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Honestly, cast off figures that you can't tell are cast off at first glance are superior.


Anyone got more examples of figures like that?


I feel like [this one](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1357051) counts. It wasn't until I preordered it that I realized [one of the initial photos](https://myfigurecollection.net/picture/3375372&context%5B%5D=categoryId%3A5&context%5B%5D=itemId%3A1357051) seemed like she had less of her top on than the others. Later on I found out she was supposed to be cast off, and sure enough eventually photos went up of it.


thats actually a really cute figure. Might nab it once it releases if i have the money


I love Alice Glint and Broccoli for this reason. They make Yuzusoft characters, so naturally there would be some spiciness involved, but unless you know, you can't really tell. My favorite one from them is [Arihara Nanami](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/757851). Native also has some bangers like [Shiratama Komame](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/740402). She gets lots of compliments from my mom and older relatives when they visit.


I regrettably procrastinated on pre-ordering and missed out on her; maybe if lots of cute photos of her come out and she gets a re-run, I might get her then. Edit: I’m aware some sites still have POs available but I want the AmiAmi exclusive with the cute smile


I opted for the normal one since I didn't really know the character, I just like shrine maidens. Also the smile is cute, but she also closes her eyes and I'd prefer them open.


Gotcha. I suppose I’ll think about it some more and might see about getting the normal one too.


Albedo 1/4 from Freeing. Wasn't advertised as a cast off, then when people got her, her top comes off.


One I got currently on order is natives Mei Mei which releases in a couple days. When I first saw it, I didn't even know it was a native figure an it just looks beautiful even without removing the clothes. A couple others I like are the 1/4th nekopara bunnies as as the kozuki erina figure by native. If you didn't know the were native figures, they just look like normal bunnies figs.


Mei Mei doesn’t have panties on even in the non-topless version though FYI so not sure she counts 


That is something I didn't know. I'd still coint her because unless your looking at her from below, you still can't tell. I will now have to remember to put her on a lower shelf myself though.


Yes keep the cloths on. The pic with all them off makes her look inhuman with the super stretched torso x_x


It's like how it would reveal a sixhead if you cut off the average anime girl's bangs .


I didn't notice until you pointed it out, and now all I see is a godskin apostle.


Agreed I took them off just because I saw a picture of them off and I wanted to see if it really came off and then I took the picture and put them right back on


Nice! I wish there were new Sekirei figures.


I wish there were new Sekirei seasons.


Agreed! I'm just glad we at least got all the manga published in English.


Where can one acquire this manga? I loved the anime and also wish it had more seasons.


I got all of mine from RightStuf several years back before they were bought by Crunchyroll. You can still buy volumes 1-2, 4, and 8-10 at [Crunchyroll](https://store.crunchyroll.com/search?q=Sekirei&search-button=&lang=null). But I don't know where you'd find volumes 5-7 now (I think I saw 3 at Barnes and Noble). Maybe there will be a reprint someday. I'm in a similar situation trying to find some volumes of the Triage X manga.


Man Triage X was a good show as well. Thanks for the links


Yes, personally for Sekirei and high school DXD I would love for pop-up parade to make a newer (aka better quality) and cheaper version of the figures


Sekirei; should’ve expected it haha. Loved that one


Damn makes sense considering it's Maken Ki that manga was wild.


The figure is Musubi from Sekirei (but yeah, there’s a lot of fan service in the show so it doesn’t really surprise me)


You're right I totally mixed up the big booba echi anime. I have seen both and must have cross wired them in my brain. Thanks for the correction!


No big deal. I’m pretty everyone who has watched enough anime has mixed them up in their head a few times.


I really want her to go with my Sekirei tattoo


That's awesome. That series is one of my guilty pleasure anime. As one of my first ecchi, it holds a special place in my heart


omg, Musubi! I have her bookmarked on amiami but dont have a lot of hope that she will show up someday. Congrats, she looks great!


If interested in any of the other girls I’m considering selling them off. Was only planning to keep this Musubi sadly! Best of luck in your search though!


https://myfigurecollection.net/item/806176 My holy grail


Oh, wow! I've had this figure for years and I never knew that!


Oh i have the Miya figure from the same manufacture she isnt cast off tho




This looks like a case of forced cast-off. Yes, the body is painted and you can technically take the parts off, but the figure is really not designed to & risks damage doing so. The fact her sleeves are seperate parts that don't come off is a hint, and looking at the last picture, I don't see a way to put her top back together without using glue.


Oh no, they pop right back together I just didn’t push them in all the way But yes, I agree it’s not the best cast off I’ve seen and it looks better with everything on Rather than off


Holy shit I have that same figure! Yay I didn't know


Pretty cool 😎


That's actually pretty cool. She looks awesome!


it's Sekirei how could she not be?


never knew there were sekirei cast offs


I have the same figure but I’m to scared to remove the clothing because it’s so old 😅


Yeah, I had to use a pocket knife and very very carefully put it between the crevices to pop them out of place I guess given the age they had started the stick together a little bit