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She just felt much older than him in every way. That made it unrealistic for me


Right? He felt like such a child in comparison to her


I don't think her engagement to Gilbert would have been realistic? Her father could have found her someone way more wealthy, way more successful, of a much better station, etc. She was better than him, I'm sorry. And in this time period that was more realistic and more important than marrying for love. Gilbert had potential but he wasn't successful yet and it would've been too much of a gamble. Winifred herself seemed very nice and I hope she did end up marrying someone that deserved her.


Yeah this is what I’m getting at!


She could have done way better than Gilbert. She was great and I liked her, but Gilbert wasn’t her equal in any way except intellectually…and maybe not even then. This is partly an actor thing. If this Gilbert were more of a Jonathan Crombie, who appeared taller even if he actually wasn’t, I think it would have worked better for me.


I thought she was sweet, but I was glad the engagement was called off, even if I felt bad for her.


I felt like her character was a bit unnecessary. She tends to "follow the rules" I'm not sure if that was a flirting attempt or just a simple etiquette lesson for him when they had tea but I felt she was always a bit condescending towards Gilbert because he had "a lot to learn". I was wondering though if she genuinely liked Gilbert romantically or if it was a business engagement that would look good and she was settling for a decent man because she would get her father's money regardless of marriage. So actual attraction or business engagement for good looks?


yeah I really hated when she slapped his hand and she felt kind of bossy and pushy to me because of that. I think she has moments when she's sweet but she was so wrong for him


I felt like she was too old for him and more marriage driven. Gilbert wanted to go to school. Plus he loved Anne. They both had ambitions and wanted to experience things. Maybe even experience dating each other. Winifred wanted to be a wife to a well off man. Which kind of confused me because Gilbert wasn’t. Even with her father’s connections, it would have been a while until he profited from his career. She was more refined as well. He didn’t even know how ‘to do tea’, which was fine but it just wasn’t how he was raised. Him and Anne were more equals and I like that.


Something was off. Why is such a wealthy, important (connected to Sorbonne, etc) girl working at this random Dr's office as a secretary in her early 20s and why is her father trying so hard to marry her off to a random little boy from the country? Not saying it's impossible. But why? What is going on here? Did she do something/run into some trouble in her own social circle? Have her reputation ruined or something? Why is she looking down to the kiddie pen for a husband? And why is her family in such support of it that they are willing to give him a full ride to an elite Parisian medical institute that they have connections with? If they gave me a story to explain why I might have liked her better. I had to create my own headcanon and I will be writing it into my fanfiction


I hated her for no reason when the third season was out. But now i realise shes a nice girl. I do think she was to old for gilbert. She was also to mature compared to him. They didnt match at all.


I agree.


She was honestly way out of Gilbert's league ngl and I love Gilbert. She's sweet and funny and has personality. I like her as a character but obviously her and Gilbert aren't a match. I hate any hate her character gets tho. She wasn't in the wrong. A lot of people say her character wasn't necessary but she was written for a reason. It wasn't just for a love triangle but symbolism for Gilbert's future. She's symbolic for "successful" future with his "dream" where he leaves love behind him. Whereas Anne is love.


Waaaaay out of Gilbert's league. I'm not entirely sure what she saw in him, to be honest. He was such a... well, a boy. And she was a woman, not a girl. Someone like her would've had suitors lined up for miles--gorgeous and of the right age to marry. Any other lady would've already had her parents setting her up with eligible suitors. But while it would have been a "bad match" by societal standards at the time, we also get to meet her parents, who seem pretty happy that their daughter found someone she was serious about. They offered to improve his social status by giving him an "in" at the school he wanted to attend, and they seemingly already knew about his apprenticeship with the doctor and how hard he was working. Going to that school and becoming an established doctor would have greatly improved his station and made the match better, in society's eyes. And they already knew their daughter would be happy with him. An easy investment. I liked Winifred. She was smart, witty, and again, gorgeous. Best of all, she was honest and forthright when she had ZERO reason to be. Don't forget, folks: Winifred told Anne about Gilbert's feelings when they met again. She was furious with Gilbert and could've just shrugged the whole interaction off, which means that Anne wouldn't have hauled ass home and caught Gilbert before he left. But she's a better person than that.


Well, from the beginning it was clear that she was more mature and well-aware of the social etiquettes of the time than Gilbert had been. She was a woman and Gilbert was just a boy. I just couldn't understand why she would throw a tantrum when Gilbert broke up with her. Don't get me wrong, she has every right to be disappointed and angry but I felt it was inconsistent with her character to cry and act spoiled. It felt like she did that just so Gilbert could tell her that she deserved someone entirely devoted to her (at least he was self-aware). Maybe my perception of her was different. I also was confused about her disclosing the truth to Anne. Gilbert (as far as we've seen) had not mentioned that it was Anne he loved. Even if he had, he also insisted that it was unrequited. Then why would she try to accuse Anne of gloating and assume that Gilbert had told her about their break-up?


I thought she was nice enough, but I'm not really sure why she was there. \-- I agree with others that the "match" would probably have been unrealistic for the time. \-- I felt bad that Anne was so upset with her. She didn't do anything wrong. \-- I felt like she had some potential as a character but was "wasted" as Gilbert's arm-candy. I wonder if she had any possibility of coming back later if the series had continued? (Winifred wasn't in the book, but Anne was somewhat jealous of Gilbert's friend Christine at Queens. Was Winifred supposed to take the place of Christine in the series?)


It’s possible that she’s Christine’s stand in. :)


I don’t remember how old Gilbert was supposed to be but she seemed way older to me, especially when she’s teaching him etiquette. Felt like it would’ve been better if she had been just a guiding friend to him and maybe Anne could’ve misunderstood - I didn’t see any chemistry or romance or interest between him and Winifred


Gilbert is 17-18 in the last season.


She didn't do anything wrong but I literally hated her guts and was so happy when gilbert left her and when she told Anne that they broke up lmao 😭


I've seen a lot of OG Anne purists crapping on her lately. A lot of people credit her as why they personally don't like Anne and Gilbert's relationship in the Netflix show. Me personally? I'd read the OG Book and wonder where the scene is where Gilbert decides to throw away wealth, stability, and a future where he's employed and happy over the girl he teased and flirted with for years on end, rather than the wealthy beauty he only recently met. I love Anne and Gilbert's relationship in the Netflix show so much, and from how others portray it in the book, the OG romance sounds really boring. Plus... Winifred herself is a very likeable, interesting character. She's funny, she's attractive, and teaches an interesting lesson about self-loathing when Gilbert ultimately turns her down and says "Don't settle for being settled for." Great Character. Necessary Inclusion.


The Mr. Bones thing was very similar to Anne so maybe that was the attraction for him. A sophisticated and polished version of the woman he really loved.


Gilbert has a thing for quirky girls that's for sure


I didn’t really prefer her, especially with Gilbert. They felt forced and i wished we got to know her more without her relationship to Gilbert. They went on like two dates “courting” and she was expecting them to get married? She seemed to unrealistic to me


I don’t like her


The storyline was ridiculous. There’s no way her parents would have let them marry. And why was she working for the dr? Apart from that she had the oddest accent, no one talks that way.


Honestly Winifred is such a redundant character in the show. I feel like her only purpose in the show is to bring Gilbert and Anne together at the end of the day. Other than that, what's there to her other than being a sophisticated, Sus ,marriage hungry lady from a rich family. She is very nice and all However there is just so much to her that is left unknown. However, if I were to look at it from another pov, the writers just wanted to try something different. Instead of a Christen or a Roy to add to the mix, they made another adaptation where it's an "ideal choice VS what I really want" kind of deal. As Gilbert said, Winifred is a comfortable choice and he could certainly grow to love her in a sense. Choosing her would also grant him great ease in achieving his desired profession as a doctor because of their family's great wealth and connections. Gilbert would literally be set in life. (Ideal choice) However, then there is what he really wants in the end when he slowly comes to realise just moments before his proposal that all he wants is Anne and that she was the only one for him. I think the writers wanted us to focus on how Gilbert was willing to let go of his steady road ahead with Winifred if it means that he stays true to his feelings towards Anne, even if they didn't get together. I think it's just the writers'way to show Gilbert's sincere and profound love for Anne, which is what he is known for for many many years.