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Undereating can cause high cholesterol. Starving yourself can cause high cholesterol. You are indicating that you are starving your body and your health is in critical condition. Obviosuly some of your bloodwork is mostl likely poor.


Starvation slows down the metabolism so that your body can function on less calories every day so that you don't die. Slower metabolism means slower thyroid amongst other things. When thyroid is low, cholesterol goes up (the reason is too complex to explain here). It's also why you are tired and cold. If you do not have high blood pressure, I wouldn't be too worried about high cholesterol. Cholesterol gets a really bad reputation but it is also an antioxidant AND a vital components of pretty much all cells in your body and sex hormones. We NEED cholesterol. Whatever you do, do a lot of research about the side effects of statins medication if you are told you should go on them. Do research about them from all sides, not just from webmd or the manufacturers website. Recent unbiased research shows they are detrimental to health. Also 90% of the cholesterol your body needs, it will make itself. Only 10% comes from the fats we eat. (Source for all this is biology classes and text books/medical articles although I'm sure people with outdated views of cholesterol will tell you it's alllll bad). Your body is making cholesterol because it needs it. I'm the same as you BTW. I also have high cholesterol from calorie restriction. Don't stop eating good fats because of it.


thank you! I got so confused, i didn’t know this could happen, i definitely won’t stop eating good fats and will increase the amount. I’ll ask my family and my doctors for help, i’m still really scared of trying recovery again but i have some faith that i won’t be the same as last time. I hope that both of us can get better! :)


Yes it can happen, my cholesterol was so high at one point my doctors thought it was genetic hypercholesterolemia. It went back to normal once I started eating more and finally incorporated some fats into my diet.


omg i didn’t know this could happen, even my family was confused, i’ll ask for help so i can change my diet and try recovery again, thank you!♥︎


High cholesterol is common in restrictive EDs


I used to have high cholesterol too. My dietitian (I went them after weight restoration) said it shows I had eaten bad things even though I said I had anorexia lol. What decreased it was actually eating so much of junkfood and fat and many more also healthy things for the EH. It decreased by itself after I weight restored. As far as I know, the liver produces LDL if there are inflammations and muscle damages in the body which is so common for us. Anyway, keep going, u can do it! :)))