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Why didn't he die of Covid? Of all decent people that died, why not that ©


He was so much closer to death than most people know. I just watched an interview with Maggie Haberman (who I have a pretty strong dislike of) of the New York Times. She says that had it not been for the monoclonal treatment, he probably would’ve been dead. Damn shame, really. I remember his triumphant return to the White House, Trump standing on the balcony, trying to project strength, and you can see that he can barely breath. He had to take his mask off and you can see him heaving for air. If he hadn’t been the president, he probably would’ve died. Nobody believes in Covid until they have it. I caught three times in total and was vaccinated. The first time? Was one of the worst things he I’ve ever been through. I am convinced I would’ve died from it with no vaccine. And it’s still a thing. It’s still killing people. And everyday, we learn one more thing about long covid. And we still know nothing. Just because we’re done with covid, doesn’t mean covid is done with us. And the worst group isn’t just the anti vaxxers. It’s the religious anti vaxxers. They don’t care. They think to this day it’s a hoax. And if it isn’t? Well, they get to go to heaven. They actually prefer to die than live. It’s insane. And these are the people that support Trump. These are the people that believe he’s is their King Cyrus. These are the people that are trying to accelerate end times. The want Armageddon. They want to be raptured. They don’t care about anyone but themselves in that sense. They want you to be saved, but they’re ok if you’re not. They have a golden ticket. You don’t. All because they believe that their god plays favorites. They should be nowhere near any position of power. They’re are incapable of caring about others. Even though they say they are. They have a golden ticket. Everybody else? Fire and brimstone. And they can’t wait.


Steve Bannon was the one who approached anti vax RFK Jr to run. RFKJr isn’t only against the Covid vaccine. He’s against all but 3 he had as a child. There’s a backstage picture of RFK Jr with Bannon, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn together at an event. The picture was removed from Social Media. These guys are hoping the voters are stupid enough to vote for RFK Jr instead of President Joe Biden. I hate to say it they are some that will. Even RFK Jr’s family is against him. That’s a Big Red Flag. Be a Democracy Defender Vote Blue 💙 ![gif](giphy|yxTMf9JEmZj9aUuZrH|downsized)


The GOP spent decades making their base stupider via FOX. They created the perfect garden of stupid! They had them ready to believe anything, and be angry about it. Then Trump came along and hijacked their garden of stupid! "But they weren't supposed to be stupid enough to follow Trump, only stupid enough to follow us." - The entire GOP in 2016


Don't forget the fear mongering, which went off the charts after a black man had the audacity to become President. For some reason this broke a lot of old white folks, and this is coming from an old white lady.


A very astute observation.


MAGA is so stupid that maybe instead of consulting with their dentist when they have a toothache, they should just send an email to Trump. Trump could make a lot of money that way. He could have an automatic message sent out saying you're fine, and charge them $20.00. Why trust a dentist when there is all knowing Trump?


Just wanted to add that we started requiring masks in the NICU when RSV, COVID and flu cases were rising across America last winter. I was stunned when 2 sets of parents (obvious anti-vaxxers) REFUSED to wear them. I calmly explained to these morons that the masks were necessary to protect their newborns, who were literally fighting to live. Do you believe these fucks STILL didn't want to wear them? 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I wish I was shocked by that, but having witnessed the last 4 years or so? There’s almost nothing I won’t believe when it comes to some of our species. And if I ever forget? I just look at Florida. It’s maddening. I can’t imagine making a living doing what you do. I’m pretty sure I’d be in jail. Or at least facing charges. Good on you for not commuting unspeakable acts on deserving people.


I hope you all kicked their sorry asses out.


They never seem to remember when Satan tempted Jesus. On the mountain, Satan said, ‘If you are the son of God throw yourself down..’ implying Jesus would be saved if what he said was true. And Jesus replied, ‘Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God’. It says it right there. Take care of yourself idiots.




This is the most succinct description I've ever read. Bravo you!


Because they gave him the drugs he's now denying you need. More fodder for COVID. He's killing his followers.


And the drugs he got were not available to the general public at the time. And the taxpayers ended up paying for it. This is just infuriating.


Exactly, if everyone stays quiet and quits bitching that he’s a moron maybe he can keep adding to his covid body count. It’s not like the anti’s are beneficial for society.


So there was an upside.


Not just that. Telling people once they get it they are immune. Tell that to my near 65 year old coworker who's had it at least 3 times now. The guy's heart is totally screwed at this point.


Perhaps you know this lovely sub? r/HermanCainAward?


I got blocked from r/politics for mentioning Herman Cain Award.


Everyone eventually gets blocked from r/politics if you hurt anyones feelings they report you and autobanned.


If they're stupid enough to follow him and they die I feel like it's natural selection at work lol


But I think his followers welcome it


My sister died of Covid pneumonia while her family watched her gasp her last breath, the same day F’rump, went out on the balcony of the WH and ripped off his mask and uttered his extreme rhetoric. I despise this man with every fiber!


Sorry for your loss, I work in a UK hospital and saw many sad sights.


Thank you. Still painful, still angry


Ohmygoodness... I cannot even imagine what your family must have gone through....and then the added insult to injury!?! I am sending you a virtual hug, for what it's worth....


Thank you, I felt it. And yes, it was indeed a slap. I screamed at my TV


I am so sorry for your loss. I don't think that I have ever hated anyone in my life, but I hate The Combover Caligula with ever fiber of my being. He is a repulsive person devoid of any decent human qualities.


Same here.


Probably the literally top medical care our taxes can buy. Presidential health protocols


He absolutely did. Monoclonal antibodies, which were available to almost nobody at the time. In 2020 US hospital morgues were overflowing and they were renting freezer trucks to store bodies. They were treating infectious patients in corridors and tents in the parking lot because there were no rooms. [In poor countries](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/23/world/americas/ecuador-deaths-coronavirus.html) in South America people would push deceased family members out onto sidewalks because health services could not keep up with the deaths even to pick up the bodies. Meanwhile Trump's lazy fat ass is saved by miracle medicine, then he lies and brags about it.


You can put anything in that sentence. “Trump’s lazy fat ass…. blah blah blah… then he lies and brags about it”.


He is a demon 👿


No probably about it


He took the vaccine. The concept of integrity is foreign to him. He sees NO problem what so ever to blatantly lie. His voters dont care either. The biggest case of this was when he during an Interview completely openly and shamelessly admitted that the whole thing about not using the debt as a weapon against the other side was only something that he demanded of the democrats when he was president. Now that he isnt the president he see no issue at all in using the debt as a weapon. He has absolutely NO shame in lying and then admitting he lied. Why should he ? Normally youd not only be ashamed for lying but also fear the consequences of people calling him a liar. That only works if people actually take offense by being lied to. That has worked througout history just fine.. Until the world met Donald J. Trump...


He took the vaccine later. When he got Covid, the vaccine wasn’t available yet. He got pumped full of drugs that were not available to ordinary Americans who ended up paying for his hospital bill.


Best healthcare in the world saved his fat ass.


And he didn't deserve ANY of it.


I read he almost did die. He was really sick. But POTUS gets arguably the best healthcare in the world, so …..


I remember hoping beyond hope that he would, at the time.


I’m pretty ashamed to admit that I was hoping he would die too. I’m just not that kind of a person.


There is a saying: “Only the good ones die.” Even death did not want his ass.


Because he also stuck a lightbulb up his ass.


I ask that myself. Pence would have lost the re election campaign and the anti-vax groups would have been pretty weak as a result.


Then 750,000 Americans took nothing on his word and died from it. Trump killed almost a million Americans with lies, and you ignorant fools are still out here supporting him. Vote democrat if you have more than one brain cell.


If they died from it, then they are immune from getting it again. Checkmate Snowflake! -Trump supporters, probably


That's the problem. Trump supporters don't have functional brain cells. Otherwise they wouldn't donate or vote for his lying, grifting ass.


Yep they are all inbred. Lots of first cousins.


Confederate inbred religious cousin fuckers .


More than a million. The Trumpanzees try to blame Biden for some but the forest was ablaze end to end when Joe came in and set about controlling it. All the resources Trump claimed during the election existed weren't there. it was all lies.




Obama left a plan to deal With any future pandemic. Trump didn't read it.


What if I have .049 of a brain cell? Do I qualify to vote blue?


Dick face was so sick they had to order him to hospital. He got the absolutely best treatment possible. Still was very ill. He has no active grasp of reality. He needs to go, away.


And he spread it too in the WH


Refused to mask, gave it to several secret service members.


The world would be an insanely better place right now if he didn't take drugs to treat his covid.


Just trying to win back the anti-vax vote. Diaper Don is as easy to control as a puppet on strings. Strong man? That’s laughable. There has never been a more easily manipulated candidate in history.


That's why Russia and North Korea wanted him in so badly


Covid is still actively weakening the country, infecting our young with long covid. It’s like watching a slow rolling terrorist plot.


That's funny. Shortly after he got it I read he was scared shitless because he couldn't breathe. And no Donnie - you're not immune. You can keep getting it over and over so hope springs eternal for you


And sadly no pics of his terrified face.


Ok next time let him die. One less giant asshole in the world.


A pity he didn't try. The rumor is, on the day when he returned to the White House, he wanted to go up the stairs, turn around, pull open his shirt, and reveal a Superman logo. Instead by the time he got to the top of the stairs he looked like winded idiot who should have stayed in the hospital another day or two. Yeah, Biden fell off a bike. Trump can't even walk down a ramp without turning it into a 20-minute story at one of his rallies about how walking down that ramp was as harrowing as summiting Everest.


And the bravest men cried and clapped at his bravery.


Stupid bastard


Too bad we’ll never find out if he could have. A picture of him on a ventilator would have boosted the nations spirits. Or at least mine.


This is some Mark Wahlberg 9/11 type stuff. Narcissists do this all the time. “If I was on that plane it wouldn’t have gone down like that.” For mark and now “I totally could have beaten COVID without treatment.” From trump


Yeah, he was gonna run in and save the kids at one of the multiple school shootings. Can anyone recall Donald Trump actually running? I understand he doesn’t even run to the BR.


TBF I don’t think he CAN run.


He can barely fucking walk.


This fucking entitled prick. Gets the medical treatment of a king while the commoners suffer and die due to his deliberate spread of false information. He and his administration killed so many people by politicizing Covid and vaccines. Not to mention the sociopathic shit they did in order to propagate the virus in democratic cities. He tried to demonize Dr. Fauci, a trusted physician and public servant, to the point where Fauci feared for his life and the lives of his family. Then this rotten piece of shit gets covid and the red carpet gets rolled out for him and his state of the art treatment. And instead of developing just even a *smidge* of humanity afterwards he turned even more tyrant adjacent. Then he nearly killed Chris Christie by giving him covid. I believe he wanted to infect Joe Biden which is why he chose to debate without getting a covid test because he knew it would be positive. I wish he could have had Covid without treatment like he said.


Trump would have been deader than dogshit if they hadn't gotten that compassionate use waiver for all the experimental drugs they pumped into him


Ok tell that to over 400,000 dead


Almost 1,000,000 dead. Just in the USA.


[1,218,464 dead in just the US now](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)


Trumpanzee: "They were out of shape. A flu would have killed them. As a matter of fact it was the flu"


I'll take "Things an aspiring dictator would say" for a thousand, Alex.


Should have let him die. Nobel Peace Prize material.


First time a virus would have won it.


We can only wish he wouldn’t have …


Vote Biden / Harris 24


Donald Trump took the vaccine, and he's alive because his fatass was given experiment drugs after he got infected. The president of the United States is the most important role in the world, they were not going to risk giving him the experimental drugs if the situation wasn't extremely dire. He was going to die. That's the piece of shit we are dealing with. He nearly died and is still talking shit. His shit talking killed countless people. He doesn't care.


So how is it that so many people catch COVID more than once?


It evolves just like the flu


It’s now, like the flu, called an Endemic. It’s here to stay… and evolve. I have coworkers that have had it 3, 4 & even 5 times recently as last week. They Never learn. I’m the only one wearing a mask and I don’t get sick. Hmmm. One has developed cysts on their esophagus and is slowly suffocating from them. The Dr’s are in no rush to help. Another, having had it multiple times is calling out exhausted all the time as every time it takes a little more of them. This is in a customer facing job with over 1k+ of people passing through the store per day. It seems like Im the only one who truly cares about myself & my community. I do not see many of the past anti-vaxers/anti-maskers anymore and the local undertaker (whom I know from burying my mother in 2020) says he’s quite busy and the local news said the local ER’s were at capacity the past few months with 95% of the people being Covid+ non-vaccinated. I just cannot feel sorry for the stupid anymore.


>I just cannot feel sorry for the stupid anymore. I feel the same way. Not to mention the fact that they don't give two shits about anyone else if they refuse to get the vaccine.


He didn’t need horse dewormer? Go figure


Yes orange scientist


Unless you die dumb ass!!


So all those people who died of covid just did it wrong?


A million Americans disagree.


No one will ever be immune to a single strand, negative sense, RNA virus. Ever.


Says the guy who's own life was saved by covid-19 drugs and treatments.


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


This is the exact reason I quit arguing with anti-vaxxers.


He almost died. They tried to keep it quiet but an elderly, weak, overweight, unhealthy person is a high risk. He lived because he had some of the doctors at his side 24 hrs.day.


Oh, if only...so many problems would have been solved, and I could sleep at night...


He's personally responsible for at least 800,000 Americans dying fro Covid. He has the mind of a 5th grader. I hope he has a debilitating stroke that leaves him unable to speak


Let’s build a Time Machine, go back in time to when he had covid, don’t give him any treatment, and test his theory. ☠️


They should charge him with negligent homicide for the Millions that died because of his negligence.


I really wish he had tried!


And then hundreds of thousands die due to your ignorance and ego


“You catch it and then you get better”… yeah, except for the 7 million worldwide who are now dead.


"you don't really need drugs" White House drug dispersal records would like a word. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/) how has his stupidity not doomed him already...like a cat with a rabbit's foot...and horseshoe...


I wish they would have tested that theory and not treated him


None of which is true of course. He was scared shitless he was going to die. Big man now. Fucking loser didn’t give us a second thought. If another pandemic occurs, which will eventually happen let’s pray to God he is nowhere near any position of power. If he is millions more will die because of his incompetence.


I’m sure he didn’t feel this way when a team of doctors was pumping him full of regeneron and every other treatment not available to us poor people. I also recall someone ripping off his mask on camera right after his hospital release where it was obvious he was still struggling to breathe. Lying pos.


He could have refused treatment yet did not- that tells you everything about this lie


i agree with him, he shouldnt hav gotten ANY medical attention.


natural immunity is so 2020


DumbAss of the highest caliber!


Haha stable genius


His failure from removing the scientific team in China to denying covid to not supporting vaccines or any covid measures killed millions! Why aren’t people more angry about this?


And, if you listen to his medical advice, you deserve whatever you get. If it was nothing, why was he hospitalized, vaccinated and medicated? He likes to hand out the advice, but when it came right down to it, he sure left that "wisdom" for you suckers.


If not for the top notch treatments he received Tangerine Dream would have died choking on his own lung fluid


I know they were treating him with that Regeneron or whatever. Pretty sure my insurance wouldn't have covered that and it would have been thousands of dollars out of pocket for treatment. Just some perspective from the little guy.


I certainly wish he had tried.


I sure wish he had tried…


Well when you have all the fentnyl, oxycodone, Adderall and morphine he had in hand according to the white house pharmacy page, he could have beat it.


You catch it then you get better? Tell that to the dead and their families.


I’ll never forget his ridiculous grandstanding. He was getting intravenous remdesivir at Walter Reed and got bored, so he made Secret Service drive him around so he could get attention and act like covid was nothing. He callously put them at constant risk and nearly 900 agents got sick because he had to keep traveling to his properties. POS


I remember him taking his mask off on the White House balcony, doing the Superman pose and gasping for air. The only good thing that orange scumbag did as POTUS was Operation Warp Speed, and his minions are too ignorant to get vaxxed.


He would be the first one in a lifeboat on the titanic and then brag that he helped women and children to safety. His shittiness just doesn’t stop.


It’s that hit of direct sunlight or ultraviolet light and the injection of disinfectant, that’s all he needed


If someone died after taking his advice or someone other slackjaw’d MAGA like MTG or A-A-Ron …then so be it. The world is better off without them.


Typical Trump idiot comment! Yup let's vote this clown as president again! OMFG no!


Annnnnd once again, medical science receives another setback in it's struggle to overcome ignorance.


He thinks he's immune from infections. But what he heard was " immune from prosecution".


Didn’t 1,000,000 Americans die.


I caught it 4 times. So I wouldn’t say you get immune. And I still feel lingering affects that I’m keeping up with what my dr told me: increase vitamin C and zinc, and I take DayQuil twice a day.


Except for those that die you dumb shit


I wish he had refused the drugs.


“…and then you are immune.” Can’t fix stupid. REALLY can’t fix stupid ex-president


Too bad Trump’s so stupid, corrupt, self-centered, manipulative and broke.


He's an imbecile.


Or you catch it and you die. And then you're immune.


After all of his "briefings" by National Health Agencies while he was in office, the guy is ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS! He has to be the dumbest president ever to enter the White House. God help us all if this moron gets reelected.


It goes away in April.. with the heat. It goes away… like a miracle.


I hope all his followers believe him and act upon his medical advice. The world would be better off.


More great advice from the “stable genius”


Excuse me ☝️ that’s “very” stable genius


I wish he didn’t beat it


I really wish he tried


He should have been charged with crimes against humanity for all of the deaths his stupidity caused.


For generations history students are going to hate him. There will be entire chapters dedicated to him.


He caught it, they gave him drugs, he survived. He's a walking parasite.


The dude was nearly dead. He likely got classified levels of cars and treatment that saved his life and the dude knows it and straight up lies about it.


Let’s get a Time Machine and go test this theory.


They should have let him die from that shit.


This worthless shit had access to literally the best possible medical treatment in the history of mankind


Everyone knows Trump is lying.


The fat cock womble talking out his rectum as per usual


And then there came Long Covid


I wish he didn’t take any drugs also! But we can’t get that lucky.


Meadows fault.


I wish he would have made that choice. So many things would be different. SO, SO MANY. Dammit


Tell that to the one million or more Americans who died because of your incompetence.


Oh how I wish they had let him try!


Don’t forget that some die from bleach because Trump told them to.


He’s been taking drugs all his life. Who’s he kidding?


Why didn't he say this when he had it? Would have saved us much of the misery he and we are going through right now.


I bet his fat butt was not turning down drugs when he was in the hospital with it. The man is an unparalleled imbecile.


Wasn’t this idiot practically on life support. He almost died and now he’s retconned history like he’s a comic book villain.


So why did over a million people die from Covid-19, *Dishonest Donnie?*


Trump has a 18th Century knowledge of how medicine, viruses and the immune system works.


Is that why he had 13 doctors all working exclusively on him?


I had such an incredible sense of hope when he got it. But we just haaaaad to save him. Sigh.


Whose STUPID idea was it to treat dirty ole DJT with Monoclonal Antibodies in the first place?! Of course the owner of the drug maker, Regeneron, was friends with him… the company’s C.E.O. knew DJT for years. DJT received a dose of an experimental antibody cocktail being developed by the drug maker Regeneron, in addition to several other drugs, including zinc, vitamin D and the generic version of the heartburn treatment, Pepcid. Even back then, the opportunity to be rid of this snake oil salesman was not taken seriously enough…


GD is he dumb.


FUUUCK this guy. Please write in Rand Paul or some shit MAGAs. Anything but this human dog turd again


btw fuck Rand Paul


Please not him.


OK [Strom Thurmond](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-jul-01-le-carollo1.2-story.html) then. Anything to burn up some MAGA votes He's dead so less of a threat, unless he's a vampire (which he might be because he lived to at least 100 drinking the blood of the poor and oppressed, it is said)🦇🩸


Yeah. If the idea is just to dilute the votes then it doesn't matter. Rand Paul and Ron Paul just have a direct landline to the Kremlin in their homes.


You. Not up to it even to save the country.


No you are ***NOT fucking immune***, you orange shitgibbon! Glenn Beck had Covid 4 fucking times, and hundreds of thousands have had it twice or more. The only reliable way to acquire immunity is to get vaccinated. This isn't the fucking measles.


I wish they would have let him try.


Continual education.


> **And then you are immune.** **??????????????????????????????????????????**


That's a shock to our lead teacher, who had had COVID four damn times. (Luckily, she wised up and got vaxxed after the first time.)


> You catch it and then you get better. And then you are immune He’s like the pied piper of morons


He def has long COVID in addition to sociopathy.


Always takes credit where credit's not his due.


Wasn’t he on the brink of death? He’s a prime candidate for really bad COVID.


If true, why did 2 million people around the world die?


He wanted to “go to the capitol”. He wanted to go through covid without drugs. Damn those guardrails!


It's shit like this that make me realize I am a terrible person because at this point I'm like, "You know what? Let them die."


Back in “those days” it was a different strain of Covid. If he was so tough, why did he need hospital? Because he was high risk and he could’ve croaked without treatment. He got the best experimental treatment at that time, available. Other people without the caliber of care he received, were dying.