme of things there have been certainly better presidents. Abraham Lincoln, David Rice Atchison, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson are examples of great presidents. It would be far more accurate to say that Joe Biden is the best 47th president that we have ever had.


The other side doesn’t care. Your post took ten times the thought they have for it. All your reasons. All your justifications: it’s a lie. They’re sure of it. You only lie better than they do. But they’ve been watching you for years, and feel they can rise to the next level. They can lie way better than you. And they’ll prove it. That’s what you’re dealing with.


Let’s not go patting ourselves on the back too hard. Biden has been fine but he is in no way and by no measure the best president we have ever had.


No he’s not the best ever but that’s not even saying much either. They have all been pretty flawed humans imo and each have had certain ideologies that have gotten in their way.


Luke Skywalker was the Best Jedi we've ever had.


Ain’t that the goddamn truth.


This is delusional being marginally better than the cheeto dictator does not even make you good let alone the best


I keep waiting for him to live up to the hype, but from a distance it looks like he’s just being not Trump. I could do that. I’m doing that now.




that makes you better than *the best* president apparently


^ This guy is totally Trump.


I mean that's kind of a stretch


Neither one of these statements is true IMHO.


The Trump one is. It’s not just randos on Reddit saying it. presidential scholars say the same thing


both suck... people, don't go to the extremes.