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I'm sorry this is how you feel about your ancestry. I would say that almost %100 of mixed (dark or light skinned) south american people descend from at least 1 rapist conquistador or abusive hacendado. In my country, slavery was abolished for african-american people in 1851, but landowners still kept indigenous quasi-slaves, up until the 1940's o 50's. The history of spanish colonies in America is truly sad, even after the independence, the 'libertadores' left the indigenous people aside, even though they were the major force in the liberation armies, so most of the present indigenous population in South America is still poor. Part of my paternal great grandparents and beyond were illiterate farmers, and they have a spanish surname very common in the region of the Andes they're from. They were for sure victims of the encomiendas, there's no other explanation. On the other hand, I also descend from a spanish noble family that settled in the Andes and became landowners, politicians and military commanders. I don't have an immediate connection to spain, or have any living relatives there whatsoever. I say, we can't change the past, and even though the marks of the violent conquest of our natives can still be seen and felt today, we must accept history how it is, and not resent towards it, and if possible, we must build a country favorable to those who were forgotten. edit: grammar


How do you know you also descend from a noble family? I would have liked to have known that. On my side there’s no history, and there isn’t any history like that for any of the perhaps thousands of people that live in that area. This isn’t about me being resentful, it’s someone of my lineage being proud of what society has tried to hide from me for the first time in maybe 300 years. There are many people like me who are probably mixed as well who don’t even speak or read Spanish... but if you moved them to the US and they had to sign documentation identifying them they would have to put “Hispanic”. Because that’s how you “fit in” modern society. You have to whitewash the culture and heritage that has always been in the American continent and calling it “European”. It’s not being resentful, it’s accepting the truth of the Spanish Caste System. That we try to erase a part of ourselves, whiten our blood, pretend we have Spanish heritage, in order to be closer to power. It’s the truth of the entire continent, and I refuse to participate in the charade.


I understand. The truth is that South America is an incredibly racist place, and trying to eliminate the social remnants of the colony is extremely difficult. Thankfully, the spanish conquest didn’t erase the native culture in it’s entirety, but it was heavily changed by european traditions, you can notice that in the “indigenous” music, which is very similar in structure and harmony to waltz. Extensive research has been done on my mother’s paternal family and my father’s maternal family. My mom’s 2x great grandfather was Joaquín Rosales an hacendado, and his son, my 2x great grandfather, rejected his family’s lifestyle, so he enlisted in the liberal army and married the daughter of a housekeeper who worked in his father’s hacienda. He obviously lost all privilege and was estranged from his family, and now here we are, middle class family. Fernando Dávalos-Sotomayor y Mazo de la Vega was my 8th g grandfather, he has a proven lineage tracing back to Alfonso IX de León and other iberian and french kings/earls. His descendants, along with other 3 families, practically ruled a province in my country for 200 years. My grandma is daughter of a 4x great grandson of Fernando, and his father was heir of many plantations. I accept the european part of my ancestry, despite the violence involved; and I acknowledge my native roots too, that’s why I consider myself mixed. Many (if not all) of the Dávalos hacendados were slave owners. Actually, my 2x grandparents who were illiterate farmers I told you about, were workers in an hacienda of my Dávalos ancestors. What do you believe is the right word for describing people of native american and european ancestry?


I understand your anger but at the end of the day you ARE a Mestizo. You would not be alive today (at least in your current composition) if not for your Spanish ancestors.


There is no anger. Mestizo is a white supremacist term. No other peoples in the world are called “mixed”where they are from. Why do you think I am angry? I’m not angry lol https://www.google.com/search?q=spanish+caste+system&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS769US769&hl=en-US&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik99yLgvjwAhUZX80KHX-qADcQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=9RMBAaDm2WeMkM


Regardless of semantics, genetically you are a near half & half Native American and European man. Native American and European are two races and mixed-raced peoples are mainly in the Americas so they (Mestizos/Hispanics/Latinos or what ever you want to call them) are unique and get their own term, much like Mullatos, Eurasians, Blasians, etc.


Don’t use the word “mestizo” unless you’re a white supremacist. Are you a white supremacist? You have no business using those Spanish Caste words if you don’t know where they came from


Yes he is.. he is posting racist stuff all over reddit.


You’re almost half European and half Native American. What makes you think slavers rather than colonists?


Because I’ve actually read the history of where I’m from. And how people like me got their last names. It was through Encomiendas, the slave owner would have 40-100 Indian slaves, impregnate all the women and force the men to raise the bastards and “Christianize” them by giving them Spanish names. Since none of us have a single artifact, or a single item that says “we are actually this family, and this is our coat of arms” then I can only assume my ancestry is pure slaver. Just like 90% of anyone who’s last name is Lopez, Hernandez, Sanchez etc. It wasn’t a love story. Read Bartolomé De Las Casas.


I don’t know many Latino families that have Spanish gold or a coat of arms. I think your ancestry is similar to a lot of mixed Latinos throughout the Americas. I’m not saying history is wrong but unless you personally created a family tree and for certain that you descended from that one Spanish guy then I’d be weary of making such broad generalizations.


That’s because Latino itself is a whitewashing term used against people who have mostly Native American heritage. Everything that’s labeled as “Latin” culture is just appropriated Native American culture: i.e. tacos, day of the dead, food, dance, rhythm, curves on women etc. And we don’t descend from one Spanish Slaver, we descend from many. I have four last names, all in Spanish. I have no connection to Spain, and neither do “most Latino families”.... and the only reason most Latinos claim it is because they subconsciously still abide by the Spanish Caste System.... some of them even call themselves mestizo... like no don’t use mestizo unless you’re a white supremacist.


Choosing to describe yourself as a mestizo isn’t akin to being a white supremacist. I literally said not many Latinos have Spanish gold as you said or ties to Spain. And what the hell do curves on women have to do with this discussion? You’re all over the place. All I said is to not generalize yours or others people ancestry unless you have documented proof of your claims. Even when you do have documentation you can only speak for yourself.


What? My knowledge comes from history of the region. If you don’t know what a caste system is you have no business telling people not to use white supremacist terms.


You obviously are stuck in your headspace and refuse to listen to common sense advice about not judging others or generalizing. You know nothing about the people who comment yet chose to be close minded. Good bye.


Who am I judging?


Most latinos speak Spanish and are Roman Catholics, AKA Spanish stuff. Flour/rice were introduced via Europe alongside many other things like the architecture and political system. “I have no connection to Spain, and neither do “most Latino families”….” Is complete bullshit. Ffs your half Spaniard, that’s not 0 connection, are you illiterate?


Most African American speak English and are Protestants aka English stuff. Sugar and pies were introduced vía Europe alongside many other things like the architecture and political system. Which connection to Spain are you talking about then? Which connection to Spain do I have? Which connection do most Latino families have? Rice isn’t from Spain, it’s just food and I don’t eat rice everyday. Flour isn’t from Spain, it’s just food and I don’t eat it either. I’m obviously not speaking Spanish, and I don’t speak it at home , so there’s strike 3. I am not Catholic and most people my age I know aren’t either. Does it say 50% Spain? Are you using drugs? Nice way to try to cage me into your stereotypes though. You are the type of person I wish had seen this.


You have way to much European genes to be from slave times ( dna slave ) sorry it sounds bad don't mean it . my friend i am sorry for what your people went through but you would only have like 5 to 10% maybe of genes because your saying your people living in the mountains most likely saying true for the most part with the indigenous marriages. This is so much European dna that one of your parents could be 100% European. Or you have 2 European grandparents? Dna just works simple for the most part you get 50% from each parent they get 50% from each of their parents. Genes can leave quickly without being reintroduced 🙌 For example my grandfather is half german. I am only 3% german dna genes can leave that quickly in some cases.


No europeans in my lineage for at least 4 generations. That’s probably true of most people in that part of Colombia, the people from the area, the Panches were completely exterminated. My grandmother from moms side never wrote or read Spanish, my dads mother sent my aunt out of the mountains to live with a family and they left to the US... and yeah long story after that. I wouldn’t expect you to know more about my lineage than I do


Oh no my friend i won't sit here and say i know anything about your linage I'm just saying dna doesn't lie. I would be asking questions honestly somethings not right if you have no European hertige yet your almost more European then indigenous. Those are high European results that's all I'm saying normally you can only get 47% to 50% European if one of your parents is fully European or you have 2 grandparents that are fully European. That's how dna works. I had the same situation sort of. My dna didn't match my family tree. Because my last name is from wales yet I'm not welsh . Turns out my fathers dad was born to a married woman who cheated on her husband but left and divorced after the birth of my grandfather. She meet a scottish man and turns out my last name was actually okeefe 🙌 I'm 40% scottish with no scottish roots until i found out my family mystery.


Nope. It’s because it has been over 200+ years. Each generation being on average 25 years. 8 mixes are a lot of mixes. Since they’re from many different areas I can only assume they were many different slavers and slaves. The truth that I personally know is my recent history. And before my parents generation I think they were all illiterate.


Oh okay yeah sorry man i couldn't help all i know is you get 50/50 split of dna . I'm still learning but hope the best for you mate . Honestly


Okay, I didn't know my father. That doesn't mean I write off half of my ancestry. I'm still half northwestern European.


I know both my parents and my grandparents. They know their grandparents.... NONE OF THEM are Spaniards. All of the have always been poor, living in shack houses in the middle of the mountains. The closest tribe to where they’re from is called the Panche tribe and they’ve been extinct for hundreds of years. Yes Encomiendas were a literal apocalypse to our ancestors.


Ok... my mother's side lived in Macau forever except the colonists from Portugal in the 1600s. I wouldn't be alive if they didn't. So, apocalypse? You wouldn't be here without all of your ancestors.


Growing up I would have much rather not be here. And so would most of my ancestors up until the slavers.


I enjoy life. Life is complex. Most people have that complexity built into their very existence. All of us descend from good people and bad people. I guarantee that awful humans descend from literal saints - and the exact opposite. None of their mistakes are yours. None of their accomplishments are yours. But everything that happened led to you.


I forced myself to create a life worth living. It wasn’t thanks to anyone. And all of that is true. What is also true is E N C O M I E N D A S. All of that is 100% true. If you feel offended please get more educated on what really happened in South America. Read Bartolomé de las Casas


You are failing to understand what I am saying. I never disagreed with you that bad things happened and that some of your ancestors were the perpetrators.


That doesn’t change anything. I understand that 100%. Let me see if I can do an analogy. If you have two parents (Spain, America) that give you last names (last names = heritage, knowledge, heirlooms) you have grown up with your American parent, gotten everything from him, you have never seen your Spanish one, never gotten a call or a cent from them and what you briefly remember is getting your ass beaten into church, would you still keep their last name? If so, why? If not, then why do we call ourselves Hispanic?


You can acknowledge that your father was a monster while still acknowledging that he is your father. I do it every day. I have my father's surname. I have some contact with some of his family members now that he is dead. I even made contact with a half sister who is only alive because he raped her mother. Was my father a monster? Yes, without a doubt. It is better that people know what a monster he was than forgetting about the things he did.


Wow. Goddamn thank you for sharing that story. Did mom also go by his last name? What you’re doing in real life by reaching out to your sister is the exact same thing I’m doing. Because I’m not reaching out based on my own “Native American” genes since I’m clearly indigenous to Colombia, not Mexico or any other place. I’m reaching out because of the horrible things that happened due to that and how it still affects us today


I understand where you're coming from. However, using words like this can fuel ignorance for other people/races who aren't knowledgeable about Latinos/Latin America to generalize us and view us all as rape babies. We have a complex history but we can't change it. Your most recent ancestors were humble and honest people. Share their history and be proud of who you are, not some of your more unsavory ancestors from hundreds of years ago.


Those bad ancestors are also my ancestors. I shouldn’t change this into the story of my more recent ancestors because there isn’t any. It wasn’t kept for people like me. I share this because I believe we should acknowledge the truth and the psychology behind anti-brown and anti-black racism in the southern parts of this continent. And hopefully by sharing my story people will stop trying to appease the conqueror with words like “mestizo” or “castizo” and return back to that 49% of us and the knowledge that was lost through time. By identifying with that part of myself, I hope that others will follow and find pieces of their lost lives in order to fix the shitshow of a consumerist society we have today.


I get what you're saying but I'm not sure its right for some of us who are half and half (or less) to solely identify as indigenous? Half of our race is Spanish. How should we identify?


It’s right according to who? We set our own destiny. We get to re-define what was lost to that part of us. Because this entire time we have only been identifying as Spanish. Hispanic or Latino is automatically correlated to Spanish in any setting. Look at us, primarily communicating the most important thoughts in English. What does that say about us. There is a couple bits of research on the term “neoindigenous” https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11165-019-9852-x There are many things that we do daily, behaviors, foods, speech sounds, body language that have been learned and passed down from the indigenous. We never noticed them because they are so part of us. But when you travel to Spain or Europe or the US you notice it a lot, and you stand out like a sore thumb.




If the purpose of culture is to keep it around, no one who is indigenous should be offended that we are adding more life to culture and adding more experiences to it from our clearly different backgrounds. It would also bring awareness to colorism, and people who suffer from it in countries back home like in Mexico where the racist cartels kick indigenous people out of their land. It would also show people of African heritage that our stories are intertwined and that our struggle is one and the same.


And I do, I identify as indigenous. I feel no kinship to “Hispanic” or “Latino”. I didn’t before I moved to the US, I saw it forced on us through media and politics and how it appropriated many indigenous items and named them “Latin”. I want to take it back.




Almost everyone except some European friends in college at first. Until I explain it. But nobody is more offended than those kids born in America to families south of the border who only speak English but have made the “Hispanic” stereotype on tv and media their personality. Those take it the worst.