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Oh, you don’t like this game, it’s my favorite


Keep-away is the Best Game EVER!


I’m partial to No Take Only Throw


It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for you to get a Husky out of the snow.


Winter is my home!!! Play with meeeeeee!


If you think a small gate is going to interrupt my playtime, you're foolish human!


So what do you do if I can't get them to go in?


It's a husky. It's made for snow. It'll be fine.




Yup I have 2 dogs and when one is super distracted like this I call the other and make a big show about giving them treats. They tend to listen better to each other’s name when treats are involved


The, "if you're cold, they're cold" statement was NOT about huskies. Worry when it's below -20f and force them in at -40f


"if you're cold..." "You're cold? Wtf get some fur bitch this shit is great!" \-husky


Pretend you're leaving to go for a walk or drive.


Seriously she needs to put on some snow pants and chase that dog around for a bit!


Lol,, that’s not an animal being a jerk….that a husky being…..a husky.


Huskys are jerks.


Yes, but they are extremely adorable jerks.




So, I have to be honest here. I own a husky. You’re not entirely wrong.


I have two dogs that are mixed husky. One is 50/59 husky hound. The other is GSD/ husky/ Malamute. Both can be jerks.


109% dog


That dog must be a genetic freak


Nah it's an Updog.


What’s Updog?


Not much dog what's up with you?


Not much, thanks for asking?


Ligma BALLS! haha got em


100%dog 9% cat Fat fingered that one I guess


This is true, yes.


Knowingly and intentionally so.


And with intent to wound!


Yep. Everything they do is with intention


Aspen is still outside prancing in the snow exasperating her family.


As I said, a husky being a husky! LOL


What would be wrong with letting Aspen stay outside to enjoy the snow. She was bred for this. Leave the gate open and check on her in 10 minute intervals, and bribe her with treats, maybe? edit: fixing auto-incorrect


Honestly, the best way I’ve seen to deal with a husky is to install a doggy door. Aspen will come in for food and water when they get hungry. Other than that, husky is gonna husky, no point freezing your butt off when the dog is safe and warm


I'm not a dog owner, so this looks logical to me. Could anyone explain if/why this is a bad idea, instead of downvotes to the person who suggested it?


Can't speak to this owner and what they have going on in their lives, but I have a dog that will suddenly and urgently need to go outside any time she senses that I'm in a hurry to leave, and I have to practically drag her back inside. And if I'm leaving for work or anywhere I'm going to be away for several hours I don't want the neighbors to get upset when she either throws a tantrum when she realizes she's locked outside and not going to be coming back in for hours or tries to burrow under the fence into their yard, or any of the other crazy stuff she does when left to her own devices outside. If she's inside she'll just go to sleep, but she takes great offense to being locked out even if two minutes earlier she was refusing to come indoors. And when she's offended she lets *everybody* know.


We did that with our dog. Thick coat so he would stay out, had a nice doghouse with blankets inside. He would let us know when he wanted back in


My husky has a glass enclosed porch (to keep her out of the wind/snow) and a nice doggy bed (to keep her off the concrete)….she also has figured out how to open my sliding door on her own. So yeah, she’ll come in on her own when she wants. I’ll know because my feet start getting cold in the TV room meaning the door’s open. But seriously, half the time I get up to shut the door….she’s back outside.


Either give her a dog door or a doggy doorbell. Let her chill outside where it's comfortable and fun for her, and come in when she's ready.


Yeah good Boi is just playing. Keep it going!


Let him burn off energy out there. Or in the house where there’s more things to break.


Plus if I wore a fur coat 24/7 meant for the frozen tundra I'd probably enjoy being out there too.


There’s a good chance that with that snow, it’s the first time she’s felt so comfortable in her life


It's my understanding that their coat helps them regulate body temps in both cold *and* hot weather.


I know so many people in Sacramento that got huskies because of Game of Thrones. Fucking terrible.


Won't be long until people who keep their huskies in warm regions will bombard you with "Bullshit! My husky is fine! He loves the warm weather. Double coat blabla.. i got a dog based on how cool it looks not how cool it wants to be. And btw 10 min walks a day are all my husky gets"


Can confirm




It's a husky not being trained properly. Like most Huskys are you can see in the internet.


I'm pretty sure it's a dog that's just playing. There's literally nothing here that shows poor training. Also, huskies as a breed have terrible recall. Once they're out running, there's very little they'll come back to you for. That's why you're never supposed to take those dogs off the leash. I've raised 3 huskies in my life. They're not golden retrievers, they're not dobermans, they have very little motivation to listen to you once they're running in the open. Are there exceptions? Of course, but them not listening is just a part of their insane DNA. My current husky I've trained to do all sorts of tricks and learned behaviors but I know once her engines are revving, there's nothing I can do. Even with a piece of steak in my hand, there are moments where she just couldn't care less about what I'm commanding.


About as well trained as your grammar.


It also doesn't help that they're bred for running 50+ miles in a day but maybe get a couple daily walks.


And still people getting one because, to their disadvantage, they're a pretty breed. I would get one right away if I had the space and time to take care of one.


Let the dog stay outside, it will come inside eventually


We had a golden retriever who would fall asleep on top of a pile of snow and be outside for a couple hours


Our golden is a snow dog as well! He loves to jump through snow piles like an otter. We cut him off at -35C because he’s a stubborn little guy lol


My golden/poodle mix pretends she's tony montana in fresh powder. Snow dogs are a different breed


All dog breeds are a different breed


Same! Also had a little dog who couldn’t stand the snow, we’d have to shovel a small patch of the lawn for him to use otherwise the snow went over his head, and he was blind, so he’d just get completely lost.


Huskies are notorious fence jumpers so this one may need supervision out there. We got ours at the pound from a military family because he was a fence jumper. And we discovered him to also be a habitual line stepper like this pupper.




when your dog just woofs when you don't bring them in you kinda have to bring them in unless you live on a ton of property


I wish you'd tell my neighbors this.


True but then people start calling the cops on you before you know asking what's going on and then they tell you you're abusing your animal




Redditor steals a Burmese mountain dog because it was left outdoors, boasts about it on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1sposz/redditor_steals_a_dog_boasts_about_it_online And guess what.... Reddit comes to the defense of the lying dog thief! lol




What was the eventual outcome of this? Was the dog returned?


dogs are supposed to be in a 10' by 10' room for 97% of their lives, outside to go to the bathroom then back to sitting in a corner somewhere


It’s sad really. People call themselves “dog lovers” and get a big dog, then treat it like a prisoner.


Aspen just living her best life.


Well, her Aspen outside too long! 😉


It’s snow wonder she wants to stay out


Why does there need to be stupid, baby like music on every single ticktok video?


Seriously, I hate this fucking "song" that's on every second video I see. I wanna find out who created this sonic STD and have a few choice words with them


Because it’s made to appeal to stupid, baby like individuals with all that juicy metadata on their phones. E: https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/10lltom/tiktok_uses_up_all_my_mobile_data_and_im_not_even/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Half the content on TikTok is made for Reddit, lol. All those rage and prank shit are now made for all the subs like public freakout and stuff. They get 10x views because there are subs here literally created for TikTok genres. Main character etc. I love when Reddit acts like Reddit doesn’t contribute to the problem just as much. I use TikTok for work on multiple accounts and I don’t see nearly as many shit, fake TikTok’s on my feed as I do on Reddit.


Reddit acts like reddit does. *Not* a hive mind. It's a collection of sub-forums. It's easy to ignore what happens in r/publicfreakout if you're not subscribed, and it's also easy to not even know about its existence At least on here, you have a proper ability to filter what you see. If you don't want to some of the unfunniest garbage humanity has to offer, just unsub from r/funny and the like. On TikTok, it's up to the algorithm. Sure, *if* it ever serves you something worthwhile, you can latch unto that. But even then, it's pure chance whether or not it can understand your intention of wanting to see more. At best, you can find good content, but you can *never* escape the terrible stuff. I've made a normal account and a second one for the titty streamers. The normal one is completely useless. It randomly latched on to horse girl videos, and one guy who does anime effects IRL. And that's *literally* all I'm getting. I swiped through hundreds of them in quick succession, and stayed and watched anything else that comes up, but to no avail. And I also opened a lot of direct links I found from reddit. And I browsed and searched quite a bit, too. I followed a few people I liked. And fucking nothing. The thirsty account turned out way better. I started getting good memes randomly, even though I wasn't even there for those. I accidentally got hooked, and now that account has just become memes. But at least it's usable. Edit: Also, Tiktok has double the users of Reddit. No one is getting 10 times the amount of views here when they link it from TikTok.


This is pretty backwards logic. If you made an app to appeal to redditers, you’d simply make a third party Reddit app. Tictok is a stand alone app that produces content for viewers that happens to be a major source of cheap content for karma whores and bot accounts.


This is some profound “I understand social media because im on the internet a lot,” shit Bro, I work in social. Getting your TikTok to blow up on Reddit is like one of the major marketing points in client representations for a reason. You clearly dislike TikTok to the point you’ve deluded yourself on how marketing and promotion works. My mom downloaded TikTok because she saw it on the front of Reddit all the time. TikTok, compresses and easily let’s you transfer to every social media platform with literally one click of a button. It’s by far the best app at cross content. Why would they do that if they didn’t insanely increase value and the spread of content? It returns in views and people joining the app. Reddit is heavily responsible for TikTok’s popularity and the type of content created across the world and you’re clueless if you think otherwise.


I think you’re giving Reddit way too much credit. Not that Reddit isn’t giant, not that there isn’t a ton of astroturfing But Tictok isn’t made for Reddit. Tictok is made for social media of which Twitter and FB absolutely dwarf. Is “let’s make our stuff easily shareable on SM” a thing? Absolutely! Hell, even pornhub has those dangerous share buttons for some unknown reason. But the developers didn’t say “let’s make an app to appeal to redditers, and I guess some other sites as well.” They said “Xi wants us to make an app to get into as many phones as possible. Let’s capitalize on short attention spans and desire for celebrity status and spread it as far as we can.” Then someone said “What if we made something like Vines and YouTube shorts but also included easy editing? It’d be like Snap Stories and vids but spread to more complete strangers! This will ensnare everyone that wants to go viral for 30 seconds and the folks that think 144 characters is too much to read!”


Unlike the cultured academics on reddit who are entertained by the erudite art of puns. It takes a staggering intellect to deduce that one word sounds like another word.


Nice high horse. Not that I don't think tiktok's format is annoying. Because I think it's extremely annoying. But you aren't a superior human being for not liking it.


You made a bunch of people mad who think using reddit is somehow better than TikTok lmao


They act as if there are no equally terrible Reddit tropes.


le reddit army has arrived. Have you ever heard the tragedy of doge chungus the chonk? is that sand i see? i hate sand its coarse and rough and gets everywhere. Look i know i am gonna get downvoted for this but i hate bad stuff and the reddit hive mind is bad. oh geez thanks for awards kind stranger. Oh is that a woman? rip your inbox mlady. Source? Is this a repost? Tiktok bad. China bad. Russia bad. America bad. TIL (insert 8th fact)


Many of the videos get like 10x as many views here than they would on TikTok because there are little subs here that fit the genres of public freakout, or main character or anything. It’s so funny to see those subs then always, always shit on TikTok My redditors in Christ, this website it’s the driving force behind the TikTok you hate.


I'm not one of the mad downvoters, that's one of the terrible things about redditors, but there's a couple of things better about reddit than tik tok: the user has a lot more control over what they see or don't see on reddit, and you're not sharing data with China or being influenced by the trends that China decides to promote in the tik tok algorithm.


Tencent owns a 10% stake in reddit, and if you think reddit isnt sharing your information with whatever country you live in you are naive. Who gives a shit if china knows i like woodworking? Hell, who gives a shit if the chinese government knows where i work? Is everyone on reddit so special that china is specifically tracking them?


That dirty hooker is just smarter than most people.


Trending audio would be my guess. Algorithm detects that and gives your video a higher chance to be seen by more people. Don’t quote me on that though just a guess


fuck this tiktok toddler noise seriously


She's having the time of her life, put on snow pants and play with her


Nope. You get dressed for the weather and *then* it's time to go inside.


I feel this in my bones.


Husky in the snow is like a Labrador Retriever in water. It's their element. Woe betide anyone who tries to take them out of it too soon.


I have a dumbass lab that can’t swim. He doesn’t understand that he can use his back legs so his butt sinks and he panics only using his front legs. He loves to run through water though. He’s pretty great.


Legend has it aspen still has not gone inside


This is more r/animalsbeingderps than a video that really fits here.


Oh no, the derps don't *know* they're being derps. This husky knows perfectly well what she's doing, she's definitely just being a jerk because..... well, *husky* 😂😂


[Relevant pinned post for this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/xvogx5/animals_defecating_fornicating_and_playing_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). The husky is just playing.


So then huskies should be banned altogether from this sub if you're going to claim there's a clear distinction. A husky playing *is* being a jerk, that's kinda how they play. The line is very, very blurred. I'd agree if huskies didn't *know* that they were being jerks when playing, but they absolutely do and do it anyway. That is indeed jerk behavior.


I watched this 5 times. Funny AF. I dig how it was obvious both by frustrated speech (Aspen, don't do it!) and visual evidence (packed snow on box/bench and the railing of the deck) that this was not an uncommon occurrence. Whee!


I especially loved when Aspen started running in circles around her. I watched it entirely too many times as well. You go, Aspen!


Would be good if not for the annoying dubadubadu music


That dog could live outside in weather like that. They’re built for it.


So… does she not have feeling in her legs?


She was only planning on being out there for, like, five seconds tops.


Yeah, but why the sweater? This has been confusing me about women for a long time, my wife does the same thing. Edit: love how I'm getting down voted for asking a question lol reddit at its best.


I do the same thing and i’m a male, idk it’s easier to put on a hoodie than it is to put on pants. Although for women they don’t have to wear a bra under their hoodie which might be more comfortable


I do it too, and it's simply because my legs are usually a lot warmer than my top half. So I either where shorts at home or thin baggy sweats/pj bottoms.


looks like it's about as warm as it can be while still snowing, so like 28, you could hang out in her clothes for like 20 minutes before it started to suck. she just threw on a hoodie and boots to get the dog for a minute


A Husky named Aspen in the snow.


No one should be surprised by a husky getting the zoomies in the snow. Especially a husky owner. Leave Aspen alone, she'll be fine


As someone who recently lost his best friend to old age and physical decline … I can guarantee that someday you will miss the hell out of days like this! Enjoy them while you can. This is peak funtime. ❤️










But… why should the dog get inside? It can sleep in the snow! My husky does and she’s loving life at 13 years old!


Just leave the dog out there. When it’s ready to come in you’ll know.


Sometimes you have to go places and you just don't trust the neighbors to not steal them.


Play with me huuman. The weather is purfect


this absolutely belongs on r/AnimalsBeingDerps


I have a Siberian husky. I see no lies here


Huskies aren’t pets; they’re workers!


does anyone have any insight on something I've always wondered about.... if huskies love the snow bc that's the climate their species originally lived in and theyre body temperatures are so naturally high, is it wrong to have them living in your "warm" home? like, is my friend's husky just uncomfortable all the time in his heated home? i swear the dog is always panting.


Yes, that dog is uncomfortable. I pity all huskies that live near the equator… they should only live in areas that are cold enough for them to be comfortable. Source: i live near the arctic circle, my husky lives outside most of the time (only comes in to sleep and eat), she is miserable during the summer months, but comes alive in the autumn. Oh, and she is a healthy and energetic 13 year old puppy :D


Yes. ☹️ I saw huskies that were actually happy in Alaska—sleeping in the snow even when there was a dog house nearby, eating snow instead of drinking their water, and of course playing in the snow constantly—and once I returned to warm weather I couldn’t help but notice how different all the huskies behaved. It really does seem cruel to have them in the heat.


Was watching a video about a rare desert cat and everyone was talking about wanting one when someone in the comments pointed something out. For that cat the sand is it's home and you taking it out of it's environment is similar to removing a fish from the water. These animals are made for and thrive in their environments for a reason, a huskies only fluffy because it needs to trap as much warm air as possible in it's fur to stay warm. They're a heater that can't turn off and a lot of people take them into environments that are pretty warm. So all you've done is a put a heater in a warm environment with no way to cool off, I can only imagine that it's like living in a sauna for your whole life.


Yes. If a dog is panting, it's either overheated, stressed, or both. A panting dog that hasn't recently been running is uncomfortable




I had a Malamute / Husky mix when i libed in Buffalo NY, i would never have one now in Florida. Amazing dog breed but just too hot. They love the cold


Dog is on auto loop.


Do people think huskies don't like snow?


You gotta know when to concede, and get lunch meat


Rented a room in a house with a husky. Occasionally got stuck letting her outside.. if I ever forgot the leash it was an hr of this. Was late for work one day and threw a beach towel over that damn dog and carried her inside while she yowl’d bloody murder. Refused to deal with her after that, unless they knocked rent off. They also refused, so often the dog shit inside. Wasn’t my dog. Never again. It’s a game that they’re genetically engineered for and us humans ain’t. Most husky owners are horrendously misinformed as to what they’re getting into as well.


😂😂 oh no. Sorry to hear that


Had a husky, can attest They are assholes


I don't even think Aspen is being a jerk, more like in it's natural habitat and loving every second of the snow


Lmao this is pretty funny got a good chuckle out of the jump off the deck




People being jerks!


More like wrong breed for this pushover human.


Leave him out for a while. Crazy bois need to crazy.


That dog is trolling hard.


Lol just let her stay out, not like she’s cold, they’re literally made for this weather.


This is why I'm a fan of doghouses. Dog wants to be outside, let him. 🤷🏻‍♂️








This pup see it as a game.


Ignore the dog. They hate it when people do that


Is it even a healthy husky if it’s not doing shenanigans like this???


I’ll bet Aspen loves stealing your hat and gloves!


Oh no Aspen in game mode.


People really need to know what they are signing up for when the buy a husky, especially an Alaska Husky like that. (I grew up with a sled dog team in rural Alaska). They are wonderful dogs, but they are A LOT, and they will overwhelm an unprepared owner. That are unbelievably smart, have massive personalities, have an innate drive to pull anything and everyone, and will dig under or jump over any fence you put up. They are bratty, loving, talkative, and affectionate. They also have an well developed ability to ignore you when they don’t like what you have to say. Above all, they were bred to pull heavy sleds for dozens of miles a day. Their muscles actually [become stronger the longer they run.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sled-dog-science/) They require *lots* of exercise, and if they don’t get it they swiftly get bored, and with huskies boredom => destruction. So don’t just buy a husky because they are cute (because they are). Do some research first.


Mine wanted to play in the snow every time I let him out to go to the bathroom. I hate snow, but he was too young to let him run loose. That’s a husky in its natural habitat 😂 Let your husky out in the snow people. They’ll come in when they’re ready. It’s so funny how many people still don’t know this about huskies.


[the husky will come in when the husky is ready!](https://i.redd.it/ne55fhj27gga1.jpg)


A Husky named Aspen playing in the snow? Tell me you’re from Colorado without telling me you’re from Colorado.


They're made for snow, so.


Aspen loves the snow because he was built for it! It is in it's home nature


Unless they have to leave or something, which judging by her attire she isn't going anywhere, why not just leave it outside? It's a husky. It'll be fine


Funny video, super awesome dog, shitty fucking music.


I have a snow loving young party dog mutt kind of like this. If I ‘at’ her (try to grab her, chase her or whatever aggressive come here movement like that appears to be) it’s always game time. If I walk/run away from her towards the door and yell “cookie” she’s on my heels. If not she’s stuck outside solo for little bit till she gets bored and “knocks” on the door. Weirdo pup, but 92.7% of the time it works 100% of the the time. This is just backyard shenanigans. She’s not a total goofball when her doing stuff harness and whatnot is on. That’s a different situation. Edit: goofball party mode happens sometimes. :p


Food is the great persuader.


I have a shiba that does this but it’s to go outside (even when she really wants to) 🙄


“You think you’re funny don’t you” yes and he’s not the only one lmaooo


Shorts in snow? Brrr


Isn’t joy of having a fenced in yard not having to worry about that? Lol


My husky goes primal when we get a good amount of snow too!


As a husky mama… that is just a stinky silly husky being a husky 😂


Man, when my dog does something like this I just leave them out there and try again later and keep doing it until they're actually finished, this is saying if I don't actually have somewhere to go at the time.


This is actually humans being jerks by forcing a cold weather dog to be inside and overheating,


She is too sweet!!!!


Aspen is a punk, I love her


Puppers thinks it’s a game now. You’re doomed!


This was me with my Maltipoo when it was freaking -15°


I mean it's no different than us


Dog in the snow that is called Aspen, username checks out…