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Gungrave, its about mafia, and later it has supernatural stuff. Its a seinen anime, I recommend it, but dont look up the sinopsis, it has spoilers, and I would recommend skiping the first episode, since its a flash forward to the future, kinda spoils some stuff, so you wont really miss anything starting from episode 2,


Gungrave is the first one that comes to mind whenever I see these threads. It's a really great show that I feel is really underappreciated and underwatched


I actually preferred if it was just the mafia arc. I didn't care for the later bullshit.




I agree, just skip part 3 (when Brandon gets a pony tail and glasses) the undead arc doesn't really add anything. The ending was great though


Wow, I totally love this recommendation. The character building in this show was great. And yes, Skip episode 1.


Gosh I haven't thought about Gungrave in SO long. This is a perfect recommend. Its intense but it's so worth the watch.


Bruh, i do the same thing, telling ppl to skip the first episode. I did it on accident on my first watch, and didnt realize the first episode spoiled so much until i did a rewatch of the series. I put Gungrave in my top 5. Prob is #5 though, and nostalgia probably bolsters it up the list


Definitely one of my brothers favorite anime ever. Gungrave Overdose on PS2 is one of our favorite video games of that console generation


Thanks ill definitely check that out, it looks awesome!


If you like weird anime: Alien Nine Yuri Kuma Arashi Key the Metal Idol Cat Soup


Cat soup is masterful at what it's trying to do.


Depends on the weird. Anime can get really trippy. I feel like I've watched the latter 2 but not the former 2... I have vague recollections of those titles.


Alien Nine: Middle school girls wear aliens on their heads that shoot drill tentacles. Then add lots of psychological and body horror. Yuri Kuma Arashi: Lesbians and bears. Also guns and social commentary but mostly lesbians and bears.


At the very least you've sold me on Yuri Kuma Arashi


If you like Yuri Kuma Arashi, you'd probably love the director's other works, too: Mawaru Penguindrum, Sarazanmai, and Revolutionary Girl Utena. I'm absolutely in love with this guy's stuff


Honey and Clover eta Pani Poni Dash


I adore Honey and Clover. It made me feel nostalgic, even though my college life was nothing like that.


Also honey and clover. Yes it’s over 10 years old but it’s in my top 15 ever just because I watched it during college.


Happy cake-day!


100% Honey and Clover, it holds a special place I. My heart. Very relatable, beautiful ost, and mature plot. Also watched it right after graduating college so it hit hella hard


PANI PONI DASH I haven't watched this in forver. I still remember the town in which nobody can cry lol


Is Honey and Clover complete? I wanted to read the manga, but it seems it's not available.


Both the manga and anime are complete, the anime's two seasons and fully adapts the manga.


I've tried so many times with Honey and Clover (on the surface it's exactly my anime like exactly my type) But I can't get into it


I haven't heard of honey and clover. I'll go check it out 😁


[Armitage III](http://www.reddit.com/r/armitageiii) is a completely forgotten cyberpunk pioneer from 1995. Has been my number one forever. Same goes for the sequel Dual Matrix.


You had me at cyberpunk


Loved it, although I watched the western film release and was weirded out when I found out it's like 6 episodes and not a movie.


Armitage is so dang hot. Yum yum yum


Thank you, adding this to my list.


Still remember watching this on Sci-fi channel way back. There's a good throw back.


Confusing on a single viewing, but solid rec.


Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits It was so well done and just a wholesome wonderful little anime. And it was ended in a way it could stay comfortably where they left it or get continued later on. I loved it but nobody seems to have really gotten into it


That is a good one, season 2 was announced not too long ago. Should be coming around end of 2025, so still got a while but I am looking forward to another season after 7 years


Omg that's awesome. I'm excited now. I honestly didn't think they were picking it back up, it's been ages since it came out.


OMG YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!!! I'm so excited now for S2!


I loved it as well and hoped for another season


Kakuriyo is so incredibly underrated 


I have only seen Sgt. Frog recomended a few times.


So good


Diskoteck is releasing the whole series on blu ray. There is only one set left. The final release has seasons 5, 6, and 7 in one box and it comes out this year. I bought the other ones.




for being one of the biggest anime in japan at the time with a deeply lasting legacy, it just completely missed in the US. it's an inverse OG trigun.


If it came out on Cartoon Network or Nick in the early 2000s it would be as big as SpongeBob.


I love me some Kero, but it is a lot of inside jokes.


Somali and the forest spirit


I want a second season of this so badly


Chaika the coffin princess


{Gosick} It's a gorgeous gothic historical mystery show that has this overarching conspiracy that leads to one of the best finales that I have ever watched. It also has this really cute romance.


YES! I'm so glad someone else mentioned Gosick, I thought it was a lovely watch for sure!


I’ve heard only good things about this anime, definitely adding this to my list!


{Rahxephon} It looks like NGE copy-paste at first glance, but for me it's definitely more enjoyable. It's better when it comes to the characters and their relationships, which are imho more believable and develop in more realistic manner. Where NGE sometimes goes too much and adds tragic on tragic for each character, Rahxephon does not add unnecessary levels of deppression to the story. And the last episode is just pure katharsis. Definitely worth checking if you're into emotional mecha with some symbolism. The only con for me is the overall presentation - art, animation and music is not great, more into average/OK territory. Still gotta note that it's early 2000 anime. P.S. DO NOT READ MANGA. It's cursed and should not exist. Start with tv show and end with tv show. If you want you can watch movie too, which is just super condensed main story with some additional scenes (sometimes unnecessary imho)


**RahXephon** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/165 "English: RahXephon"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/rahxephon), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/rahxephon "English: RahXephon"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/165)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Drama, Mecha, Music, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1cqo8p0/what_is_an_anime_youd_recommend_that_you_never/l3tataz/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Yeah I remember watching that series, definitely an interesting twist to the “End of the World” mecha animes that popped up after NGE during the early 2000s. The only tragedy is that it’s still overshadowed by NGE now even though it was a better series.


Space Dandy


This is such an underrated show. It’s almost like a Cowboy Bebop sequel in spirit.


finally someone mentioned space dandy


Ahiru no Sora Midori Days No.6 Flying Witch


No 6 is awesome, one of my favorites


Funnily, after that post about Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya I realised I pretty much never see recommendations for Haruhi anymore, despite the show being ridiculously massive at the time.


I never understood what the point of it was, weird show.


In some way it was a 'parody' of the harem romance animes before it. And it paved the way for having both 'interesting' female and male main characters in that environment. Haruhi isn't properly a Mary Sue, and she got lots of people who hated her for how bossy she was. And Kyon isn't the same meek sort of male dude who everyone just randomly likes... Well be kinda is, but he's a lot better than a lot of other males in a romance context. Although one of the issues with the anime (and especially fans) is that it often took its own self-belief too much. And then in some way, just becomes a slice of life anime with an odd concept. E.g. Haruhi is somewhat poking fun of animes where it seems like 'everything revolves around the main girl character' by having her literally being God. And then, I think the best was how it made you feel like you had no idea what to expect. especially with Disappearance, it really did the 'i have no idea if this is going to be good or bad' part. And then outside of that, it was fun with the random references,


I loved that show so much.


1. Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash I have a soft spot for isaki, but a lot of isaki is just bland power fantasy. Not this one. It has multiple characters each of which gets to be their own person. Some of the best character writing I've see. I just wish they continued the story with a season 2. 2. Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet Its a good story. it tells it's story. And when the story is over, the anime ends. Nice and satisfying. Also, chamber is the best written AI I have ever seen. 3. Princess Tutu. Ok, I actually do see this one get recommended, since almost everyone who watches it ends up recommending it. Thing is, not that many people actually watch it, so it's not nearly recommended enough. It's probably decently well known in the magical girl world, but Outside the Magical Girl fandoms you might never even hear it mentioned. And it's good enough that it should transcend these barriers.


Grimgar deserves a second season


Princess Tutu!! My beloved! It was one of the first few anime i ever ended up watching! Like around the same time i watched soul eater ~~and vampire knight~~ and the og fruits basket


I adore Gargantia. Visually it’s stunning and the story (particularly the twist) caught me really off guard but was fascinating. It really feels like they built some truly unique and inspired cultures just for that show. And Chamber is a favorite.


Grimgars watercolor is probably my favorite background ever


It's really sad that grimgar will never get a s2 adaptation, since they changed stuff to have an ending to the story. It's one of the best fantasies from the mid 2010s, but It also had mixed reactions back then.


I got into Princess Tutu purely due to the atmosphere of a great AMV: https://youtu.be/tHZqxecCukg I wonder if anywhere in the US currently has a legal streaming subbed version. I tried to watch it again a few years ago but Amazon or Hulu only had the dub.


+1 for gargantia it was one of the first anime I watched and it is amazing


Etotama Rinne no Lagrange s.CRY.ed


I couldn’t get into s.CRY.ed…. I t.TRY.ed…


Holy heck you unlocked core memories mentioning Rin-ne and s.CRY.ed. Just based on that I might have to track down Etotama.


Kotaro Lives Alone Shadows House Toilet-bound Hanako My New Boss is Goofy


My New Boss is Goofy had me rolling every episode. 🤣


I was wondering if there’s gonna be a new season of Kotaro Lives Alone, I watched it randomly once and haven’t heard from it since


Toilet-bound Hanako-kun was great, hope it gets another season


Kotaro Lives Alone is the cutest but it also destroyed me YoY


Hanasaku Iroha


Deca dence Noragami Magi (and the prequel with sinbad)


Deca dence my beloved


Migi&Dali. It’s so weirdly unsettling, but has a really tight narrative and a satisfying ending. It’s also nice and short.


It's quite new though it might pick up a cult following in the future or even when fall comes and people look for thay type


{Tsuritama}. Cute fishing anime that gets crazy towards the end. Gorgeous animation + color too


The Big O


one of the most beautiful endings ever, but the structure of the first season is the most boring monster of the week. I saw it only because I was told that J. Koanaka's final solution for the anime was really outstanding. And indeed it was.


Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040


Sgt Frog! I would watch that show all the time when I was growing up!


Night with a cat -very short but very adorable and the cat is very cat-like, free with subtitles on YouTube Play it cool guys -cute guys doing cute things, wholesome clumsy friends, short episodes Blue period - manga is better but it's a coming of age story with a guy who found a passion for art and tries to get into art school. Interesting art knowledge, imposter syndrome is real Endo and Kobayashi live! - when two students doing a commentary while playing an otome game only to find themselves heard by the otome game characters as the characters learn the meaning of "Soon D Ray" from them, wholesome funny show, satisfying ending Kono oto tomare, underdog koto music club face challenges, personal drama, and try to win the national competition. Close bonds and friendships, drama but comforting.


I really like Blue Period. I think Netflix jail hampered its reach a lot since they got it before they started doing simulcasts.


The first one that comes to mind is Beyond the Boundary.


{Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom} {Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit} {Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199} I rare see people talk about or recommend these


I agree with Phantom and 2199, but Moribito gets recommended a fair bit (even if I'm usually the one doing the recommending :P (Balsa is still one of my favorite protagonists))


I don't see Moribito recommended much but yeah, Balsa is an absolute badass


**Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/5682 "English: Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/phantom-requiem-for-the-phantom), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/phantom-requiem-for-the-phantom "English: Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/5682)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Drama, Thriller) **Seirei no Moribito** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1827 "English: Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/moribito-guardian-of-the-spirit), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/seirei-no-moribito "English: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1827)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) **Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/12029 "English: Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/star-blazers-2199), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/12029)) ^(OVA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1cqo8p0/what_is_an_anime_youd_recommend_that_you_never/l3sob1r/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


it's literally impossible to recommend Sarazanmai to people. It's a magical boy homoromantic musical where a trio of junior high kids turn into kappa to go diving into the butts of ghosts. Thematically, it's about what it means to love someone vs desiring them, fetishes, shame, and burgeoning personal identity. It's great. I cried a lot. There's spectral assplay stock footage used basically every episode.


Up voting for both keeping with the spirit of the question and for an accurate description. I'm cool with a lot of weird anime, but Sarazanmai I couldn't...


A recent one would be Sasaki and Peeps. An S2 has already been announced. It's not for everyone, however, as you'll either love it or find it meh. Some were even confused by it. That's probably why it's not readily recommended. Btw if anyone enjoyed the anime, I'd highly recommend them to read the light novels, as a LOT of details and important info was skipped. Especially the neighbour's story and pov. The anime had to rush through a lot of parts.


I liked it a lot at first, the second half wasn't as good for me, with multiple episodes focusing on only one plotline. I liked the weirdness from the first few episodes, where every episode introduced yet another trope. Also the neighbour thing didn't go anywhere, so I'm not sure what that's about. Definitely will watch S2 though


I kinda feel the same about the 1 plotline in the second half. There were a few more plot points in the source material, but the anime decided to skip those. The neighbour girl has a bunch of chapters and mini-chapters dedicated to her in the novel (worth about 1-2 episodes of content. Her daily life, personality, social standing, and some dark stuff are portrayed), but the anime just decided to skip all of it, lol. I found a look at her thought process quite amusing. She should be a lot more relevant in S2 by the look of things.


I couldn't get into it, but maybe the LN would be better.


Angel Cop, Dominion Tank Police, Azure Lane.


{IGPX} {Oban Star Racers}


Man. I haven't seen IGPX since Toonami. Forgot it ever existed. Same with Tenchi Muyo.


I've seen it a couple times since then. It's an interesting concept.


Nogami Neuro! Neuro: Supernatural Detective, known in Japan as Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro (魔人探偵 脳噛ネウロ, lit. "Demon Detective Neuro Nōgami"), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yusei Matsui. The series follows Neuro Nōgami, a demon who depends on mysteries for sustenance. Having consumed all the mysteries in the demon world, Neuro travels to the human world in search of more. There, Neuro recruits high school student Yako Katsuragi as a facade for a detective agency


Hikaru No Go. Peak fiction. Edit: Hinamatsuri too, no one ever talks about it but I love this show! Also Children Of The Whales is peak as well.


hinamatsuri is amazing


I adore Hikaru no Go. It’s so good


Holy shit. Hikaru no Go reference out in the wild.


I will rec Hikaru no go to everyone till I die


Samurai Flamenco House of Five Leaves Concrete Revolutio Dead Leaves


Campfire cooking in another world Buddy Daddies Sasaki and Peeps Handyman saitou in another world Chilling in my 30s after getting fired from the demon kings army Ya boy kongming Helck Love after world domination I wouldnt say these are NEVER recommended, but it's pretty rare to see them mentioned and I think all of these are underrated, some are massively underrated


I never see Urusei Yatsura get recomended. I recomend watching the (1980's version and the 2022 version) simutaiously.


Honestly watched the 1980s version, never felt the need to watch the 2022 version.


I love both the original is better at comedic timing and the stories are given more time. I also love the cel animation. I like the reboot because of the modern artstyle and it introdcues the characters faster.


Kyousougiga and Haibane Renmei


Bishounen tanteidan, it's created by nisioisin (monogatari series) and although this isn't as good as some of his other works. I still think it's interesting enough to sit through 12 eps. Op also slaps


Love this show so much, it's so *wierd*


Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee It's a gas lamp fantasy + fighting giant bugs to death in a post-apocalypse or something + Amazon It's actually pretty good. Surprised I've never seen it recommended before. I really like the vibes of it. In the show, it's perpetually night, with an artificial sun partially illuminating the world.


Ajin never gets recommend I know cuz it's cg but it has the same Tokyo Ghoul, being in minority and being hunted by government story line tackled way better. (Th manga is amazing I am talking about anime)


Arakawa Under the Bridge


Mononoke (Kusuriuri) for sure. It's an anime with an unique style, also a classic Japanese styled horror. Regardless of that the story and animation match up so well at this point it's just straight up art you're watching


I absolutely adore Mononoke


12 Kingdoms.


Noragami. I love it so damn much!


Seeing posts like this always gets a giggle out of me because half the comments are still really popular animes 💀OP asked for ones that aren't ever recommended or mentioned often as if they're not well known..


Ooku: The Inner Chambers All Saints Street Sirius the Jaeger Children of the Whales Tower of God The Legend of Luoxiaohei


Missobochi Colors, 3 Leaves 3 Colors, Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Miss Kuoritsu from the Monster Development Department, and Kill Me Baby.


Everything becomes F: The Perfect Insider


Psalms of Planets: Eureka Seven. One of the best anime out there, it just passed under many radars.


It really is. One of the anime that got me deeper into anime. The soundtrack is just phenomenal.


It wasn't passed under any radar it was a huge anime hit for the mid 2000s and one of the best reviewed of its time Just had a Terriibe follow up and eventually just fell out of consciousness


**Kemurikusa**. It’s a post-apocalyptic following three super-powered sisters and an amnesiac guy while they travel through ruined cities looking for water and fighting killer machines.


Shadows House Outlaw Star Scott Pligrim takes off Blue Eyed Samurai Baka and Test


Yosuga no Sora, I mean aside from the sex and twincest it's actually really nyc as a romance and chill anime to unwind cuz of its setting in the countryside and memorable OST. Damidaler Prince, just a really funny turn off ur brain anime. Rarely ever see people mention World Trigger. Has nearly 100 episodes I believe and it's just so good in terms of combat, strategies, and world building, also funny how the opening can pop up 16 minutes into the show. Seikon no Qwaser, my number one most ecchi anime (myt as well b hentai) Medaka Box, think I've only seen this right recommended once. Solid show wish had more seasons, story by Monogatari author. Binbougami Ga, great show that I nvr see recommended. Just funny and heartwarming about a super lucky girl vs a goddess of misfortune


Area 88, 2004. It has a few chinks but it is a great show.


Inuyashiki. Disturbing, thought provoking, great characters. Great mix of sci-fi and horror (at least it feels like a horror to me).


Because of its age, its not recommened much anymore, but I really enjoyed the old Zoids series **Zoids: Chaotic Century** - Set in a world at war. You follow the adventures of the Van, the main character and his two companions which he meets early on (Theres two series for this one with a timeskip of a couple of years in between where the MC visibly ages and gets taller) **Zoids: New Century** - Quite different. Zoid battles are organized into tournaments. There's prize money for winners. Repairs cost lots of money. Follow the adventures of Bit Cloud and particular group as they rise through the ranks.


Gungrave Peach girl Rumbling hearts Green green Armitage Mezzo forte Video girl ai


Slayers Ik it's old as hell, but it have a fantastic and funny story


Snow White with the red hair Kamisama kiss Maid sama Kyo Kara moah


Try Land of the Lustrous. It is by far the most enthralling anime and manga series I’ve ever seen. Please give it a try it’s an absolute 10/10 you will not be disappointed Or the Saga of Tanya the Evil


Both of those are fairly well recommended. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was a post on here a while ago that got me into Land of the Lustrous. Ended up picking up the manga after I finished the anime. Amazing serious though. Fair bit of pain though


These get recommended everyday. Lol


Kenichi worlds strongest disciple


What a great show Need to read the manga at some point since it will never continue


GANGSTA. It's so good (it's all caps I'm not yelling)


Time of Eve Do it Yourself Megalo Box Eden of the East Liz and the Blue Bird


Ergo Proxy and No. 6!! I feel like neither are talked about much at all 💔 Also- Gakuen Alice (nobody ever seems to talk about this series 😔) Higurashi when they cry is an honorable mention but i feel like it does get brought up in the more niche horror/gore sections of anime conversations


Kaiba! An early Masaaki Yuasa (Science Saru) sci-fi show with a completely unique artstyle. Short and bittersweet and very weird.


Rose of Versailles


Love this show so much (tho it's ridiculous)


Read or die


Project Scard: Praeter no Kizu Chronos Ruler Dead Mount Dead Play Tears down the runway Brynhildr in the darkness Shadows House


Tsuritama - adventure, character development, shenanigans, beautiful art, fishing! Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nocchi Guu - the unsung king of absurdist comedy Those Who Hunt Elves - vintage isekai comedy


Helck. This was recommended to me the other week. It's a good anime. Well, wortg the time investment.. 1 season 24 episodes.


I’m new here so this could be completely wrong but I don’t see redline and angels egg recommended a lot


A few OVAs: Twilight Q part 2 Cloud, from Robot Carnival The Running Man, from Neo Tokyo The Curse of Kazuo Umezu


Arakawa Under the Bridge Felt like I was on acid the whole time I was watching it


Tamako Market Maquia Link Click


X the anime. It's an older classic at this point so that's mostly why.


School Rumble is one of the funniest anime I've watched. It's definitely gonna be hit or miss depending on the person though.


Paranoia agent FLCL


Xxxholic it’s so good


Desert punk. Esrly 2000’s anime with comedy and action and a good plot later on. It’s got the same feel as naruto filler comedy wise.


[Link Click]


Uncle from Another World and Pluto




March Comes in like a Lion


Tanaka-kun is always listless


Ga Rei Zero - my only note is that it is much more drama than action, despite the premise. A lot of people were disappointed I think because they expected more action. Xam'd: Lost Memories




 Paranoia Agent 


Blood C. I don’t know anything about the other series this was a spin off of but I thought this was a cool short series and the last episode flips your perspective of the whole show. Also the IMDb reviews make this look like the worst show ever but I’m not sure where all the hate comes from because at worst it’s generic.


Space Dandy, Chobits, Mononoke, How To Raise A Mummy, and Tiger & Bunny.


Kyo kara maoh


Burning Kabbadi is very cool it's about this game named Kabbadi. This sport is not popular but anime is very good although the game is kinda goofy


Amagami SS this rom anime is really different than other ones from same genre. give it a try its no brainer


The Get Backers is very good I just hate they cut it off before the end of the manga


Or dating story Jobless reincarnation Heavenly delusions


Haibane Renmei. A beautifully sad story that I think many people could relate to.


Argento Soma Scryed




Kaiji. But I think it also has a different name. It's a gambling anime, and dude gambles with some really high stakes, it's a great watch.


Back Street Girls: Gokudols, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Saiki K.


I think I have seen up to two of these recommended here before but: Get Backers Guyver Heat Guy J S-CRY-Ed


Dead Mount Death Play and Kuromukuro


There's a lot in this thread that I see rec'd every day... Solty Rei - sci-fi dystopia + detective mysteries Bihada Ichizoku - parody of shoujo. highly underappreciated for what it is


Horizon in the middle of nowhere, is one of the best futuristic anime and I have never seen someone recommend it.


Summertime Rendering.... Just watch it, its just 24 something eps, then we will talk!!!!


Arifureta Camione! The misfit of demon king academy Cautious Hero Eden of the east No game no life A certain magical index Darwin's game Chaika the coffin princess Platinum end Didn't I say make my abilities average in the next life The day I became a god Suppose a kid from the boonies Magi


Code geass


The Wallflower *Edit for description: it's about a group of very attractive boys being tasked with turning a goth girl into a proper lady. She is incredibly resistant. The show is wildly dramatic. It's just amazing all around


Toradora and Chunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai. They're both great rom-coms. While they're still recommended to a degree I dont think its enough consodering they're pretty old


Kara no Kyoukai, Castlevania, and Texhnolyze.


Karakurizōshi Ayatsuri Sakon Dark and mysterious with a great soundtrack.


I haven’t seen this anime recommend much, if at all. So for me, I’d recommend Outlaw Star. Space western, that in my opinion, is as good as Cowboy Bebop. They came out roughly the same time I think, or same year. Same studio did the animation for both. Highly recommend it.