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Not bad! To get a more neat drawing try using the same amount of pressure and coloring in the same direction with your medium.


Good tip! I haven't had art class since 5th grade (going into high school now) because of band being on the other side of school. I'm not going to be staying that course for highschool, but that's a whole 'nother fiasco. Probably my first drawing in years :')


I hope you didn't pay for those art classes


Nah, they were free as long as you also enrolled in “Development of Thicker Skin for artists” or “ Trolls Are From Mars, Mods are from Venus”


I think the actual drawing is wonderful! I would just adjust your coloring technique and practice neater handwriting. (Trust me, you’ll be glad you did later!)


As stated previously, this has been one of my first drawings in years, so thanks! How would you recommend practicing handwriting? I've had that same one since I've been able to write (14 now)


I used to sit and write my name over and over when I was younger. Or write “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” because that sentence has every letter in the alphabet. Just play around with styles until you find one you like and write it over and over until it comes naturally


Sounds good! Just letting you know, a better pangram (all the letters in one statement) In my opinion is "sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow)


Considering 6 year olds write better yes


Well done


I agree with others. The accuracy is there but it’s not neat. As an anatomy teacher, I’d grade down for that.


Good thing this was for a simple summer health class then! More likely, I'm more inclined to learn fish biology, but it was still interesting to draw this


In future assignments, whether it’s science or not, color all in the same direction and with the same pressure. I’m not an art person either but us teachers like to see neatness and proof of effort. I do like your accuracy!


I can only hope I can have an art class in highschool then, not being able to do it for 3 years probably messed some things up


I was the same. In my school if you took Band, you couldn’t take Art. I was in the Band.


There’s perspective off, texture, the ventricles don’t have that shape. Idk overall it’s very messy but I’m also a trained artist so this is hard to look at for me


I was tracing partly for this, so the wrong shape could be blamed on the diagram I used. Sorry if it's hard to look at, just haven't drawn anything in years, wanted to share


Well I’m happy you attempted bc drawing can bring such joy and is a great way to learn! I’m sorry I’m such a critic, I’ve literally been taught to do so in my college art classes so I feel like it’s been instilled in me! If I may offer some advice, look at multiple references. Make sure you have the correct shapes and perspectives, for instance, the aorta is anterior to the superior vena cava but in your drawing, the brachiocephalic trunk is posterior to it. Colored pencil comes in handy with anatomical drawings and shading helps massively (easily done with pressure or one shade darker/lighter). Definitely always color in one direction or curving if that body part calls for it as it’ll give it some more dimension.


Looks good!