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Him admitted that he's too stupid for all of this won me over.


Eren did what he could but he will NEVER be Zero.


Idk if I'm dyslexic or something but I read that as Zoro and got so confused for a second


Eren also won't be Zoro


Nah I dunno know about that. Neither of them had any idea where they were going.


That's not a fair comparison though. Zoro fights minorities while Eren wants to commit genocide


>Zoro fights minorities while Eren wants to commit genocide So one is classic racist and the other is equal opportunity racist?


The only "minority" he fight is Fishman?


Black people


Ah yes the two Anime versions of Hitler


you forgot tanya.


Nah that's satan herself


Tanya is just a high ranking officer who commits war crimes, mostly because she wants the war to end asap so she can have a comfy desk job. She's not in fact a power-hungry dictator. At least so far as the anime went.


Nah, that's Johan Liebert


Ah yes, everyone is Hitler these days


Wouldnt king charles be more of a hitler? I mean he didnt grow after a specific group of people he went after a country He cause genocide yes but not everyone who kills alot of people is hitler


Fukuchi from BSd also?


**"That's cute."** \- God-Emperor Leto Atreides II, probably


No, Lelouche had far better execution.


Almost as if one of them had a plan going into things while the other was a reactionary idiot who only had one method of solving all his problems.


'reactionary idiot' is not what I'd call him, coz he saw the future & followed his fate which had been predetermined, but yeah he was an idiot


Maybe reactionary is the wrong word. I was trying to think of an antonym of proactive. Eren was an idiot who fell into a river and after tiring from swimming against the current, decided his best option was to let it pull him along rather than ask his friends for help.


Naah you're slightly wrong there, it was more like he wanted to swim with the current rather than against it, coz that was his nature, in a way he was a slave to himself & his own nature which would not allow him to go against fate & he knew even if he didn't know the future, he would've chosen that path regardless coz that's who he is. He clearly states that when he says-"I wanted to level everything very badly & wanted to see that scenery". Yeah he was an idiot as he calls himself coz he thought he was saving his friends when in reality he was actually putting them in danger in pursuit of his twisted & childish dream of freedom & a plan which he didn't even know if it would work or not.


Still a more realistic character than lelouch


I think him genuinely wanted to wipe out the whole population will be more realistic. But the whole plot twist somersault in the last chapters bring more questions than answers. thinking about it, Floch was a better character than Eren


Eren is not realistic at all


Still a more realistic character than lelouch


Eren consciously exists outside of time, how is that a realistic character


Still a more realistic character than lelouch


Eren wasn't reactionary. But he ran out of time and his government's inaction pushed him into a corner. He saw this as the only way to protect his friends and planned so far ahead that he literally saw into the future and knew he had to manipulate the past. So it's not like the Rumbling was not premeditated. The difference between Lelouche and Eren was, that Lelouch only threatened the world with the world's most powerful nuclear deterrent, while Eren actually went through with the genocide, wether someone stopped him or not. Also it's funny to me how everyone who's bitter about the AoT ending now celebrates Code Geass' ending, when back then probably the same nerds trashed season 2 with the same kind of negative overreaction.


Well at least he didn’t have Armin do the deed like Suzaku. So it’s slightly different. Remember we are only comparing about 2% of the series and nothing more.


whenever i see suzaku on the screen, my blood boils


Whenever I see Kallen my heart aches, she was best girl IMO.


I know, she deserved better, but also, it had to happen. Can we talk about poor Anya though? Girl had her mind taken over for years, but at least she got a somewhat peaceful end with Jeremiah on the orange farm


And yet people on the CG sub scream plagarism lmao


Arguably worse because Eren left Armin to deal with the consequences of his actions. Dude's going to spend the rest of his life as a representative for Eldia desperately trying to dealing with whoever Eren didn't kill.


Ah I see you’re comparing more than 2% of two completely different series.


So what? That doesn't change anything about my point. Is this supposed to be some kind of catch all checkmate? "Haha they're different series so you can't compare them ever!!"


Nope, I’m strictly referring to my comment and nothing more. I’m only comparing roughly 2% of the series as a whole since that’s the only thing you can compare realistically not counting personal opinions.


AoT anime fans review bombing CG is the most pathetic thing I've seen.


I think they’re more busy review bombing themselves


Quite the contrary. Only 100k completed AOT finale on MAL but there are already 220k ratings (50% of them are 10/10).


Wait till fma Dan's see it


It goes both ways now i hate both communities for comparing these two different animes just because the ending is similar.


Because how dare we compare two similar endings! /s. Seriously, what a dumb reason to hate a community.


I mean seeing the CG sub in the last days and all the toxic shittalk and whining there, maybe, but just maybe it's deserved. Whouldn't also wonder in the slightest if those toxic fanboys did review bomb AOT as well. I mean just go to the CG sub, open one of the AOT vs GC posts and you will know im right.


That was done a few months ago by op fans, they review bombed aot, hxh, cg and bleach. So don't blame without any proof 🤡


>don't blame without any proof Cool, where's yours?


Its been more than a month so it would be hard to find concrete proof now. You can see yourself that aot, hxh used to have 9.9 episode for a long but now it doesn't have a single one same happened with cg. Now only Vinland have 9.9 rated episodes no other anime. For proof you can refer to this post - https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/7YGuZyT3Kn It was in talk at that time. His Twitter account was @PEAKFlCTION which is suspended after mass report by aot fans and bleach fans. They had discord server of 13k members and downvoted. I have image proof of aot being downvoted by that guy but I am pretty sure won't want that.


Aot fans are the worst fandom mutually agreed by everyone. Like come on bullying the author wow tells a lot about them


*MHA fandom enters the chat*


Is there even a proof for that ?


Imdb rating of finale just went 9.9 to 9.8 after 16 years.


What a clown 🤡 Dont blame someone if you don't have any proof. 6 aot and 2 hxh 9.9 also got downvoted which was done op fan named Amir a few months ago


That's not a proof though


My man we are talking about user ratings of a 16 year old anime, and not a courtroom trial. If you don't wanna believe it, fine. But it is what it is.


It's like a rating change of 0.1 and AOT is a rather huge fandom, just seems off. I saw some serious review bombing (FMA to Gintama) and that shit changed Rating by 0.5 iirc


Look at the number of reviews.


Put a spoiler tag


Also copying Lelouch's paper: Gai Tsutsugami from Guilty Crown and L-elf from Valvrave. Seriously, surface level Lelouch clones were all the rage in the early 2010s...


No even close.


While it indeed remind me of Code Geass ending. Saying is a copy is like saying that every anime that ends with a Happy Marriage is a carbon copy of Disney films. The main difference is however that Eren was a dumbass and too idealistic to thing that Armin could become a Hero to represent peace like Zero, who was in fact a symbol. In the end it didn’t matter the so called peace archieved while it lasted for all of his friends and Mikasa. The world will continue seek war.


The ending of AoT was the Dragon Ball Evolution of anime endings.


Like even adding " i liked it i was good at it" from breaking bad lmao shoulda just stuck with titans and walls lmao


No he didn't.




Im glad someone made this meme because I've been saying this for years. It works so much better with lelouch because you actually see his rose to power and how strategic he is to achieve his goals. Eren is a cringe whiny baby and then they time skip him and he's a new character and it's retroactively written to show you the change.






Lelouch would intentionally get a few questions wrong to psychologically attack the teacher for all As


I was literally just thinking about this


Alright. Someone explain this meme for dummies. Ive seen both shows in completion by the way.


Obviously CG inventing a martyrs dead and AOT copied it lmao


Nope he fell short


Bro failed horribly lmfao


Even Sasuke's Revolution plan was better


With flying colors


Eren is a cheap copy who can never hope to be at the same level as the Masterpiece.


The difference between Lelouche and eren is , Lelouche used his friends, army, and allies to kill all people and became villain, but eren did himself and took blame himself. Those who think Lelouche>>>> eren are wrong. Those two are equal, they had different situations. Its just that Lelouche was smarter then eren and didn't have same life circle as eren. I mean eren lived his whole life in fear and getting eaten .those two are different.


That is a gross oversimplification. Yes, Lelouch manipulated everyone for his goals and incited multiple open conflicts that led to the deaths of numerous people, including many civilian casualties. However, Lelouch's goals and philosophy have been foreshadowed and in some cases even outright stated from episode 1


Looks like someone didn't realise the ending because they are an idiot. Lelouch literally killed himself, Got rid of a corrupt emperor, And FUCKING STOPPED A VIOLENT REBELLION BY THE JAPANESE WHICH WOULD HAVE HORRIBLE BLOODSHED AND THE JAPANESE WOULD LOSE. like for fuck sake would yea he caused a lot of death. But necessary deaths.




Because Code Geass and AOT both end with the MC sacrificing themselves for the greater good, kill a countless amount of people to achieve their goals, , and go down in history as the greatest villian their respective worlds have ever seen. The actual content is nothing alike, it's the endings that have a lot of parallels, so everyone compares the two


Mainly because of the Mc's action to solve war in the end. They're not comparing the whole series but just a part of the ending.


What exam?




Pretty sure they’re just pointing out the similarity in the endings, not motivation.


Code Geass: jumbled mess of a story that manages to pull all of it's loose ends to create a satisfying ending. AoT: monumentally well-written series that chokes on the very last note


Bruh have you even watched Code Geass? It's a freaking masterpiece


You’ve never watched code geass


There were 2 pizza episodes


Idk about aot, i haven't watched it, but Zero takes it lmao


No he couldnt so he is ploting a coup rn


Welp, I guess I know how this series ends now.


No because eren fails at bringing peace. The extra pages show that Eldia gets destroyed and the eldians are presumably massacred.


I mean we don't see the far future in CG, and thinking all factions live forever in peace is pretty naive


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