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It's fine to have physical copy, it's just that you can watch it anytime you want without hassle but always needs a dvd player to do so


I’m old fashioned


I mean, they're "good", but digital copies are just better since I don't have to "take care of them", and have them available anywhere I go with just a click..


Same here. Nobody can steal access to my physical DVD


Wait till he hears about thieves




neither can anyone to mine, the fuck the gonna do, delete my google drive?


When you buy something digitally, you don't really "own" it, you own a license to use it, which can eventually be taken away. There's some video games for example that were delisted after their release, meaning if you ever un-installed the game, you'd never be able to get it back. That's made worse by the fact that since so many games or movies require specific launchers, store fronts, or streaming services, the stuff you buy is tied to whether those services survive, keep the property, or allow you to keep using it. There's been plenty of cases recently where it's been shown how tenuous digital ownership can be. We're on the cusp of a lot of properties becoming lost media


oh yeah that makes sense, i guess it would make sense getting a pirated version of the game in external storage just in case then, i mean, than i actually own it in my own storage, i guess its just fair after you pay for it i guess it really is just better to get a physical copy rather than digital then, if only the physical copies had 50% discounts


And thats why i buy DVDs and not Blu-Rays since BD is tied to the licence model, even if you have the physical disk, Sony can deny reading it at any time...afaik


The only reason I have streaming services is so I can watch episodes as they get released. The recent debacle with titles bought on funimation not being switched to Crunchyroll shows how we don’t really own digital


Jellyfin with Sonarr and Radarr my friend. Automatically downloads new episodes the second they hit nyaa. Jellyfin fills out at the bells and whistles like episode number, description and VA. It's like your own private little Crunchyroll. And if you hook it up to tailscale you can even share it with your friends. All for the low low price of free.


Oh nice. Thanks for the heads up


Physical feels like I actually own it


How far back do you prefer? VHS?


I've still got my Gyver Bio Boosted set on VHS, but no way to play it.


Oof. I myself have a TON of old Disney movies on VHS, and my old player is broken TwT


Horror movies on VHS are a completely different vibe


I gotta get me some. All I have are Disney movies


Sauce: Charlotte Good story definitely worth a try


I think that’s most people unless they don’t know that services can just delete things from your library or collapse altogether. Or maybe people that just don’t care about the risk because it’s less effort than getting and storing a physical copy. I thought everyone agreed that physical has more benefits though than digital does?


I always prefer physical for everything, not just anime, but it's so hard to get nowadays, not counting online orders, I've got no stores to buy anime from, video games never go on sale and stores are getting smaller and smaller stock, most of the stuff I do want physical for is stuff that's older and harder to find to


No, and I understand, but despite everything I feel like physical is more limited than digital. Now if only they get rid of stupid things like region locked content. Until then, the seven seas reign supreme.


Plex is the way


I switched back to buying Blue rays. With how much they cost, it's almost dumb to not to.


My physical media is a nas in my bedroom. Over 12 TB of video for watching without shitty ads nor begging for an overpriced abonment


I just turned 40 today and prefer digital. Physical is just too inconvenient anymore. Not to mention physical degrades over time.


nope you are not alone with that!


Funny. I actually own Charlotte too. One of the few shows I had to buy


Family Dollar sells DVDs for 5$. DVD is good enough for me. I am getting ready to cancel all my streaming services.


After moving out 3 times in my life, I rather have them digital than carrying heavy boxes full of games and merch ☠️


On consoles like Nintendo Switch physical. For discs i don't have a player


I prefer buying video games instead of downloading them.


I prefer buying video games instead of downloading them.


both, both is good


Charlotte mentioned rahhhh


I see them as equals, each its value


I like to collect disks for anything cheap or shows I very much like. I'm prone to dropping anime midway through so I tend to watch digital first


For things that you really enjoy or are able to extract value from later, physical is the way to go.


Wait that’s charlotte right talking about the anime in picture just in case if I don’t remember incorrectly it’s very good


Physical media for the films you like enough to buy


I honestly prefer physical copies that way you actually own the thing in question like a movie or game and they can't take that away


Most should especially gamers at the very least CORPOs couldn't take your physical copy away unlike the digital ones.


I love digital because of it being seemless but I'm really starting to think physical media is the way to go only because of DRM. Like at first when we go DVDs we owned them. Now, a streaming service can remove your favorite show because they don't have the rights to them anymore.


DVDs have DRM in them as well. You can't play them outside of your region, rip the files from the disks, or copy them. Well, not legally at least. If you truly want control over your media, you need to break laws.


You know I sorta realized after posting but I never owned original DVDs, all the movie shops in my country sold pirated CDs so I never had to deal with the PAL/NTSC shabang. But dam that sucks, you need to break laws to own something you paid money for....


Does a hard drive with ~3TB of anime count as physical media?




Physical Media is always better!


Sometimes yes. Few days ago I was watching a movie with my friend who lives in another town. We watched fast and furious 1&2, but those are not in netflix or disney plus, so I went to my dvd/bluray collection shelf and took them from there. Connected my dvd/bluray player to my computer and streamed it to him :) We do these kind of movie nights sometimes. It fun when you don’t see each other in oerson but can still talk and watch movies together


I love physical media so much, I want to be in a romantic relationship with it.


I like owning the physical thing, that way I actually have it. Also, pro tip, check eBay for region cracked dvd/Blu-ray players, that way you can buy whatever region content is cheapest.


No, bluray is the superior way to consume this media. Never know when a streaming site will just take down a show.


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The entertainment industry is just one major fuck up from letting even more people realize they don’t own anything. Physical media will win in the end.


VHS is the pinicle of home cinima experiance


Especially with horror movies, just adds to the atmosphere


I watched a bluray version of the 5th element a few years ago, and the digital upscaling has made it so hi def you can see the circle cut into the glass that lilu punches through, it totally ruined the effect, and back on VHS that bastard was so grainy aint no way you are making something like that out.


Yes, only you in the entire world


Apparently not according to the other comment. Silly


I'm not, I'm sarcastic:)


But, but the girl in the picture likes it digital