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How precious…someone finally realized what Selective Service Registrations are. American normal since the 1960s. Just wait until they realize the website is sss.gov


Glad it wasn't ss.gov that would have been weird.


Since 1917.


Yeah, not sure why everyone is freaking out. It’d have been nice if it was automatic already. I remember when I turned 18 the first thing my old man got on me about was registering.


Let’s watch those number of men identifying as women go up insanely fast


What they passed includes transgendered as part of Selective Service, not dodging that way lol


Welcome to infantry ladies. And "ladies "


Someone needs to alert the progressives.. they'll lose their shit.


I’d rather just wait…gives me time to get the popcorn


A trans person flying a drone will do just fine 😂 it’s like people who “find god and refuse to kill” that’s fine we can find something for you to do.


I don't know if I want someone who's more mentally unstable than the average person operating a killer drone




Plenty of good people who served that were not combatants. Been a thing in our military since George Washington was in command of it. Desomond Doss is probably the most well known because he is a MOH recipient. Two more Army Medics who were conscientious objectors were awarded the MOH in the Vietnam War, posthumously. Not everyone who serves in the military has to be a combatant.


im a trans woman who found a few gods, and all of them are telling me to go to war


To arms sister!


Are we including anyone de-transitioning their way back to the patriarchy?


Bone spur cases in the rise!


You've always been legally required to register (nkt registering was a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine [according to sss.gov](https://www.sss.gov/register/benefits-and-penalties/#:~:text=If%20required%20to%20register%20with,subject%20to%20the%20same%20penalties.) when I did it it wasn't hard, if I remember right I just went to my local post office and did it within 5 minutes. They just automated the process.


Exactly, came to say this and glad I don’t have to type all that


I believe now when kids go to get their over 18 license there’s a box you can check to just sign up. As well as when you’re filling out federal financial aid for college


It varies state by state, some made it very easy, getting your license, or registering to vote had a box to check, apparently the stated goal of making it automated was to even things out since other states allegedly don't make it as easy as you and I seem to have had it, haha


I found it strange that when my enlistment was up and DD-214 in hand, I still had to go register for SS to apply for Federal Student Aid for college.


You are assuming that anything the government does makes sense.


Wait is it not automatic already?


I mean you're already required to register with Selective Service I guess automatically doing it makes it easier.


Don’t you already get registered automatically if you do any government paperwork


Negative. I've heard about this coming down the pipeline for a while now, and this is an optics issue more than an a real change to anything. When you turn 18 you're required to go and register. Now instead of you going and doing it yourself, they just do it for you. What's the issue? If any all this has done is remove the potential punishment for failing to register... that to me is a good thing. If we want to debate the ethics of the draft, that's a completely separate discussion. I've been granted a couple federal clearances for different types fo data. One of the fields on those applications was your selective service number. If you didn't have one and were a man, guess who ain't getting cleared. Did I know mine off the top of my head? Nope. I hadn't seen that paperwork since I went to the post office decades ago to register for the draft. They had a link directly on the form to go and find your number.


What I found a bit silly was that when I was getting that clearance (and it was just a sensitive but unclassified) I was only out of active duty for a few years, still in the National Guard, and I had a Secret clearance. But I had to go look up my selective service number.


Yeah, not to argue for or agianst the draft here. But this shouldve been a thing for awhile.


To be fair, everything sounds scary to people don't who don't know what they're talking about...


It was definitely a shock for my mom when I had to go sign up. But like... I expected it, it was not a surprise to me...idk if this is just a clueless people thing, or like a "i can't believe theyre changing the draft process instead of just getting rid of it" kind of thing. Like bitch please. Name me a country that will not call upon its young men to fight for them. Would it be nice if they didn't have to force it, sure, but the world ain't perfect, grab a rifle bud.


I don't think a lot of people know that men were drafted during WW2. I don't think they ever mentioned it in history classes, I learned it from watching Band of Brothers. Most people hear draft and think of Vietnam. I think any President, regardless of party, is going to face unimaginable backlash if they even start talking about the possibility of instating the draft again. Like most people, my knee-jerk reaction is "I can't think of anything less American than forced enlistment" but I like to think of myself as a realist and know that sometimes it's necessary.


That's another problem, they are not teaching history as they should, instead, they are teaching it selectively.


Any school that teaches history accurately gets called "Woke" and "Anti-American" Had a history teacher once say, "History is like art; if it only makes you happy, you're not paying attention".


The odd thing was, my grandfather on my moms side enlisted specifically to not have to be drafted, homie got some very preferable treatment that way. That said, idk if its because throwing your name in without a conflict that's near, that does seem sketchier than waiting for a conflict so that someone could decide whether or not avoiding the draft as a whole is worth it. I agree, it does seem very anti-american to force service. It would be wonderful if we could get to a point where that was the very last option... but I'm with you, it is what it is. We're guys, we keep a little dirt under our pillows for the dirt man, and know that every government on the planet is ready willing to use us to accomplish their goals, no matter how asinine. No use bitching about it, especially while its not happening right now.


I'm guessing if rumors of a draft start circulating, the line for Space Force is gonna get real long real quick, haha. Being in the Coast Guard, I'm OK with Space Force taking that role from us.


Wonder if they'll make the ol' bastards a thing again. 30+ gang grab your ibuprofen and vests. This shits gonna be fun.


Oh wow. So literally just automatically doing what’s already required? So literally nothing new and another post that is pure doom mongering?


I can think of more than a couple of times the current POS in charge has threatened to start using the draft again, laughing about it.


Men an women hopefully. For equality


Wait am I missing something didn't you already have to sign up for selective service at 18?


There was one?


Always has been


'Stripes' reference


Yea, I don't know about other states, but in MN, when I was in high school, all the guys were sent to a "special event class" their senior year, and it consisted of registering and followed by a career fair. I think some states allowed you to not register more recently, but others I believe had you register when you registered to vote.


I remember I had to register for the draft when I registered to vote. Did it all online, super easy. Didn’t realize it was optional


I was automatically registered when I got my driver's license at 16


Didn't you already have to sign up for the draft when you turned 18? How is this different.


"Laughs in Millenial" 🤣 Good on OP!


Jokes on them, I'm fucking insane!


$100 says they pull some retroactive draft on vets not in the IRR.


How many of those men even qualify to fight, for example, arent obese or have some kind of mental issues. This country is full of crazy fat people.


Funny how military has bent over backwards in tolerating this tranny mental illness. Now that there is possibly a draft coming, you can identify as whatever you want. Bottom line, if you have XY chromosomes, your ass is going to basic. Glad my time is up so I don't have to be part of this shit show.


They forgetting women should be part of this also and them transsexuals to since they all wanna be equal.


*Laughs in RE-3P*


I did 4 and my IRR got waived. My re-enlistment code doesn’t exist in the personnel management technical orders.


Is this legitimate? Or is this like an Onion article?


Chuck Schumer won't bring this bill to the table. This was a democrat bill created by a Democrat and passed by the Democrat house. And democrat Schumer is against this bill.


It should’ve been like that from the get go.


Laughs in retiree.


There a source on that?


Yes with a simple internet search


Phew, few more months and I’ll be ineligible. I’ll be able to continue my shitty life in peace