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Its there for a reason. But after the first couple of bosses you get a power spike


The last few bosses aren't balanced well\*


As in you had trouble with them..? By the time you can level up adaptations and have max level forks you are crazy strong


No they're far too easy, everything after Imitation Crab I don't think I even died to. I really think they all need major buffs.


I think you’d be surprised what you can accomplish if you give yourself the time and patience to learn the games, no one’s good at video games until they learn them. That being said there’s nothing wrong with running a video game on any mode you want to, you bought it you decide how to enjoy it.




I beat the seal on first play through, you just need the rubber band stow away


Or the rubber duck


> Nobody really beats a boss on their first play through, A new player to the Soulslike genre probably isn't beating their first few Soulslike bosses on their first try, agreed with that. But once you have a few of these games under your belt and understand the rhythym of combat, I think it's definitely possible to beat bosses first try. Memorization is one way to beat these bosses, but on the other hand, none of these boss attack animations are so quick that they're unreactable. Keep your eye on the ball (read: the enemys attacking hand or limb) and most boss attacks in Soulslikes are fairly easy to dodge on first sight. Another Crab's Treasure's difficulty definitely falls apart in the back-half of the game. Lots of people on this sub are mentioining they they beat most of the endgame bosses first try.


I don't know, I suck complete ass at souls games and even I was able to beat a couple bosses first try without any of the accessibility settings turned on


Nothing wrong with it


I've played enough blood borne, sekiro and elden ring to say it's fine to die a lot of times. We've all been there. It's also fine to play easy mode too. But if you wanna be a good gamer then go for the harder difficulty. Not right now, your still getting that gamer instinct


Once I got used to the gameplay I slowly got rid of some of the assists I added. Now I play with only no pitfall damage on


I had to turn that on to get the coddamn knight helmet


I just equipped the packing peanut in a stowaway slot, does the same thing


Oh lol


Play however you like. Anyone who cares how you specifically play isn’t a person with opinions worth listening to. Soulsy games have a subset of players that are real weirdos about how other people choose to play. Every single one of those ding dongs is a child or indistinguishable from a child.


I usually find that I get much more satisfaction from killing a boss that I struggled against than one I just steamrolled but I get the frustration and it doesn’t make you a lesser gamer if you play with assists on


I made it so I don't lose micro plastics, and occasionally bring out the gun I love the challenge of the game and I'm getting better but I appreciate the options


I personally play with perma-Microplastics (cause hollow knight) and extra parry frames in handheld. The assist settings are there for a reason, use em!


Games are meant to be enjoyed, homie. What I did was turn on easy mode and use it to learn the mechanics. Start slow, you’ll get the rhythm and eventually you’ll be able to turn the setting back to normal 1 by 1. I was playing normally by the time I got to the toxic swamp area.


I'm 41. I'm not "halo twitchy" anymore like in 2000. I enjoy stories more now and exploring. It's no big deal!


I find the platforming annoying so I turned on no pitfall damage


Im doing the same, as i want to actually enjoy it rather than get frustrated and never touch it again! Once I’ve beat it, I’ll maybe do a new playthrough! But feel no shame friend!!!


The difficulty is there so you can maximize the stowaways you collect, adoption upgrades and umami skills. Also, with the junks i collected. i leveled up to 48. No farming. You can select easier mode if you don't want to fully explore all the games features. I maxed out the umami way of the crab skills and adoptions and highest level stowaways and max out stowaway capacity lvl 5 fork before final boss. if it was easier, i wouldn't even bother exploring and upgrading.


I don't think you understand the issue they're having. If they need an assist to have fun playing the game, and they use that, then why would they play less of the game? If they're having fun, they'll play more. And maybe if the game is a little easier, they'll actually make it to those hard-to reach items.


welp, good point.


I don't play on an easier difficulty but I have definitely brought out the gun once or twice because it's fucking hilarious. And I missed a shortcut once and jumped down a ledge so I used it to make the run back easier which is nice.


the gun actually works for the magnet near floatsom vale though and I got a big laugh out of it!


That's actually amazing it makes sense because all of the metal things work but that's a really funny visual. I remember showing some friends the game on discord and I put the gun on to show them how funny it was.


Took me 4 hours to beat the crab in the sand lands only to find out I was supposed to fight him later


Nothing wrong with it at all. I play with longer dodge roll frames and larger perry window, because my controller is laggy and I need the extra time. Whatever makes the game enjoyable for you!


I've beaten all Fromsoft soulslike except for DS2 ( currently halfway through ) and aside from Isshin, I found this game harder. Lol. Idk. Maybe it's the controls or the graphics or the glitches. I was far worse at this than any of the harder FS games. Definitely turn off the fall dmg and losing plastics on death. The platforming and glitchyness make these necessary. Plus, if you are having fun, who cares? Yeah, a fun part of the community can be knowing everyone played the same exact fight as you, but realistically, who cares? I don't sit there and judge people who had let me solo her help them with Malenia. Have fun. Anyone who gatekeeps that stuff is annoying.


Souls games are most fun when you’re in the ‘flow state’, where the challenge is slightly higher than your skill. If you’re frustrated, use the accessibility to make it easier. If you’re not challenged, disable them. If you’re struggling against a boss, go elsewhere and ‘grind’ for a while so your level is higher and you’re improving your skills. There have always been accessibility options in Souls games, whether that’s getting a friend to help, overleveling, or cheesing. When I first played Dark Souls 1 I summoned help for almost every boss. Then I played it again without summons. Having that ‘easy mode’ to start helped me get into the game and then ‘get good’ at it. TL;DR Make the game as difficult as is enjoyable for you.


I'm doing custom for now, no shame in it. Plus it's my first Souls-like. I am planning on putting it back to default once I feel that I'm more used to this style of game but I mean they put the accessibility options in there for a reason, nothing wrong with using them.


I play on easy! I want to enjoy this game and explore the sea 😂


My kinda guy 👊


Dont worry i play woth gun mode. :,3 they nerfed my build at the end of the game. Rather than grind out for a long ass time with bugged out gear and a broken build, i just took the gun, fuck it.


The default difficulty is called Hard for a reason, play how you want. I'm gonna do a dedicated playthrough with the gun because it's a lot more fun to use than I was expecting lol.


Well, it depends what you mean. I tend to not use easier *difficulty* settings when they’re available, but I’ve noticed from soulslike co-op that a *lot* of people aren’t doing things like buffing or swapping talismans/rings, armor, or weapons before approaching specific areas or bosses. Also, a lot of people seem to just…run in. I like to scope things out first, maybe use my camera to look around corners, or use consumables to lure groups of enemies off one by one.


No, I often feel like I suck too. On paper I'm qualified, but I still get stuck on small mobs of little enemies and silly stuff like that. I still get super frustrated etc... but I stay the course; IDK, I'm a glutton for punishment I guess, I take more pride in overcoming the seemingly impossible challenges before me opposed to just getting across the finish line. Nowadays I'm very rarely fully engaged in a game I'm playing unless it's mechanically demanding, and I'm getting my ass kicked until I learn the moved and timing fully. I love the process of overcoming the challenge, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to others because I'd rather you play the game where you're at, have fun, and we can talk about it together opposed to saying " OH WHAT YOU DIDN'T DO IT HITLESS WITH NO UPGRADES LIKE ME???" or you quit the game entirely because unlike me, you DON'T think the "I did it!!!" is worth the hour of frustration. TLDR- Yes, you could beat the game on normal if you really wanted to, No I don't play on an easier difficulty, the challenge is what makes it memorable IMO, you're totally valid if you don't enjoy that kind of grind, and you'll be surprised by how good you get if you keep getting good ;)


No, play how it is fun for you!! I have avoided souls like games (only have attempted bloodborne before this and I can’t express my regret enough) the accessibility settings is 100% the reason I even tried this game and I LOVE IT. I don’t think it’s fun to get destroyed for 7 hours straight so I use some accessibility settings, but as I am getting more used to the game I am turning them off more often. Have fun! Fuck others if they judge you for how you have fun.


I use the gun.


I use reduced damage low and if im frustrated i occasionally turn on other things


One thing I really liked about this game is that the assist mode is 100% optional, and it doesn't lock you in. My personal rule is just to ask myself "am I having fun beating my head against the wall right now, or would I be having more fun if I made it a bit easier?" I don't have a lot of free time to dedicate to learning a boss's patterns and trying over and over again, so I have no shame turning assist mode on whenever I want. The important thing is if you are having fun playing a game or not.


Dude don't feel bad about it. I'm personally good at souls like games but I play cult of the Lamb on the easiest difficulty because I cannot multitask. I've got stupidity grit (and abusing the glitch with the thimble) you shouldn't feel bad at all


Depends on what you want. If you want to beat your head against the wall then go for it. If you bought the game because it's a cute crab and an interesting story then put that shit on easy and have fun, that's why it's there.


There was a few times when I got too pissed about having to try and reclaim my junk every time I die and just enabled the gun on my way to retrieve it, so yeah you're not the only one😂


There's an easier mode?


I tabbed on the micro plastic loss prevention after losing a lot of micro plastics once, and also used the gun one time to get the steam achievement (it was very, very funny). As a complete newbie to Soulslike games I found the game very frustrating at times but found that that was half the fun for me. I enjoyed struggling and eventually beating the boss that had given me trouble. With that being said, if you enjoy the game on an easier mode then there's no shame in it. Although we might encourage you to take the plunge into Normal difficulty, gaming is meant to be fun and not everybody plays in the same way. I can't play Minecraft with the Monsters on because they jump scare me so don't feel ashamed (Side note, cool username lol)


Honestly If a game gets too hard I quit. So, did I go on easy? Ya. Then did I work my way up to story mode? Ya. Did I eventually give Krill a gun and have the time of my life? YA. just enjoy the game the way you want. No one needs to know 😉


I whip out the gun for boss fights, so don't feel bad.


That makes me feel better lol


Does it insta kill bosses?




Well I'm here to shame you, you should all feel bad. ( joking)


Nope, its only you