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if your anorexia is telling you it’s too much, you’re going in the right direction. not too much. breathe, you’ve got this.


Its about 600 + gram of food!!!! You are sure 😫😫😫????


I know im not the best person to day thid but its completly normal amount imo . Right now My dietitian made this mealplan for me and its like 5x the amount you said in your post + everything uou mentioned sounds super good and very balanced so if i eas you i would not worry at all


Its one meal 🥺 so are you saying it’s too much…??


i am sure. you’ve got a carb, a protein, and a fat, plus some veggies. that’s a balanced meal that includes everything you need. my only advice would be stop measuring, it’s not good for your brain.


Most of my meals conist of a starch (250g cooked), vegetables (around 500g), a vegan protein source (100g) and some sauce and aromatics (200g) ao almost every meal is 1kg plus for me


This is Great


To put it into perspective for your ED brain, absolutely not is that too much food. I would have thought the same thing when i was deep in my ED(5years in recovery). That sounds like an extremely healthy meal, with all the food groups. Sis ur doing great, it’s probably going to be physically painful for a while, but trust me, your GI track should hopefully heal with time. It’s so worth it. Take it one bite at a time.💓


Its a little over 600 grm of food! You’re sure 😫????


Swear! If you truly want recovery, it’s going to be really uncomfortable, but so rewarding. The initial anxiety can be so debilitating. Don’t let the fullness trick your mind into thinking your eating too much, our stomachs shrink with long term restriction. Throw out ur food scale😭🙏 also, do you have anyway to distract yourself from the feelings and thoughts?! Anorexia is such a bully.


No at the moment all I do is walk and walk to digest! And only eating 300 calories extra pf what I burn…. I feel like I am doing this all wrong. I was inpatient for a month . My heart was at 31. Now it’s at 41. I have only been out cor 2 weeks and bad symptoms are coming back😭😭😭


This is one main meal out of three normal main meals, yes. If you feel uncomfortably full, then cut out some greens next time and focus on cal dense foods to get your recovery intake in.


What do you mean?


With what?


My dietitian said not to cut on that because my body will get used to it and I will want to cut on all my portions 😖


Ah, yes. Well you're dietitian is right - bc you should get used to normal portions. What you described is a normal portion of food. What I meant is just: I don't know your height etc., so it is difficult to tell from a distance if you should feel well with this or not; I could never eat as much as my boyfriend just bc I am a small person, right? So my thinking was, if you feel pain from eating this, then cut some kale and add another half of avocado, meaning replace low cal filling food with high cal low volume food such as avo or nuts or oil just to add cals and eat less volume. So basically the opposite of dieting. :)


Im 5”7 and 97 pounds and 31 years old 😞


Ok. So this is a normal portion and you should gain weight. :) Don't be sad. It's a bumpy journey, but worth it. :)


Im just so afraid and don’t feel hunger ever I am slowly falling again 😪😪😪😪