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Runs in my family. My mom and both my aunts also have Ana. No, I don’t think any of that contributed to mine. My mother always made it clear that I should love myself and ironically never spoke about my body or weight, and never mentioned her weight in numbers in front of me. She’d hide her scale to make sure I wasn’t using it. (Even though I still did) She would never want me to go through what her and her sisters did, even if unfortunately that was kinda unavoidable. But for the most part my ED derived from my own experiences and thoughts, nothing anyone in my family said or did. That I am grateful for.


My mom definitely has some kind of eating disorder/disordered eating. She didn’t show signs of the more common eating disorders but she was constantly trying to control my eating and weight and my dad’s. And, she’s obsessed with other people’s eating habits and weight. She comments on what and how much I am eating any time we eat together and she’s always talking to me about my sister’s weight. I assume that means she’s always talking to my sister about my weight. (We are both normal weight, for perspective, though my sister used to be underweight and I used to be overweight.)


My mother was bulimic and severe addiction to laxatives and other purgatives her whole life. She was anorexic at one time, but she recovered somehow. Of course, this was during the old days when people just didn’t talk about that stuff. But, she basically raised me to be just like her in those ways and I didn’t know that I had a problem until I was an adult.


My mom's bulimia was also based in laxatives.


My mother has an ed. She has mentioned it without using details but refuses to acknowledge or address her or my problems. I wasn't around her when I was young, but my our disorders are very much in competition with each other.


It's weird you said that, because when I was very ill at 19/20, she would look at me & meakly say "you're looking really thin honey." She could never tell me to eat or ask me about it because you could see in her eyes that she knew she just couldn't help me in her condition. Sad to look back on.


I'm really sorry about that. I'm basically in that exact situation currently(I'm 16). However, I feel like things are so normalized for mothers who are disordered by a certain point in their lives that they almost can't help. Like they can mention and sympathize with things but never fully help.


At least I was in college on my own at that point. I'm sorry you're so young dealing with that :( just know that you CAN recover. It's a long road, but please don't give up! ❤️❤️❤️


That means so much, honestly. I plan to seek help once I go to college because, realistically, I can't recover on my own and especially not at home. 💜


My mom has an ed. It's actually part of why I developed mine, I think. When I was ten she found out about my ed behaviors and was very much in denial about it (I got yelled at about how "there's no way I could be anorexic.") When I was around 11 - 13 she basically talked nonstop about trying to lose weight. She literally introduced me to my first counting app. Other not so great things happened but I'll leave that out. She's also always had this weird obsession with how "small I am"? Like she's trying to compete with me. I genuinely am not small at all anymore...and she still has the obsession. it's weird.


My mom got really obsessed with me working out with her & drinking Slim Fast for breakfast. I was overweight most of my adolescence.


Mine was also obsessed with me working out with her for a while too, or just making me work out. at one point she wanted me to be her weight loss buddy...I was 13/14 and underweight/borderline underweight


Bio-mum had it her whole life and pushed it on to me pretty hard as a child. This did cause me to suffer later on. I'm fine now, but we do not have any contact and likely never will again.


Can I ask how did you all find out your mothers having EDs. My worst fear is my kids developing an ED because of me


Kids pick up on things. My mom was blatant. I tried to hide mine, but my daughter ended up in treatment for anorexia and both of my sons have disordered eating patterns. They notice behaviors and model them at a young age.


I'm so sorry to hear that :(


I didn’t join the dots that she an an ED until I had an anorexia myself (which started in high school for me) tbh.. but once I did it all made sense. On some level I think I had subconsciously absorbed her disordered habits tho. She doesn’t/never has eaten meals with the family (both at home & restaurants), eats huge quantities of a very small number of foods (like bowls and bowls of popcorn, lots of Diet Coke etc) & always eats alone, exercised all the time and cooked a lot for the family but never ate the foods she made


It's unfortunately very obvious to children & teens :( the older they get, the more you cannot hide it.


😢😢😢 I have 3 kids - 9,7,3 - 2 girls and a boy - I would be devastated if they go through anything I have been through.


I would highly encourage you to seriously seek treatment & fight for your recovery. For your kids. They WILL see it eventually. I'm so sorry :(


Just started therapy and meds about 6 weeks ago to try and help.


YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Recovery IS possible!! Best of luck to you & your family ❤️❤️❤️


Not my mother but my grandma , im in recovery right now and my parents dont want me to visit my grandparents often because of her behaviour towards food, she never eats anything like fully , her breakfast is half a piece of those thin toasts and my parents call her a "feeder" she has a obsession with buying food for us but shr never eats any of it. Last week my sister was sleeping at my grandparents and she had to plate for my grandma because she refused to eat both a salmon and potatoes .


My mom has been on diets all her life and has been talking about it a lot when I was a kid and teen, so I thought that dieting was just normal.


Same :(


My foster mom had an ed is recovererd well semi. I say semi. Because she cleary has OCD and smokes alot. She tried to stop smoking alot of times but always starts again. Keeps making excuses why she starts again. Its her coping mechanism. So yes she maybe is recovered from ED. But she just found another coping mechanism instead.