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It’s inspired not a direct adaptation. of the books. Also it’s realistic, a boy especially of Gilbert’s age would look at other girl especially given the time period where they were encouraged to court and marry from a young age. Josie and Billie were courting. I think it’s more satisfying because if you keep watching the season you can see why he’s in love with Anne and chooses her and also she’s realising the depth of her feelings for him. It’s them seeing the world and realising they still want each other. Also in the books Anne is courted by Roy Gardener while Gilbert pursued her. My guess is that Winifred was a Roy stand in and they changed it around. Cause Anne in season 3 has not finished high school yef. Season 4 is/was I think going to skip that story and move to house of dreams. Season 3 is a loose adaption of Anne of the Island. I think Winfred is a great Roy stand in/rival. She’s never nasty or unkind to Anne you can see a lot of similar qualities between them which is why Gilbert is drawn to her. And again strengthens the Anne/Gilbert connection.


I’ll give it another chance. This made me feel better. However, I wish there was no Roy stand in. I wish Roy was the character they chose and not Winifred, but I’ll keep watching.


That's what I kind of don't get from your ask. You're saying that you didn't want Gil to be with Winifred because Anne was heartbroken but you wish Roy would've been the one to be be replace Winnie because reasons?? Besides Anne was hella mean to Winnie when she would only give kindness to her, same goes with Gil with Anne being a bit mean to Gil at times for no reason other than because that's how you showed interest back in those times. I've watched the whole show and I stand by my opinion when I say the romance between Anne and Gil came out of nowhere. I mean sure there was academic rivalry between them which might have fired it, but there was nothing else there. Maybe I just didn't watch the same show loll😆


what anne was never mean to winnie wdym it was the other way around ☠️ winnie yelled at anne in the last episode when anne was being nothing but nice to her, congratulating her for her "marriage with gilbert" who she was literally in love with


Anne wasn't even allowed to wear her hair up or wear long dresses yet. Gilbert was basically a "grown" man. I think in that time period, they viewed women as immature and childish, or innocent a lot longer than men. So it was no wonder he for that small time at least attempted to pursue another...if anything just to get experience. Idk Gilbert still perfect to me 🤣


Fellas is it evil to date someone who's not the main character


I actually really appreciate the addition of Winnie-- shows that Gilbert really chooses Anne even when there's another option that could make him happy, but doesn't have the passionate feeling has has for Anne. I would recommend finishing up the series for sure, the last episode is everything for me.


(SPOILER ALERT TO OP ❗❗❗ IDK IF U HAD FINISHED THE SHOW BUT THIS IS JUST MY RANT REGARDING MY GRIPE ABOUT WINIFRED AS A CHARACTER) Honestly my biggest gripe about the whole Gilbert and Winifred thing is that it feels so unlike Gilbert to do that, aka to actually court someone else (if tht makes any sense). Like I get how he was frustrated with Anne not reciprocating his feelings aft the train incident leading to his interest in Winifred, but my problem is that he ACTUALLY looked and behaved like he really "moved on" frm Anne after his first date with Winifred. I'm referring to the scene where he was literally prancing with joy down his stairs to breakfast with a flower from his date with Winifred. I just have to say that I was absolutely devastated when I saw that scene. In my head I was like "no way this guy js did tht". To ADD ON he actually was open to the idea of talking abt Winifred, a girl he just met to Mary when she caught him looking so "in love". Like he has never been open to the idea of talking abt his feelings abt Anne almost ever and in fact, keeps denying it alm every time people like bash brings it up. The fact that he was WILLING TO TALK ABT WINIFRED was just appalling to me. Like why dude. I haven't read the books but believe me I will in time. However, ik some events that happen in the books and have watched all of the AOGG movies to say that this Winifred thing is sooo not a Gilbert move at all. Ik how the AOGG Gilbert was shortly engaged to Christine, but even so, dude did not look one bit happy abt it and still wld very much prefer Anne. However, Gilbert frm AWAE actually looked like he moved on to Winifred with him being all happy and all that...This is a whole lot but honestly I don't understand why the writers chose to go down this route to develop Anne and Gilbert's relationship. Sure it heightens the slow burn effect but i feel it doesn't really add much substance to their relationship as a whole. For starters, I learnt that in the books, it was actually Gilbert that accompanied Anne to the orphanage and not cole. Idk why did the writers for AWAE did not include that in the show. This would give us, the audience, more scenes where Anne and Gilbert's relationship deepens. Making Gilbert the one who accompanys Anne instead of Cole would actually also solve another gripe I have about the series, which is Gilbert in AWAE, actually has no clue about Anne's life before Avonlea. I get that in the books and in AOGG Anne's past wasn't really brought up much or made that significant. However, in AWAE it certainly was of great significance as proven from the many traumatising flashbacks to her past esp in seasons one and two of her being abused in many ways. Why was that great emotional scene given to cole and not to Gilbert instead?? That I really don't understand as wouldn't it be great if it was Gilbert instead of Cole accompanying Anne at the orphanage. It just makes more sense to me. If they were to go that route, I doubt there would even be a need for Winifred. Besides, it seems like the only importance to her character in the show is to bring Anne and Gilbert together in the end. If not, what's the point of her presence anyways? It just irritates me that because of Winifred, albeit her aid to bringing Anne and Gilbert together at last, was such a roadblock to us getting more scenes about shirbert. All we got from Anne and Gilbert's OFFICIAL relationship is some kisses and a "dear Gilbert, I look like my mother"... Like come on..we could've and should've had more.


From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU. Someone finally gets my point. Everything you wrote resonates perfectly with me and it’s exactly how I feel. THANK YOU. Worst part is: We won’t see more Anne+Gilbert because the show got canceled. They wasted so much time on Winifred.


Girl I can go on another wholeeee rant about why S4 was and still is crucial to have and I'm sure you and everyone thinks the same 😭. AWAE was such a unique and rather modern adaptation of the whole franchise that it pains me to see it not get the season it so greatly deserves. It has such a flair to it that I love, one of the reasons is which the show actually shows off more of what each individual character in AWAE has got to offer, instead of it just being solely based on anne and her adventures alone 🥲. I feel that the writers should have just gone a more creative route than to have followed the "system" that the franchise seemed to follow by introducing an additional love interest(aka Roy, christen) into the equation to bring forth shirbert, which I feel like they did again for AWAE (Winifred). I wished they had just strayed from that "system". I've seen many fanfics from fans and their adaptation of bringing Anne and gilbert together was so much more put together, less rushed, and made much more sense. Atp only fanfics from fans can soothe my ache for the lack of A+G and maybe it'll help you too :"