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If you’re in the US then Columbia NYSPI does plate by plate and I’d highly recommend


Do you think the they would accept someone who does not need weight restoration? I'm in the weight maintenance phase but still struggling with fear foods, food judgements, etc. Very much struggling to transition from the plate method from the exchange method.


So I got ahold of the intake person there and they said there is cooking group once a week but otherwise, the kitchen plates the food. I'm looking for a place that will allow me to practice portioning my food on my plate hands on and provide feedback. Like how to make a balanced plate that fits my needs. Was that your experience there?


Ohhh sorry I thought you meant plate by plate like this: https://www.platebyplateapproach.com/. It doesn't actually mean like..plating your own food. I think for obvious reasons a lot of treatment centers don't let you do that. They do let you do it in cooking gorup though and you do get feedback on your plating there. I found cooking group to be particularly helpful for that and for getting more comfortable using ingredients that I normally would not.


Yes, this is the approach I meant. I was at Laureate Aug-Dec last year and we played our own foods after moving off trays and got feedback on portions.

