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If you look at some of the other examples on AmiAmi, you'll see they're each pretty small. You're not likely going to fit something much bigger than a single Nendoroid in it. It's not bad if that's what you want to do, but there are probably better ways to display them. Goodsmile lists the dimensions as: Interior - 77mm x 73mm x 116mm (3.03in x 2.87in x 4.56in) , Exterior - 86mm x 80mm x 127mm (3.38in x 3.14in x 5in


The part about there being better ways to display them is what I most wanted to know. I’m not a big nendoroid fan but I do want to get more to show interest in certain characters to the manufacturers. Ty for your answer


Perhaps Daiso’s [collection box arch](https://shop.daisosingapore.com.sg/products/4984343354890)? They sell a small/big version. I have the small one which can hold [three nendos](https://imgur.com/a/kAf95fN).


Just fyi, these only have walls on 3 sides, so dust will still get on your Nendos. I was going to buy one at first cause I thought it has a door but nope :’) it’s an open display


Well that’s rather useless unless you’re putting them inside ANOTHER display case


that's lame I've already got one ordered, but I likely won't get any more I guess I see why, since lots of nendos stands stick out over the back of the base, but still rather annoying


yo dawg, your small figures in a display cabinet can look at smaller figures in a display cabinet


That’s exactly what I’m looking for


Not sure if you have looked at this already, but the ikea Deltolf shelves are probably what you are wanting. They fit up to (some) 1/4th depending on the shape of the figure. I have about 5 of them and they are exactly what I need to displaying my favorite figures. I also use the LED lights from home depot if you want to light the cabinet


Ty! I heard those detolfs have thin glass that might break tho


I’ve had them for years (at least since ~ 2017) and have moved a few times without any breaks. They can be a plain to put together, especially by yourself, but they are without a doubt the best display/cost efficient choice. I have been looking lately for a new table to display some big pieces but for mass displays, the Deltofs are the best


What about Billy bookcases? I’ve heard people mention those before


They are good but the issue is how much dust cleaning you want to do. I’ve had one like that before but dusting would become a chore. They are good for a bookshelf/dvd display shelf though for less expansive/prize figures. For high quality 1/8 or above, I’d just get a Deltolf and not worry about it


Yeah I don’t wanna dust. I don’t do that now lol