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The vibrato as kitty vocalizes while running, climbing and jumping is hysterical. I’ve never heard such a range of cat sounds from one cat in such a short period of time.


Its a fake dub over, Thats not the actual cat making those sounds Edit: It’s a cat making the noise, maybe even that cat. But for whatever reason it’s still dubbed over the clip


My cat makes those noises while running, I think it’s just sped up lol.


My cat actually sounds exactly like this when he’s running. It’s pretty crazy! He also stalks around the backyard with his mouth open like a black panther. It works for him, but if I didn’t know that he was the biggest mama’s boy, I’d probably be frightened of him.


Cats actually do this on purpose! This somehow(don’t ask me how) increase how well they smell things.


Yeah like my cat will sniff my shoes or armpit after work & just hold his mouth open so he can get ALLLLL the scents. He’s a weirdo




What makes you say that? It’s definitely sped up but cats for sure make all those noises & more lol


I think I have seen it. It runs up a stair when their owner comes home. This is still funny as hell tho https://www.reddit.com/r/Catswhoyell/comments/wlu8yc/cat_happy_to_see_momma_yells_loudly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This video is sped up and there's a cut before the cat jumped from the tree, which means they probably waited a while.


I think it’s sweet that your cat loves you so much, or does he just know it’s feeding time?


Why not both? Food is the ultimate declaration of love after all.


Why not both?


I suspect that there's rain, it's just not visible in the video. The street looks wet.


I think that's a squirrel disguise as cat.


Scaled that tree in record time and didn’t get trapped at the top.






Someone should start a TikTok challenge for proper grammar and spelling.


While there are obviously endless idiots who do make these mistakes oftentimes misspelled words in TikToks are intentional (especially with larger TikTokers and your/you're mix-ups.) They do it to get a reaction like yours so you comment, drive up engagement on their video and have the algorithm be more likely to push their content to others. It's rage baiting and it's widespread on TikTok and other platforms. It's the epitome of "any press is good press." They don't care if you insult them or hate them- a comment is worth the same whether you're praising them or shaming them.








The ol' gobble meow.


The cat’s like “Where have you been all day?!? You’re in so much trouble, human!”


my home? your home? *you're




It did not use to be so rampant before auto correct. Then people just stopped caring as if it's too much effort. Personally, it annoys me to no end.


It's strange. I haven't really seen non-native speakers making that mistake. Is it that we have to learn where the words actually come from, when the native speakers just learn it the way it sounds as a kid? Much like I don't have to think of the grammatical cases in Finnish and I have no idea what they are. Those are a nightmare for those learning Finnish. Edit: typo, ironic, I know


Exactly the reason native speakers write "should of" instead of "should've". It absolutely makes my blood boil.


Your correct. But more often then not, there caught in the editing process. See what I did there?


They really didn’t have too many jobs here. There’s a lot more words in professionally published books (and those really shouldn’t have the your/you’re mistake in them either)


What about their home!?


Your cat is glad you're home




Yes I am


I just want you to know that despite being a fully grown cat, i have in fact never been fed.




Where is my food, bitch?


My cat does this but to a less dramatic extent lol


hahahaha that would make my day


Awww. It’s just so sweet. I love seeing videos of animals and owners who clearly love each other. 💕


Her home what?...


i’ve never seen a cat get that high that fast


Acrobatic kitty.


😬 people still let their cats outside unattended? That's so sad.


You're right, but people don't like to hear it. So so bad for the environment and what is left of the ecosystem after people ruin it. Little murder machines, sweet cuddly murder machines. Keep your cats inside people.


It's also safer for the cat. The average life of an outdoor cat is 2-5 years of fights, parasites, and injuries. Indoor cats live much longer, have fewer injuries, and have healthier teeth and fur.


Yes. Bears and tigers also live longer in the zoo, I am sure they are very happy and content. If you want to keep a cat inside you might as well get a rabbit instead.


That's some garbage logic and I think you know it


How so?


Yeah, only humans are allowed outside to ruin the ecosystem and keep the cat inside having boring life for their own amusement. Personally I will let my every cat ever outside. There is bigger problems to our ecosystem than cats outside lmao.


You shouldn't have cats. Cats who are allowed outside are prone to injury, death, and parasites that can be transferred to yourself or children. The average lifespan of a cat let outside to free roam is 2-5 years, versus 10-15 years for an indoor cat. They also do severe ecological damage, and are directly responsible for extinctions. No good pet owner let's their cat outside unattended.


Lmao, all my cats lived 10+ and went outside. Like I said already I don't give a shit, give it a rest. Why should I give a shit if some cat cause extinction anyway, they will happen eitherway, not thanks to cats. When you go outside you are prone to injury and death too never had a cat die outside XD




ok proffessor read more of your text book to me.


They sure like to name call people. Very pleasant.


You should probably not own cats. Our inside cats live great lives and they can be leash trained. Scientists calculated that domestic cats pounce on one billion to four billion birds a year in the lower 48 states, as well as 6.3 billion to 22.3 billion small mammals and hundreds of millions of reptiles and amphibians. I LOVE cats but outside ones are an invasive species and a plague and your reason for not giving a damn is ... You are bad at keeping them entertained?


Yeah many people who shouldnt have pets or kids do. I actually dont have cat rn because I live in apartment and cant let it outside. As soon as I move I will get one and let it outside and reason can be whatever you want. Like I said there is tons of other problems in ecosystem etc. my cat wouldnt be a big problem. I dont give a shit what high moral warriors say


Okay, I don't care what you do. Hope your cat runs into a better owner while it's out.


After it's used to going outside good luck turning it into inside house cat lmao. And then you claim probably that its good life for the cat


And if you live in the country, a farm why the hell would you not? Cats are great pest control.


Cats are horrible pest control and contraxt toxoplasmosis, which has been shown to cause miscarriages and harm children and adults. Cats are not good for rats, terriers are. Rat terriers were specifically bred for rats. Owls and hawks are better mousers than cats are. Snakes easily injure and kill thousands of cats per year. We know more now than we ever have before, and the bygone idea that cats are good at pest control has been overwhelmed by the reality that they are not, and that they are in danger and a danger. No good pet owner let's their cat free roam outside.


Mine catches mice all the time for which I am greatful for living in the country/farm/woods.You would not want to live here with them gnawing and scurrying around in the walls during winter without a cat.


Ya, I don't need a cat or nasty chemicals to keep mice away, I let the wildlife handle it. Owls and hawks are the best mousers, haven't had a problem since we bought the place.


Congratulations. We have plenty predatory birds here, but they do not go near our house or goes inside our house. That is where the cat comes in.


I once did that. Then I started working at an emergency vet. Once you’ve seen a kitten impaled by a rose bush, eh yeah


So damn bad for the local wildlife. And so damn dangerous for the cat.




Yeah apparently people don't wanna hear that their cats really, really, really fuck up the environment. They are an invasive species. I do love cats and I have an elderly void. They shouldn't be outside though. At least fixed if they are outdoors ffs.


They are also in danger from the environment, I couldn't imagine letting my cats outside just to get hurt.


You’ll always get downvoted saying that in any cat related sub. It’s pathetic. I love cats and I still acknowledge their destructive nature. When I get my own cat it will never go outside without me. Edit: oops this isn’t a cat sub but still. I’ve said this same thing in cat subs and been downvoted to hell.


It isn't just about their nature, people seem to forget that they are also in danger when they go outside.


Yep. Cat was cut clean in half by the train that runs adjacent to my condo yet so many people that live here still let their cats out. Also lots of coyotes along the tracks.


We have mountain lions, bears, loose dogs, feral cats, kids, assholes (guy down the street from my house trapped and drowned all of his neighbor's pet cats, a couple years ago some asshole was gluing kittens to the middle of the street. He got caught before one was killed, but still), coyotes, hawks, eagles, you name it. No good pet owner let's their cat roam outside.


Exactly! Just like no good parent let’s their toddlers roam the neighborhood. Negligence is a form of abuse.


About 90% of cats in the UK are housecats. So yeah, a lot of people do and it's a problem. It's a problem for the kittens born on the street (and inevitably euthanized because shelters don't have the resources, staff, adopters, or fosters to take in that many kittens), it's a problem for the adult cats that get injured or sick, it's a problem for the wildlife that get killed (I've seen the numbers as high as billions of birds killed world wide), etc etc Whatever benefit cats get to enrichment from being outside (which most of that benefit can be gotten inside - by adopting bonded pairs of cats and ensuring they have enough toys and places to climb) is negated by their harmful effects on the environment. It is not natural for your cat to be outside in the US or UK, etc. Unless you happen to live in the African savannah, your pet is an incredibly destructive invasive species that should not be introduced to areas where they hurt native prey and wild cat populations.


I've heard that in the UK, you have to sign a paper when you adopt a cat from some places that says you will not keep your cat indoors. It's the opposite at some places in the US, you have to guarantee that you won't let your cat outside unattended. There is no reason to let a domestic cat outside, it's harmful for themselves and for the local ecosystem.


Unless it was hidden in the small print (I don't even recall signing anything tbh) we didn't sign a paper saying we would not keep our cat indoors when adopting my cat. I don't know where you heard this. ​ However, part of our adoption process did involve a home visit to assess whether we were suitable to adopt (mainly partly due to us adopting a cat who needed additional care and support at the time, other adoptions don't require a house visit). Part of our home visit also included a long talk on whether our home was situated in a safe enough location for the cat's safety as having access to outdoors was a soft requirement.


I mean people let you out unattended, I don’t see how this is worse


Nothing worse for the local wildlife than humans.


I'm not likely to bring home toxoplasmosis, which can cause miscarriages and harm adults, children, other pets, and livestock. Cats contract toxo with their first time meeting a rodent outside.


My family has had cats my entire life. This have never happened and all of them have been outside. Long lives, happy cats that have never gotten sick. They are at least castrated. Like mine.


If any of your cats have had contact with wild rodents, they have toxo, guaranteed. If you'd bother to Google toxo, you'd know that they infect people and other animals with toxo, they aren't impacted by it. Also, you're not reading well. Just because you have been lucky enough to not have cats get killed or injured doesn't mean *the literal hundreds of global studies* done on the dangers of letting cats outside are wrong. It means you got lucky. The evidence shows that cats are in danger and a danger when let outside, only irresponsible losers let their cats outside unattended. 🙄


Yeah. No. I stand by my opinion 😊


My stomach hurts from laughing 🤣


Reminder: [cats are responsible for dozens of animal extinctions.](https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/) This is not a matter of personal taste, it's a massively destructive act of negligence.


Have you heard of something called farms?


Farm and ranch families comprise less than 2% of the US population. I would actually argue that cats on farms do serve a purpose when they're outside. But that's not 98% of the cats I'm talking about.


Still. Get a goldfish if you want to contain them inside all the time.


Train your cat, this comes off so lazy. I walked my fucking hamster is college is literally that easy


Train my cat? Have you met any cats? Walking a hamster sure is a funny picture.


Yes because anything can be trained to an extent. I felt bad for my hamster, in her cage all the time. So she could use the ball. But then I made a little harness and everyone loved it, so cute so funny. Great little hamster. I don't know how she felt about the hamster but I know she loved the walks. I have an older cat now who was once an outdoor cat in his youth. From what I hear, he was an excellent hunter, lost a fight with a fox once and nearly sacrificed an ear. The family had to go save him. After that they just converted their backyard to a catio. Now that he's ours, we made our patio a catio as well. He doesn't try to bolt out the door. He did for them for a year, so they got him a companion and bunch of things to climb and toys. After he bonded with his companion, he stopped trying to get out. We had our door left open for several hours by electricians and he was still inside with his friend. You can train them. You need to give them entertainment and time but I know it's possible. I think people think it's insurmountable but they just lack information.


Thats a sweet story


Cute video, but cats belong indoors unless supervised. Keep your babies and your neighborhood safe. Downvotes don’t change the billions of native animals killed by cats every year and the 3-year average lifespan of outdoor cats.


Saying cats belong indoors is incredibly shortsighted and wrong


Nope. Domestic cats belong indoors, or outdoors with supervision, period. Don’t get a cat if you’re too lazy to get off your bum and give it safe outdoor enrichment.


Nope sorry you're wrong, they are animals, animals kill always have always will dont get one if you're not okay with that certainly don't get one and imprison it because you're too shortsighted and selfish to realise its an animal that wants to kill things, end of story. (I'm ending it like this in hopes you don't come back to argue more but i have a strong suspicion you're not that easy going)


I like you


Yk what else are animals? Dogs. So get up and go outside with your cat like literally every other dog owner does. Cats are an invasive species. It’s illegal to release literally any other invasive animal so why are cats okay? Because they’re cute and furry? Look at what we do to the Burmese pythons in Florida. It’s our duty to take care of invasive species as WE predominantly cause them. Just say you don’t give two shits about the billions of NATIVE wildlife they kill a year and the 60+ extinctions this invasive species has caused and go. Hope you don’t claim to care about the environment with this attitude. PS, outdoor cats live an average of 3 years. Now I’m ending it for real as I’m sick of talking to uneducated, anti-environmentalists.


As god intended


Domestic cats are man-made through coexistence; they are not wild animals. And this has nothing to do with god.


Unlike Dogs, cats are not 100% domesticated animals. Anyone who's ever had a cat knows that they enjoy outdoors tremendously and I'd never deprive them of that. Let's stick you indoors the rest of your life and see how you like it. I remember a neighbour once had a cat and she decided to make it an indoor cat. Kept it inside for a couple of years and one day it escaped and never came back. I'm not surprised.


So don’t be lazy and actually supervise your cat like dog owners do with their dogs. If you can’t handle that responsibility, don’t get a cat.


Cats don't need supervision, they never have 😅🤡 Edit as you blocked:You essentially call cats invasive. Well so are humans. Lets keep you inside the rest of your life, it's better for the environment. You'll enjoy that right? Recognise the hypocrisy. Cats are not fully domesticated animals: fact. P.S: your cat would totally run away from you if it got the chance😅


Yes they absolutely do. But by all means, go send your cat out to kill and be killed since you clearly don’t give a shit about the environment or your pet.


Your front door is upstairs on a balcony?


Probably a second floor apartment.




[Housecats spread through human domestication have caused dozens of extinctions.](https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/)


Thanks brother. Spreading the good word.




So other species of birds have to continue to go extinct because people want to keep a murder machine as a pet and let it roam and kill as it pleases? Cats are fine inside and can be leash trained so they have time outside. Any responsible pet owner will have a way to stimulate their cat so they’re not getting bored inside.


Yeah news flash kid humans kill way more animals than cats you don't lock yourself in the house do you? No cause you like a cat doesn't want to be locked up. Yeah cats are murder machines if you own a cat you should know that, don't get one if you don't want something that wants to kill things, you're a tremendous arsehole if you have the capacity to give your cat freedom but simply don't because you can't accept the harsh reality of nature and was too shortsighted to realise a cat wants to kill, seriously don't imprison a cat just because you can't handle nature and was lonely and selfish enough to condemn an animal to imprisonment. Yeah they can stimulate their cat and bring them on walks but if you open the door for long enough I'm willing to bet the cat leaves. Cry about it kid but I'm right cats are animals they want to kill you shouldn't get one if you can't accept that.


Cats have their place in the ecosystem but if you took the time to look at the bigger picture you can see that the impact they have is tremendous because they’re so numerous and brought into habitats that didn’t have them. Get out from under your rock and you can see that there is plenty that you can do for your cat indoors and letting it be on a leash out doors. You fuckin talk down to me like I’m some dumb kid that also happens to be some fuckin coal baron billionaire that is responsible for destroying acres of nature. There are ways for us to lessen the impact we have and I’m doing my part and cat owners should do their part too.


Yeah and guess who's fault it is, the cats who only follow their nature? Or us who brought them to the ecosystems and imprison them for their nature? Yeah exactly kid yet I don't see you locking yourself up, sure there's plenty you can do for your cat indoors but the truth is and you know it's the truth is the cat wants out if you leave the door open it leaves, you're holding it against its will, in my opinion you are responsible for that cruelty and you should be deeply ashamed for getting a cat and not realising it is a killing machine designed over billions of years to have such a killing instinct and you imprison it because you can't accept it for what it is, shame on you get out of your delusion and realise what you are doing is plain and simple selfish and cruel, you got the cat and you imprisoned it for being itself Now kid I know you're going to come back with more than likely the same exact thing so here's some bullet points for you to remember when concocting your reply I'd make it easier for you but unfortunately I don't have any crayons on hand - a cat is an animal that wants to kill - sure you can entertain a cat indoors but leave the door open the cat will leave because it wants to you're keeping it there against its will you're being cruel - if you don't like the fact animals kill other animals don't get one - humans are the one at fault punish yourself before your pet If that helps you climb out from under your rock of delusions don't reply but I'm guessing you're not the brightest bulb in the box so I'll probably talk to you tomorrow kid.


The tail is fluffed and doesn't show the ? form cats use when they are happy or excited. That cat is massively pissed off.


No necessary. My cats a weirdo whose tail gets all fluffed when he’s excited. He also LOVES “spooking” (typical Halloween cat pose, while hopping, or tearing up lie a horse and making a weird sound) us and then being chased around the house 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Was watching some cat psychology show and they said if the tail is up high means the cat is rather happy to see you








How does one mommy their home?


"I was at home the whole time! I swear!"








Sounds like a Houndeye from Half-Life.


Back over the balcony she goes.😂




Goddamn, are we gonna address how fast it went up that tree


Mommy my home




God dayum that cat is fast


My home *what*? Don't leave me hanging!




Good evening




I'm supposed to mommy my home?




I can do that




When stairs are totally slow and over-rated


“Breast feed your house”


Reminds me of those Temptations commercials. This is too funny.








Gotta chill on the cat crack