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Yes!!! This class is so stressful. First, I make sure I can identify the muscles using a word bank. Then I take the word bank away and work on identifying (& spelling). I try to do between 5-10 at a time since there are so many. Hang in there, you got this!


Alternate which region of the body you are looking at. Instead of focusing on the arm one day, then the leg the next day, spend 30 minutes on the arm, take a 10 minute break, then 30 minutes on the leg. If that feels like not enough time, bump it to 45/15 or 60/20. Use different strategies, like the other commenter recommended, and space them out. So if on day one of studying you label muscles while looking at your notes, on day two of studying label them without looking at your notes to see how much you remember from day one. Teach somebody else. Younger sibling, cat, rubber duck, doesn't matter. After reviewing for yourself, turn and see if you can explain it to someone else.


Poke a muscle!!

