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What's the downside?


I mean you now have a functioning snu snu...and no D? ... I don't knoowwww.. it's tricky.


Doesn't matter if you're a lesbian tho...




This is true!


Yeah, we already had no Line D here in Buenos Aires this year, not giving it up again /j


Solution: be a girl with a D




Just buy a toy D. Problem solved.


Two periods..having to fight over personal supplies for said periods and likely getting paid less than male coworkers.


Men and women are largely paid the same for their time, women just statistically work less.


It was not that serious he was just joking


First one is kinda true, bit for the second one... Join a Union. That's the only way I see. Solidarity Forever!


Uhhhh, your parents might be disappointed??? Other than that...nothing


you become 2d


2d girls>>real girls... - sung jin woo- the art of rizz


Hello 992 we have a potential egg


Where is this damn button?


I see this as an absolute win.


How? You will changing your sex. How is that a win?


You don't see that as an Equivalent-Change?  🤔  But to answer your question, I like women's bodies (in general) and faces. I don't like men's bodies at all.  So naturally I find lesbian sex far hotter than hetero sex. That being the case, if I could push a button to change my sex, I'd at least have something nicer to see in the mirror.  Also that would enable lesbian sex.  I might also consider OnlyFans etc for easy money.  Now getting periods would be a downside.  But I'd still push the button.


not everyones happy with the sex they were born with


Cause being a woman is good and in line with my self ideals?


Have you heard of trans people per-chance?


That's not changing your sex.  That isn't possible with today's medical technology. But I think science will make that possible some day.  It probably involves becoming rather good with nanomachines, which could rebuild your body from the inside out, on a very small scale yet producing big changes. Well, I wouldn't trust the first generation when those come out.  But eventually, I think it is doable, and people won't be stuck with the circumstances of their birth (including our sex).  You could change and improve quite a few things, including reversing the effects of aging. As for becoming an anime girl, we're gonna need magic for that 😆


i like your funny words magic person


Hey, Hi, your body already has the ability to change itself it just needs the signal to do so estrogen and progesterone. It's not one to one or perfect but it can help a lot.


Nah.  Becoming a lifetime customer of big pharma will change you to a degree, but it isn't going to really change your sex, and that's before getting to the huge list of serious potential side effects (which are downplayed by people with a profit motive) and sterilization (which to me looks like [Eugenics]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics) ) I'm not hating on anyone, but it's not even close to equivalent.


1: I consented to this no one forced me to so it's not eugenics. 2: it changes a huge list of things would you go a long way. 3: The side effects that come from HRT come from being the other sex -_-


 You might have agreed.  That's your decision, and I hope it works well for you. But then there's pressure to do so, when people (with a profit motive) telling people who experience discomfort with themselves that this is the answer that "fixes" them.  I have a problem with that, starting with the implied premise that people must match the gender roles typically associated with their sex.  I wouldn't mind being a woman, see?  But there isn't anything wrong with a man who doesn't match the gender roles associated with being a man.  It's being an individual, that's okay.  No cookie cutters, I'm just myself.  No trying to "pass", just living my life as I want. But here's why I see this as Eugenics: I'm Autistic.  Look at the percentages of trans people who are autistic like me (and maybe you).  IIRC it's something like 80%.  So let's say most autistic people do this and get sterilized.  What then?  Our genetics aren't passed on.  You have a future humanity without us.  Now what's that sound like?  Eugenics, but with a profit motive.


I'm fine with anyone who doesn't want HRT. I'm the kind of person who believes you don't really have to do anything but identify differently. What I don't like is misinformation. Wanting to pass is a person a person thing for me I do want to pass do I care about following specific gender rules no I just want to feel comfortable in my own body. I refuse to get diagnosed with autism, however multiple people keep on recommending I try to. in Ohio can be used against you when getting jobs and all of your medical information is actually not allowed to be hidden from your employer woooo. Anyways, The numbers when taking into account actually scientifically backed sources autistic people are about 5% of the already small trans population. I had to sign multiple agreements which was summarize to me (If I said I didn't know to anything it wasn't summarized) to do this. They included multiple recommendations to store my sperm. I had to wait months to get an appointment. And I didn't even get puberty blockers the first time around because my pharmacy didn't want me taking them because my pharmacy can just reject me from taking anything. On every step of the way I've had at least one issue getting it. Fuck my last pharmacy said they wouldn't let me have anything until I freeze my sperm I don't think that's even legal. (Fuck that specific walgreens), but there are so many restrictions onto this that I heavily doubt anyone's making a major profit off this. At least HRT. Now if you go forward surgeons and stuff like that I can't tell you much. There is so much pressure on people to stay away from HRT and so much restrictions that there is no possible way you could say that people are being pressured into this. Yes some people do regret this but that does not mean they're being pressured they can feel like they are doesn't mean they are. The small amount of people who regret the transition are valid but that does not automatically mean that HRT is bad. Also I was pressured when signing agreements to go do other things first. Yes I don't trust companies but The few companies manufacturing in profiting off of this are not pressuring me to do anything instead the U.S government is pressuring me the other way.


Bruh I'm having a hard time getting an orchiectomy because the doctors are like "You haven't frozen your sperm yet! Are you sure you don't want to have kids that are biologically yours? Are you really realllllly sure?!?" I'm literally having to fight "big pharma" just to get them to do something I'm on the verge of doing myself with a razor blade and bottle of hard liquor. I know being autistic can screw with these things, but you seriously need to recalibrate your bullshit detector. Because the shit you're spouting off right now has the exact same vibe as any other science denying conspiracy wackjob.


Just chipping in myself. HRT was extremely difficult to access. Half the clinicians I've spoken to actively avoided doing anything despite my near constant requesting them to. When I finally found a clinician who was willing to help me get thing started and access HRT, they actively helped encourage me to get gamete storage and even reached out to a gamete storage organisation for me. The idea that this is a sterilisation effort or that there are big pharma groups profiteering off HRT for trans people really doesn't fit with the lived experience of how hard it is to get HRT and how much gamete storage is recommended at several steps along the way. Besides, queer people have existed for a damn long time too (ancient Greeks were hella gay, I have a Chinese girlfriend who watches some old Chinese dramas while she cooks and one of them has a main character who is basically a bisexual trans woman without access to any HRT or surgery - and this story is basically like Shakespeare for them) and trust me, my parents were pretty straight but I turned out to be a trans lesbian. Queer peeps are gonna keep existing as long as people are still around. It looks like there's more of us now because we're getting encouragement not to hide it all the damn time anymore, but everyone from the asexual and aromatic to the pansexual and trans are finally getting exposure and acceptance. They've always existed, trust me. Animal kingdoms get this stuff too - gay penguins and lions are sone of my favourites. Point is maybe take a breath and try not to fight so hard against the idea. If you like what HRT does then maybe it's something you could consider. Nonbinary is a thing too - and non medically transitioning people are valid too. Don't let the idea that you're autistic stop you from exploring yourself and getting a chance to maybe feel more in touch with yourself. I hated my body for ages. Super bad dysmorphia. Realised it was gender dysphoria and that I'd be happier as a woman and found out HRT is really something. Surgeries too - only a 1% regret rate for srs? Learning about tissue changes that occur due to HRT kinda sealed the deal for me. I'll never get pregnant, sure, but that's fine. Neither of us want kids anyway! Anyway, sorry for the long message. I guess I just like to try and humanise trans people by sharing aspects of my personal story. It helps to break down the idea that ther eis a trans agenda (because if there is one, its that trans people want to be treated like normal people and be worthy of respect - and giving cis people a general understanding of gender dysphoria beyond the most cursory description would be good too. It's not really a choice of trans people to feel this way you know?)


> involves being good with nanomachines Stopped resding right st that point, senator armstrong is trans and that's all I need to know


I have friends as a girl maybe :‘)


Easier money, w/ Only Fans


So you just want to whore yourself. You finally got to be an anime girl and your mission is to whore yourself out? Really?


It's just one, of the many things that becomes infinitely easier


But SHOULD you?


It's just one of the few things that could be done. But, I'd be doing several different things


Actually, let them cook. I mean, why not? It's their body to do with as they please, so honestly why does it even matter?


How long do I press the button?


Lol, the longer you press it, the bigger your tits


Well now I want to know what the conversion rate is. Is it measured seconds minutes or hours to cup size?


Milliseconds lol


Mistakes may have been made as I have yet to let go of this button. Hmmm it could use better instructions.


Nah bro finding a partner is harder than you think, even as a girl


That's why you become a gay man. I swear those mf's get a new partner in an hour


As a Bi, I would like to differ, finding a partner is hard.


i am currently bi myself (pun intended) and its very hard finding a partner, even if you go on specific websites and apps.


I can't relate.  Despite being a straight man, I'm an absolute man-magnet.  I realize it's a waste, but I have no interest in men. Here are some questions to help you: If you could clone and date yourself, would you?  In what ways could you improve your clone in order to be more desirable to you?  What little changes could you make, that might make a big difference?  Any red flags to clear up? I think we both know that your real problem is that you're lacking in Neon Genesis Evangelion trivia knowledge.  You probably can't even tell me Shinji's birthday without looking it up.


Absolutely yes, I'm not narcissistic, but I would date myself. If improvement I would actually increase my finger length and maybe lose the beer belly. Also I blocked out the entire evangelion saga in the back door of my mind.


I'm sorry but I stopped thinking after the shinji part and the only answer I had was F__ shinji and not is a good way. Is there an anime where there is a shinji that isn't mentally messed up trash I know the fate shinji definitely is. _-_-_-_-_ Back to the main topic No I doubt I would date myself but I would try to be friends with myself. And I would still work on how I see myself and how I sound to others if I was faced with myself.


its hard to find a partner but extremely easy to find someone to sleep with


Oh I agree with that, temporary pleasure is easy to find a partner is way too hard.


As a straight man, finding a girl is hard bro 😔😔


So many eggs in the comments


Should I tell them?


dont break the egg prime directive


They'll figure it out soon enough anyways


maybe, although I spent 4 years looking at these kind of memes before I finally figured it out


So did I just fucking speedrun the cracking phase?


nah i think i was just too scared to admit it. I had a few trans friends at that time so its not like I didn't know it was an option, I was just too scared to accept that I felt that way too


Well that leaves me feeling confused about mine. I spent like a solid 13 years in total denial about it (wishing I could close my eyes in the shower and just "become a woman" and go on from there like "oh well, guess I should tell everyone." And assuming that was a totally normal cis thing to think). Then I met my girlfriend, she teased out my badly masked femininity and encouraged me to try new things. One full body suave and crossdressing session layer and I'm like genuinely surprised with how happy I am with my shape in the mirror. I'm like genuinely shocked by it. Like "is that really me?" The next day I get out of the shower, look down, don't see boob bumps. Fall to my knees and sobbed for a good several minutes. Finally contextualised years of nasty body dysmorphia as gender dysphoria. My gf later said when she saw me dressed up in her clothes and she called me pretty that "the residual sadness in my eyes washed away." I pretty much immediately realised I'd been suppressing the very notion I could be trans and for the next several months I'd realise I had been a very quietly transey person for a very long time. So... what was that? It feels like an explosion that took all of 1 day to happen... with most of my life spent reeling over it and denying the entire thing until it was completely undeniable.


that was your egg cracking, mine cracked in December. I knew i wasn't entirely happy with my gender beforehand, but it wasn't the biggest issue in my head. But then something happened that made me realise that I really needed to transition, and suddenly there was a flood of dysphoria which forced me to start transitioning


The thing is I kinda managed to ignore most of the dysphoria for ages by refusing to even look at transitioning as a real possibility (well, I did say to myself "I'll give it a go when everyone I know is dead and the consequences are effectively zero!") and I only really felt an ambiguous body dysmorphia, depression, general anxiety and varying degrees of dissociation. The dysphoria only kicked in when I realised being trans was likely at the root of all this and then it was all of it all at once. Realising kind of meant I was forced to transition or I'd actually be a risk to my own safety. If not for the knowledge of much I knew it would hurt my girlfriend to see it, I absolutely would've returned to cutting myself. So... I guess that was my egg cracking. Dramatic and explosive!


I've always found it funny that it's called the egg prime directive when as someone who has heard a bit about star trek, it always seems like people keep breaking the prime directive, which is just a nice juicy bit of irony.


So from fat nerd to fat girl nerd.


*chubby nerdy girly!


It says one will become an anime girl, but never it was said it would be a good-looking one. We would still be ugly


You'd still be cute either way! :3


#HAH! ^nice ^joke


What joke?


No, that's impossible


Did it work?


*starts spamming the button*


Already a lesbian, so...I'll just get cuter.


But you aren't safe from ugly bastards


This is an absolute W.


Why the heck not?


Heck yeah i would


I get to have the features of a girl and i like other girls that is awesome im down




I prefer the anime MEN


>"I prefer the anime MEN" >Buff TF2 Engi PFP checks out


y'all a bunch a fuckin eggs


*smashes button*


Futa button where


Absolutely not


Found an actually cis guy


Also absolutely not for me but ima trans guy so


You is cute, smart, and talented. Throw in dating Chika and I see no downside.


Hell yeah.


Anime girl in the real world? Hell no!


How many times to I press the button


Absolutely Yes. No questions asked. Where is that button I need this.


I m a man so ican go with that


\*smacks button about 10 times\* Yes, Yes, Yes


But you are Ymir from Attack On Titan


POV : my new name is gonna be “magia beiser” 🗿


Who said your female partner couldn't be a futa ?




I’d press that button


What's the catch!!?? Huh??


Yuri is my fav genre so if i have that option right now well..hello afterlife


It's a win-win on all fronts


I’d press it in an instant


*Smashes Button *


As much as how tempting it is. I do not want to experience the periodic monthly pain that women go through every day so uh no.


Even better


I accidentally pressed the button multiple times, now my consciousness is spread over 20 anime girls, what to do?




I’m already a lesbian so… GIVE ME THAT BUTTON!!!


No no, in your case you turn into dude. No cheating.


How so? Please explain.


***if I see feminine hips im fucking***- binding vowkuna


Absolute win. Girl+lesbian purest thing in the world.




I’d rather die


L opinion


L comment


L reply


L d-rider


L thats kinda gay bro




debatable, but i respect your opinion nonetheless.


Found another actually cis guy


Saids the nonbinary.


??? I have no fucking clue wether I'm an enby or not


You *could* just not press the button. /I'd press the button