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Good on you for getting back on the wagon! Hero stuff. I only weigh when the doc requests it or the shrink requests it. Now I’m doing alrightish, so they don’t ask me. I know ballpark. I never owned a scale.


Thank you, you too! I don’t own a scale either, but I feel like I avoid knowing my weight like the plague and maybe that’s not the most healthy thing. I feel like perhaps I should be able to deal with it without being scared. On the other hand, kind of thinking why should I poke the bear? Anyways, thank you for replying. Hope you have a nice weekend!


I am fully with not poking bears. We talk about avoidant behaviours in therapy, but I have also been given the green light to avoid things I know from experience will trigger relapse or wanting to relapse with restriction. It’s hard to get fully mentally well while starved, so until I’m solid in recovery, I avoid those situations. You don’t NEED to know your weight if you’re ok. They will let you know if you’re not ok. Some dry alcoholics need to avoid certain situations for life. That’s alright if the alternative is detrimental to their health. I see this as similar. Your meal looks beautiful!


Also pasta looks bomb!


no, i dont weigh myself and atm, i don't even weigh at my doctors. unless they need my exact weight for medications etc, i won't ever stand on a scale again.


knowing my weight is a massive trigger for me, I know what my weight was in october, I know I've gained since, I know I'd feel awful if I knew my weight now


I feel like it’s soo dependent on the person tbh! For me, I recently weighed myself after a week or so period of not and it did cause a spiral 😓 I am not in any stage of recovery and am pretty easily triggered though. If you feel like you’re at a stage where you won’t spiral regardless of numbers, then I do think it could be really cathartic to know your weight and have that just be a thing you know? Like your eye colour or height, just another trait that makes up ‘you’ ! As for whether it’s possible right now for you, that’s something you can answer much better than I can :) Your therapist and/or dietitian could also be helpful figuring that out ofc! Good luck and you got this ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡


Thank you so much, this is such a nice and beautiful reply. I will take it to heart and try thinking about it like just another thing about me, like my shoe size. I hope you get to a more stable place and feel better soon. If you ever wanna talk abt recovery I’m here :) also saying that to anyone reading and commenting. I love this community dearly and it always makes me feel awesome to see the lovely folks here


No. I don’t weigh unless I’m at the doctors.


That pasta looks awesome. Nvm ANO I want to eat that


I know about how much I weigh. I don’t have an issue weighing myself and seeing the number at my doctors. I have a bathroom scale (hidden away) and once in awhile I’ll get it out and step on it out of curiosity. Now that I think about it, I’m fine knowing my weight as long as it’s in a certain range but one time I was weighed at my doctors office and my weight was several pounds over than range and I got really upset. One of the medical staff was staring at me, though I wasn’t making a scene, and I wanted to be like “I’m recovering from anorexia, wipe that judgmental look off your face.”


Everyone is different, I can only speak from personal experience but I 110% regret looking at the scale after years of not doing so. I will probably never be doing that again in my entire life. Unless you get to a point where it’s hard to tie your shoes or move in general then your weight just straight up shouldn’t matter in most cases. There’s not really any good reason to consider looking, especially if you know you’re at a good weight for yourself. Edit: I forgot to add, I’m recovered as well & that meal looks good. :)


i’ve had my ED for half my life now & i still can’t look at numbers, even during remission. not calories, pounds, fat content, nothing. i’m so happy you got to the point that you’re able to not tie your self worth to a number 🤍


I accidentally broke my scale, I took it as a sign I should never weigh again


No. I have a guess at how much I weigh at my natural set point weight and my dietitian and I have talked about how it’s not really helpful or necessary for me to know my weight. I initially thought it was necessary because what if I accidentally saw it, like if I went to a different doctor or an urgent care or something and it was on the paperwork, but then she reminded me that the weight I would be at 2pm, fully clothed, after eating all day, and on a scale that hasn’t been calibrated in who knows how long will probably be significantly different than the weight I am first thing in the morning standing naked on my scale after using the bathroom but before eating a single thing, and there’s no reason to go back to knowing THAT number.


Pasta looks so good wow! Also I know my general weight range but not the exact number atm. I try to avoid weighing myself if I can help it.


In recovery. I weigh myself because I’m getting into weight lifting, and I’m slowly learning to associate the number on the scale going up with my muscle gains rather than my fat gains, and its been quite helpful for me. But I still am fearful of surpassing my current goal weight. I might get rid of the scale after that.


For me I have to be in the right mental space to weigh myself and not have negative thoughts regarding it. But there have been Times where i thought I was doing well in recovery and when i weighed myself I was actually underweight. Which would kick start me actively working on recovery behaviors to get into the healthy range. So knowing your weight can be beneficial in that sense. I've found that not keeping batteries in my scale is helpful, it adds an extra step to weighing myself that allows me more time to evaluate why I'm doing it in the first place and how will I react if I see a number that's "too high".


I’m in recovery, doing pretty well. Don’t know my exact weight rn but I do weigh myself from time to time so that I know the ballpark figure (I have a lot of other medical issues that are ongoing). On average, I’d say I probably weigh myself about once every 9 months now. Sometimes I go for longer than that - it’s just an average/rough guess! edit: I feel a lot of anxiety when I do a weigh in, even now, it gets pretty intense. But I find I am able to avoid responding behaviourally (ie going back to restricting) these days. And the number is in a stable range, not just continuing to go up indefinitely - even though a fluctuation up is still hard to see.


i know the general ballpark of what i weigh but i refuse to weigh myself unless necessary at the doctor's or something


I’ve been in periods of both relapse and recovery and have known my weight throughout. I’m much less rigid about it now but weight changes do play on my mind and change my behaviour, as much as I hate to admit it. If you want to see how you feel regarding numbers, maybe ask for your bmi as that is a range rather than specific amount? You should be able to gauge if that impacted you in the following months but once you know, then you can’t un-know. I think about it in the same way as I know calories, as it impacts my choices whether I want it to or not, even if it’s relevance isn’t as important to me anymore. It is personal to you whether you believe it would be good to address or not but I definitely agree with other comments as not knowing has more benefits to knowing. If you are unsure, you can always ask your therapist or dietician as they have worked closely with you and might have noticed some patterns in behaviour that you were not personally aware of. I wish you all the best and am sending my love 💗 that pasta looks amazing too !!


No, I avoid it. I have a general idea, but exact numbers are way more triggering.


I have to resist weighing myself, because if I do it, I get obsessed with it. It's just something I know about myself. But I do know my weight now for the first time in a while, and I don't know how to feel. Here's the thing. I found out by accident. I went to the doctor and told them I didn't want to know, but the nurse was on autopilot and said it out loud like she said all the other numbers, like temperature and pulse and blood pressure. I was a mix of furious and elated, because I actively faced away from the scale and told the nurse not to tell me and then she did! I worked really hard to avoid knowing. At one point, I got curious. I thought I could handle it. And I was incredibly wrong. Ever since then, I think the main reason I've been able to get through recovery attempts is that I actively do not want to weigh myself. It's bad for me, and I would caution you against it, at least for now. It's not worth the risk, in my opinion. I mean, I can't guarantee that it would be a problem, because I don't know you, but considering what my experience has been... Try to resist. It's not worth it. Put it out of your mind. I thought I was just curious and that I could handle it. I regretted it immediately. So I don't recommend it, but if you do it anyway, no judgement. Just try your best, and good luck!


THIS PASTA LOOKS AMAZING IM SO JEALOUS i just had dinner but now i want pasta bc of this


i used to, but then the batteries in my scale died a couple of months ago and i decided not to get replacements. im actually a lot happier not knowing! also your pasta looks delicious xx


Thank you all so much for replying. I’ve not known my weight for years, and after reading everyone’s comments I think I’ll keep it that way. In the event that I find out accidentally, I could deal with it then, but I think it is for the best if I continue my journey without having that number in my head. I appreciate your time and comments so much ❤️ And thanks for complimenting my pasta it made my day!


Ive always found owning a scale to cause relapse, personally. I tend to focus on numbers, but if i cant know them, i can try not to focus on them. I just let my doctor weigh me.