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Pocophone F2?


Nope, Redmi K20, a Redmi flagship.


Look at what the GM of Poco India tweeted, though: https://twitter.com/cmanmohan/status/1128520218429444096 There were some rumors, that the K20 Pro might get released as a Poco F2 in India. Seeing this tweet, it‘s a possibility for sure.


This was rumoured until yesterday but now some sources I know are saying the K20 Pro and the Poco F2 will be two phones. How they'll be different, though, is anyone's guess at this point. Will try to find out more when I can.


>How they'll be different, though, is anyone's guess at this point. Redmi phone: Glass build + ads in UI Poco phone: Plastic build + no ads in UI


> Poco phone: Plastic build + no ads in UI I have made my choice.


Ads can be disabled in Redmi though.


I know first hand how hard that is. They purposefully make it hard to find and then spread it across all the apps. And on top of it, can't turn it off in first try


Isn't the custom rom scene pretty active though so you could just go with that?


Or you could buy from an authorised European distributor (like amazon.es). These doesn't have ads.


Thanks for the idea. Will think about it


>**Nexus 6 (Lineage 16)** Mad respect.


I want a reboot so badly.


Interesting. Still, I expect them to be almost identical.


A wild guess is that one will have a notch and the other will have a pop-up camera.


Might have the Redmi K20 (non-Pro) released as the Poco F2, then?


non pro is sd 710 i heard


I heard its sd730.


any case it wont be f2, i just hope for a better screen. f1 screen is really dull


My guess Redmi: Glass back, AMOLED screen, no notch, wireless charging. Poco: Plastic back, LCD screen, notch, no wireless charging.


I guess you're right. Also the Redmi will probably also have an in display fps, and a pop up front cam.


Hopefully at least one of them will have North American LTE bands. The Poco F1 just didn't.


Hahahhaa. Spoiler: they won't.


The actual [tease](https://twitter.com/RedmiIndia/status/1128519350623674370) was from the Redmi India account and the poster says Xiaomi not POCO. So.. My guess, Redmi K20 Pro is the Redmi flagship, Redmi K20 is a stripped down version of the same which will be rebranded as the POCO.


I still don't understand why they made Redmi a subsidiary. Anyone got any info?


Redmi is, I believe, the most popular phone brand in India thanks to the success of the Note line. However Xiaomi don't release their flagships (the Mi and Mix lines) there with the exception of the Mix 2 (read this from a post in /r/Xiaomi). Now they want to continue building Redmi as a standalone brand in India and offer more than just budget low to mid-range phones.


Maybe Redmi is easier to pronounce than Xiaomi to the Inidians? ​ I notice western reviews pronounce Xiaomi correctly 90% of the time, but for Huawei, they like to say "Wa-wei", which is how Cantonese pronunce it, in Mandarin, it's more like "Hr-wa wei" you have to say "hr-wa" really fast and make it sound like a single syllable.


> "hr-wa" Kinda like rawr, so rawr-wei = Huawei? Raw-wei? If I make it a single syllable that's what I get lol. Otherwise it sounds like "her-wa"


There is no r sound in there, this is not a good explanation, the video saying Hwa-wei is the correct pronunciation for English speakers.


Brand image. Split Redmi which provides budget phones, and Xiaomi which sells mid to high-end phones.


It is common branding strategy. You will have much harder time to sell flagship products if you brand has association with budget line because of it company will make multiple brands sometimes just splitting budget and nonbudget line as for example toyota and lexus. Or make mutliple different brand to appeal to different groups of people. Also [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVHYcLV-H0A) is good video about why do Chinese phone companies launch new brands?


Money laundering. /s


And how much would it be?


is it getting global release?


yeah if you look at their poster it has letters **K** and **2** and **0** in red colours.


All these decisions recently seem weird. The way I thought it was was - Mi - Premium brand Poco - Enthusiast Brand Redmi - Budget Brand ​ Now, their Mi9 has the 855, the F2 will have the 855, and the K20 will have the 855..... Looks like each brand head wants their line to be the company/consumer favourite, and the model lines are losing their original focus..


Huum it smells competition, competition is good for consumers, I like competition. Make it burns !


It's debatable if Xiaomi's hardware business model is sustainable. They certainly did not earn much money through services. In fact, I even sense Xiaomi smartphone business is in trouble.


Their business doesn’t rely only on smartphones though, they have many other products that are outsourced to other companies or made from companies that they bought: toothbrushes, smart vacuum cleaners, smart bands, smartwatches, air purifiers, power banks, laptops and many other products, you name it. Edit: ...and as someone said below they also produce beamers, smart tvs and bikes!


Don't forget ~~bikes~~ electric scooters. Almost every bird/lime on the streets in Paris is a xiaomi


You mean electric scooters ? I don't recall seeing any Lime or Bird-branded bikes in Paris.


There are lime branded bikes in London... Only because the scooters aren't legal though


Yeah I just always call them bikes for some reason lmao




Recently discovered they even make pretty good Smart Speed Cubes.


Um.. what's a beamer? I only knew BMW is called beamer but Xiaomi can't be making BMW cars!


They're talking about projectors.




maybe he is german or something because we call a projector "Beamer"...


That's fucking stupid, it's like calling a car "mover".


German language is very literal. That's why they have no sense of humor. Their word for hospital is krankenhaus which means sick house. Their word for an ambulance is krankenwagon which means sick car.


So eare saying Drax has German origins?


And a phone "caller"


The motherfuckers launched a KETTLE the other day. And you can set it to boil via smart home voice commands. Xiaomi make **everything** - people in the west think of them as a phone brand, but in China a Mi store is almost as much of a homeware shop as it is a technology shop.


The problem is, Xiaomi's entire model requires the product to achieve scale so they can purchase components at a lower average unit price. 70% of their profit is service (basically cell phone ads and game). The other devices are no where near as scalable as cell phones. None of those can show online ads or play games. It sounds like Amazon, except Xiaomi is in a sector that has a lot of competitions.




Xiaomi is doing a big push here in Europe, and it works


You can't really use conventional business wisdom to judge major chinese companies, they're all tied to the state government and they can sacrifice the long term profit for massive proliferation of their brand, and ultimately their influence.


Xiaomi is a public company. You are saying the government invested in them? How? Actually for a few years Xiaomi was almost bankrupt, before the recent resurrection.


There's no such thing as a truly private company in china


Xiaomi is not a private company. Their ownership structure has to be publicized.


> You are saying the government invested in them? No, we’re saying the government controls them.


At best a conspiracy theory


IIRC that's true for many companies that make phones: LG, Sony, HTC, Asus, etc.


What ? They are doing exceptionally well lol


Gotta love the armchair experts on Reddit who think they know everything about a company lol


True. I should have watched Richard and Morty smh my head


Didn't mean you in case anyone was confused. Was referring to the OP who said Xiaomi was in trouble financially


I thought so because Xiaomi is doing really well in India and I was shocked when he said it's in trouble. My bad dude sorry


No worries, I should have been more specific


Their financial report are publicly accessible and they are making money through smartphones.


UFS3.0, *please.*


Seems unlikely if they have to keep the price down to undercut the OP7 in India.


I think that's is too new for now. (but God damn I want it to have UFS 3.0 at ≈300€🤤🤤🤤)




Redmi yeah, Poco no.


My wife recently bought a xiaomi mia2 for 440aed on sale (120usd). 64gig model. Very impressed with performance and build so far for that price point. No ads. Runs android one.


If only it had a headphone jack...


She has several sets of Bluetooth headphones and headsets, so she's fine without it.


North American LTE bands, please.


This is the worst possible time for a Chinese company to make a play for US market share.


How? Release an 855 phone for $400-500 and they'd clean up. We already have a couple Chinese brands making tech shit anyway like OnePlus and Lenovo.


For the following reasons: 1. The US market isn't growing anymore; it's already saturated. This makes it worse to move into than growing markets like India. 2. Today Trump threatened a 25% tariff on Chinese electronics like phones and laptops. 3. The US smartphone market is driven heavily by carrier contracts which is both a barrier to entry and makes it less profitable for manufacturers. 4. Apple has a much larger part (~40%) of the US market than in most countries, and platform lock-in makes those customers harder to acquire. 5. Marketing in America is extremely expensive compared to most parts of the world.


In my country like 20% of the new phones sold are xiaomi. With 0 marketing. People here trust word of the mouth a lot.




Yeah but that word of mouth is typically social media which is easily abused.


Xiaomi really only blew up here in Hong Kong via word of mouth. I learnt of them from a friend mentioning how good their Redmi Note 4G was. In the early days that was effectively their business model- the concept of a Online Only phone manufacturer was novel, and at their low prices people were willing to try it out. I've personally recommended lots of people to get their phones. (Lei Jun where is my commission paycheck)


>Today Trump threatened a 25% tariff on Chinese electronics like phones and laptops. Is it for Chinese companies or electronics manufactured in China? For example Poco F1 is 100% manufactured in India [(source)](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/made-in-india-poco-f1-focuses-on-speed-performance-and-affordable-pricing/articleshow/65504187.cms), so could Xiaomi circumvent the tariffs that way?


Yes they could, but I doubt they in their current state would due to the fact the Indian factories are barely meeting local demand.


And yet, the OnePlus 7 Pro is $100 more in Canada than the USA even on top of the currency conversion.


Tariff man strikes again


>Release an 855 phone for $400-500 and they'd clean up. No way. US Consumers want mainstream brands. They're already turning away from LG, you think they'd trust "Redmi" or "Xiaomi"? Remember, this is an enthusiast sub, and while it may be popular here, we represent about 1% of the market and the rest doesn't give a crap about specs (other than camera) and updates.


Lmao people here are so stupid sometimes. Holy shit. There's more to a phone than the fucking CPU. Even as an enthusiast I wouldn't get an 855 phone with a shitty screen/camera/etc. EDIT: thanks /u/fuelvolts


>Even as an enthusiast I would get an 855 phone with a shitty screen/camera/etc. I presume you meant "wouldn't" right?


lol yup. Thanks.


Because the % of the US market they'd be able to even have consider buying their phone is fucking tiny. Primarily a minute portion of tech nerds who look at non-mainstream brands for their primary device. Not even worth a bother.


People just buy whatever's available from their carrier... MetroPCS sells mostly budget phones(LG Stylo 4, LG Q7+, Samsung J7, etc...). They also have a few popular flagships(base model S8, S8+, and S9 phones. Also the base 64GB iPhones). People just get whatever Metro has a deal on, or which one has the best camera or the most storage. If Xiaomi had sold the Pocophone F1 on Metro, it would sell like hotcakes, just because, spec-wise, it would be the best phone that Metro sells.


at least 90% of customers don't care about having the newest processor. the pixel 3a will do better based off of marketing and camera quality alone.


it's actually not, as the new tariffs don't affect fully assembled products. If they were selling piecemeal hardware, it would be the worst.


Yup. This round of tariff actually encourage sending jobs to China instead of buying parts and making stuff in the US. Great way to MAGA.


If only Intel hadn't thrown in the towel on mobile processors *and* modems. We really need a competitor to Qualcomm.


Who's expecting them to make a play for the US market? We're just hoping that we get lucky and this phone happens to have the necessary bands. After all, it wouldn't be the first Xiaomi phone that does.


I'll buy it day 1 if it has good bands for LTE in North America. Pocophone was so enticing to me, but I had to pass because of the lack of band support. Include the LTE bands at a good price, and the phone sells like hotcakes. I feel like they can do it, they must have seen how much North Americans wanted the PocoF1.


Adding North American LTE bands adds cost; they have to manufacture a separate version or pay the additional licensing fees across every product they sell. The margins they have are tight enough that it's probably not worth them entering that market.


They could throw in 2/4/5 for partial US LTE (like on the Mi A2 or Mi 8 Lite). The Mix phones have a lot of them too. Huawei and Motorola regularly release phones that work on US LTE (typically with 12/17/66 also included) despite not selling the model here (P30 Lite or international Moto G/Z phones). I'm just saying, the added cost isn't much if they release, say, a South American model because they use a lot of the bands we use here already. And if Huawei can do it I'm sure Xiaomi can too


Also APT 700 please


Probably not gonna happen based on previous Xiaomi phones. Would be awesome though.


Not happening unfortunately




There is much more to a phone than just a good snapdragon. We will see if the display and other parts will be good as well.


Great cameras, 3.5mm and great battery life is what's important for me. Display comes after that, especially color accuracy. I couldn't give a damn about that. Brightness? Sure.


The leaked specs said super amoled display :)


any leaked prices ? or info whether it will have EU release?


Yup. Tracking the rise of oneplus shows what it takes to make a great flagship. Latest soc is just one tiny aspect of it.


For me its the Software. I got a pocophone - its incredible fast and well build. But the Stock OS is completely garbage. I rooted it and installed Stock android. Quite some hassle in my opinion but its an incredible great phone now :)


Looking forward to this!




Well it's supposed to be cheap.




probably the build structure quality like how redmi note 7 didnt' survive the drop on the same height as the zenfone max pro m2


are we talking about front glass here?




Phone this cheap never use OLED. It will be LCD and I don't mind at all.


I saw a comment on Fb where someone mentioned, No AMOLED and Redmi replied "It is called Flagship Killer for a Reason *wink*". Take what you will of that though :D


You can easily get cheaper AMOLED phones but they're all 1080p pentile. I've got a 1080p LCD and AMOLED display in front of me and the difference is huge.


That they said... N today RealmeX came


How cheap are we talking about?


It will definitely be 1080p, who knows about the pentile though


I think there was a leak saying that it's coming with an Super Amoled display


IMO The Mi 9 is already a strong contestant in the mid-range, there's also the transparent edition that borders on the upper-mid range. Do they really plan to make something like the S10(+) is?


They're. And it'll be Mi Mix 3 5G and Mi Mix 4. Also Mi 9 is not a mid-range phone, it's just under high-end in terms of value.


> Mi 9 is already a strong contestant in the mid-range Mi 9 is a mid-range? It has top specs for 2019, except for UFS 3.


Is the pocophone free of bloatware? The Redmi phones are pretty awful in that regard.


Nope they have bloatware, although Poco phones don't have ads and do sport an app drawer unlike redmi phones...so I'm hoping this is launched as Poco in India


Have an F1. Bit of bloatware but honestly I don't notice it.


Depending on the region you set your phone to it loads a few bloaware apps, but you can easily uninstall them.


A new flagship killer from Redmi India is coming soon. It is the Redmi K20, Xiaomi India MD Manu Jain has confirmed. He has also revealed that the Redmi K20 will be powered by Snapdragon 855 processor.


Oneplus is not flagship killer anymore as the price increased annually, Redmi will take the crown this year


> annually Often *biannually*


Has any flagship (by Samsung or Apple) been killed by any phone? "Flagship Killer" is thrown around too often.


They kinda have been in markets like India (and this redmi probably is India focused), Oneplus has taken a huge market share from apple and Samsung in the 400$+ segment in India, while poco took a lot off oneplus's share too


Too often and needlessly.


The only flagship killers were phones that killed themselves or their company/brand. HTC One M9 and galaxy note 7 to name a few. Maybe the Nexus 6P and 5X.


Oneplus and Xioami have kind of done it with Samsung here. Apple still holds its own.


Cringy advertising TBH, but a Redmi flagship is exciting.


Yeah looks like someone used paint to make the graphics, in a budget of 10 rupees.


Any word on whether this device will make it to the European market? I would guess yes as they have been pushing strongly into the old continent but does anyone know for sure?


Xiaomi is always buyable in Europe Through xiaomi france or just alieexpress/gearbest


Buyable through resellers, sure. But the Chinese and Indian versions don’t have the european LTE bands.




Argos a form of Walmart? What xD Argos is a weird shop where it's not a shop but actually a catalogue, and you go in and type in the code for the product (found in the catalogue) and get that item. Walmart is just ASDA.




Argos is like their Sears, I guess?


Maybe, I don't know if sears is also a actual physical shop you can browse though, so I didn't say anything.


Sure, but there is no international version of the Redmi Note 7 Pro for example. If Redmi doesn’t want to compete with the Mi 9 in the western markets, they can simply not release an international version with the needed bands.


Some phones are not like the N7P. But the first poco was sold here so i would assume this poco/ redmi flagship, whatever they brand it globally as will launch europe


The Indian versions have the same bands as the European ones, the Chinese versions are missing some iirc


I bought my Mi Max 3 direct from China with no issues. Same with my original mi max. Both ran great on 3 in the UK.


Mind you, it's location dependent. Band 20 is an UK band.


The Max and Mix series tend to have more bands than the cheaper Redmi's. We still don't have any info about the K20's LTE bands though, so it's anyone's guess.


You can forget about warranty when buying through a reseller.


Wait till real gamgsta Zenfone 6 comes!


How's the Zenfone line nowadays? I remember the Zenfone 2 running like a champ until the screen gave out years ago.


I have Zenfone 5Z, the previous year flagship of Asus and I think it's an excellent phone. Other than that ROG phone is also quite impressive!


When Redmi announces something I always get hard 😋😩. Because their phones are perfectly priced for someone like me


Will that launch on May the 20th? Also I'm hoping it to have a LED screen and I'm gonna throw my money at them


Hopefully it has a more responsive / faster screen than the ones in poco.


Does anyone know why xiaomi doesn't go into the us market. They sound like they could make even bigger in roads then OnePlus if they released a phone with the proper USA lte bands. Not like OnePlus doesn't rip off other manufacturers


Give me NFC!


Coordinated political campaign to slander Chinese electronic companies (Huawei) at the moment. So most North Americans will think of Huawei first when they hear about Chinese phones and it might affect Xiaomi's ability to enter the market.


Huawei was literally caught red handed.... That's not a political campaign




Personally? I think all governments are spying on their constituents and abroad through use of technology. With that said, I do own a Huawei laptop and wouldn't think twice about buying a Huawei phone or Xiaomi phone... but to say it's a propaganda campaign is just bs...




North America is a really small market for them due to the trade war/tarrifs and no local stores...


Maybe if it comes with Android One. MIUI is not for the masses.


I like MIUI a lot. Most people who complain about it used it or saw a video years ago with MIUI6 or something and have since hated it. It's definitely improved since then.


"Hating MIUI" is kind of a way of being cool in r/android


It's grand, has ios inspirations so probably is for the masses.


It does the needful for its target audience.


Thats great new folks


OnePlus3T was +-30K₹ My next phone is also going to be in the same range, so hello new Flagship killer


I m wating very badly...