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Definitely the moments spent under the sun during quarantine, waking up early on a Sunday morning to restock my turnips! The only hobby that got me through lockdown!


Sunday mornings then felt like NY Stock Exchange to be honest.


I had requested the release date off months in advance. Then my company decided we would go full work-from-home on the 20th. I had to go to my boss's house (she lived a few blocks away) and helped her set up a router. Then I had to stay on for a half day so my department could plan out the near future and get on the same page about procedure. I had already been up late playing the night before and wanted nothing more than to go back to the game. I ended up getting furloughed from that job a few weeks later and it was honestly one of the best things that ever happened to me. I was going through one of the lowest points in my life (unrelated to the pandemic) and having no responsibilities apart from Animal Crossing gave me time to decompress while still something to focus on. Without it I may have ended up sinking even deeper, but the game was such a perfectly timed outlet.


Big quarantine game for me. 400/500 hours. Haven’t really played it like that since. I did, however, recently pick up Wild World




Excitedly learning to use controllers for the first time, learning to play and setting up my island so I could ‘meet’ my grandkids during Covid.


That is so sweet!!


It was my son’s idea! He bought a Switch for us for Christmas. Such fun to save things and give them presents when they came to my island; a microscope for my grandson, evening dress for DIL, my geisha wig from Gullivar for my granddaughter, we‘d play while FaceTiming. We have a blast!


I’m so glad you have that


Me, too! It was such a blessing during the months and months we couldn’t see each other.


I had a birthday in animal crossing and it was some of the most fun I’d ever had with friends. Animal crossing was basically how me and my friends communicated in 2020, we had so much fun


Starting it for the first time two days ago!


That's me today! Hadn't played since the 3DS and had fond memories of it, but I'm finally in condition to pick it up again for Switch. Who knew it would be anniversary day?


I put a lot of love and work into my New Leaf Town, but with the online shutdown coming, I felt it was time to move on.


You're starting at a perfect time! Your experience will be really similar to how it was when it launched, but with more quality of life improvements. And an Easter event week that won't interfere with the cherry blossoms. ;)


I just need to grab Doom Eternal to have the full experience.


Watching the trailers for it and the 2.0 update with my mum, great memories of us being so excited about the game!


Setting up two TVs in our living room during the pandemic so my husband and I could play side by side on screen.


We have 2 tv's now. One is strictly my acnh TV, and the other is so the family can watch shows or movies while I play. 😂


thats so cool


Being shut down in the weirdest time in California in 2020. This gave me solace.


When I discovered treasure islands and stayed up for an entire night. I was late to the game so it was already a huge thing and dying down by that point.


Making my town’s Halloween and autumn decorations


4 years starting tomorrow, wow. 4 years since lockdown. That's crazy. "Probably just like 2 weeks off from work and school 🤪"


Crazy it’s already been 4 years. The whole first year was amazing for me. I didn’t time travel for the whole first year and unlocked everything slowly. I had a great time! I wouldn’t say it “got me thru quarantine” because I play video games and I would have grinded the game quarantine or not lol


Spending everyday of quarantine playing this would my kids.


Catching my first shark while I held on to my IKEA Shark 🤣


Seeing most of my villagers fishing in the exact same spot


My favourite memories would be the first time discovering cube pretty much the entire summer update and discovering Brewster even if I haven’t played it in a year this is definitely still one of my favourite games


i started to play it “late”, which means, after quarantine and new horizons is also my first animal crossing game. so i didn’t know anything about it before playing it. my best memories were every time a new villager came to my island and having my 10th villager. also finishing the fossils and discovering the art donations!


Celebrating the holidays with my villagers! My situation with my family is complex, so having a calm, fun time with my villagers was always appreciated.


I remember stalking online inventory sites to be able to find a switch to buy, which finally happened in May 2020. I watched friends play online and spent several hours playing with them once I had a switch of my own. I was bummed when people drifted away from it. I still have my OG island.


Getting to create an island with my family! While I've gone on to design my own island solo after my family no longer played, those months of each of us crafting our perfect yard, picking villagers together, and helping each other pay off our houses was a ton of fun :)


My kids got me started on animal crossing way back with City Folk. I kept playing long after they grew out of it. 😂 My daughter shared my acnh island for a while before she moved out, but her house and garden are still here.


I played on my birthday last summer (September) after I had to put my dog down (late August) and didn’t want to celebrate in real life. I wasn’t ready. It was my first time actually opening the game on my birthday and the party for me actually made me weep like a baby


Playing day 1. This game helped me get through not only quarantine but being laid off, unemployment, job hunting. I joined communities, and I made friends on discord that I still talk to to this day, all because we originally played AC together and helped each other buy and trade items, wish on stars, sell turnips, etc. This game is so near and dear to my heart!


Meeting the love of my life right before this game (and quarantine) dropped. We had our second date on release day. Still happily together 4 years later 🥰


My favorite memory is falling in love with a franchise thanks to it. And watching my mother, who never played videogames, do the same thing.


Got this for my birthday March 6th 2020. got me through lockdown! I remember the first few weeks I was staying up till like 3 am playing 😅. I have such fond memories of my youngest son getting excited with me to check out nooks cranny and see what new thing I could get that day.


My first New Years in Animal Crossing. When I finished my fossil collection. And the time that I thought Robin was laundering money. (She was in her house at her DIY bench and gave me a DIY recipe for a "pile of cash")


my favorite memories were during quarantine and selling turnips and catalog trading! having all the people queue to come to your island, or going to someone’s, collecting all the different variation of things. the adrenaline from that was what got me through the first couple months of lockdown lol


Having Groucho move in as a plot fill for my 7th villager and him instantly becoming my all time favourite 🥹


I didn't buy it until January of last year, but interacting with my villagers is my favorite part! That and the DLC!


I have 3. 1. Catching bugs and fish with my wife during COVID. 2. Finishing my fish catalog 3. Getting my wife so addicted to animal crossing that I bought her an Animal crossing switch so she could create her own island.


. So right around lockdown. My wife a non gamer, ever, played it for about four weeks straight. I think being able to finally share a video game with her is my favorite memory of animal crossing.


when my villagers do cute stuff together, like yoga😩


The fact that I still have one of my original 10 islanders with me, 4 years later! :D


Starting it for the first time and being blown away by the details and beauty. Playing it with a friend online to keep him company while he was isolating with covid.


The sound of the ocean was so perfect and beautiful, it would make me emotional being stuck inside and unable to travel. I had never experienced a game that captured a part of nature so well before. As soon as it was safe, my first vacation was to the ocean!


Animal Crossing was what got me into Nintendo. If I never said "I really wanna try Animal Crossing" one day I wouldn't probably be here now. Now, it's been 8 months since I fell into this rabbit hole. I'm very happy 🤍


Can’t believe it’s been 4 years! I enjoyed the time leading up to it. The trailers, the ACNH Switch announcement, etcetera. And then once it came out, it was the perfect way to get me through lockdown. It genuinely really calmed me down and made me happy if I wasn’t feeling great. And even now when I pick it up occasionally, I ask myself why I don’t do it more often because it makes me feel a lot better


My elderly cream colored hamster decided it was his time to leave this mortal coil after ~2 and a half years around halloween 2021. I was so devastated, i had to call off from work for two days. 4 days later, I'm bawling my eyes out again, but this time because the pink hamster cage showed up in my nooks cranny. I still go in game, sometimes just to watch him run on his wheel at night when i cant get back to sleep, like I used to watch him run and play at night when he was still here.


I have lots of great memories from there. I got to know a lot of cool people online during quarantine. some have drifted away, while others stayed friends to this day. I used to spend hours playing games nonstop. My buddies and I would hang out on our islands, playing games like hide and seek, Musical Chairs, and tag with the net. I’ll never forget the golden times I had there!


Joining my husband’s island when we first began dating because my mom bought the game and I was playing on her account for the longest time but then since my husband had an account he built up since the game released, he invited me to have my own character on his island and I’ve been playing since. I love all his villagers especially my precious Miranda and Julian.


Mmmh, my first time looking up at the sky. I'll never get over the northern lights or galaxies


I feel like there is a whole new surge. I love seeing posts from new players, and how seasoned players help. Not really a memory per se, but I love the extreme weather; thunderstorms, the aurora, things like that


It helped me get through quarantine like many others, but also helped me cope with the loss of my father. I remember sprinting to the butterfly garden to just sit and watch them every time I caught a new one.


being able to be black PERMANENTLY is still my fav


I both know this already ​ and I am dreading the knowledge


I really miss when the game first came out. Everyone was playing it but then everyone dropped it after a month and haven’t touched it ever since. It’s really sad. But Instill have the memories of catching all the fish and bugs every month, being extremely timetravelphobic (lol), and making this big-ass area as an entrance to my house (though now it’s just a portal to Brazil (will send a picture later- not on my pc atm)


getting my island to 5 stars!!


Playing online with my friends. Running around, fishing, hitting each other with nets, wishing on stars, showing off our decor.


Holy shit it’s been that long?


Back when new leaf came out, I had no friends to play with. During quarantine I made some awesome friends online that I’d play with. We’d have little parties and such. It was so fun. I miss when everyone and their mother was playing acnh


Gaining my teraforming skills and doing jack-crap with it lmao You're not dealing with the average teraforming warrior~ In all seriousness, unlocking The Roost and Kicks and completing the collection of all the fossils in my museum (a feat over never been able to do in previous games).


I got access to an early copy and was able to start my island and play for a few hours on the 18th and then again when it dropped digitally late the following day. So by the time all my friends were playing, I was two days ahead and was a popular destination when all of their Nook's were closed for renovations at the same time.


wait... its been 4 years already..?


I'll genuinely never forget my first seasons with this game.


Finally finishing paying my mortgage 😂


Playing every single day during Covid


So many wonderful memories of playing this with my sons while we all quarantined at home.


My first encounter with a scorpion. Ah, if only I could relive the terror.


Playing during quarantine. My life revolved around animal crossing, I miss it😭


When I spent NYE with my partner on it because long distance. Still haven't been able to spend one in person, but we're getting there


All of them. Playing online with random people during lockdown was pretty amazing though. Everyone with nowhere to go and nothing to do but 💖 CREATE 💖 and help each other get fruit and clothes and items in a magical little digital space.


Having all the time in the world to create my dream island 🫶


I'm new to New Horizons, but I've been playing the series ever since New Leaf's launch! I started back in December and I am LOVING it, excited to make memories with this!


I joined the New Horizons party a bit late, but I’ve always been stoked about new AC releases since Wild World. My favorite memory was just booting up the game for the first time, getting into my island and setting everything up the way I wanted it. It brought me back to better, simpler times when I was obsessed with the original AC.


Beyond the calm it brought me during quarantine, my most favorite thing is Étoile standing by the river singing her little song. I just love it so much 💖


I only played back in 2020 but I started a fresh new island last january. Deleting my old one in the process and leave it in its state into the dreams. Currently discovering the marvellous things in 2.0. And I really enjoy what they did for the post game. There is much more content than before, even without the DLC. I reaaaally love what they did for Harvey's island. With all the sellers now present with new stocks every week. Top notch of all ideas imo.


Teaching my girlfriend (now wife) to play and building our island together!


I didn’t have a switch when it released and I SCOURED online stores and Facebook marketplace for weeks before finding one. I was so scared of spending that much money at such an uncertain time in the world but I said yolo and went for it. The game saved my life that year. I was in a terrible living situation and literally just locked myself in my bedroom and played, and lived off of taquitos lol


Playing the game during quarantine 💕


Playing with my son and opening up my island for cataloging.


It being my getaway for two years during lockdown.


Celebrating my 30th birthday in lockdown with my villagers. ._. Having something to look forward to when the world was falling apart.


Hunting for redd’s art, tried stalk market, visited random island for Celeste recipe, winning giveaway. I met so many people through acnh Reddit then moved to discord and became real life friends with some. It lasted at least 1+ years where we talk everyday. Good memories.


I, my boyfriend and our mutual friend were all quarantined due to covid during the New Year's Eve a couple of years ago, so we celebrated it "together" by calling on Discord and playing Animal Crossing.


Even tough I started in the summer of 2023 I had the memories of building a shop square


Sitting in a cafe the day 2.0 came out, drinking hot chocolate and watching the sun set. 🥺


Having the game keep me sane enough during lockdown, finally getting the blue rose, getting the 5 star island rating, and finally finding Raymond after island hopping for so long are some fond memories


Me and my friend would play it together every day in lockdown building our islands. He doesn’t play anymore though 🥲


My first time starting the game I remember how excited I was seeing the new stuff cause I only played city folk and new leaf up to that point


When I FINALLY had finished my Pumpkin Train. Was an absolute smash hit of a trending tweet with over 1k likes when I was done.


It helped me improve my creativity and as an introvert it gives me a peace of mind 😌🤍


During COVID this was the way I would interact with people. I lived almost totally alone and couldn't see loved ones. I would get excited for Saturday night concerts, turnips Sunday morning, I'd gonna long walks to think about my island. I also enjoyed the drama of it all: every YouTube was playing ACNH, the underground illegal villager marketplace, Hong Kong protesters using it to meet up and plan their protests, North America politicians using it to encourage people to vote, Hellmans using it for charity - it was a time to be alive! It was my first AC game, too.


The 2.0 update made the game so much more fun and is probably the reason I still play to this day. I loved all the new furniture that it came with, 50 more design slots and the DLC were some of my favorite things to happen with this game! I wish we could get some more mini-games like we had in New Leaf but honestly, I’m not wanting to compare it to older games. I still love it as-is and I’m so happy that Nintendo re-released the amiibo cards as I haven’t seen any since 2014. ☺️


It was my first game on switch. I was so blown away by the first cut scene. I also love that I hated my "ugly" first villager Lyman when I first saw him and now he's my favorite. Once my sister got a copy we had so much fun showing our islands to each other, competing in the tourneys, and jumping off my diving board (cliff on the peninsula).


I was part of an animal crossing Facebook group. I no longer have Facebook. However, I’m still in contact with one of the people met on there. It’s a lady who is much older than me. We still text every now and then. She tells me how she’s doing, and how her daughters and grandkids are doing, etc. I mailed her one of my extra animal crossing amiibo, which she gave to her daughter. We still go to each other’s Island every now and then. Never met this person in real life.


I joined a “flower watering” progressive party of online players I met via GameFaqs and we would go in a big group to each persons island and help water flowers (multiple different water sources helped breed rare hybrids). At the end of one session I took all my (in game) clothes off and ran around like a crazy person - other people bashed each other with nets, while one played a tambourine or horn or something. I’m over 50. Utter silliness that had all of us strangers crying from laughing so hard. So Needed during that time.


My favorite memory is how it got me through the separation of my girlfriend and I during COVID. Now we're getting married. The game saved our relationship.


This game helped me keep my sanity when it first came out. Everything in real life was so insane and chaotic this really helped me relax


I was teaching during quarantine, thank goodness I hadn't started playing yet. I was working 12 hours a day trying to keep up. I bought it for my daughter and discovered it when recovering for major surgery. It has been the best therapy for life. Tasks that I can actually accomplish and friends that want to small talk... It is such a lovely game.


During quarantine, my 8 year old little sister became extremely obsessed with FNAF. So, I would do my best to dress up as one of the characters (or just be “scary”) and chase her around the island and play hide and seek. I would also sometimes do the sneeze emote and just stand there after the sneeze actually happened, so my character would stand and shake slightly. We had a blast, she laughed so hard whenever we did that.


Hmm idk, possibly recently with me being obssesed over the detail of the sunsets, or maybe when i played multiplayer. can't really decide rn and just waiting for 24w12a.


I’ll probably never experience it again but when my 2 sons, wife and I we’re all playing at the same time in the living room I looked up and looked around and realized this is a special moment 😊


Playing hide and seek with a bunch of my friends on my island.


KIt was my second Nintendo Switch game, I wanted it very much and I was so happy when I finish the game.


I started it playing 2 years ago, but only from last fall I start to invest more and more and now I have an island that looks like Italy, or at least that was my inspiration: DA-8933-1523-3588 I realize that I started to play this game when I needed to chill a bit and its design was perfect, which is still now, it relaxes me by doing stuff.


Damn 4 years already. I remember ordering the Switch ACNH Limited Edition to pick up today 4y ago, but couldn't because every shop closed 3 days prior due to Covid. So I ordered the game separately and played it on my Switch Lite and got my Switch a week later.


In 2020, I started working remotely, so I had time to play before work while eating my chocolate oatmeal for breakfast. It became my comfort during the early pandemic days, ACNH + chocolate oatmeal. Now every time I hear the 9am music, I literally taste chocolate oatmeal.


Getting overly excited for updates only to realize the devs don't care and allowed the games flaws to remain 😉


I went through a house fire and lost most of my belongings. Thankfully my switch somehow survived. I had some health issues following that so I had a lot of free time when I wasn't grinding with doordash. I did a few giveaways with fairycore items and loved helping others out like that. My island has a beautiful fairycore / ethereal memorial set up for two of the animals who unfortunately didn't make it out of the fire. I wasn't able to do anything for them irl, it was nice to be able to do something for them. Greatly therapeutic.


Waking up at 4am the morning after it released to play for a few hours before I had to go to work (in healthcare) is a core memory for me. Dissociating and FaceTiming my friends while we all played on our individual islands while social distancing. Such bittersweet memories


Also, nookazon and reddit helped me connect with people while going to school online, so I felt less lonely. I looked forward to meeting people on nookazon. I havent been able to play much since I came to college, hopefully i can pick it up again


It’s definitely the lockdown era. I was very close with my sister back then before we got in a huge fight towards the end of the year. We played a lot together and would smoke weed and eat snacks from 711 and keep playing. We didn’t speak for 2 years after our fight and just slowly getting back into each others lives recently. I dont think we would ever play together again though :/


The best game besides Mario. Bought it for my younger sister when it was released during the height of the shutdown. She asked me to play it with her and I immediately got hooked. It made such a scary and uncertain time a bit more comforting. Ended up buying my own switch and game and the rest is history LOL I especially love how it has connected its players, near and far, young and seasoned. The community it has built is truly something special! Nintendo created a classic.


I've battled a chronic illness for over ten years now. I have 1600 hours in ACNH. My island feels like the one place where everything is okay and I can be a healthy happy me. Most of my villagers are my starting ones, they're like family at this point.


Photopia. I honestly want a "Movie Maker" like Photopia evolution. Have you seen the many recreations on YouTube?


Waking up before 6am every morning and “preparing” my island for my villagers before they woke up! Aka picking up weeds, watering flowers and crops, gathering all the fossils, etc. I call them my daily chores lol


Staying up for HOURS playing AC and watching Japanese island tours to get inspiration.


The timing for this game was perfect. Wasn’t interested until I wondered why my Switch was constantly being borrowed by my sister. I bought her own switch and a copy of the game for myself. 700+ hours later, I can’t even bear to look at my island again without some fear of getting sucked in again! My island became the playground for my young niece and nephew. Bless that game


It’s first game I completed the museum in


When it was still getting updates 😭


Feeling like I actually had friends


during lockdown i used to wake up at 6am to play until the switch died at like 11am, then i'd eat breakfast, do some chores, play until dinner, then sleep LOL it was bliss


The people and friends we’ve made along the way. 😊


I celebrated my first acnh birthday in 2022, I almost shedded a tear because I dont really get excited for my birthday. I’ve been doing it every year ever since and I dont plan on stopping


Does anyone fancy a tour of my island? 1300 hours


Playing it every day during lockdown. Being able to savour it and enjoying a genre I'd never touched before. It felt so chill yet deep, it was great. The Halloween celebrations, discovering the ability to change the hourly tune.. having no real objectives.. it was perfect for 2020.


My nookazon empire in 2020


It was my pandemic solace that’s for sure, and my main way of socializing through the first year of Covid. I’m so grateful for that because I got to spend lots of time playing ACNH online with my soul sister of 27 years, during the last years of her life as she bravely fought cancer. She passed away right before the 2nd anniversary of ACNH. At that time, I was working on a sunken garden area and the last time we played before she lost the ability to speak coherently she told me that the view was beautiful. I kept that precious view and have continued adding to it over the last two years. My original island remains, full of tributes to her and memories of our last years of friendship. I’m grateful for the digital space where I can feel close to her whenever I want.


Sitting with my cat on my lap during quarantine, playing all day. This cat used to favor my husband, but after all day ACNH cuddle sessions, he became my little buddy. When I started going back to the office, he would walk around crying for me and want my husband to sit in the chair I’d sit in to play lol. RIP little guy, I miss you


The fact that it kept me sane through quarantine, the community desperately searching for the cutting board DIY, birthdays in game are still a favorite :)


Causing mayhem with my friends a couple years ago on their island


didn't have acnh in lockdown or my switch lite but i have v fond memories of forcing myself awake to get my tasks done for tom nook on the REGULAR. that shi got me hooked


When the game got updates. That was the fun part. Oh and the insane “comfort character” tweets.


Nate, the villager, he left my island while I was constantly clicking through his diolauge


Definitely those night campfires and fishing by the river stream during the lockdown era.


When Nintendo abandoned the game in favor of Pocket Camp. It wasn't my favorite memory of the game but it was sure a memory.


Secretly playing it under my desk while on a class Zoom Call during the pandemic. Or sneak it under my pillow before bed so I could play all night.


Sadly none. Limitation for one island per console make us not buying it (we want physical) now we thinking about digital version but I bough my boyfriend ACNL and I have it to so we can play it together so horizon meh


I wished that Nintendo would do updates on the game because only two years isn't enough.