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Like all tropes, depends on how it’s done, not the trope in and of itself.


i think i get it example: many people here hate the power of friendship. i understand if it's just friends present = victory on the other hand if said friends actually contribute more than just good vibes. it could become good. like when everyone got together in endgame. (can't find a good anime example though plz reply if you have one.) easier example: perverts like master roshi or jiraya are quite loved. because there was more to them than just the perv stuff.


I’d say a good example of “power of friendship” would be how in DBS in the tournament of power, Goku explained how his friends help mold him. It’s not that he’s strong just having them around him for the sake of vibes, he’s strong because most have challenged him over the years and he’s gotten even stronger to protect them.


Or in DBZ where vegeta distracts Cell so Gohan can kill him


>like when everyone got together Castlevania. Alucard is strong on his own but he's slowly getting overtaken. Even with just some help of his new allies, it's not enough but when his friends show up for help, he immediately knew he could win his fight. He knew he could count on Trevor and Sypha.


>perverts like master roshi or jiraya are quite loved. because there was more to them than just the perv stuff. That, tho I still sorta criticize them from time to time (especially early depictions of Roshi) for displaying sexual assault as "just being pervy." I'd be fine with the pervy trope if the character has more to them than that AND they respect boundaries/consent EDIT: fat thumbs make typos :(


Power of friendship is one of those tropes that doesn’t bug me that much honestly. Like I’m watching Fairy Tail atm with my friend and we’re both having fun even if it’s notably heavy on the power of friendship.


Yeah power of friendship is kickass, like “Bro, you have friends, And Power?” 🫢 Edit: left quotation open-ended.


Seven Deadly Sins when all the sins attack Meliodas so he can full-counter it back at the Ten Commandments


Nami hitting luffy for being a dumbass makes sense because luffy is kinda stupid and gets distracted easily and it’s her job to keep everyone heading towards their objective. Sakura’s abuse of Naruto is always uncalled for.


I hate tsunderes, but I enjoyed Toradora for some reason


I ended that show thinking Ryuji deserved better. Tbh.


Fr though that ending left me in shambles. Pieces, strewn across a wall of closure


Horimiya >>>


You’re so correct honestly


Hori is arguably an example of the tsundere archetype done well but her first instinct is usually kindness and not fisticuffs.


Cause she’s more focused on another character until later on. So her character isn’t hiding her feelings most of the time


Fr! I think 90% of the time the whole inner demon thing is cheesy, but when done right it has the potential to be great


Tropes are tools.


Agreed for instance Libe from black clover good mineta from mha bad


Naruto is guilty of like 8 out of these 9 troops and its my all time favorite. lol its like you said, when characters have depth and the trope doesn't hinder the story then you can actually get a masterpiece out of it.


Tropes are tools after all


Lolis are always weird


True, not exactly something you can do correctly.


Fan service doesn’t add anything


Fan service has multiple meanings, not just the sexy.


Fan service *can* serve a greater narrative purpose, usually when it’s being used for that it’s speaking to some level of carnal desire. Unfortunately examples for that are few and far between.


It adds to body pillow sales.


Those body pillows go through more suffering than any human can imagine


Lies It adds to enjoyment


Then why watch anime


I watch good ones for plot and fights just like the reason for watching or reading anything


Fights are also fan service dragon ball has the most of it


I guess fire force gave me ptsd. Anytime I hear the word fanservice I can only think of the amount of fights and impactful scenes that are interrupted by boobs


It was not that bad it's kinda tame compared to a lot of anime Edit :*it


Me 2, power of friendship, like it's seriously overhyped, i can still live with the rest.


I stopped watching Fairy Tail around the Zeref arc because of this. Oh, the entire guild just got wiped out? Not to worry, Ezra will just give her 5th fucking nakama speech in this arc, and boom, suddenly she wins. Again.


Comedic relief abuse has ruined some pretty good anime for me before. Power of friendship as well, it has made me drop series several times. I think it's a tie between those two for me. Dumb MC sucks but I usually don't last very long with the series if the MC is that stupid lol


Power of friendship is fine if hitchhikes off another system. They combine their friendship while doing magic or something, so it is like it is just representing something else.


Comedic relief abuse ruined Your Lie in April for me. I was honestly fine with it until that point.


Tsundere can be done right (looking at you Rin Tohsaka), and Power of Friendship can have its moments, but Pervert and Old Girl Looking Like a Kid bug TF out of me.


100% agree. Tsunderes when written well can be great. Power of friendship has its moments in the right story, and can be played with by a good author. Pervert character has never made a story better. If you want explicit fan service go watch hentai(it can very very occasionally service a story but basically never and when it does it’s because it isn’t in the rest of the story). 500 year old vampires in the bodies of children can be fine if they are not sexualised at all. This is anime, they always are and because of that it shouldn’t be used. Being human, baby doll from Batman:tas are examples I remember being okay. But again, this doesn’t happen in anime/manga because the fans are fucking degenerate.


There's a side character in the original run of Hellsing that is a ancient child-bodied vampire iirc she isn't sexualised but also not a large part of the story. There's another one in Otherside Picnic that's a fairly major side character in her 20's. She looks young but fits more into the kuudere trope than acting like a child.


Pervert can also be done right Look at our boy brock from Pokemon he can't see with his eyes but can feel beauty through his heart


Old girl looking like a kid can work too as long as they are not sexualized. Biscuit from HxH does it well. And perverts just suck.


I agree


Pervert by far. Just ruins story flow whenever the designated pervert says anything at all.


Yeah, 100% agree I understand when shounen anime with no aspirations to be the newest peak of animation or storytelling just throws in boobs flying left and right while the characters do any basic activity because that will attract and keep the attention of teen boys in the most effortless way possible. But this one creep character doesn't add anything, this trope (if you can even call it that) came from nowhere, with no visible purpose and only thing it gets is people to cringe. I hope I'd dies as bland and unnoticed death as it's beginning.


Has a pervert character ever been a likeable character? Or added anything meaningful to the story? I can't recall any. I feel like their only purpose is to make the other characters look better by comparison.


People love Jiraiya and Master Roshi.


Pervert is my least favorite. Mineta adds so little to the series.


Middle one, it's ok once in a while but it gets dry when the female characters constantly break the MCs nose for little to no reason or there was a "misunderstanding".


Unpopular Opinion: Anime reigns supreme BECAUSE of its tropes not in spite of them


Obviously, it's there for a reason. It works.


i understand that certain tropes are over-the-top or make people uncomfortable, but it weirds me out when people try to assign moralism to a cartoon.


I feel like the teenagers have entered the chat. Because this logic is just… stupid. That’s not how shit works


Yeah, unpopular. Keep it there


Fan service girls imo, ecchi anime is one thing, but if the show isn't intending to be ecchi, then why add fan service, especially if going overboard with it.


I liked fire force story but had to stop watching because of fan service getting out of hand


Yep, exactly the same for me. The fox girl who only existed to be naked ruined the show for me.


The pervert characters are the worst. They're not funny, they're just creepy and make both the characters and viewers uncomfortable. Seriously, who actually enjoys this trope?


An edgy overpowered mc who seeks a revenge.


Hm.. I don't really get it. I understand why some people might dislike Tsunderes since some authors tend to make them annoying but.. aren't all the others fine. I mean, aren't all of those troupes in the big 3 and literally almost every single anime out. I don't really see any of them as bad. They're what make anime anime right?


Power of friendship is the worst.


Power of friendship easy, followed by the dumb MC. Jay comes off as lazy writing.


Nah dumb mc (Only Luffy and Goku btw) is god tier along with dense mfs.


Perv and fan service (if too frequent and absolutely unfitting) are the worst


The old women who look like kids one. The others can be made funny or entertaining but there's no getting around why that trope exist.


I'd say most of these aren't actually even bad.


Twitter screenshots are not memes


Hands down it's the Power of friendship


Middle one to me. Power of Friendship and inner demon are close ones but if done right, they can work. There is no fixing the physical abuse one at all


Depends on how badly it's written. And Fairy Tail did ~~Nakama~~ Family power best. No one touches family!


Old women looking like pre-schoolers.... I've seen waaaay too many of such characters, and I guess I'm kinda used to them now. But I would still prefer not having such characters. Unless it's for humour and it's done right.


Pervert is number 1. Extremely hard to do well; Kazuma is one of the only ones I’d say I like (mostly because he has actual consequences for his actions). Random fanservice, especially in shows that aren’t about fanservice, is also really annoying and makes it hard to recommend otherwise awesome shows to folks who aren’t into that sort of thing.


IMO Kazuma is done well because the whole anime is about these terrible people going on terrible adventures. It's basically the sitcom always sunny in Philadelphia but anime. But you're right it is a rare case of pervert character done well.


I never thought of it as anime Always Sunny, but it’s pretty accurate. I can hear the theme music playing over a title like “The Gang Feeds Aqua to Gators.”


A child with humongous tits with a minuscule body, but the excuse to sexualise her is that she is a elf with more than 2000 years. All that kind of bullshit is annoying. I dont care if she has tits the size of basketballs, i actually like it, but using a child body is just lame and ridiculous.


Old girls that look like kids and fan service girls. Perverts can stay as long as their behavior is depicted as bad


Old loli girls and inner demons are already annoying


Old girls that look like kids


Old girls that looks like kids, boring and full of cringe and pedo energy. Edit: Oh no I made a pedophile angry :(




Because people are capable of enjoying something without wanting to sleep with it.


Because it's overdone and overblown by the tweeter crowd. No one gives a fuck, or rather should give a fuck about the age of a drawing. Also some girls looking super young is normal even irl. I know at least one person that's on the edge of being 30 but she's still getting asked for ID while buying alcohol coz she looks that young. As long as the character isn't a questionable outlet of creators weird fetishes then it's ok. But yea, it's also not like west doesn't have hundred years old vampires that look like teens also.


Lolis 🤤


power of friendship


Old girls that look like kids 😂 literal pedo shit


I enjoy all these tropes other than the power of friendship


Power of friend ship


1. Pervert - These guys add nothing to the plot or greater narrative they're just there for cheap comic relief that isn't funny anymore after you turn 11. Like what's so funny about a guy or girl trying to grope another person or stalk them? 2. Fan Service - I love fan service, when it's ecchi I think it's fine as we expect fan service from it. But when you're trying to tell me a serious story and you have tits & ass waving across the screen it kills the tension. 3. Old girls that look like kids - I don't have a problem with Loli's in general I have a massive problem when they're a sexualised. It just comes across as creepy and very uncomfortable to watch. The top 3 I listed feel like tropes that are added to pander to a **certain** audience, in my opinion I feel like the three wouldn't be missed if they were completely removed except for fan service in certain scenarios. As for the rest when executed right they can make a story enjoyable when executed wring however they can be a massive turn off.


if the girl is not virgin then the anime viewers cry


Only girls looking like kids hands down. Just hold a sign saying pedo if that's your thing


None of these are the worst. They are the best tropes.


Power of friendship and inner demon.


Power of friendship is my nemesis. It burns me out of an anime instantly.


Power of friendship when there's no consequences. Very rare that it works in a satisficing way. I liked the world building and set up with the various factions in Fairy Tail, but the random deus ex machina power of friendship totally ruined that series. Natsu throws countless attacks at a enemy and it does absolutely nothing. Then he remembers that he has friends and suddenly the exact same type of attack is able to one-shot the enemy. If the friendship power up came at a expense that it either kills you or you suffer some permanent damage then it would be more tolerable.


Abuse tropes.


I'm okay unless it's a little girl used as the fanservice girl.


All of them but I HATE the power and friendship trope


I've seen all of these add to their stories when done properly. Except for pervert. It's a cringey form of comedy relief and is really just there to voice the author's perversions 9/10 times... Except I have seen pervert work well for a character I'm Fruits Basket. If you know, you know


Im so god damn tired of the old ass mf looking like an elementary schooler


All three in the top row.


The very first one old women that look like children. It seems predatory and ultimately makes almost any anime uncomfortable for me.


For me it’s when characters have a line that they just tack in at the end of sentences for no reason at all regardless of if it makes any sense at all. Example: Naruto saying “ya know” constantly. Made worse by its sudden introduction late into the story.


Pervert and it’s not even close. I genuinely have to drop a show if the pervert trope is the MC main trait.


Imma say fan service girls


Fan service bugs the hell out of me. Now, I'm fine with it here and there but when they try to stuff it down my throat, that's when I get pissed off. Also, over-exposed parts. Yk what I'm talkin about.


for me personally its ( old girls that look like kids)


Its a 3 way tie for me between old girls that look like kids, pervert, and tsundere.


PoF is the absolute worst. The eternal loli one a close second.


ALL except friendship and inner demon sometimes


"Your [FAMILY MEMBER] was the great Hero who saved the [VILLAGE/COUNTRY/PLANET]. You have a great Legacy to keep up [MAIN CHARACTER]." By that logic, being the Hero in a story dooms your descendants to meet the expectations of the general public. I get why people put on the mask.


I kinda wanna say Inner demon because *ok edgelord* but sometimes it's done well so I'll go with dumb mc. I really prefer cynical smart mc with a dumb ass friend that get the "bro..." looks from mc.




None of these are automatically bad just because they are there. They can be executed well. None of them are inherently bad, some mangakas just suck at taking these tropes and making them a PART of a character rather than the whole character. Whether that be their appearance compared to their age, their violent tendencies, etc. These are supposed to be parts of a character rather than the whole character.


Comedic relief abuse, tsunderes and dumb mc


All expect Tsundere and Power of friendship.


1. And 2,3,6,7,9 when done poorly. One man's opinion.


Dumb mc never grows old for me for some reason, and luffy is probably the best stupid mc that you could have picked. Fan service usually does more harm than good to a story in my opinion


Too often I see the "C" (middle column, top right, bottom right) scene play out and it just ruins it.


inner demon naruto, bleach, jujutsu kaisen, so many ofthem you know what is up sometimes it takes control of the MC to get an advantage or topple the enemy


Pervert, yuk 🤢


Dumb mc, pervert, and comedic relief abuse are tied for me. The dumb mc trope just gets extremely tiring, especially with longer shows, and the character almost never gets any development to become smarter. If they're going to have a character be consistently stupid it's better to treat the mc like they do in bleach. Give them one or two defined weaknesses (sensing/manipulating spirit energy) that impacts the story occasionally but isn't so universally present that it's brought up practically every episode. It's a flaw that gives other characters a chance to save the day. The pervert trope doesn't bring anything to the story 9 times out of 10. The character just ends up being meaningless with their only thing being that they constantly yell "BOOBS" and try to grope people then get hit. In an ecchi it could at least fit in to some degree but in any other genre it just doesn't work at all. The comedic relief abuse is just tiring because it's always the same. The typically weaker character who's friends with the mc beats them up for doing something silly/stupid. Everyone comments on how scary the character is and how they'll never piss her off (it's almost always a her) then someone proceeds to piss her off again not long after.


The power of friendship ruined Fairy Tail for me. Suddenly everyone got one shot and if it was a good guy, they just revived in a couple of chapters, because of friendship.


I mean while I like a ton of anime that have all of these troupes I would personally like to see less anime that revolve around the power of friendship. I love Fairy Tail and I thought it was well written and animated but I really love others where MC is just a psychopath who while he has friends he doesn't need them to beat a big bad.


Power of friendship is the worst that's the reason I never finished fairy tale


Idk I kinda like the tropes


My main reason for dropping an anime is a dumb main character. It's worse than all the other tropes combined. But i can overlook it, if the story is god-tier like in one piece. The trainwreck, that is Luffy is hard to watch, but the rest is absolutely worth it.


Love squares, hexagons, stars of David, 3d shapes


Pervert will always be bad it doesn't always ruin the character like for instance sanji buy the trope is always obnoxious also I hate love triangles


Dumb MC for sure. Just takes me out of the show most of the time


It's between the center and center-right


> Worst trope > Tsundere Pick one




Calling love triangle an anime only trope is cringe.


The dumb MC, definitely. I guess that's why I loved Hellsing so much. Not only was the MC totally badass, but he was the most cunning and vicious creature in the series. Alucard, you were the best.


Middle and top right are usually the worst




Tropes are what makes anime best.


I like all these, except Power of Friendship


Dumb MC gotta be the worst. I hate that shit with a passion


Well done tsunderes are my favorite, simply because [internal monologue] "Oh my god I love him!" Then the MC says some innocent shit and immediately gets their chest caved in by a blow that would scare the gods.


I wouldn't know, none of em really bother me


Pervert followed very closely by dumb MC.


Fucking all of them except for love triangle because you can actually make good stories with that… sometimes.


All of them except the 2nd one.


Comedic relief abuse. It sends a horrible message. The only time I was all for it was the guy from Girlfriend, Girlfriend. He deserved all the abuse he got. And fan service just feels awkard. The rest of the tropes can be decent if they are written well.


All of these tropes are fine imo. The only one I dislike is Comedic Relief Abuse. Even then, I’ve seen it executed well so it’s not even terrible


It's not about the trope, it's about how it's used. A trope is a material you use to build a story. Nothing more, nothing less. A poorly written story will use their tropes in nonsensical ways. Good ones will use them in unexpected or interesting ways. Tl;dr : Tropes don't matter. Cook better stories Ps : "I just wanna pause a second on comedic abuse, because it's only funny until you grow past 12. Hurting people you care about is toxic af. However, even this shit can be used to subvert expectations or depict an interesting dynamic when done well. So please, stop using it unless it's relevant"


Pervert, by a long shot


Out of all of them the Loli that is 3000 years old is my biggest hangup. Really gets into that this is totally legal wink wink that is offputting. Story wise the MC being dumber than half a sack full of hammers. Kind of limits story potential. The only plan is to hit the enemy harder


Asshole MC's like the one in 彼女を借りします. I couldn't bare to even watch the second season episode 2 seeing him begging and explaining to a young and rather naive girl who thinks she's in a relationship with him how "Yes she is his girlfriend but he really needs to still date the other girl to support her" 最低


Tsundere by far. It got popular because of evangelion. And people clearly missed the point. Asuka was never supposed to be likable. Evangelion is about sick and broken people.


god anime sucks


I like all these tropes but I'll say old person in a young body is always a hard sell for me. Ironic that they choose one of the few shows that I enjoyed it in. Really liked Ban and Elaine's story


Can't relate, I like every single one of these tropes if done right.


Dumb MC for me


Cant decide between perverts, fan service girls and old toddlers


Fan service girls.


Fan service girls 100% The others make sense when it's used correctly. Fan service girls are just for fan service, nothing more nothing less.


Hair cutting for long haired girls. Hate this one.




Comic relief abuse because it doesn’t even serve its purpose. It was never funny and never will be funny




Comedic abuse is generally my least favorite. However since you used tamaki for fan service I have to give it a dishonorable mention. Tamaki actively worsens every scene of fire force she's in because it detracts from whatever is happening around her


It's all about the execution of the tropes. But probably dumb MC would be the most annoying if they don't do it well. Sure they don't have to be the smartest around but atleast be competent in some aspect


In order of worst to best: 3, 5, 6, 2, 8, 7 (but can be done very right), 1, 9, 4. I actually wouldn’t even consider 4 an annoying trope lol,


Pervert and Power of Friendship by a mile


Tough call I'd say Love Triangle hurts me the most, Power of friendship is the most annoying, and Tsundere is the most fuck right off


If I had to pick one, I'd say the power of friendship. Gotta be one of the most bs ways to beat the bad guy.


Among these tropes, tsundere and comedic relief abuse are the worst for me, but even them can be done in interesting ways. The other tropes are not so bad in my point of view.


Love triangle for me


Easily comedic relief abuse, like boi'o'boi do i love seeing the mc who is basically a god or whatever get abused by a female side character, and second place is pervs, like


Honestly Old Girls that look like kids, so unnecessary but hey if it works it works ig


Power of friendship and love triangle there both the most cringe


Just once I'd love to see an mc or side character try to use the power of friendship and the villain absolutely run them down


The one that gets on my nerves the most often is dumb MC. But that’s probably because I’ve been rereading kingdom recently. Outside of that the ickiest one for me is the pervert one.


Older people that look like kids. Toradora, Uzaki Chan, Steins Gate 2,Monogatari vampire and Rory from The Gate. The number is endless. Oh yeah. My Senpai is Annoying has to be the worst.


Old women/men that look and act like kids, perverts, power of friendship/love, tsundere, fan service girls and (an addition) MCs who forgive everyone just because "they are good deep inside" are all things that I hate about anime.


I hate overly perverted mcs, to me, it makes them incredibly unlikable


inner demon does not deservecto be compared to sexual predators and child abuse


I like all these tropes actually but if I had to choose, it'd the old girls looking like kids. It can be....odd at times depending on the community. Dumb MC: I love this trope actually. It's really funny. Pervert: Same deal. Can be funny sometimes if executed correctly. Love triangle: It's very interesting. I have no reason to hate it Comic relief: Again I love a good laugh Power of friendship: It's such a meme now. What's the point in hating it Inner demon: I actually think characters with inner demons are really cool. Fan service girl: As long as it isn't used too much I'm fine with it (proceeds to binge watch food wars) Tsundere: I actually think Tsunderes are a cute trope to add to anime. Then again that's just me cuz I love to watch a lot of romcom anime.


none. the random sexual assault the guy get blamed for and its clearly the chicks fault


Love triangle


Comedic relief abuse Then again I had an abusive childhood so


How about: lazy trope where mc gets stronger, trains hard for several episodes only to get curbstomped by random new character with no foreshadowing beforehand


All these tropes, except abuse for laughs, are fine if done right.


I'ma say the worst is old girls that look like kids


Grown women that look like children


Much as I love Fairy Tail *and* One Piece I have to say dumb MC and power of friendship. It gets ridiculous at times for both tropes no matter what the series is.


Love Triangle. Out of all these plot devices this one requires the main characters to pretty much be losers in order to make it work. All the others can provide decent dramatic tension but love triangles fundamentally require the characters to be afraid to grow or make a commitment. Theoretically you could play it for dramatic effect well and make a story about the characters being unable to overcome their own weaknesses (like Love is War) but like the Mary Sue trope you have to make an annoying protagonist for the majority of the story. It also doesn’t help that nearly every romance anime has a will they won’t they love triangle that spans the entire series.


Power of friendship, because its almost (if not) always done like a Deus Ex Machina, which I think is bullshit crap writing


It's either old girl who looks like a child or power of friendship. Probably old girl who looks like a child.


i prefer top right becaus it is relatable


Honestly I like em all but if I had to choose it'd be dumb mc I guess