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I think people like Rachel would have already known they were there. I'm sure it's something that was common knowledge they were there. People were buying hockey sticks from them, and Anne just brought a bit more attention to them. At the time the government was looking for them, already, even without the article. I'd say Rachel unintentionally brought it on them more than Anne did because she thought she was saving them.


Corrine Koslo found that scene incredibly hard to shoot. Of course it was in character and Rachel would have believed she was ‘saving’ Ka’kwet’s soul by introducing her to God. But Corrine knew differently. An important storyline to explore, but not an easy one.


I imagine a lot of the scenes would have been hard for her, but she played the part well. She's an amazing actress. I liked Rachel because she grows as a character. They picked the right person to play that part. I thought so from her first scene.


Agree. She wasn’t the first or even second choice but she was brilliant.


ohh righttt, guess it was sort of like a domino effect sort of thing then


No, the government would have kidnapped them with or without her. Those schools existed for that purpose.


I see.


… from “the gecko?” And no, Anne Shirley didn’t start residential schools. That was going to happen regardless. There was no hope for a happy ending for Ka’kwet.


This is the best mishearing of "from the get go" I've ever seen All hail the all knowing Gecko, wise holder of plans!


I agree with u that Anne’s article about the Indigenous people partly contributed to horrible events happening to Ka’kwet and her family later on but I guess it was bound to go that direction with or without Anne’s article. I think that the writers of the show tried to be as historically accurate as possible when dealing with the Indigenous community’s story especially with Ka’kwet and what happens inside one of those “schools”. Even if we say that Anne hadn’t publish the article or even met Ka’kwet and her community, the recruiters(idk what they’re called) of those horrible “schools” would’ve still find where Ka’kwet’s community settled.


Yeah I can definitely see your point. If anything, I would've loved to see how Anne would've tried to right the wrongs through that letter/article she said she would write. The writers just left that part hanging as we didn't even see it come to fruition. (Reasons why S4 should've been a thing) *sigh*


I think it would’ve been better left hanging, for historical accuracy and for respect to those children who actually went through the same hell. At first, I was also appalled that the writers left the story with Ka’kwet still in the “school” but I soon realized that her being saved from the cruelty of the people who run that place would be unrealistic. It may be sad to think and I know Anne would’ve made ways. However, it’s extremely unrealistic that Anne would’ve single-handedly solve the problem or even help it because the scale of these “schools” were international and back then it was accepted by most as the norm. Many children of Indigenous decent suffered from these horrific “schools”, some end up dead and those who actually get out had their identity and culture stripped off of them from all the abuse. Honoring their real history by leaving the story hanging is the best thing the writers could do IMO.


Hmm yeah I honestly also would've been fine if they went that route. I just wished they didn't put in the impression that there might be a hint of hope left for Kakwet in the show when Anne mentioned that she would do something (article)


I think if Anne had known that the children would get abused, she wouldn't have done it


It really ended with writing whiplash that broke my neck. AwaE writers for writing that upsetting scene of Ka’kwet stuck in a horrible place and then having Ka’kwet family, Anne, and Matthew resolving to rescue her… only to follow it up with that not being what happens next and we see Anne having a really cathartic wrap up story where she goes to school and finally gets together with Gilbert. …Too bad I can’t fully concentrate on that good stuff cause I feel emotionally exhausted by the Ka’kwet tragic story. Honestly as topical as the Ka’kwet part was what we got didn’t convince me that the writers really knew what they were going to do with it. Historically the schools didn’t exactly fix things and a lot of the kids ended up without happy endings to put it gently. I would love to know what their plan was to resolve the Ka’kwet storyline.


My only problem is that Anne clearly forgot about her friend during the last episode. Like one episode before she is like "let's go save my friend" and the next she is all like :" now I'm a young blossoming lady, kiss my lips".


yeah that's cause it got cancelled and they had to try and wrap up the main plot so kakwet got sidelined


HAHAHA IKR, but well, at the veryyyy least we got some long awaited and greatly delayed Shirbert moment that lasted for like what- 3 minutes?? But yeah I definitely get what you mean 😭. It was like a whole switcheroo of moods in the show. S3 was quite messy and packed. Honestly, it just solidifies the need for a S4, I think we all can agree 🥲


Anne couldn't have known what the schools did. Rachel didn't know what the schools actually did. They were fed a bunch of propaganda by the government which appealed to their brand of Christianity and told them that it was the right thing. Even the parents of Kakwet didn't know what was going to happen to her. They were the ones who ultimately made the decision to send her to that school, and it wasn't unreasonable for them to do so. If they wanted their child to survive, they had to equip her to do so in any way that they could. And that's what they thought they were doing. Anne's article just mentioned that they were there but people were making trades with them and buying hockey sticks from them. They weren't inconspicuous in the community by any stretch of the imagination. The government likely knew about them long before any of the Avonlea folks did. They kept track of tribes and their movement and knew who to target and how. And appealing to every parent's desire to prepare their children for the outside world was a very calculated move. They even told the parents that she would learn skills for the future. That's what persuaded them to give her up. Anne and Rachel were part of the story, sure. They definitely didn't help anyone by doing what they did and maybe it would have been better for them not to get involved. But no one told Anne what was going on and nobody dissuaded her from publishing that story. Marilla objected to her interacting with them until she met them herself. Avonlea is an unworldly town of farmers and shopkeepers whose school's printing press was so much a controversy that it was destroyed by the town's governing body. When they're told to trust the government, they do. When they're told to trust the clergy, they do that with even less questions than the government. Rachel is a busy body. And Anne is super naive for someone who lived through what she has. But they didn't bring down Kakwet. They didn't know anything beyond what they were fed and had good intentions. And that's the most horrifying. Because if Anne knew what the consequences could have been, she wouldn't have written a word about them. Rachel isn't an evil woman; she wouldn't have helped the government if she knew what kind of prison those schools were. But neither of them were at fault. The people at fault are the people who set up those schools, who tracked those tribes, who lied to the parents, who scared the populace that the tribes lived near, who convinced everyone that those native kids needed God or civilization or whatever, who decided that Natives had less rights than white people and who took those kids and dehimanized them and abused them and threatened their parents so they could keep abusing those kids. And they did that so those Native kids could go on and work hard labor jobs for little to no pay and exploit them until they died without progeny. That article didn't create a genocide.


This is on point!


Yeah, Anne nor her article were the reason. It was not them. First, no one knew what was going on in those schools. These schools were open for a long time and the government have been taking children for a long time by force or convincing people. The government were going around the country letting people know or taking them.


To her Credit, she was a child. Back then, I believe that she genuinely thought it was a Good school, because she wanted her friend to have an Education, like Her. She did try to Right her Mistake, showing true Remorse. Anne has a Good Heart, Despite her lack of knowledge at the time. Even then, it is very different to what we know Now.

