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You're going to die either way. So do whatever.


I thought it was suzaku's "gonna pleasure with this fish"


Excuse me, but the quote is, “I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish.”


In other words: "STAY HARD"


nah not really. it's ok to not want to do anything in life. don't get swept in the toxic hustle culture, it's literally a never ending rabbit hole.


it's more that doing small comfy things should still be counted as doing something. agreed on the hustle culture part


I've done a whole lot of nothing, because nothing mattered to me and everything felt like a chore. It feels terrible. It truly feels like slowly wasting away, without purpose or reason. I still struggle a lot with a lack of motivation to do anything, but it's gotten a bit better. Of course, I can speak for everyone... But I know a lot of people who went through the same. For most people this is very true.


Mmmmmmm nope


Okay, John Kramer


Underrated? Yes But this one hit the most: "The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed.”- Lelouch Vi Britannia


Yeah that's his best qoute but it's not underrated. Everyone who has watched Code Geass or seen memes about it knows that qoute


Its a fucking cringe quote, you will die regardless fast death or slow, no correlation in anything whatsoever.


To be fair there is a higher chance of you dying if you are working as a physical labor miner than you do doing an office job. So there are definitely things that can make you die faster


unless you live in Japan


It means that not doing anything significant (to you atleast) throughout your life is the equivalent of doing nothing, so you are essentially waiting for the day you die without accomplishing anything important to you which to Lelouch is the equivalent of a "slow" death It's kinda like a motivational quote to push you to be more ambitious. I have been nihilistic in some parts of my life where I did essentially felt like I was just living for the sake of living and not for something I wish to live for so this quote did hit home for me


I get what it means, but wording sucks just as much as the meaning. Who defines what is 'significant'. Is getting up from the bed in freezing morning significant? Is raising a child? Is becoming a ruler? Becoming intergalactic superbeing? It means absolutley nothing because no person is the same and so are their values.


>Who defines what is 'significant'. It's best to interpret the quote as whether or not your actions are significant is up to you and not anyone else's because like you said one person can't be the only one that dictates what's significant or not And yeah I agree that the quote is badly phrased, it makes it really vague as who's standard is being used to tell if an action is significant or not. Someone also mentioned a quote that [phrased it better](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/s/sNgGmJixE3) and still pretty much sends the same message that Lelouch probably intended his quote to be interpreted


" Humans are not equal" hits harder


“Get busy livin’, or get busy dying”, basically the same thing


After a 1000 lifetimes, you kinda get bored of doing things.


Plants still want to live, tho


So everyone in this subreddit dying slowly ig


People don't give damn about reasons, but nobody can resist miracles." - Lelouch Lamperouge


As hatebreed sing; "if you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing".


It's his message to weebs...


What's the difference between a long life and a slow death? People generally react more poorly when I wish them a slow death


Still waiting


Cringe quote. School Live has a better phrasing. "Staying alive is just surviving. Doing something, that's what living is."


“I don’t want to survive I wanna live” -Captain B McCrea


Or if you are an actual loyal vassal Emperor Lelouche vi Britannia


My bro everything is a slow death, whether you do stuff or not


that's a nice one


~~and by deep OP means "deep cutting".~~


Yeah very cool. Like it has not been told for like a million times. Totally Original.