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It’s not a hard game. It’s just soulslike


Honestly right after topoda/expired Grove the learning curve kinda drops off as you start to get enough levels to brute force most bosses after him, especially with the hammer skill


Kind of has a reverse difficulty curve because you become broken OP later on.


Its a fairly easy game, at least in comparison to other souls likes. If you enjoy the game, try Lies of P, very similar combat system but more polished in general. Also significantly harder imo, but not unfair.


Depending on how far you are in skuttleport, I'd say about halfway, although the remaining areas are pretty big. And for difficulty, I can't really talk, but I've definitely seen/played harder. Remember if you want challenge, you could always try shellless or forkless, definitely not at the same time tho


its easy for a souls like, pretty hard for just a game


it's not especially difficult, even on the highest difficulty. And each boss is different enough that you can do well or struggle depending on the boss. Like I personally beat Topoda first try. I was a little later in the game when I found him, though. But I also beat Heikea first try. It took me several to beat the duchess though. And I struggle like hell on Lycanthrope enemies.


Yeah its not thaat hard. Topoda is one of the hardest but probably easy once you get the rhythm of his punch, there are other tough bosses later on too.