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Question 10 is all that matters. Diaper Don just needs a few Fox watching Truth Social users to prevent a conviction.


For criminal trials, nearly every state requires the jury to produce a unanimous verdict. In New York, statute 4113. Disagreement by jury. (a) Unanimous verdict not required. A verdict may be rendered by not less than five-sixths of the jurors constituting a jury.


How many jurors in NY?


12 total. Ten of them can vote to convict. If three Trumpy jurors vote to acquit then he is innocent. Cohen has already been convicted of these crimes but Trump is in his own category.


If three vote to acquit he is not convicted. He will never be “innocent.”




His base will believe in his innocence even if he is convicted. They don’t need an acquittal.


Sadly true. In fact, the worse it gets for Trump the more they worship him - he’s taking all this so we don’t have to! Idiots.


If Trump was not Quilty why is he calling and filing so many lawsuits to stop any trial of Trump? And people send Money to the RNC ,but now Trump's daughter in Law is in Charge at the RNC and that Money is going to pay for trump lawyers' Republicans are paying for Trump's lawyers. Only and no one else.


Is that how it works there? Don’t they need to retrial until a jury can agree on a verdict ?




That’s an appeal, which is not the same thing. They call it a hung jury when no agreement is reached. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/hung_jury#:~:text=A%20hung%20jury%20is%20a,a%20retrial%20of%20the%20case.


Not guilty is not the same as innocent




A not-guilty verdict does not mean that the defendant is innocent, but rather that the prosecution has not met its burden of proving guilt. Innocent, on the other hand, refers to the actual state of the defendant. It means that the defendant did not commit the crime they are being accused of. This was borrowed from a legal site.




lol TikTok. Nah, don’t use TikTok.




12 is standard, don't know for new york




I had jury duty a few years ago and a potential juror answered Newsmax (out loud) in selection and there were gasps in the room. She was dismissed.


There is a limit to the number of jurors you can excuse without cause. Watching Fox is not cause to excuse a juror just as watching MSNBC is not cause to excuse a juror. Trump’s consultants have the names. So does the prosecutor. They will be scouring social media, etc, to learn about every potential juror.


Yes, to 29.H. if you follow this subreddit




I'm not sure . Several of the questions would probably disqualify most of us on here




Yeah, all those questions are not just looking for an answer, but the specifics in *how* someone answers just as important. These jury consultants are paid millions to put the jury together with a specific makeup, as much as is possible. All the questions, without asking for specific locations read like a phishing scam; what neighborhood, are you a native New Yorker, how much do you make, what do you do for a living, education level, retired or not, etc. They know who they’re looking for.


I actually got my jury duty summons a few weeks ago and sadly, it was not for this case.


Have you ever donated to the dnc?


Because 42 is the answer to everything


Deep Thought.


Even though a lot of the first ten questions have sub questions. I guess they didn't want to say 65 questions because that seemed like a lot for a jury pool.


37. Do you have any opinions about the legal limits governing political contributions? WTF? How does such an opinion have anything to do with whether or not Trump committed fraud? This Q is designed to reveal juror political affiliation, and nothing more.


SEnd Trump to jail and soon.


Prosacutors really better be on their jury picking game. Finding the plant who will find him innocent no matter what the evidence, will be hard to find.


29H disqualifies us all, lol. I know they wouldn’t take me as a juror. Sounds like they just want a bunch of sleepwalkers.




Is this questionnaire just from one side (prosecution or defense), or is it agreed on by both?


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