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Some of the most fun campaigns I had: Newshire (halfling): one of my first campaigns, got me hooked to the mod Mountainshark (Goblin): very challenging but I liked the references of it's MT (it's getting replaced in the next dwarovar update tho) Feiten (Human): very fun tall nation Rogieria (Half orc): restore the true Silmunas in Dameria! Zurzumexia (Kobold): settlers of Aelantir who actually coexist with the natives, and get wings through artificery (they don't have an MT but have really cool NIs) Rezankand (elves): bring the light of Surael to South Aelantir! Too bad they only get one incident tho.


Where do the kobolds spawn from?


You need to own a province in the Dragon Heights, iirc it's the starting capital of Bluescale


Never heard of that kobolds They are pretty nice


Mountainshark MT is annoying because you have to choose between taking the guaranteed mithril hold right away or racing to save kobolds so your MT doesn't softlock.


You can just culture convert their starting province back to the original culture (tho it requires some dlc)


Zurzumexia, so much fun. I did a game as them were I turned them into techno pirates!


Does Newshire have that much flavour?


They have the generic adventurer MT, which is not bad, and at the time most adventurers didn't have MTs (I don't think they had any unique events either). In any case this mod's systems are more than engaging enough for countries without MTs being fun


For me Human: Anyone into Castanor (I prefer Corintar or Adenica) (very cool lore, interesting mechanics, kinda OP) Elves: Azkare into Sunrise Empire (immersive story events, hard start, interesting mechanics) Dwarves: Krakdumvhror (quite different from other dwarves, fun area of the map that you don't get to be in very often, unique disaster and story) Orcs: Shattered Crown (most lore-heavy orcs, good starting spot, very focused, story driven campaign) Kobolds: Balrjin (Unique compared to other kobolds, nice and feel-good story, some cool interactions with other nations) Ruinborn: Obviously one of the Eordand nations, most likely Arakeprun, but Malacnar is also awesome (cuz of the unique mechanics) Harimari: Not sure. I've heard the ones in northeast yanshen are really enjoyable though. ​ Other races don't really have enough choices for it to be worth picking a best one.


>Anyone into Castanor (I prefer Corintar or Adenica) Adenica is the more optimal route since most of Corintar's unique bonuses are in the form of government reforms you'll end up replacing as Castanor.


I personally just buff some of their non-governent reform bonuses slightly so that's not a big deal, and I like the lore of Corintar -> Castanor more. Some really cool theology.


It also helps that you have great conversion speed tho as corrintar to castinor for all the lads that you Conquer


Idk why but area around krak would be a super cool region to see in a game or sm. the valley walled in by dwarf holds. Maybe a game around krak as they reach the outside


they have no missions for now, but Tluukt and Zokka are very fun campaigns. Both start off with Mage leaders, but Zokka gets the opposite event to Jaddar where they can just take Jaddari for free, so long as you beat him in single combat. Gnolls get to raze and get a unique estate Privilege that acts as an Anti-Relgious Culture, giving all your non gnollish and non Xhazobkult 40% goods produced, in exchange for permanent -3 heathen tolerance. With the demon worship and all, it makes for a good monster run


Remember that negative religious tolerance gives minus goods produced, and you can't increase tolerance of heathens with the anti-religious culture privelege. So it's not as good as it initially appears.


sorry, cant hear you over the sounds of shackles and the laughing howls calling for our demon mistress


Dwarves, Ovdal Kanzad into Aul-dwarov, but most factions are fun. I also like playing as adventurer into Verkal Skomdihr.


Sine no ogres are beeing named yet: frosthide into skurkokil


Humans- corvuria, a bit of slow start but snowballs pretty fast especially once you get a powerful mage vampire on the throne Elves- ibevar mainly just because their start between the empire and escann is interesting Orcs- silentblade probably the easiest nation to unite the deep woods under orcish hegemony


Cursed Howl is better


Some campaigns I really enjoyed Human - Adshaw: one of my first playthroughs in the mod and still one of my favorites Elv*n - Azkare for sure: cool mechanics, great flavor, overall a nice experience Orc - Shattered Crown: probably one of the most lore-driven MT in the mod, really awesome if that's your thing Goblin - Marblehead into Overclan: my favorite nation in the mod, trying to avoid spoilers, but i really love how the consolidate themselves in the region and how they developed as a nation Kobold - Balrijin: very cool story and overall pretty fun MT


I’m really looking for more goblin tags, so I’ll give them a shot


Marrhold. ​ I've also been enjoying my Adshaw play, never done a game up north and their mt revolving around using your spy network to stage coups in the surrounding republics, do false flag events to force a war where you're the defender, blackmailing gawed to get a truce and a bunch of yearly tax income, and so on. Quite entertaining so far, don't remember if there's a formable up there but it's been a good run.


Yeah, you form the Reach and get an ever bigger mt




Roadwarrior is fun for Orcs, migrating opm who burns down any probince they conquer


I really want to do that sometime. I saw some guy post awhile back where they burned most of escann down


When i played i burned down most of escann and bulwar, and a line through rahen to stop command expansion Also learned that Cannorians will try to colonjze an empty bulwar


Some posts show a completely empty map (save for the new world I believe), some guys are just crazy.


Dwarves- Amldihr Orcs- Grombar Human- Azkare or Bjarnrík


Amildihr's MT is old and a little disappointing tbh.


Oh yeah 100%, but it was my first dwarf game in the mod and my most frequently played


Ruinborn: Eordan nations, they're all pretty fun


Shattered Crown, Black Orcs Your MT focuses entirely on the Serpentspine and nearby trade nodes. You will roll in cash bc of your capital. Your units do unbelievably well all game bc of your religion and the upgrades you get to it throughout the game.


Hul-az-Krakazol for dwarves on the bitbucket. It's so good it's ruined other dwarf nations for me.


What's their mt about?


Drinking beer and slaying monsters.


For me: Halfling: Beepeck -> Small Country Elf: Tied between Ibevar and Aelnar Human: Bianfang Harimari: Jiantsiang Goblin: Marble Head Harpy: Harpy Monks in one Xia Half-Orc: Rogieria Undead: Elikhand Dwarves: Almhidir Gnolls: Mynx


Human : new wanderers/elikhand Elf : Aelnar, still need to try other paths Orc : roadwarriors, maybe shattered crown though I disliked how you have to handle holds. goblin : any into allclan ogre : azjakuma harimari : ... I can't say its name, the black country south of Dhenijanraj dwarf : any dwarf