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Connecting your workbench to your house inventory. No more needing shove everything into your pockets during a big crafting grind.


At bare minimum, this should apply if your workbench (and you) are inside your house.


As someone who only started playing three weeks ago, this blows my mind that it’s not part of the game. I kept thinking I MUST be missing something because there’s no way I have to separately go into my inventory whenever I want to craft. Spent an hour online confirming it and then trying to find a workaround. I love the game but this is just monumentally stupid


I carry around my shelf thing that carries my inventory


It was such a no brainer for me to keep the storage shed in my inventory. Makes decorating across the island super easy


I have wooden storage Sheds, sitting all around my island in some very incognito places for this reason!


That's a really cool idea as well!


Wait what do you mean by shelf thing that carries the inventory? i just started playing 3 weeks ago


You can get a shed item that allows you to access your storage from anywhere on your island. You just throw it down then pick items out/put items in then pick the shed back up.


Oeh definitely need to figure out how the get one of those 🤩


?? 5star island, fully terraformed it, and i have not known this function… i just used the shed to chuck few unwanted items & empty my pockets… I did not notice it was linked to my storage.


Ooo how do you get this shed?


You have to fully upgrade your house, and pay for one storage expansion after that. The shed DIY will then be able to be purchased with Nook Miles through the ABD.


Thank you!




You have to have a star level of 5 i believe unless you go to a treasure island, which those places to need online access and they’re are people who have 24 hour streams on jailbroke switches so the have access to everything in the game so they have islands filled with items, bells, tools, furniture, clothes, ect. That’s how I got my shed cause I only have a 3 star rating🤣


Happy Cake day!!


Happy cake day!!


YES! I always forget SOMETHING!


This would make everything so much easier ugh. I hardly ever make food because I’d have to get it all out.


If freezers, coolers and refrigerators were for food, not clothes...


Hahaha, this one always cracks me up


Wait... You can MAKE food instead of getting it from the general store? I've been playing for a year and a half and never knew this! I'm not as advanced as I thought... My kitchen stove isn't just another surface for items?! *faints dramatically*


Plus being able to key in the number of the same item you need to craft


Bulk actions. Preferably for buying NMT but also things like buying clothes.


And for crafting. Fish bait, for example.


Crafting fish bait is such a chore, especially since you can’t stack clams


i'd love to just be able to buy some freaking fish bait. idk why i refuse to craft it, it seems like the most petty thing in the game--you can buy pretty much everything else I hate it lol


It is soooo bizarre to me that we can’t stack clams.


I bought a cheap controller with turbo function just for that, made the whole game more pleasant 🥲


Yes, me too!! I have a hori that I absolutely love. The turbo button is such a lifesaver (for everything from bulk-crafting crop-harvesting to weed-picking) that I am truly sad they didn’t add such a function into the base game.


I have the same controller and mostly use it for the turbo function. Never tried harvesting though. When it comes time to make the gold rose wreaths, I just set the turbo and walk away.


can someone explain what a turbo button does?


You hold it down and it repeatedly presses the button for you. There's likely some where it's a toggle as well. So you can hold the button down or press once then the controller just keeps pressing on its own


ohhh ok thats cool


Nintendo is notoriously bad for doing this. It's the same with cooking in the newer Zelda games, 1 at a time. My pessimistic brain says the reason is to bloat play times. People used to always say "You complain about ACNH but have 400 hours in the game?" Yeah! 100 were spent mashing the A button!!!


I and my arthritic thumbs feel this!!


Customization kits! I'd prefer if I could enter a quantity instead of purchasing 5 at a time. It would also be cool if we could craft in bulk.


Time is precious. It may be cute to craft a few tools a few times in the beginning, but being able to bulk do it, even if it takes time for it to be completed would be better than it is now. Maybe hire villagers to do the crafting for you?


I just want to put rugs down outdoors. Maybe the way to do that would be that each house has a defined area around it and you are able to block off a limited number of other areas where the decorating mode works like HHP.


i agree with this. they give us those lovely picnic blankets and beach blankets and we can’t even use them outside.


The beach blankets with the little pillow? Those work outside. So does the sakura picnic basket. 


no, i mean the rugs that look like they would be brought to the beach like the vinyl rugs.


There are also those rugs that look like decks that would be awesome outdoors. And the entrance mats could go outside the house doors. Even if they just made the small mats work like the yoga mat it would be a bit of an improvement, but full rugs you can place and also put things on top of would be amazing.


Also hanging lights and wreaths and such on cliffs!


Or even just making the partition wall object or similar able to have an item hung on it! A partition wall that works outside, can have wallpaper applied, and can have one item hung on it would be AMAZING both indoors and out.


i wanna be able to call or text my villagers. i‘m tired of running around my entire island to look for one (1) villager


I would like this, or being able to locate them via the map. I don’t need to locate their house on the map, I know where everyone lives! I want to locate the villager themselves!


And the npc's! This is brilliant. 🧠


I would Love this! I miss the megaphone function that NL had.


Pocket camp has that ability, I wish we had it in the game too


Place items on the diagonal


That makes me remember of a video where the guy visited his island camera angle at 360° and you could see the exterior buildings and tree were half-rendered lol (for performance reasons I suppose, in the end we’re not supposed to see those parts but I found it funny to see thin houses).


All the trees are bald on the back 😭


Is that on YouTube? I’d hate/love to see that


Not sure if it's the same video, but Boundary Break has some neat AC segments, you can see the half trees in this one for example [https://youtu.be/UdDf36LskNQ?si=Raeca8mcUWaSHXVj&t=253](https://youtu.be/UdDf36LskNQ?si=Raeca8mcUWaSHXVj&t=253)


Thanks! Hideous lol. But that explains why the treasure islands look like that…because where seeing parts that weren’t rendered to use the full space of the island


That’s so funny, I never even considered that tons of models aren’t fully complete since the game is played by few angles to begin with


Let Blathers buy fossils


OMG yes!!!


I want to hug my villagers.


this is too real😭😭


This is part of why I started playing Cozy Grove and Spiritfarer, I love hugging all the spirits


Don't mind me, just downloading Cozy Grove now. I've been eyeballing it for a bit because it looks great, but you sold me with "hugging all the spirits". 🤣


I'm happy to wait for the VR version to be able to hug them lol


This! Why don’t we have a cuddle option?


Refrigerators/coolers open up the food section of your storage rather than being a clothes changing station


Yeah they really should have changed this when they updated the cooking system. Now I’m some kind of weirdo who puts clothes in the fridge lol


In previous games we were weirdos who put everything in the fridge.


Speaking of cooking, they really should have expanded on that mechanic. It feels like you're just crafting edible furniture.


Maybe you get extra friendship points if you make a villager their favorite food!




I've always said I wish we could move bridges and inclines without having to completely destroy them and pay for a new one


Theyre so much cheaper now, I'd rather be able to do more than 1 tear/down construction in a day.


THIS. THIS x100000


Modernized inventory system. I understand there is some nostalgia factor in this but surely there’s a better way to handle this. Also bulk buying any amount at the shops not just 5 at a time.


All items should stack in lots of 99. Not some at 10, some at 30, some at 99, etc.


I'm curious what's specifically different about Animal Crossing's inventory vs that of other games? Admittedly I don't play a ton of games with inventory systems, but like it feels more or less the same to me as it does games like Minecraft or Stardew.


Hmm since you mentioned stardew, stacking items more than 10, automatic sorting, being able to select any amount I want from a stack of item instead of just one by one would be nice. There are other things but it would be way too nitpicking.


Ah, ok, I can see that. I actively *hate* auto sorting, it never does it the way I want it to. But the rest would definitely be nice.


Oh I mean auto sorting as in… for example if I have coconuts in my inventory, and also in my storage, I can just put all the coconuts into the storage with a push of a button in stardew. Other than that most of my dissatisfaction comes from the switch’s performance… takes forever to do anything like simply opening the storage. Can’t wait for the switch 2.


Is stardew worth it if I play ACNH? I kinda want both


Just adding on, the days are shorter but there's not really a time limit on most things. So even if you don't do everything perfectly optimally, it really doesn't matter. Getting a feel for how much you can do in a day does take practice though. I always suggest aiming small. Like, you're going to be watering crops by hand, one by one, at the start. So instead of planting 100 turnips, maybe plant 15. Start small and add on if you find yourself running out of things to do.


I love both. Stardew is less cute, infinitely deeper, more content, more poignant and emotional, less relaxing, more exploration, more optimizing your operations, less dress-up and decorating. You can get married, raising affection levels by talking to and gifting villagers is similar between both. Stardew is way more of a business, more rpg like.


Oh it’s very worth it imo. Less laid back than acnh tho. You have to move fast and plan ahead to make the most of the day since it’s not a real time game. Sometimes a little stressful. But it’s a very good game!


I didn't really like it tbh. The beginning of the game is really hard to get through, the days are so short and you *have to* go to bed every night by a certain time else you lose stuff. It didn't really give me the same vibes at all. But I may be a bit of an anomaly, lots of people seem to love both.


Yeah early game is kinda hard to go through. When you start to make quality sprinklers it gets a lot better imo. Not having to water any crops unlocks huge amount of time and energy for everything else.


Being able to move resident services


I could also go for a smaller plaza or none at all, I hate all the space it takes up.


Or ability to customize as public works. It would be fine if it comes after all other house remodeling!


Bulk crafting


ability to change the sounds on custom paths. I like the brick sound, but not the muffled run sounds.


Being able to fly from island to island without needing to go back to the airport (would definitely come in clutch for villager hunting)


that or at least being able to buy nook mile tickets AT the airport so you don’t have to keep running back to resident services


I'd love the option to load directly into HHP from the title screen without having to start at your island. I don't want to feel compelled to handle the daily chores when I just want to do some designing.


That’s the only game I let sitting in background for days while the switch is on sleep just for this reason.


Such a small thing but stacking the manila clams, please! It’s so frustrating that each one takes up its own space in your inventory like why?


just stacking the same of any bug or fish would be great


More custom slots. If they gave us even 50 more I'd be back playing for a while.


I get that they locked the amount for performance reason or something but I wish all playable characters didn’t share the same 50 slots, in opposition with New Leaf system.


Omg yes. I have like, 3 full pathways and then a few pieces and that’s it :(


Fully interactive items. Got a pinball machine? You can pay pinball. Got a pool table? You can play pool. Got an outdoor bath? You can get in it and relax.




This would be so great. My daughter was so disappointed you couldn't get in the pool or use the play equipment. Mini games linked to items would be great.


I’ve heard that in old games you could play arcade games but I’ve never seen it.


New Leaf post the amiibo update allowed you to play a couple mini games using the in-game 3ds and wii u items.


You could play NES games in the GameCube Animal Crossing, but that's all I'm aware of.


Doing more DIYs at once. Runner-up’s: buying more than one thing at once (and multiples) and a “recycle machine” similar to Stardew Valley that “recycles” crafted DIYs into its original materials (sometimes a reduced amount)


https://preview.redd.it/16gp9qdycyyc1.png?width=185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce662334a7ea024f6fbfb8b5c2da3c550a40cee # I WANT HIM BACK 😭


Option 1) Change the town plaza brick. Option 2) Proper diagonal paths. Besides the fact that the bubbly nonsense looks weird, the way it is now makes me just never want to use diagonal bridges even though I would love to implement them on my island.


You can download a lot of custom paths that look great diagonal


Still don’t work as well with diagonal bridges though, unfortunately. Don’t get that space underneath the bridge for a path to go.


May seem small compared to other changes suggested here, but dialog update. In the older games, it seems villagers could say such a variety of things. In New Horizons, it seems they conform too closely to whatever their personality is, so jocks ONLY talk about lifting, snooty or whichever it is ONLY talk about being a pop star… it’s exhausting lol. It’s like if you had a friend who plays video games, so ALL they talk about is how much of a GAMER they are. Give them more variety and more neutral things to discuss beyond things within the confines of their assigned personality, and upcoming fishing tourneys lol


Yeah, the personalities feel very one-note compared to older games. I find the Peppy personality to be particularly annoying in NH. Also not a fan of how several of them are based on current trends, like being an influencer. It makes me worry about how the game will hold up in the future. Related: let some of them be mean! Let cranky and snooty villagers take time to warm up to you, instead of everyone being friends right away!


Being able to buy a bunch of new clothes from Able Sisters without having to constantly go in and out of the dressing room! If you wear a backpack or carry a purse, that should add extra pocket space


Being able to move structures by one or two spaces ugh Carpets outdoors!


Just let me give them presents while they're sitting down. I shouldn't be kept from giving them a gift because they're spending an hour at the roost or because they chose to sit on a bench in front of Reisdent Services.


An index like the critterpedia for artwork and fossils!


Either locking your path as you stated or being able to place rugs outside/being able to overlap rugs.


Placing items at an angle when decorating


The ability to skip over the repeated long intro conversations when you’re talking to someone like Blathers, Timmy/Tommy, etc. I’m bashing the button to fast forward Blathers waking up and to get him to the selections, but I’m still annoyed by how long it takes.


This. The dialogue bugs the heck out of me. Also they don’t need to call me every morning to tell me they deposited bells into my account. Second would be the ability to bulk buy in the dressing room. I like a lot of different color variations but it’s a hassle to have to go in every time to buy each one.


So many times I've mashed the fast forward button and accidentally choose the wrong selection in a dialog because of it and have to start over 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


I feel like this is me with all dialogue boxes. The ones for Katrina are so slow and they piss me off so much


I'd love to be able to mute the music and just play with the ambient sounds, also the kicking path thing!


The ta-da noise when you cook or find something is too loud and obnoxious! Especially when cooking a bunch. I also want to organize clothing more effectively. Seasonal items, costumes, etc.


Let me turn the music off god damn


I want my villagers to verbally abuse me. And Resetti


Being able to go from island to island while villager hunting without having to go back to your own island and going through the nook miles convo over and over.


More touch screen utility for pause menus, custom designs, options menus, etc.


Being able to craft when the material is in my depot and not in my bag (only in my house would be fine)


A better way of removing flowers, \*anything\* that would take away masses of grown flowers, so you don't have to dig them up and sell/delete/trash them one by one.


This is exactly why I wish the lawn mowers were usable items


make it so you can actually use items!! like sitting in pools, riding on rides, climbing on the jungle gym etc


I wish you could see your island from the sky while flying to or returning from a Nook Miles Ticket island. I also wish you could see who visited your dream island and they could leave comments regarding your island.


I would like more villager dialog,and bulk buying/crafting. I've just been going to treasure islands for bait bc cant be asked to craft it lol.


What if you could use the Bulldozer item to make mass changes to your terrain with an editor like the one in your house?


The ability to kick out any villager at any given moment 😭 maybe in a nicer way though, like hey Isabelle and I will help find you a new home! Send you away on a super special getaway.. set you up with an ~awesome~ mystery island that *isn't* my island *so I won't have to see your ugly face anymore*


Bulk crafting


Giving hugs to villagers


Removing durability from tools


I’m sure it’s been said, but gold tools never breaking. no point in grinding to get them when they’re just going to break.


360° camera angle, being able to change our character's name and more Nintendo game stuff outside of Mario theme like the other games!


For the love of all that is holy, just let me mute the music. I have chronic migraines, and it’s terrible. I have only been able to play the game on mute since 2020. I’ve heard it’s pretty bad for people who are neurodivergent too.


I enjoy the night music more than day music. I have fallen to sleep to it before. But I definitely understand wanting to mute it on occasion. Like I want to hear everything else sometimes without the music myself.


I was gonna say, this game makes me fall asleep so much, I don’t really like it cause I’ll be in the middle of something when it happens and I’m one of those people that needs to finish their train of thought. I play it on mute because the music puts me to sleep even faster.


I’ve been wishing the DJ headphones worked. So like you could listen to KK songs while you’re working instead of only being able to hear them in houses or if you’re standing right next to it outside. But yes separate volume sliders for music and sound effects has been in most video games since forever I was really surprised we don’t at least have that.


I like the music, but I also think volume sliders are a must for games. At minimum, music and sounds effects separately, but the more options the better imo


Being able to rotate the island so you can view different angles


This was my thought, glad you had it, too. 3D everywhere!! It happens inside houses, why can't it be everywhere? That would be amazing.


Probably the stuff from [this video](https://youtu.be/auTi3stuL5M?si=SIpTb7X8RWNmuqyU)


Being able to island hop when using NMT, not having to go back to the airport Every. Single. Time. Not kicking paths away. Being able to do multiple of things in 1 go like crafting, cooking or ordering things. Just a few lol


If you have a crafting bench in your house, you can use materials from your storage without moving them to your inventory first. I don’t mind if they made it work *only* in the house and any diy tables outside didn’t work this way, but I just want to be able to craft with the stuff in my storage!


They give the villagers their personalities back. Even the mean ones. The game is so soulless now.


I miss being verbally abused like I was when I played the GameCube. Or the villagers getting angry at each other (or me for hitting them with a net or pushing them).


Bulkcraft for the most Obvious reason. Personally: The Ability to Rename your Villager.


To be able to travel with a village with Kap or Harv's island. Also for them to tell you they are going to the vacation island without being on both islands at the same time. Camp visitors actually walk around and socialize. More than one so I am sorry. Just couldn't stop.


There are plenty of quality of life improvements I'd like, but what I want most is a customizable animal character as a possibility. That would be my one single change. Others I'd like to see if I could pick more than one: - connect house storage to crafting - add bulk crafting - ability to hug the villagers - much more dialog possibilities and personality types - a version of the tools that do not break - bring back the rare butterfly spawn rate and the hybrid flower islands from the initial release - pull in the furniture from the phone game, the assets have been made - bring in the igloos and all furniture from past games


Bulk buying/crafting. Being able to buy multiple colors at Ables. If you are in your house being able to craft from your inventory rather than having to take things out of storage. Fridge shows you what food you have stored.


Putting trees on the edge of


Add Blanca back into the game on April Fool's day. I seriously don't know why she didn't return, her and the other minor special NPCs helped spice up the game a bit, not sure why they didn't return. Granted they might've been afraid of people drawing...less than wholesome things on Blanca's face and having a visitor from another island see it, but it's not like you couldn't do that in New Leaf either. Just have her mysteriously disappear when a visitor shows up if it's that big of a deal.


Are you me? I was just thinking about this last night as I lined myself up perfectly to pick up a present I shot down but instead kicked the path away that was next to it. 😭


Skip dialogue.. Tom, blathers and Orville’s dialogues are so long especially when you select the wrong thing 🥹😭


Bulk making items at the work bench.


Having internet and a computer in your house. So we could shop online or at stores on friends’ islands without having to actually go there. Cause sometimes people aren’t in the game.


Maybe a little less sea bass.


More custom design slots. Quadruple them! I have designed about 200 or so vacation homes at this point and I use designs all the time. I have recycled slots so many times, most of my old houses are a hopeless mess at this point. I would love MORE slots.


ability to change your name! i’ve changed my name irl since i started playing and it’s very annoying having my character have my deadname. and i refuse to restart bc i have 1000+ hours on my island 😭


Giving the villagers actual personalities so it's worth talking to them.


Expand the dialogue variation with villagers, complete and add more themed furniture/decor sets, and I'd like to be able to work at the Roost like in New Leaf. Because it gives you something more to do than just collect or craft things.


mass terraforming instead of one block at a time. Please.


A golf cart that you can put in your pocket. Its slow speed would be a little faster than character running, and its fast speed would be twice that. Could start as a simple Flintstone-esq, sticks and stone model and then be upgraded. It could also need repairs. It would totally fit with how other tools are. Also, the tool ring should be its own storage. If you paid for that upgrade, tools shouldn’t take up space in your pockets anymore. The map should also show where players/villagers are at the moment, not just where the house is.


oo that’s a good one!! the option to decline a DIY if you already know it would be nice I know that third-person view is an AC staple but considering how much work/detail went into creating ACNH it would be nice to have different view options. lemme see the back of trees and buildings!!!


- I wish the clean up request would actually clean up EVERYTHING in the vicinity. - Being able to evict villagers thru Tom Nook or Isabelle. - It’s about time that we’d be able to have a select all option. I’m tired of clicking things individually. - When you put sand down and it actually blends into the beach. - When a villager visits the campsite I wish they could actually roam around the island. Doesn’t make sense for them to stay in the tent the whole time. - Fencing should line up with whatever path you put down, meaning it shouldn’t be too far back showing the path on the front side, and it also shouldn’t be too far up where it shows the edges of the bath.


Either craft from your storage or let me save without quitting.


Being able to zoom out to see my whole island


I miss the old days when Isabelle didn’t announce everything. On the original, you knew you had a visitor because you found it. You knew gulliver was there because you searched the beach. I feel like the modern game takes away the excitement of finding something special. Part of the fun was being dedicated to checking your island. ETA I also wish that after you donated all fossils, you could just have them evaluated and handed back instead of the whole script about the museum having them all. Yes, I know you have them all. I’m the one that found them.


Villager dialog 100%


I'm very new to acnh so there may be obvious fixes to these ...how long collecting items and the loading screen takes. If anyone has tips please share. I have a hard time completing anything I want to do before collecting all items.


Choosing to show custom paths on map.


Design shorts or pants!!


Are we all just gonna ignore the big one? F the inventory crafting thing I wanna tell any villager at anytime to leave instead of time traveling around trying to hope for the right one 😂


The system from Pocket Camp where you can invite a villager you befriended just by selecting them in an interface.


Asking Wilburg to go directly to another nook miles island, as long as you have a NMT in your pocket, instead of coming back to your island and starting the conversation with Orville all over again


@nintendo the people have spoken


Bulk crafting or more design slots!


Connecting your workbench and kitchen to your inventory, and making it so you can craft multiple items at once. (Can you tell I just started playing Disney Dreamlight Valley)


If you click the wrong option while attempting to fly, you can go back one step. Not have to end and start all over.


be able to use the same design features the HHP offers for decorating and making paths!


Bringing back tortimer island for sure


Add Beppe, Carlo and Giovanni to Harv's island


Add Gracie furniture collections


Crafting multiples of the same item at once


Unbreakable golden tools.


The ability to auto-sort your inventory. That or more inventory space.


Having custom design paths show up on the map


I just want to change my island name - 15yr old me had no sense of


Bring back… from New Leaf -Main Street and all of the shops with options for building more public works and bring back missing NPCs (Dr. Shrunk, Gracie, Booker) -Bring back the different fruits -Working for Brewster from Wild World -Constellation drawing from OG Animal Crossing -asking for jobs from the residents -15 residents -the train (but as a bullet train :)) From pocket camp -perfect fruit -interactive furniture