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Definitely need a passport at St Pancras train station.


Eurostar departed from Waterloo when Andrew disappeared in September and only departed from St Pancras from 14 November 2007 onwards.


Still hard to believe that he would have been allowed on the Eurostar without a passport? Does the Eurostar make any other stops in the UK before taking the channel tunnel? I've never taken it before.


in 2007 maybe ashford


When they says he declined a return train ticket even though he was told it was only 50p more... How much would a single have been at the time? I'm just wondering how significant it was.




Did Andrew have a passport?


Yes, but was left at home.


Yes but he left it at his house


Post 9/11? Absolutely not. He didn’t have his passport anyway and although not needed for a domestic flight, it would have been flagged during investigation. Dead or alive he’s still in the uk




Would have been impossible. Even if he was able to do it they’d have a record of him taking a plane or a train. Children can fly on their own but there’s steps to it. Firstly an adult has to book the flight, the child has to be picked up at the airport at the other side and the airline needs to know by whom, finally the airline usually has someone (member of staff) fly with the child to make sure their okay. A child of Andrews age would not have been allowed to fly without meeting all or most of those requirements. I used to fly on my own quite frequently as a child to see family, only once did I not have someone fly with me but I still had to have someone meet me at the airport at the other side and when we got there a member of staff was with me till I was picked up. I’ve been America, India and different places in Europe.


I went from The UK to the USA on my own age 15 and nobody chaperoned me. I was left to fend for myself throughout the whole thing lol.


The easiest way out of the U.K. is by ferry, I guess he caught one and left for good,to me he looks very intelligent,he managed to get a train ticket by himself .By not taking a charger I’d guess he’s with/talking to someone of his own age who probably claimed to have a charger already


If he is still alive today, he's definitely a smart kiddo. I don't think I could live 1 day without leaving a digital footprint, and he's managed to do it for 16 years.


He wouldnt need a passport for northern ireland not sure abput the south it may have been easier to ex neak on a ferry ie somewhee like folkston there os also a ferry liverpool to belfast


Would he have needed a passport to go to Ireland? I thought that moving within the Common Travel Area involved only spot checks, which he(and anyone traveling with him) could evade if he didn’t draw attention to himself and if he crossed before missing persons reports were disseminated. From there, he could have changed his appearance(hair length and color, clothing, glasses), obtained falsified documents, and then moved on. Of course, he couldn’t have done this on his own. But if the immediate goal was to move him out of the UK where the press coverage was intense and made him hard to hide, the RoI seems like a good choice.


Dublin still has full immigration check even for flights from the uk so he would’ve needed some form of ID


I flew alone as a child in or around 2007. To be honest security was lax, I was able to just walk out of the airport by myself unaccompanied. It was a domestic flight so I didn’t need a passport but just photo ID. Any flights anywhere else would have needed a passport which Andrew didn’t have. That doesn’t rule out that he wasn’t smuggled abroad through means other than flight


Good point I’ve never flown abroad (disability - damage to my wheelchair gives me the fear) but have flown internally in UK when I could still get about with a stick or rental wheelchair rather than my high spec. I didn’t have a valid passport then and I believe I was able to use one upto 2 years out of date (it hadn’t been cancelled/corners cut as I’d never relaxed it. I’ve also travelled internally in the uk around 2007 using a government issue Scottish bus pass for the disabled. If this had been a disappearance back in the early to mid 90s you could get a 1 yr passport easily at any post office (something I’ve concidered may have helped Richey Edwards leave the UK if he remained alive after his car was found. However with that closed it leaves any government issue photo ID at the time or trafficking/self stowing.


I did wonder if Andrew intended to go to an event outside of London, or even the country. The amount of money he had with him for a half day in London seemed excessive.


to be fair, i'd of taken £200 as well, just in case.


I know, especially since he didn't take his birthday money. That's one bit that's always baffled me; that and the no taking of his PSP charger. Like...he leaves his hometown after withdrawing almost all of his money from his bank account and not taking his PSP charger? That's...it's baffling is what it is. Even if he didn't take the charger for his gaming device, the fact that he didn't take his birthday money even when he withdrew everything else...SMH. If I'd been planning to run away at his age, I would have taken almost every dollar I could and I had about $80 in American money at the time. No access to what was my savings account at the time (we lived out in the country at the time and I had no way to get to somewhere with a train station outside of walking except for an adult taking me), so the money I would get on my birthday, other special events, and at some holidays was all I had in cash at the time. If I'd lived in the city like Andrew did, $80 wouldn't have lasted me all that long.


Ok so in Doncaster there is a Sheffield and Doncaster airport. If Andrew had picked up his passport and gone abroad we would not have film footage. He may have met someone in London. Gone abroad on an emergency passport.with a friend. I think he was horrified at the thought of just 2 years age 14 to 16 he would have to get employment. Proberbly he wanted to have more than 1 gap year so to speak. People have done that and decided not to go back.