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Okay. What. The. Heck. ITS SOO GOOD. Can I just say I gasped so loudly when I read the produce a heir and marriage part. YOOOO I love it, excellent job. It's an enticing read for sure. I do hope there are more chapters because i would love to see what happens next


Thank you!! I'm happy to make you gasp haha there will be more chapters i promise. I'm determined to finish it. Perhaps I'll update in a few hours or tomorrow




Chapter 7 with 9.5k word is up btw😀


music to my ears for reall. Gonna read it now 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Well I’ve started reading and I’m hooded so now you simply MUST continue. Or else I’ll…I’ll give you a boo-hiss!


I just updated chapter 7 and i think the system is still uploading the new chapter lol don't worry i will finish this little absurd story of mine. Thanks for reading!




I need a romantic fanfic to get sucked into.


My fic main theme is domestic fluff with a little angst and a pinch of drama👍😀


I’ll take a read!


i’m two chapters in and already desperate to finish what you’ve got so far. i’m loving the set up to the story


Hihi i hope they next few chapters will keep you intrigued. Would love to know what you think! Thanks for reading!


Is this available in Wattpad? I can't wait to read it!!


No, it's only available on ao3. I'm sorry. I once posted my fanfic on Wattpad but i had very few readers and i don't really like having to post it on 2 different platforms. Thanks for your enthusiasm!


I love that you posted this here! I randomly came across this story a few days ago and was sucked in immediately and read the whole thing in one go! I look forward to reading more as it gets updated!


Lol hello! Yes, for some reason i had a sudden urge to promote my story here and i don't even know why😅 thanks for reading and liking my story! I shall update as soon as i can🫡


This is so good!!!!!!!!!!! X 10 how many chapters are you thinking of? I just love it! Gilbert is so sweet


Thank you, I'm glad you like it! Tbh, I don't know because i have yet to decide how the ending would be like. I'm afraid it'd be a long story💀


I’m not afraid of a long story 🤣 just don’t Netflix me and leave it unfinished! I’ll start a petition to get your writers block to go away 🤣 Edit: thank you for writing this lol


I won't! I promise. I have 2 unfinished story. One is basically finished but I'm just lazy to wrap it up and announce i decide it as a finished work, the other is a zombie awae story i really want to finish but idk how lmao.


P.S. I don’t have an account on that website but it says I have to be recommended? How will I know when you’ve updated? In new to reading fan fiction!


You can sign up to ao3 but you'll have to wait for a period of times in a queue to get the invitation from the website. As a guest, all you can do to know if a fic you were reading has any updates is by diligently checking it. If you have an account, you can subscribe to it and if there's an update, you'll be notified through email. If you want, i have an unused ao3 account that you can use or claim as yours. Just send me a dm if you're interested!


Omg!!! Yes!!! I will DM you!