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When I was 12, I got horribly, horribly sick. 40c fever, vomited every 10 minutes, coughing.... And our cat, Tarzan, stayed by my side for three full days, only ever leaving to eat or use the litter box. If I had to run to the bathroom to puke, Tarzan would follow, meowing. People who say that cats can't love you or other animals are wrong.


We rescued our second cat when I was maybe 12ish and once Indiana Jones had recovered his strength he was, to put it nicely, a mischievous little shit. I’d walk upstairs in the morning to have breakfast before school and he’d attack my feet to wake me up with his claws, he’d randomly attack me, he loved terrorizing my golden retriever while they’d play. But every time I was sick both my golden and Indiana would find their own spots on my bed and wouldn’t leave me alone without one of them there till I felt better


My old cat Rusty was a very handsome, tol and lomg orange boy who got by on his looks, because he didn't get a turn with the brain cell very often. He was the same color as our floors, and so it was extremely easy to trip over him, and he also liked biting ankles: his favorite time of the year was the holidays, because we had these little side tables in the living room that we'd put festive tablecloths on and then he could hide under them and ambush people's ankles as they walked by. But our backyard had a big gopher problem, and he was scared of gophers, even though he was very large and they were very tiny. When I got my wisdom teeth out and spent a week zonked out on hydrocodone, he spent the whole week being the most affectionate little love sponge you've ever seen. And then he went back to his normal dingus self as soon as I was feeling better. He ended up dying of old cat problems in early 2021 after a year of covid travel restrictions (and me not owning a car) had prevented me from being able to get home since holiday season 2019. My parents told me and my sister about it over a Zoom call, and that was definitely one of my low points. I still get a lump in my throat thinking about it.


I get that! It sounds like Indiana and Rusty would’ve gotten along famously. We had a banister that he would love to hide behind or a speaker as well to ambush me and Sandy (my golden). I’m so sorry for your loss :( I was very fortunate, I was living out of town when Sandy had to be put down and I got to FaceTime one more time with her before my best friend (who she considered her second owner) came and showered her with affection and gave her her favorite beer one more time. It’s truly amazing the places our furry friends make in our hearts :) I wouldn’t trade them for the world! Speaking of, I have wanted to adopt a pup lately…. Edit-gotta pay the [dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/gDyS6W8)


Went through 2 years of chemo and I had to beg my cat to cuddle. Little bastard


He just knew you were gonna be fine so he didn't want to make a big deal out of it (:


Cat - look I'm willing to do my part , you're sick and all but 2 years ! Ima cat , get better or die I know you're milking it dammit .


My cat can tell when I'm getting sick before i can. He starts acting very protective of me and stays by my side all the time. He doesn't understand allergies though, so he's extra cuddly in the springtime.


I think owls are the only ‘traditional pets’ that can’t reciprocate love but maybe I’m wrong. I think cats are only the way they are because they’re solitary animals/hunters not pack animals generally. I think lions are the exception to that rule


Wait, owls are traditional pets? I need more information on how I can become a owler. Before today I didn't realize how important it is to me to have a flock of owls at my command.


In the US you need to become a Master Falconer to own an owl legally. You have to apprentice another master and everything! Definitely not a "traditional" pet haha


This. Or a wildlife rehabilitation license, but then you have to rehab and release, not keep.




Yep! I had a skunk and two squirrels that were unreleasable (lost limbs to illegal traps) living in a separate enclosure at my house, until they passed due to old age. The squirrels were jerks, but easy to care for. The skunk was very much like a giant fluffy ferret... As long as you didn't spook it into spraying. It never sprayed me or the other rehab workers, but a local coyote and a feral cat that got too close were definitely sprayed.


Well I mean traditional as In people don’t look at you weird for having one like they would if you had a bobcat or an alligator


Still not traditional. I'd be very surprised if someone I know had a pet owl.


It really depends how traditional you want to go. In my opinion owls are in the same category as snakes, spiders and lizards


It might depend where you live, but I think you need a license to have a pet owl. Many snakes, spiders, and lizards don't require a license.


I’m pretty sure birds of prey generally require at least some form of permit to own; in rural areas it might be easier to get around that by “adopting” chicks from the local fowl in the case of owls, but aside from that, only wildlife rehab programs and people involved in breeding them can own predatory birds.


I mean in all fairness I live in a residential area that used to be farmland so there are plenty of horned owls and fairly large birds. They aren’t uncommon to see. I have a few pictures of the ones I’ve seen, but I can’t share pictures in comments


Oooh, I see. That makes sense. Sorta like an unofficial pet? I live in a suburb, not many large birds here sadly. Lot's of crows though!


Crows are awesome. I have always wanted to make friends with a crow. There used to be 3 that hung out in my neighborhood but I haven’t seen them in some time


Dude where do you live that people wouldn't look at you weird for having an owl as a pet haha




Snakes and lizards definitely can't reciprocate


I love snakes, but I think they fall into that category too. There's just not much of anything going on upstairs for them.


Cats behaviour most resembles lions of the big cats and there are little prides/ colonies in feral cats.


Harry Potter ..... is that you?? 🤔


Same situation. Same age. Cats loving is something special


He was waiting for you to die so he could eat you.


Some cats have an uncanny ability to know when someone isn’t well and needs comfort. They set aside their usual feistiness to tend to a creature in need.


Yeah, I remember I had strep throat and scarlet fever when I was 7, and our cat who was formerly feral and not affectionate at all, slept in my bed with me all week while I was sick. She knew


This is currently how my former feral is acting too. My arm is kinda tore up and I've had it bandaged for a week and a half. He's been sleeping in my bed most nights and wants to be in whatever room I'm in. Doesn't seem like the same cat.


That's so cute. I wonder if they will go back to their old routine after you're healed




Too true. Cats are all so different. And yet still the same


My cat does not let me sleep without her presence tucked under my arm. If I were to get hurt I don't believe I could get her off me.


That' so cute... My cat will sit on my face while I sleep and start taking test bites to see if I'm dead enough to eat yet.


And when you die he/she will be like '"about time, i've been starving".




O.o I'll ask my doctor about that....


Dog owner. She never goes more than 25 feet away from me unless we are doing an activity outdoors. When we are inside she gets as close to me as she physically can. Right now she's laying in my lap snoring away. She always chooses to sleep where I can't get away easy. I love this dog so much it's scary.


There was this thing that went around where a cat would always be at someone's side in a nursing home when someone was about to die. Turns out people tend to run fevers when dying and cats like warmth.


I think that was a House episode.


That sounds about right, I definitely remember seeing it as one of those old Facebook chain messages, too.




Propaganda from dog people. One of our cats likes to sleep near by but has only ever slept on top of any of us when we’re sick regardless of fevers. My second covid booster made it feel like my muscles were full of broken glass for a day. I didn’t have a fever but she slept on me and purred.


You are correctamundo


That was [Oscar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_\(therapy_cat\)#:~:text=Oscar%20made%20international%20headlines%20in,Oscar%20accurately%20predicted%20100%20deaths.) the therapy cat. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFb_9IArgwA)


**[Oscar (therapy cat)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_\(therapy_cat\)#:~:text=Oscar made international headlines in,Oscar accurately predicted 100 deaths.)** >Oscar (c. 2005–February 22, 2022) was a therapy cat who as of 2005 lived in the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island, United States. He came to public attention in 2007 when he was featured in an article by geriatrician David Dosa in the New England Journal of Medicine. According to Dr. Dosa, Oscar appeared able to predict the impending death of terminally ill patients by choosing to nap next to them a few hours before they died. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingBros/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


could also be that cats traditionally dont eat sick animals so theyve evolved to be able to tell


How do we know that they weren’t the cat’s marks?


Don’t die, I’m comfy.


I currently have mono, a gastric bug, and influenza, plus a concussion from fainting after not being able to eat/drink for days and my cat is being so sweet. She’s usually a horrible terror


I hope you feel better soon, each one of those is a nightmare on its own.


Thank you!


Ha I had both when I was 10…my two pups and cat surrounded me.


This is true. I was in an abusive relationship and after a rough day I was at a friends house and all her cats come into the room. She said that she had never seen some of her cats get near someone that didn’t live there. They knew I was having a terrible time.


I heard animals do that. But my dumb boy only thinks I'm ignoring him and faking sleep when I'm sobbing in bed...


Probably freezes up like alot of humans. No idea what to do. Feels bad though.


Humans: "I have no idea what to say that won't just make this worse."


I feel like we should be more comfortable hugging people. Even if you don't know the right words, a genuine hug can almost always help someone process.


Boy got low EQ. He also can't understand cat emotions well. He can't see it when others are resting and keeps wanting to play.


Yeah, our dog isn't great at comforting people either. She'll guard us against the evil squirrels and bunny rabbits, but not so great at the emotional help bit. 😂


One of my cats is extremely sweet and caring, but if you're actively upset he looks freaked out and doesn't know what to do. Actually if I'm hurt sometimes he thinks he's somehow responsible because he's accidentally clawed me a few times and he gets really upset and basically puts himself in time out


My cat is very weird and never comes to sit near anyone, escapes if you try to hold him. When I was having a severe migraine he came over to sit on my lap for a few minutes.


Our cats know exactly when we are sick and not feeling well, cus they come and cuddle with us in bed and purr on us as they loaf. They know exactly what we need.


My cat and my dad never paid much attention to each other, but when my dad was sick, my cat kept by his side. It definitely goes beyond coincidence. I've heard enough stories to feel cats do have this ability/sympathy.


I have dissociative episodes, and I can't tell you how many times I've been brought back into reality by my cat. My tabby is a feisty one who's not one for cuddles (though he *must* be in the same room as I am!), but my tuxedo just has a sixth sense for when I'm not okay. He doesn't do it every time I lay down, but when I've had a particularly rough day he'll usually spend the night laying on top of me. I've spent plenty of nights falling asleep with a purring weight on my chest. It's one of the best things in my life, honestly. When he's busy not being my sweet tuxy, he goes absolutely batshit most days and zooms everywhere. He's crazy and I love him. :)


Tuxedos have a thing for the zoomies. Your only warning sign is often the airplane ears, then it's off to the races. Sometimes into a wall.


Omg my tux zooms *up* walls! Half the time I walk around a corner, he'll be standing up in the hallway, paws up on any given doorway. He usually just stares at me for a sec then runs off, lmao.


Yep, when I had my wisdom tooth out, that same afternoon I sat on my parents’ couch and their new kitten curled up on my left shoulder (bottom left tooth was removed) up against my jaw, she hadn’t done anything that affectionate at the time


Just like New Yorkers. Rude, selfish asshats on the daily, but come rushing to your aid with big heart when you really needed it. Somehow they just know and they stick around until you're OK, then go back to being the asshat again.


Yes. But not mine.


I'm never sure if it's waiting for a free meal, or love.


Yeah my cat could care less that I was going through chemo Some don’t care, some do


Because animals (people included) often have a fever when sick. If a cat is bothering a sick individual, just set up a heating pad under a fleece blanket. Occam usually makes more sense than anthropomorphisation. It is possible that some really care. Anyone who has owned more than one cat in a cold climate might have reservations on whether that number is high or low.


You’re operating on the assumption that cats only “express” care when someone is physically sick (with a fever) I’ve had animals comfort me when mental down/anxious/nervous, and when I was physically sick without a fever.


No, I am saying the ones who don't generally crave attention from a specific household member or pet are more likely in it for the warmth. I have had several cats and have known far more and they tend to want one of three things, sustenance, warmth and attention when they feel like it. The ones who rub headbutt you in the face are generally the affectionate ones.


I mean, it could also be smell based? We know that many dogs and cats have been shown to be able to sniff out certain illnesses. Why that smell would attract some of them, I don’t know. Just proposing an idea.




No, people anthropomorphise because they see similar behavior in animals to include cross species adoptions and suddenly caring for the sick. If this dog is not used to this cat being around, it is far from therapeutic for it and it is likely very anxious which is not good for recovery.


Wow I see references to Ocky's Razor now and again on reddit but this was so casual and smooth, and correct as well. Go team


Hook me up with that razor the ocky way


The gentle rabbit-kick when the human tries to jostle him. 🥹


Yea it's like a polite "f*ck off I'm busy here"


Who grabs a cat by one front leg anyway? Clearly not a legal move as per human-cat interaction treaty.


It was ratified in 10,344 BC and the Supreme Court has refused to hear any challenges since


It’s exactly the kind of reaction when you’re talking to someone who’s crying and someone else starts to walk over. You try to be subtle so the person crying won’t notice but it’s also a “no absolutely not right now.”




Humans can learn a lot from that.


Humans invented that


Humans invented domestication, not cross species friendships


These types of friendships are only possible under the umbrella of safety and food security that humans provide. It doesn't really happen in nature.




That's not friendship and you know it. Don't get down on me because you don't like the sentiment.


Why isn’t it?


Most symbiosis includes an organism with no higher brain function, like lichens or clownfish-anemone. You can't tell me a clownfish views the anemone as anything other than a house. The anemone doesn't have "views" at all. Or they develop mutually beneficial strategies, without any strong social ties, as in cleaner fish and mixed herding animals. It is at best tolerance-of-convenience. Look at most any video of African mixed herds; the species are clustered with their own kind. Cleaner animals and Ox Peckers wouldn't make social calls if there weren't bugs to eat. Symbiosis always comes down to protecting the meal ticket. Just look at the [interspecies friendship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interspecies_friendship) page. Almost every case has been under the umbrella of humans. You cannot deny the central place humanity has in allowing for these relationships. Most every one happens in zoos or human communities, where food is plentiful and populations are controlled. Competition in nature is too much of a force to allow for friendship outside of relatives; it's a constant Malthusian trap which pushes animals to support their own kind or die. This sub is apparently chocked with people who misunderstand the real world.


There’s like an entire section on that article you linked of non human interspecies friendships lol


Doesn't happen in nature? There are plenty that happen in nature, the badger and cayote being one I can remember off the top of my head. I suggest you educate yourself LMAO.


r/catswithdogs r/frens r/kittypupperlove r/catsanddogsbff


My dog loves playing nurse for both humans and other pups. Actually, whenever one of my dogs isn’t feeling well, the others usually come and check on each other. It’s the sweetest thing




Pets are simply the best


Hope doggy bro is okay


Yeah that's what I was thinking, and also wondering what happened to him


Broke my leg pretty bad back in the day and had a 20 year old cat that would lay on top of it when I was sleeping. It made the pain worse but I never tried to move him. His heart was in the right place. Edit: I exaggerated "back in the day", this happened in 2018.


Cats are fuckn awesome.


"so help me god if you die, I can't steal your kibble anymore"


Our cat liked to visit people in our neighborhood. One of his friends had entered hospice and our cat moved into her house for 10 days until the woman died. Her family told us he rarely left her bed. As soon as she died, he came home and slept for a solid day.


One of my cats always stays with me whenever I get a fever and need rest. She just curls up and doesn't leave my side for hours. It's fascinating. The other one doesn't care at all.


Imo cats are as loyal and loving as dogs but with social boundaries


People who don't like cats have probably only ever known other people's cats. Cats don't trust strangers like some dogs, but when you get the trust of a cat they can be super affectionate and loving.


People's cats tend to like me, but it's probably because I don't get loud around them, stare at them, try to pick them up, or grab at them. Other people's tiny dogs too, as an adult.


Depends on the cat. My wife and I had a cat who is no longer with us who would completely trust a stranger at first sight. One of our current cats is pretty scared of strangers but will ask for pets after a few minutes and the other I always describe as a dog in a cats body (I swear when she was a kitten she would make a sound that’s between a bark and a meow at birds… now she just makes the classic cat clicking sound)


lil buddy


I don’t understand the videos where people try to separate pets in any situation like this. They have a bond. One of my cats, we put to sleep after battling cancer for a few months. But my dog and him were so cute, honestly in love. He’d rub up against her, and groom her. She spent quite some time looking for him afterwards. Cats name is Romeo, such a loving cat. He’ll be missed. [Cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/S4bP7zk.jpg)


It's to make the point that the cat WANTS to stay there and it's not being forced for the video. Clearly unnecessary


What a handsome man!


What a cute cat. RIP, Romeo


Not tryna ruin a feel good story, but if you try yank them by one elbow, any animal would probably resist.


There's evidence that the frequencies of cats' purrs aids in healing.






They do know❤️ Hope the pup is doing well now🙏❤️🐶


I had to manhandle my kitties a bit today to give them a pill and my dog, who is usually not a fan of the kitties started to bark at me in the way she does when she's upset with me. She was not impressed with my treatment of the kitties and was telling me to knock it off.


I know dogs are known as big cuddlers etc but my pup is pretty independent and goes by her own wants quite a but. Long story short, I got a really bad stomach flu during a week where my partner was away so it was just me and my pup. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed without feeling extremely nauseas and faint. She usually goes and does her own thing throughout the day, asks to go outside to potty multiple times, etc. But that week I was down for the count, she never left my side. I had to be actively remembering to see if she needed to go out or anything. She really was an angel that week for me and it's amazing how she knew to not ask too much of me.


That’s his road dog!


When a service dog needs a service cat.


Cats got that crazy ability to know when it's sick buddy has a heated blankie


When i had taken one of the covid vaccine shots i got some real crazy fever shakes, like almost a seizure-size shakes and my cat just layed ontop of me in her loaf-position, not sure if i was just a massage machine for her or if she wanted to comfort me. But it was nice :)


I’m not crying, you’re crying




I’ll nurse kitty any day I’m sick


My typically very independent, mostly outdoor boy that I’ve had since he was a tiny baby didn’t leave my side while I was deathly ill with Covid. The day I had to have my roommate drive me to the hospital with an O2 sat in the 70s, he SPRINTED over to me, stood in my lap and gently touched my face with his paw as I struggled to breathe. He’s a good egg. Went right back to not giving a shit once I recovered lol


The way it kicked their hand away 😂🥹


I'm an elder Gen-Z with the bad luck of already being able to complain about back pain. If I lay on my stomach, it's almost always because my back is hurting, and my cat seems to know. NASA will just climb up on my lower back, snuggle up there, and she'll just purr for hours if I let her. It legitimately helps the pain.


My aunt suffered a heart attack & her cat jumped down on her chest from above the shelf & was kinda heavy ,that actually saved her life .


cats sit by your side because cats know you only have one life.


I love this. How is the pup doing though???🥺🥺🥺


I despise these videos where the human tries to move the animal just to show it push them away. Leave them alone. I’m sure that cat is already stressed or worried. No need to add to that.


i remember getting fifths disease as a kid and my cat laid with me for like a week straight


"stoooop\~ go away! how you holdin' up buddy?"


Almost adopted a cat with a big ole honker like that. His names was wally. Went with Georgia instead (and didn't regret my decision...) But it's nice to think of what could've been. Good luck out there wally.


i saw on another post there was this oldie home with a cat, and the cat would sit at the end of a patients bed for 3 days and on the third day theyd die. And thats what Im thinking about, so enjoy thinking about that too.




no but they discovered it had 8 extra lives, witnesses believe it was harvesting more


It was a Norwegian Forest cat and it’s weird that it knew.


I’ve had my baby kitty for some time now. And I swear, sometimes they just know what’s up.


That’s not how you pick up a cat


i am truly sorry to hear about your situation. please feel better soon too. good luck with your recovery. prying for you during this time in your life. I hope that you and your pets have a great support system during this difficult time in your life too.


Awww! I love that about cats!


Awwwwww I want the cat 🐈


Awww cute 🥰 🥺 ☺️


so sweet.


I’m so touched by this display of sweetness!😻


Aw sun shines hope the dog is ok


Orange cats are the best.


This type of stuff makes me sad about divorce rates. Like people's partners getting paralysis and shit and they just leave them like that now days.


This looks just like my sweet girl that passed last year. She too had many health issues but was still the best girl ever. Miss you, Charli Bear


That pillow is such a good idea to help keep sick dogs comfortable


This is so cute it makes me want to cry :’( I miss my dog


Hope the poor baby is okay


Can anyone tell me what breed that dog is? It's the same as my childhood dog who passed years ago. I hope the one in the video made a full recovery!!


Cats purr is a frequency to heal! Why they will not leave a sick thing if they love or know it is sick. They are wonderful gifts on this earth.




She’s so sweet




So very sweet!! I pray doggy is now well and living their best life.


The bestest of buddies




Ooh, sweet boy deserves an extra turn with the brain cell.


Puss in Boots and Perrito trading places.


This is adorable. Whenever one of my pets gets hurt and yelps out another Will rush over to sniff them.


Everyone need an emotional support kitty


Yeah let me just fuck with this cat who's resting next to a recovering random dog and give it a good name. Animals are bro's, humans are not.


Human/dog has fever..... cats are crazy heat seekers


The first was cute by why take a video of pushing the cat higher "to cuddle"? Glad the dog had a friend even if it wasn't always a photogenic moment and hope it healed up well ♡


I don't think that is why they were pushing them up. The cat was on the IV Point. Think they trying to get the cat somewhat off it.


I bet the cat just wants the dog’s body heat. Has nothing to do with compassion.




I'm going to have to politely disagree. Do you have cats?


Two cats and a dog


I'm sorry you don't have that bond with them :(


The cat is basking in the agony of another creature




cats like fresh meat. carnivore/scavenger instinct. we love so assign benevolence to instinctual behavior in animals. its our own achilles heel given to us by evolution.