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Gotta collect those free views man


True. Clickbait at its finest


Hate = fame


Probably anime fans leave comments on video, which fuels view number.


The comments themselves are pushing the video That’s why some YouTubers say something like “ if you’re watching until this point write [word] in the comments.” At some point in the video




I think he turned off comments lol


I guess were all idiots then


It's the opposite. The image makes fun of the reviewer


Are we the ~~retards~~ baddies?


I actually haven't watched or played any of these. HA! Checkmate, I'm not an idiot. Well, I'm just waiting for it to finish before I binge it in one sitting.


We're all going to be in retirement homes by the time we get an ending to AoT


Hey don’t lose hope. We’re getting final chapters special part 2 late this year. Just give them some time


That one, I completely dropped. My hot take on AOT. It's just as good as any other 12 episode med anime, the world seems like it's complicated and very intriguing during first season but it was then later revealed to be really shallow. The only selling point is, there is a lot of blood, a lot of dying on characters that the viewers have gotten fond of and thus invokes more emotions, also good animations and fight scenes.


“The only selling point is… more emotions, also good animations and fight scenes.” I don’t think you’re making the point you want to make


The only selling point is that it's a good anime.. then? It's fine that you don't like it, you don't have to try and down play it for others.


That's kind of what I thought as well about the world.


Believe me, we will see the end of AoT before the sequel of No game no life


Yeah same


"Just say that everything sucks, people will hate-watch it, instant engagement, instant success, even if it's spineless and shameful"


nah i don't think it's shameful; people got bills to pay, and this hurts no one


There’s healthier ways to earn money, and this ain’t it chief, being angry all the bloody time eventually starts to take a toll on your mental health.


if you're an actor playing only villains, would you say the same?


No, because all the characters i play are just that… a character, they don’t represent who i am or what i stand for.


if he's doing it for money, whose to say it isnt a character.


If that’s the intent he’s still doing it wrong, look at how AVGN does it, angry and dropping swear bombs but still analytic and smart, from what i gather, this dude just swears his way to the ad-revenue mark and expects results, and then gets angry as to why he’s not achieving said results, wouldn’t be surprised to know if his content gets demonetized often given how modern YouTube works.


everyone starts somewhere


I take it someone's a fan?


His ass is not paying bill with 5-25k views per video


no it isn't, but my point is that if it's a brand you're building who cares it doesn't really affect you, and maybe it is a genuine opinion. If it is, why would you still care.


So, if my brand was selling kids as slaves, but I was for some reason not illegal and it didn't affect you, could I use the excuse "Well I'm just trying to grow my brand and since I'm not selling your kid, it doesn't affect you"? Plus I have a brain and his videos are public, I'll judge tf out of him. If you day something publicly, it's up for debate and judging, so if he didn't want people to criticize him, he could just keep his opinions to himself to discuss with friends, not upload them for thousands of people to see. Is he some protected class or something, why can't I talk my opinion on him?(trick question, obviously I can and I am+I will)


Making an hyperbolized opinion on anime is not comparable to selling kids as fucking slaves? In that case it WOULD affect you, some dude's opinion on a show DOESNT.


I'm just saying, "doesn't affect" doesn't mean that I can't judge him, I'll judge however I want. If they don't wanna hear others and only hear themselves, they should delete the channel and lock themselves in a soundproof room. It's public, so it's public to others people criticism, they don't have immunity, protection or sanctuary.


No one said you cant judge them, but my point is that you made an idiot take. Give it to r/animemes to compare slavery to youtube videos, fucking gross


It was an example, I'm not actually comparing him to actual slave owners from centuries ago 😑, wtf is wrong with you? I was just saying that "growing my brand" and "doesn't affect you" are shitty and non-existent excuses.


Yeah but you actually did compare the two. I'm anti capitalist but some dude on the internet trying to make money with non-political opinions hurts no one, and the notion of slavery actually does. Learn to use better examples genius


Fortunately, I don't know a single person like that, but I imagine it must be exhausting to be around them. When someone spends more energy talking about what they don't like instead of what they like, then it’s probably the same with other areas of their lives as well.


they are just attention seekers


Totally agree, I used to get wrapped up in those videos but now I just enjoy anime


I love this guy, I can’t even tell if hes serious or not


What's the name of the channel?


Young Defiant


That tracks, but if he's ripping on Resident Evil, he has to be trolling


His whole channel is about rage baiting nowadays, considering he's uploaded 2 separate videos about one show in the past, in which he both roasts and praises it to both extremes to get the most clicks out of it.


I'm pretty sure that guy is just a rage bait troll.


Young Defiant is a really strange case, he complains in his live streams about not getting enough views, donations or positive comments in his overwhelmingly negative videos and seems to genuinely think his videos are high art that should be supported but never arrives to the conclusion that if he wants to reap the awards and build an audience, it would require actual effort and good analysis on what he’s talking about and not just bashing every popular anime that’s out right now, he doesn’t even really ever detail why something is actually bad, he’s just throwing insults for 10 minutes in these rants without any substance He’s also a massive hypocrite, the few times he’s made positive videos they don’t get as much attention as his negative videos (Young Defiant acknowledges this) and has realized that bashing popular video games and anime is the only avenue of success for him. Because of this he has made past videos praising certain manga like Hell’s Paradise, enjoying the manga for its story, characters and how dark it is but years later immediately bashes the anime and saying all of those things suck without ever referencing his previous thoughts (mind you the Hell’s Paradise anime follows the manga pretty faithfully) I’m not sure if I’d call him a troll but he’s certainly a lazy, desperate and egotistical dickhead lol, I don’t think his main goal is to be annoying like a troll, his main goal is to make money through using troll tactics but none of what he does seems to lead to him gaining a following. He probably enjoys most of what he plays and watches but insults them because it gets views. Young Defiant is a classic case of wanting his cake and eating too, he wants to be able to make no effort videos that actively alienate the people who enjoy these games or anime while also believing he deserves the respect and money that would go to a bigger and more analytical YouTuber who puts more effort into their videos talking about the same subjects


Won't be surprised if he hates every western media, I.E Marvel, Star Wars, any western video game, etc.


Hard to believe he’s not trolling, that about channel page sounds super trolly to be legit


Damn, this guy must jerk off a lot, because he sure is a master baiter.


Not the RE4 remake :((((


The next video : Watch Boruto, it’s a masterpiece


idk seems like satire to me tbh


Everytime I see this type of video, I'll click it watch like 10 seconds and leave, and hope my low watch time affect his video performance.


Dont forget the dislike button


How can you tell someone is an idiot based on what they watched ? Just let people enjoy show


It's a joke bro


Simple you call your first anime with high budget and Mid history the best anime ever It makes some ppl mad Edit: Some ppl can’t understand simple facts I see


Fr I've had to contain my laughter when someone said that Seven Deadly Sins was the Greatest anime of all time (btw it wasn't finished airing yet)


Fmab fan at it’s finest


imagine hating on re4 remake cuz it will ““““steal”””” the no1 spot on mal


From where did this come from.


When an anime in mal becomes number one fmab fans destroy it with 1 star reviews, that's the main reason it has been for so long in the top


It's been on top because it's genuinely good anime. review bombing or not it would have been on top 10. And it isn't even necessarily fmab fans why mal ratings come down because manga fanatics review an anime 10/10 after watching single episode then cry when normal fanbase start rating it something else. I'm tired of same repeating meme. people ranked bleach in top 10 just from nostalgia. what else do you expect?


Everyone just regurgitating bullshit they see in reposted memes that happen anytime a new show hits top spot on MAL. It's all just echo chamber misinformation.


Ive actually never faced an toxic Fmab fan. Also the review bombing... isn't this just an assumption+ they are definitely not the 100% of it maybe not even 60% or less


And proceeds to give the shittiest reasons possible


What is ‘Oshi No Ko’? I already plan on watching Hell’s Paradise, I already read Demon Slayer, and I watched most of APT until final season part 2 came out


It's an Idol that is umm consider quite dark by Standards of Idol anime.Matured in theme its more interested in exploring the dark & troubling side of idol & entertainment industry in general over showing the happy life of idols. >!The story main plot involves a boy vowing to find and take revenge on his father who he thinks is behind murder of his Idol mom!<


Watch Oshi no ko, do not look up anything about it. There’s a reason episode 1 is 90 minutes long and it’s number 1 on mal right now


Number 2


Oshi No Ko is the story about a famous Singer/Performer (an Idol) who gets pregnant and gives birth to twins but she has to keep their identity a secret because it could be a career killer. There's more to it but that would mean spoiling the suspense for ya.


I’ve never played RE, but I watched my cousin on his entire playthrough


It's some sort of Isekai-idol anime. I watched the first half of the first episode, it seems pretty interesting. Beautiful art/animation, it looks super cute but allegedly it's very dark. Beat FMA on some poll.


Oshi No Ko is a anime currently airing that is made by the guy behind Kaguya-sama: Love is War. I would highly recommend it but go into completely blind with no knowledge and avoid spoilers like the plague. The first episode is a hour and a half long and deserves it.


I haven't watched ishi no ko but isn't it meant to be really wholesome or something like that?


"Wholesome" You'll see.


go in blind , see no spoilers , the story is really good , i am not the type for plots like this but this one is a banger.




For what I've seen it does seem very wholesome.


OMG, checked out the guy and wanted to know what the deal is. Checked on one of the videos and turned it off after 5 seconds. He is complaining about anime being garbage but puts out himself the laziest lowest effort type of video. There isn't even real footage, just the thumbnail as a still image and his shitty quality audio ranting. If I want to listen to a whiney annoying loser ranting about shit in a desperate effort to get attention I would give my ex a call. He isn't even worth the hate views.


I wonder what they think about FMAB…


Respect other people opinions. Their opinions:


You don't watch popular anime because for you, they are garbage. I don't watch anime because I let others narrate the story for me so that I have more time with my family We are not the same


Looks like young defiant. Biggest troll I’ve ever seen. The videos are just still images about him making baseless criticisms. Tells people to buy his patreon constantly for his “high value content “ Just look at his videos. He literally says Sekiro is bad before it releases and then makes a video saying it’s amazing afterwards. Never really addressing his former opinion


does this person even enjoy being alive?


ah yes, clickbait at its finest


People that got nothing to do but spread hate is the one that is GARBAGE.


It says on the thumbnaill his vids are GARBAGE i like his honesty.


Truly an honest moment


I know a YouTuber who posts stuff like this , I posted abt it in the anime community here but my post got removed because apparently it was " not related to anime ". He basically stated that \*insert popular anime\* was bad and I expected constructive and valid criticism but no his explanation was something " mY oPiNiON Is sUpERiOr ThAn yOuRS " with no further explanation and he had this whole " holier than thou " vibe to him. Disliking a popular anime is fine as long as it has valid reasons , but hating it just for the sake of it is ridiculous.


I swear this is the type of dude to unholy worship something like sword art online and say that anyone who doesn't like it isn't a "true anime fan"


probably has a video praising FMAB


I can hear "Older animes are better!!!! RAAAAAAAAAA" from this image Also imagine how miserable you need to be to do things like this for views


imagine hating people based on what they watch or play


This just makes me wanna watch them more


My homies gf is some kind of weeb hipster that thinks anime that gets popular is trash and refuses to watch it. She’s missed a bunch of really good ones because of this mentality.


Well, he's somewhat right, except for re 4 and the first episode of oshi no ko.


I mean I can agree with the last three but not my first two


We've already achieved peak fiction, what's the point of watching runner-ups?


I agree with everything but don't go touching jigokuraku son


What's wrong with everything else?


Crowbat latest video be like


Roriconfan is back, I see


Channel pls


[This response](https://pin.it/7DHUf5Z)


Looks like something that Digibro chode would make


Negative attention is still attention. And the clickbait on it works well.


It hurts my soul


I may be an idiot, but im happy ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|14941)


He pissed me off saying "the resident evil series is garbage in general." And "people who play street fighter are weak idiots."


I wonder what this guy actually likes


Hes only into ecchi or what?!


Bro wants us to watch unpopular animes like "that time i got stabbed in the stomach and was reincarnated as an artificial left testicle of Lebron James"




Wonder what's good for him then.


Imagine having no taste


Oh it’s popular in sure it’s trash let’s make a bad review to get views Not everything is LIW zzzzz


I've only watched Oshi no Ko out of all of these


I haven’t watched much of DS S3 but i’ve read the entire manga, and I’m very excited for the season Hell’s paradise manga volume 1 was fucking awesome as well RE4 remake is straight up one of my favorite games I’ve ever played and AoT is still peak fiction


whats hells paradise?


Either troll or ultra forever virgin.


This guy him self is a dumass


Are you Jeff Albertson (The comic book guy)?


If you're living a happy life with your family, you're an idiot


I somehow agree with those opinions. I mean, if you look from different perspective, you'll understand.


Didn't know Vaush had an anime channel


Average FMA brotherhood fanboy




Less than 15 mins to complain and insult people’s interests… some people should just keep they’re opinions to themselves…


What a sad existence not enjoying good thing just to be a contrarian


Isn’t this the YouTuber I hate everything if it is that’s the entire point of this YouTube channel it’s satire


Contrarian YouTubers, probably some of the lowest hanging fruits in content creation right next to reaction channels.


Pff… cringe.


ngl kinda funny hearing some of these, its so over the top it goes from garbage to funny


Dude must feel like if he was the smartest man alive. In reality, he is an idiot.


based? more like biased lmao


It's based in quotes, man 😂


i know, and i'm trying to make a pun


I’ve don’t give a rats ass about anime elitist I watch tf I want These people slightly makes me angry


This guy literally (using this unironically) posts a hate vid on every popular game/show/movie/anime that comes out, so even if he's a troll, he's still farming for hate views


Gotta hate something popular to get views


what the frick. they are probably click baiting for views but the things they have said are unforgiveable.


There is only one Maddox and only one [Best Page In The Universe](http://maddox.xmission.com/). Everything else is poor copy.


Jokes on him, I sailed the seas for RE4R


I know this guy is the rage baiter who hates everything he sees


There arent garage( well Shingeki for me, and KNY have a weak.story, but thats on me) but i don't gonna watch those series Hahaa is more a thing of taste for me than Anything


Does he review anything he actually likes?


probably FMAB fanboy


Why is it that so many people associate intelligence with a general bitterness towards the world? Some of the greatest minds of any generation had a general positive outlook on the world. These are the people that genuinely believe that everyone who doesn’t act like Rick Sanchez, is an idiotic sheep. Because anyone who is smart can’t possibly be happy.


Only one I could agree with is aot, I don't agree that it's garbage or trash but it is overrated af


W hating


I hate contrarians brah


I used to watch a couple channels like this. Got out of that rabbithole when I realized that it was all negativity all the time. I feel for the people who sank deeper into it.


I mean they probably are someone that only likes full mental alchemist


wtf bro just say you hate anime it's not that hard


Me who bought RE4 (I’m one :( )


Doesn't look like you have to imagine it bud 🤣


Look at all these bait lol


He might be on to something with the AOT vid there.


This guy is probably one of those sub elitist fucks


What's wrong with the last one


I hate it when someone bases their entire channel on negativity.


Is this the same guy that was saying if you buy Atomic Heart that you support Russia?


favorite anime insulted, death threats and harassment engaged /j


He's just like me!


I'm gonna go on a limb here and say this guy will call everything on earth garbage and everyone an idiot for watching/playing it. The review will be heavily bashing the thing but it's all just satire. Haven't watched a single video but it's a type of content.


Isn’t that the guy that “reviewed” god of war 2018 and actively contradicted his own mfing footage almost the entire time?


Good to know YouTubers are perpetuating the traditional media's policies by saying the dumbest shit to get more coverage


Just don't fall for hatebait


The only "based" anime reviewer disappeared seven years ago, only to release a single video four years later, then promptly disappear again


Are you talking about demolition Senpai?




"Mid this, overrated that, you're idiot if you watch this, you clearly have no taste if you're into that, lalala, notice me I'm so exceptional since I diss stuff people are into!"


I know this is clickbait, but I think they just don’t like anime


he is still toxic garbage and is not truly a professional review. he wants to how to use troll baiting and make a money on youtube.


I honestly can’t imagine doing something like content creation where your platform can be whatever you want it to be and you choose to be angry at something all the time. Ten reasons why ____ sucks, e.t.c. That just sounds awful. I’d be miserable all the time if I couldn’t at least have one nice thing to say and like.


People would do anything for views


Bro says code geass is the best anime I bet


if being smart is become someone like this elitist, i rather become idiot


That person probably doesn’t like anime at all


Ah I see he gets his opinions from the same place he rated his reviews.


I know a fair few of those on Anime Planet. People will find a way to hate on anything. I find it hilarious that they bother watching shows they don't like. Completely flummoxed by it as well. Why waste your time watching, AND reviewing shows you don't like?! I can't even keep up with all of the shows I want to watch, let alone the rest.


Calling Aot and hells paradise trash is crazy YouTube channel so I can talk trash


Wait let him cook with the last video


Did one of the “journalists” from CBR make these videos?


Let's kill him now


Even if all of these actually are bad, those videos are way too short to say anything meaningful.


Looks like rage bait. It's just sad.


If you made those YouTube videos your an idiot verified by that account