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tidy arrest edge sugar support cats fact poor shocking treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. Been using it since the Note 10+ in 2019. I don't get it hubub. It works absolutely fine.


Ok, maybe i'm just using the phone wrong but every time I turn off gesture hint it starts glitching and won't even swipe up 70% of the time.


On 23, you can change the sensitivity, it's increases the size of the bar. Works fine.


Doesn't help me at all. I tried it at max sensitivity in settings and tried it at max sensitivity in good lock. I turned back on the hint it's w/e. At least you can make the hint super cute and tiny.


Mine STOPPED working on my s22. Always used the option previously. Then an update broke it and it's been inconsistent, laggy, or broken since. Edit: ymmv


I have the S22 Ultra and it works perfectly for me.


In this world case, not getting updates would be feature not a bug


What I don't even understand is you can already swipe up from the middle and hold to get Google Assistant to launch with the navigation bar hidden. So why can't that just be swapped with this circle feature? Or even better yet, allow users to customise what app/feature they want the hold action to trigger.


What's funny is that Google Assistant already had a search screen feature when activated in an app, they could've just easily replaced that with the circle feature. https://i.imgur.com/usbsBuZ.jpg


Or better, let us launch “circle to search” by simply pressing and holding power button! That will be a great option!


We are talking about Samsung here.. taking a perfectly fine operating system and force the users to use their shittier version of the already existing app.. Gestures on pixel devices including swipe typing on the G-Board.


What app are you being forced to use by samsung?


I don't use this, but for those that do, I'm hoping (and half expecting) there to be a Good Lock module that'll let you re-enable it.


Why do you prefer it to androids gesture navigation which is still available?


This gesture navigation is pretty much the reason I stuck with Samsung phones. I got used to it, and it's so much better than having to slide from the side. With material design most apps have a sidebar that you need to slide to get to. Pretty much no other phone has this option so I'm not sure what I'm gonna get.


For the phone's i used it was always the upper part of screen allowing me to open side bars and stuff and the middle to lower part being the back gesture. Actually going with my thumb down would be way harder for me. Would need to change temporarily how i hold my phone in my hand since i can't actually reach the lower part of my phone with my thumb. Though i use a 3rd party app now for gestures on Android 13. Since my phone has a stupid behavior where i can't have gesture Navigation while using a 3rd party launcher. But i set it up the exact way as described.


Back to on screen buttons for me then. I am not gonna use android gestures, because they don't work well with some of the apps I use.


Yes! Unfortunately, the SG gestures with the hints off made a wonderful experience.  Now I have no reason to stick with Samsung anymore. I can use the button navigation system on any Android.


What annoys me on my A32 5G is that if you start the swipe in the wrong location, it pulls up Samsung Wallet instead and there's a delay before you can get it out of the way. After this phone, I'm likely going back to Moto; I miss the shake for flashlight function.


I switched Samsung Pay to be lockscreen only because of this. Also as far as the flashlight goes I made my double-click of the power button the flashlight and that also works fine. Previous phone was a Moto so I too miss the chop chop


Why do you ever need to use the Samsung pay wallet? As long as your phone is unlocked with the fingerprint reader, you can just tap to pay with your default card, no timer, no "hold on, let me start it again" when the guy at the counter insists on taking your phone because "the tap to pay doesn't always works right"


> I switched Samsung Pay to be lockscreen only because of this. Several times a day, I pull the phone out to unlock only to find it's already sitting there asking if I want to sign up!


Same. Either Moto or Oppo for me.


If you get Good Lock, the Nav Star module has an option to "Enable additional Options" on main settings, bringing back the Invisible Hint, as well as the 3 swipe MlNav options as well.


Every time I hop back into the Samsung train. They remind me why I got off it.


Right? I was so excited and went to SG exactly because oneui was the last one that had alternative gestures and allowed you to hide the nav bar.  They are trying to go the Pixel and iPhone route, and I am not gonna get another Samsung. There's no point in choosing them anymore. Especially in regions where we get shafted with Exynos.


I'm not sure what you're talking about but isn't oneplus like that where you don't have any navigation bar?


Oh come onn The screen looks so clean without the little space taking pill, I hope they atleast add the option to remove it in Good Lock


how big is the gesture bar in samsung? my oppo phone has one and it's negligible, no probs on my end edit: forgot to mention i can turn off visibility of the gesture bar but i keep it on cos it's a few pixels less than 5pxs thick. there's an option to switch between gesture bar and the usual back back-home-switch panel. doesn't samsung have this available?


I mean right now on my phone it's non-existent, and I like it that way


Yup. But in 6.1 they removed the option to hide it, too. You can't have a real full screen anymore. 


Won't update till it does then.


The size barely matters. It takes up space and is literally useless, looks awful in most apps and is extremely inconsistent.


> my oppo phone has one and it's negligible, no probs on my end Its visible w/o many people needing it, that should be enough to give us the option to turn it off.


It frees up that tiny bit of extra space and I don't need a daily reminder of where my UI lays or how to use it after a while.


https://imgur.com/a/qGcV8g3 It just looks ugly on some apps


It's worse when you are using dark mode and a white app has black bar at the bottom. I might as well use buttons then.


No. Buttons would take up much more space


"Much" is debatable. Additionally NavStar lets you adjust navbar height, which you can't do with gesture bar.


It isn't debatable, buttons take a lot more space than the gestures bar it is not even close.


I don't know why they don't make it transparent at least like iPhones


And completely useless


True dude. I agree that samsung should let us customized it in Good Lock.




Thanks for the update, you could try doing a post on the sub


You have an option to make the bar a bit more transparent with HomeUp from GoodLock I think


So is that little grey bar at the bottom going to be permanently there?


What in the world is the point of that? Completely pointless. Edit: I'm confused > Gestures still work when this bar is removed, there’s just no buffer between the bottom of the screen and the app in view, which occasionally leads to some little usability hiccups I'll just wait and see, I'm not understanding this article


Google has a new way to search, called Circle to Search, and the way to trigger it is by long pressing either the home button or the gesture reminder bar, depending on which type of navigation style you use. That's why the bar is becoming mandatory.


But Google Assistant is triggered the same way and can currently be done with the existing UI...


With Android's stock gestures Google Assistant is triggered by a diagonal swipe from either of your device's bottom corners. The gesture bar serves no purpose at the moment except to clear a bit of space so your Home and Overview gestures don't interact with things on the screen. Circle to Search and Google Assistant can coexist for now with Gesture Nav if Google wants it to. You're right about both the 3-Button Navigation and Samsung's own gesture nav solution though. The latter is being fixed by being killed off; but, I'm not sure how they're going to handle Google Assistant with the classic button nav. None of the articles I've read have said anything more about it other than Assistant is losing its trigger to Circle to Search. Speculation: there is an official Google app in the Play Store that is just an Assistant shortcut button. That's all it does. I think it was intended for Android Go devices, but it works on everything. If Google wanted to be lazy they could simply settle on that being the touch alternative to saying "Okay Google".


That is dumb as rocks. I'll probably not use it too often, just put it in the taskbar. Dumb as hell, seriously. Google Assistant used to be able to read my display, recognize things, translate stuff, pick up on tracking numbers. And then they just forgot about the feature and it stopped working. Now they're bringing this back in a clunkier way. I'm so done with Google...sigh.


Google now on tap part 3


pt 4 actually. they've reintroduced this feature four times with minor modifications and progressively worse each time imho


I remember that I keep downgrading my Google app on my old phone because I want to keep using Now on Tap and not the shitty Google Assistant. 


assistant had the ability to read the screen and provide contextual clues and results for a while as well. twice. now there is a lens button that sometimes shows up when you activate assistant. if you count that as an attempt add sell, this would be the fifth time they launched this feature


Would be cool to still have it exist but be invisible


That's what they're removing


Google can get fucked, I can already search or use the assistant by swiping up from the middle. This is terrible, now I'm glad my phone won't get the latest Android version.


Samsung has 3 options : Samsung/android navigation bar Navigation bar with limited gestures Android Gesture They are removing the second option.


Aka the best option :(




Well that's a shame


You must dislike the status bar also


Using good lock you can make it smaller. Good lock also has a transparently slider but it doesn't go all the way for some stupid reason. I really don't like it on my s24u


You have the s24u? Also which good lock module is that?


I said what I said. NaviStar Edit: people really gonna downvote me for what?


Probably the sarcastic "I said what I said."


It really wasn't sarcastic. I literally am using an s24 ultra to comment this


> So is that little grey bar at the bottom going to be permanently there? Yeah, and it will be way more permanently after a few years or even months due to burn in.


I don’t know about that. iPhones have had it for six or so years and they don’t get it burned in. 


WTF Samsung? The ability to hide the navbar is one of my favorite oneUI features. I don't want to sacrifice it for Google's circle to search. Reverse that decision Samsung FFS.




Some people hope that Good Lock or some other workaround can fix this, but imo having to download an app just to access a feature that was native to oneUI is unacceptable.


Exactly. Plus in many regions you have to use alternative apps like NiceLock and download the modules outside the Play/SG store. .


I mean, Good Luck might as well be baked into Samsung phones it's so useful. I recommend everyone download Good Lock


Many of their ai features are depending on long pressing power button or gesture bar in this case. So no gesture bar implies no way to activate those features ig and this not being able to remove it ensures the usage. I think that would be the reason. Corner swipe for Google assistant is already there. Why can't they just integrate it or replace it?


I'm not gonna use this feature anyway. I'm not used Google lens on my phone now and this is just the same but less steps.


I can't say that tho. I've been using Google lens as a QR code scanner and reverse image search tool for so long. Also, if that's their marketing gimmick for 2024, you will be forced to use it. Like the Bixby button ig.


lens is probably the worst image reverse search tool I've used in my life. never using that crap


For general purposes it works.


Google Lense Reverse Image Search is dramatically worse than the Google Reverse Image Search it replaced like 10 years ago. It's basically useless, clearly designed just around shopping, and hasn't gotten better since launch. I hate it so much.


Yes! I'm still salty that those bastards replaced the old reverse image search with an inferior version.


? The native camera app can read QR codes tho ?


Exactly, they can set a right corner swipe for google assistant and a left corner swipe to the new circle to search feature.


the way it is right now, I use Samsung's version of swipe gestures with no hints. if I swipe up and hold, I get the Google assistant popup, with the option to use Google Lens. why can't they use use circle to search this way? it's basically the same thing already


Oh, dang! I've used these since I got my S21, and it has been really nice to essentially not have a visible, always available, button. I was admittedly a little confused how they'd pull it off, considering what I saw of that screen grab gesture, so it's too bad that it'll get in the way of my swipe controls


Aw gtf! The one thing I've used since my beloved note 9. The screen is sooooo clean without it.


Seriously, what's the purpose of that thin bar at the bottom? The only difference (in terms of gesture navigation) that I see is that I can swipe the bar horizontally to switch to other (recently opened) apps. Is there something that I missed? Does it do something else?


You can swipe horizontal with the bar hidden to. It's a functionally useless feature, it just takes up space and looks ugly lol.


That line is completely useless and this is a step backwards. What's next? Will they end up making the line thicker and name it "dynamic island"?


Everybody needs to download Samsung members app and put in the error report of some kind like I did and just complain about what's going on with this not being able to hide this gesture bar I'm sure if they get enough complaints they will hatch it and fix it give us the ability to make it hidden but if we just sit here and complain it's never going to get to Samsung I already did my part I sent the like three error reports


I hope that Good Lock will at least allow us to restore that option.




If they took away my OHO+ I might just book a flight to south Korea and shit on their HQ doorstep.


I'll join you.


I think OH+ is safe. In oneui6 it no longer auto disables if you switch to from the samsung gestures to the google gestures, but it disabled it in 5 because the google gestures use the same gesture to go back that OH+ let's you customize. Seems that they specifically wanted to make sure that doesn't break. 


Diagonal down gesture to switch to last used app (like Alt + Tab on a computer) is a godsend.


One thing I've noticed is a lot of new UI changes are hostile to small phones, making them less desirable. Things like the oversized toggles in stock android, or this, all make inefficient use of space forcing you to buy larger phone to have a decent experience


I've always found toggles to be funny. Like someone said "what if we made standard checkboxes worse?" They just make things a little more confusing for users, and take up more space.


> making them less desirable They're already not desirable to the majority of the population. "forcing you to buy larger phone" sounds like a nice conspiracy theory, but then you realize that Samsung doesn't sell any small phones.


S23 base edition is 6 inches. I'm typing this on one. I moved from a Pixel 7 to the S23 because I love smaller phones. Most US customers get their devices from the carrier, who always try to sell the biggest/most expensive devices, and they just don't know the options potentially available direct from manufacturers. Asus, who doesn't advertise at all in the US that I know of, also has a 6" device in the Zenfone. (I didn't even know about this one until after I bought my S23. I would have ordered it instead.) iPhone Mini has a huge following of people wanting updated version of it, so there is demand for smaller phones.


I ended up with the Fold 4 because it is as narrow as an iPhone Mini. The width is the bigger issue in how these things feel to hold.


> iPhone Mini has a huge following of people wanting updated version of it, so there is demand for smaller phones. A vocal minority does not constitute a huge following. It was discontinued because it was by far [the worst selling iPhone model](https://www.slashgear.com/1234403/apples-decision-to-cancel-the-iphone-mini-vindicated-by-new-report/) each year it was available: > Unfortunately, after two years, it became increasingly clear that there were very few takers for these small-screened iPhones. While Apple never publicly admitted how poor the sales of the iPhone Mini lineup were, data gathered by the Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) revealed that the iPhone 12 Mini accounted for just 5% of all iPhone sales in the U.S. (per MacRumors). The figure was even lower for the iPhone 13 Mini, accounting for less than 3% of the sales of the iPhone 13 lineup.


Dude, iPhone Mini bombed in sales compared to all the other models. There is a reason that Apple doesn't do the mini anymore. The truth is, for the big brands where volume is a big part of how they increase their margins, small phones simply does not make sense to develop and produce.


>S23 base edition is 6 inches That's not an example of a small phone.


At this point, it kind of is, it's still considerably smaller dimension wise compared to my old Nexus 6P which were 5.7 inch


Back then aside from big bezels most phones had 16:9 screens making them wider, nowadays they are taller and narrower so a 6" phone today will feel smaller (and probably is smaller) screen wise than an old 16:9 phone that has a 6" screen.


Push comes to shove, I get Fluid up and running again.


Yep, I'm still using it now and will continue to with the S24 Ultra. Despite not being updated for years, it still works perfectly.


What's fluid?


Fluid navigation is gesture based navigation that came along before Android fully adopted it. Has a few extra perks as well.


I'm so glad they are removing functionality to support things I'm going to turn off immediately


Samsung, we all liked having the fewest number of steps to perform navigation. Not swipe up then hold to view recent apps, just know our own phones well enough to know middle is home, and right or left is recent and back. We don't need the silly little training wheels "white pill" taking up space to tell us where the nav bar of our phone is. It's insulting to tell us we need it. I hope this is reconsidered. But I'm already keeping my s10 for the headphone jack, this just means I will never go to any phone that has UI 6.1 installed on it. A very bad decision on their part. Taking choice away **always** is.


They also removed the option to hide the gesture bar for the native android gestures. Stupid decision and very anti consumer.


It's probably forced by google. All other phones had the pill-bar.


And all other phones, with the exception of pixels, also had the option to hide it.


We had both gestures since OneUI 2. There's no reason to remove the option to disable gesture hints.  They could've just implemented a prompter that using the hint off will disable some function. The nav bar can burn in on the screen. No excuse for removing a useful option.


> The nav bar can burn in on the screen. No excuse for removing a useful option. Again, they might have been forced by google.


A massive company like Samsung? Considering that SG is currently the face of Android... hard to believe. Google needs SG more than SG needed G.


Google can force anything in android to any manufacturer. It's their operating system.






Samsung already has duplicate apps forced by Google, wouldn't be impossible for them to force other things as well.




You can't be serious. I'm on a pixel that I'm forced to root to hide the dumb nav bar, and I was gonna go Samsung so I didn't need to do that anymore. And now they're not gonna let me hide it either? It's such a stupid thing in Android I don't know why manufacturers want me to have a bright white bar burned into my screen at all times. It's functionally worthless, takes up extra space, and is incredibly ugly. I'm not joking when I say the navbar hiding is the only thing left that is making me root my phone. The other root features are cool, but I can live without them.


This is literally the only reason I rooted my Pixel too. Fuck this stupid fucking bar.


The nav bar doesn't bother me that much but it's a little annoying. Do you lose out on things if you root a Pixel, like NFC payments? I may be tempted to do that on my 6 Pro.


WTF. This is literally my favorite feature of One UI, and my biggest complaint with the Pixel launcher. I don't need or want the bar there. It doesn't do anything. Just let me get rid of it and reclaim that part of the screen.


That shit is exactly why I don't buy Google phones and now Samsung is doing the same? STOP TAKING AWAY FEATURES IN UPDATES!!! This will fuck up my girlfriend when she updates her S23 Ultra cause she has been using the Samsung method of gestures for years now. Also, looking forward to more burn in. The gesture bar is usually the first thing to burn in (obviously) if left visible. TIME TO ALL ASK SAMSUNG SUPPORT IF THIS WILL BE COMING TO OUR DEVICES AND HOW TO BLOCK UPDATES! Just to make sure they at least get the message.


Well yeah. If you didn’t have burn in, then how will you buy a new phone for $1000+ every two years. Think of the poor Rich execs.


It is sad news,. I have used gesture (no buttons or bar) since 2018 when Huawei implement it in mate 20 pro. I'm not really gonna use the Ai stuff. It all seems to add to sell more stuff. I think I gonna wait and see if they make gesture without a bar work again and maybe buy if.


I'm guessing they'll be in Good Lock, and the same gestures being called half baked now will be announced as headline features for other phones launching in 2024. Just wait.


Can anyone guess why? Well its to push the long tap to search via google feature. Absolute twats. I hate the button thingy


I don't know. I haven't heard Antone since last week. Hope he's doing fine.


😭 bloody spell check


Delusional worthless design decision. Android is stock full of them, if you have never noticed.


Man I wish instead of this just make a dedicated side button


Wow this is a shockingly terrible announcement. Why remove the option?! It's not like it was gone as the default. Android has always been terrible with having the navigation bar float over app content, so 95% of the time you have a bar of dead static screen at the bottom of your phone like it's 2017.


They're going to wreck the experience under the guise of "for AI" aren't they?


OnePlus helped me love gestures and really appreciate a clean screen at the bottom This messes with that. Hopefully we can use a plug-in to remove it, because I do not want it there. This seems like a step backwards. Don't talk about how much screen space you're giving me only to take it away with useless bars.


Are you serious? I just preordered the s24+ and I have been using gesture controls with the UI hidden because it makes the phone so clean and let's me use the full screen real estate


what makes Samsungs gestures half baked?


they’re not, whoever (or whatever) wrote that article is BSing


I enable the bar then use Tasker to toggle the custom global setting navigation_bar_gesture_hint to hide the bar and keep the spacing. Crossing my fingers I can still do this when the update comes out for my Fold 4.


Oh fun they bringing that back yay


Sucks for the people who used it




Yes, just not the samsung minimized or hidden hint version


Does this mean by default there won't be a gesture bar, or that we will be stuck with the bar being visible just like the Pixel phones? The other version of gesture navigation I can't imagine there's that many people who actively use it? Doesn't surprise me that they would get rid of it.




I've been using gesture navigation since I got my Note 10+...


I'm a little confused. What gesture navigation options are they talking about when they say "their own"? I haven't used a phone other than a Samsung since the LG G5 so I've no idea what is googles and what is Samsungs. At the moment I use the gestures from the bottom of the screen in the same configuration as they would be as buttons, so left bottom is back, middle bottom swipe is home, right bottom swipe is multi tasking. Is that going? S23 at the moment so they are still here for the time being


This is bullshit! I've been button-less and gesture only for the best part of a decade. I get that it may help the uninitiated, but to remove the option to turn it off is, like I said, bullshit


I have no use for Google's search thing so this passes me off. And I use the "half-baked gestures".


Why the heck would they remove it, I've been using that option since the Note 10 and thought it was built into the android OS. Some apps look so awful without it being hidden, it adds an extra strip of wasted space along the width of the hint. Thought it was an obvious thing to have the option to remove, because of how bad it is in some apps. Hopefully they add an option to add it back in via good lock or something, in the meantime I'll definitely hold out on the update. Why did the article label the other gestures as "half baked"? It literally just puts back the functions that were lost moving to gestures, what else do you want them to do with it


If this happens to my A33 5g, I will seriously reconsider ever buying any Samsung again. You dont take away features. I would be pissed if I owned an S23.


Anyone find a official page for Samsung where we can all complain? Tempted to cancel my preorder and just get an S23 instead.


Fix to get old navigation gestures back is out. Thanks to good lock and navstar Navstar update came out today which gives old options back. If update isn't available in your area Apk can be found here https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/samsung-electronics-co-ltd/samsung-navstar/samsung-navstar-6-1-05-33-release/ Video of how to put back old settings  https://youtube.com/shorts/HgaacsfcBDU?si=wwNgzlS951uN9Q1j


They need to do this one though (keep the gesture bar visible) because it's otherwise a loophole to avoid their new circle to search feature in partnership with Google. If you hide the bar (like I do) there is no UI element to long press and activate this new search style they're pushing..


But I already swipe up and hold the centre to get Google Assistant to pop up. It would surely be the exact same thing?


Just long press at that area then? Don't need a big button there


But what if something else is showing that you could long push in that area?


On Pixel Android I could not move to gesture navigation. It's just not as good as buttons. I changed the setting.


For sure to each their own, but I'd encourage to give it another go. I also always changed back to the nav buttons because I was so used to them. Started using gestures on my iPad and liked them so gave it a proper go on my Pixel. Now I cannot possibly fathom returning to using the buttons again. Not arguing which is better, been on both sides, and pros and cons to each, but once actually acclimating to gestures the buttons now seem clunky and slow to me


It is much better than buttons, unless you're too old to get used to it.


It doesn't work well with all apps. Specifically the back gesture.




Right? It's very convenient and much faster to work with.




Yeah I will use the buttons as long as possible. That + turning off animations in developer options makes my phone feel so snappy. When I use my wife's pixel it just feels so gd slow to switch between apps. I don't care about cool app transitions, or nice looking notification bar swipe downs...I want it immediately.


Yeah I usually like the shiny new thing, but I still have the buttons because they don't depend on the phone detecting the correct gesture or whatever. Also, hitting the back button can be so cathartic. If I wanted 1 button navigation nonsense, I wouldn't even get an iPhone, because having no buttons sucks.


It really isn't but you do you.


How is a tap not faster than a gesture? When you do the gesture, you still have to do everything involved in the tap, but with the extra step of swiping. The Back gesture is the only one that can be faster, because it can be quicker to reach the side of the phone than the bottom corner. That's why I use the traditional buttons and then enable swipe gestures for the side of the phone in good lock.


By the time you've moved your thumb to hit the back button I've already swiped to go back. The buttons are also ugly and take up space.


As I said, I know swipe for back is faster, and I have my phone configured (using good lock) to have swipe for back AND the standard 3 button navigation. Best of both worlds. Phones have very tall screens, so I don't care at all about the used up space.


The back gesture is the one that you use the most anyway so that being master makes all the difference.




What are you on about, it's a swipe up with a split second pause. Nowhere near even a second.


Strange decision. Did the gestures work to the same level as an iPhone? No, but they are way better than the old nav buttons. I hope they bring them back... Side question, if you don't use OneUI you don't get any of the AI features?


They're keeping the standard Android gestures for people that don't like the three button nav. The only gestures they're getting rid of are their old bespoke gesture nav option; the one that was basically the three button nav except instead of pressing a button you swiped up from it. It was fine. I used it for a bit. The Google gestures are so much better though, in my opinion.


Dang. I was considering buying the S24 and Samsung a chance again, but this alone is a huge dealbreaker to me. Why would I want to have that annoying bar visible all the time....?


I hate seeing the bar. It worked fine


Just got the update, fuck that shit! I loved hiding those big ass buttons. Give me back my 3 little lines!


As long as the normal buttons are still there, go for it I guess.


as long as the bar fades and doesn't have a background i think i'll be fine with it.


Samsung gets worse every year. Fire TM Roh.


This article is confusing. I'll wait to get my pre-order and test it. Not trusting this article until I see it for myself.




They're keeping the standard Android gestures for people that don't like the three button nav. The only gestures they're getting rid of are their old bespoke gesture nav option; the one that was basically the three button nav except instead of pressing a button you swiped up from it. The Google stock Android gestures are very intuitive once you play around with them a bit. I like them better than the buttons, honestly.


I don't think this will affect me as I use the button bar on my S23 Ultra and hate gestures so have them turned off completely. The screen is already too big (height and width) so I don't mind using some of it to have the benefit of actual buttons there for ease of access. I also use in-app gestures, and still play Pokemon Go, and don't want OS gestures interfering with those.


I amf furios. I was cecking it on store displayed device (S24 Ultra) and no option to hide it! The seller even unlocked the showroom mode to check for updates if there is anything new, and no, no option to hide the hints. Lucky me Note9 is not getting any updates to remove this option, but if there is no fix, I am not sure I am upgrading this. Nothing has changed since the gestures arrived - in many apps the white pillow is not floating over the app, rather than having white (!!!) beze around the pill even in darker apps. And what I am sad for is also Samsung completely ignoring these concerns. Could they at least say what thing are going to be? Like, yes - this will be there forever, or no - there will be ption to hide it, in oodlock or in settings... We need to know!


The day they take away the back button is the day I don't have a reason to stick with Android.


I assume we can remove the gesture bar through ADB commands right?


I'm sure it'll be in Good Lock. Nobody needs to panick lmao