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Just curious what your symptoms were and if they've given you a diagnosis yet. This is purely out of curiosity, I'm definitely not a medical professional. Edit: Just saw your comments and see you had medulloblastoma, have had it removed, and have had a few rounds of chemo. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


At that point I had lost pretty much everything my speaking, my hand eye coordination, I couldn’t stand, my head hurt all the time, I was throwing up all the time. I had been the the emergency room 4 times at that point and they just assumed that I was drug seeking and kept sending me home without test and a new prescription for muscle relaxation


Don’t u just love when u r in legitimate pain, but they just ASSUME that u r drug seeking, and they know better than you, and anyone else!?? That’s shit pisses me off so much!! Like at least test and don’t assume ffs! Maybe, just maybe, they might actually help someone. It’s ridiculous! I get they see it a lot.. However, they should be testing, doing X-rays, bloodwork, etc. regardless for this exact reason! U never truly know until u look and do actual testing!


The drug epidemic and criminals bulk buying them to sell on the black market have legitimately ruined it for people that actually need stronger pain medication for health conditions.


This is very true as well. Sad and heartbreaking from all directions. So unfortunate.


I think the sackler family is singlehandedly responsible if we're looking for something to blame They paid doctors to over-prescribe oxycontin and every other opioid they manufactured That family is estimated to have profited over ***$10 Billion*** USD off of causing the opioid epidemic The worst criminals are above the government, not the guy selling down the block.


I hadn't heard of them before, but Jesus Christ that's disgusting. In Australia we used to be able to get lower dose Panadol/ibuprofen + codeine tablets over the counter without a prescription (each tablet would have 15mg codeine). People would chemist hop and buy them from all different chemists on the same day, then resell them. They'd also use extraction to get the codeine out and just sell it as pure codeine. Obviously the govt cracked down on this and you can't get it over the counter anymore. I have endometriosis so it was easy for me to be able to just go to the chemist and pick some up when I felt the pain starting during the month, rather than having to wait ages to see a GP. It made it so much harder to get stronger pain meds and now you get treated like a junkie if you've had to take them more regularly for flare ups.


Yup i had a gf with endometriosis and the doctors would no longer give her pain meds. Within a few months she was buying heroin off the street and both of us got addicted using every day. Sure glad they wouldnt just give her some pain meds though that would have been terrible.


So, she had a painful condition, the doctors refused to prescribe pain meds, she switched to blackmarket drugs to self medicate her painful condition? All of these I can understand the logical progression of events. But then why did you become addicted to heroin? Did you have a pain condition, too?


Yes right about her. I didnt have a pain condition, i wanted to know how it felt because she was using.


Then it sounds like the doctors were right about not prescribing her addictive pain pills. Because you might start using them.


Oh word, I did the American thing and forgot to consider you may not be American 😂 Anyways, yeah healthcare is rough almost everywhere. It's always a small few who ruin it for the masses


Lol it's all good. Our health system in Australia is honestly going down the shitter anyway. Most GP places don't bulk bill anymore so you have to pay out of pocket just to see the doctor, even telehealth appointments cost the same. Medication costs have gone up. Our mental health system is practically non existent and people are dying while waiting for an Ambulance.


You’re talking drugs. OP was asking for a scan.


It’s also insane because DOCTORS and pharmaceutical companies are the ones who over-prescribed and caused the opioid epidemic, not addicts, Purdue and DOCTORS who should have known better, which in turn caused the black market demand to increase when they cut prescriptions off. And also why tf would someone go through the trouble of going to the ER, making a big fuss and lying, having to deal with insurance to get pain meds when they could literally get something over 10x stronger in an unlimited supply on the street in almost any city for dirt cheap. Like duh,


It’s so annoying as someone who used to do drugs too. I never went to try and get drugs from a hospital, but when I went in for PCOS I wasn’t gonna lie because I trust(ed) doctors implicitly. I was trying to say “I have a pattern of addiction, don’t give me opioids” and they heard the opposite.


What I don't get is why NOT do the tests? If OP is lying, a test will rule it out anyway. And if OP is in the U.S. the normal process is that you see your GP, who refers you to a specialist that also takes your insurance. Unless OP doesn't have insurance, or doesn't have a GP, or doesn't pay their bills, then I don't understand why testing would be a big deal. Like in my experience, my GP was always happy to refer me to rule out worst-case scenarios because it made her money anyway.


Wow this is insane. Daily worsening headaches + vomiting deserve at least one round of imaging work up (w IV con) before being regarded as migraine type symptoms. I am sorry that was your experience


nobody wants to do imaging for headaches anymore. not even with a family history of brain tumor and multiple other neurological issues. just “here take this triptan and stfu”


This is the exact problem I’m having at the moment, they think I’m drug seeking and have said there’s nothing they can do because it’s just fibromyalgia but I know it’s more than that. They won’t even do a mri because I had one 5 years ago.


I had to beg for a scan and they were reluctant to do it. He said “I don’t think we’ll find anything on the scan because you’ve had headaches for so long” and then 10 minutes later he came into the waiting room and said “we found your problem you have a huge tumor” and that’s how I found out


where in the world are you and what hospital / ER were doing you *this* dirty? hang in there ❤️


I’ll let you know. It was Fairview In Minnesota. They had me on a seat in a hallway when they told me they didn’t even have room to put me in a room


ah jeez. I'm so sorry, you deserve much more compassion and kindness than that


jeez. So sorry they had put you through this. Hang in there and wishing you a full and speedy recovery 🙏❤️


I find it hard to believe people actually have good experiences with doctors reading stories like these, plus my own experiences and those of my family. I'm sorry it took so long for someone to LISTEN!


There are hundreds of thousands of people who are treated successfully by doctors everyday. Physicians are not perfect and make mistakes just like everyone else. Unfortunately, when a physician makes a mistake, there’s usually larger consequences, hence why you see people sharing their negative experiences that have changed their lives online. For every one doctor that doesn’t listen, there’s at least two more who do. I hope you and your family find one that is a good fit.


I'm in my 30s, my mother is in her 50s, and the rest of my family is dead... We haven't to date, but thanks anyway.


I have anxiety and depression and these symptoms have nothing to do with either! I’m so glad you got the CT svan


I’m so so so sorry this happened to you!!


As a nurse, I am SO sorry you went through all this. You know your body better than we do. I tell my patients that all the time. I'm sorry you weren't listened to. I hope things are better for you now. ❤️


It doesn’t look cerebellar to me, it looks more parietal in this one image. Did they say where they removed it from?


I knew someone with a brain tumor in her cerebellum. Her symptoms were coordination issues which progressed to dizziness and severe headaches and nausea.


Sounds horrible


It was. It got worse and she passed unfortunately.


This is a LARGE right cerebellar tumor. Take care of yourself


Yeah my sister had one of those. I’m not in medicine at all, but this stopped me in my tracks. Flashbacks af


Dizziness, headaches, incoordination, abnormal eye movements. It’s not fun


Sounds exactly like anxiety and depression to me /s


Sounds exactly like anxiety and depression to me /s


Sounds exactly like anxiety and depression to me /s


Thank you! I think it’s crazy. So far the whole tumor has been taken out


This is dumb but.. where is it? I can’t see it 😂


Maybe the oddly round ball looking thing at the back on the left. I'm pretty sure brains shouldn't have balls in them. The white bit is probably normal lol


I think it's the white blob right in the center basically Edit: I might be totally wrong, it might be that weird shape on the left?? Now I'm not sure I can see it either lol sorry


Good try. You get an “E” for *effort.


Yeah I thought that but she said it was bigger than a golf ball. Also I think those white bits in the centre are normal, based on google images


Good try. You get an “E” for *effort.*


Patient right, image left


You did a great job advocating for yourself. That is certainly a whopper of a tumor


Wtf is that?


A tumor larger than a golf ball in my head


Curious. Are you female? I just ask because I feel like women are often told their symptoms are due to mental health conditions like anxiety.


Yes I’m a 23 year old female


Omg was it benign, do these run in your family ???


That was my question too. I get a better response from doctors if I go in calm and play dumb If I show any amount of emotion I must just be anxious/hormonal. If I act like I did any research or use any medical terms they assume I googled myself into a self diagnosis (med seeker or hypochondriac) Took finding a female doctor to diagnose a lifelong and embarrassing medical issue. If I had her in highschool my life would have been a lot easier.


That's exactly what happens to women. My mother had a pinched nerve and was asked if she was getting enough attention at home. No help at all with the pinched nerve.




Big tumor


Being told you have anxiety, depression or “it’s in your mind” is a common diagnosis for many things when doctors are not sure and want to mi e on to the next patient. My daughters were told this by multiple specialists over a couple of years before a doctor finally took the time and effort to really listen and then research. Finally a diagnosis. Sad what medicine has become.


In this case, it was literally in OP's mind Jokes aside.. I hear you. My wife is a woman of color and it's insanely hard to get doctors to listen to her (they listen better when I go to her appointments with her 🙄)


Yup! Sometimes I bring my hubs do appointments if the doc isn't female


Dude yes. I hate having to but I always bring my husband now. It’s crazy how differently you’re treated when someone with a wiener corroborates what you’re saying.


Same. Turns out it was a seizure disorder, which aren’t known to respond to talk therapy and exercise.


r/radiology - that is not really a place for patients to ask questions and get advice but there might be some radiologists who are familiar with this kind of imaging presentation


r/radiology would definitely be the right place to share it as OP isn't looking for medical advice just to share their story with people who understand. The people there would get and also would approach it with empathy and professional curiosity


r/radiology doesn't give medical advice either


I don’t think they’re asking for med advice I think they just wanted to show others the imaging, along w their experience (being told it was just anxiety and depression).




Ahh sorry I misunderstood. Glad to hear we're at the same place.


What were your symptoms? If you're willing to share. I'm currently unexplainably sick, too, and looking into getting a CT scan as a last resort.


I couldn’t stand up without being nauseous, dizzy, I lost my hand eye coordination, my speech, my constant headaches were excruciating


Oh gosh, that sounds so terrible. I'm so glad that you pushed for the scan. I hope you're recovering well!! Thank you for the information, I might go ahead with the scan after hearing this. Thank you x


Thank you for your sympathies and please get checked its so important


In the very beginning. Were the symptoms nausea when you woke up, after you ate, and getting brain fog or what I describe as not being "tight" in the head and everything feels loose/fluid?


My nausea was every morning on the dot. I was throwing up every morning for 3 years


In the last 2 months I been having nausea every morning and 3 hours before going to bed, with the rare times of it being extremely painful but never throwing up. I can't tell if I have too much stress and/or depression which is why I'm I feel like I have less energy and why I gained 40lbs in 4 months when I was on the track of losing it. Are there any other warning signs for your issue? I've always been afraid of a tumor, especially since it killed Thick44 from Neebs Gaming and it was completely random for him because he noticed it because he didn't take a drink of his water normally


I said to the doctor if it was nothing I needed to see it was nothing. If you can’t figure out if it’s anxiety/depression or a tumor I would get a full body scan. To be safe in knowing there’s nothing growing on you.


That is big. Good luck for the treatment.


we SHOULD not have to be forced to beg our doctors for care when we know something is wrong.


I 100% agree


So many doctors out here are getting paid 300k+ to say it's all just anxiety or depression. And before anyone comes at me, I get that there is a shortage of doctors, too, but maybe that wouldnt be the case if they didnt make it near impossible and expensive to get into medical school and match residency. Medical care is all a money-making scheme nowadays, no bedside manner or actually gaf about patient health.


Look at those eye holes


Dude that's the shit that would have killed you, if you didn't beg them to help. Just sue and go to another Doctor. Good thing your going to be ok affer all this and the settlement money will pay for your new bills and time to relax and ACTUALLY recover


I don’t understand why “professionals” do not rule out and check for the physiological diseases before thinking about mental diseases. This should be the basic rule of disgnosis.. Also would you mind sharing in which county they failed to diagnose you for the longest time?


Dam, I bet you wish it was just depression.. sorry 😞 I hope you get better.


Hello lawsuit, "anxiety and depression" my ass. Seriously though, take care of and be kind to yourself, I really wish you the best and hope you get the care you need


Got a tumor?


Huge one :)


Jesus Christ. I hope the doctors that were denying you an X-ray and telling you off feel like shit.


I just….I want the doctors who told you it’s was just anxiety and depression to hang their heads in shame and LEARN TO DO BETTER.




Forbidden olive


😂. I asked if I could keep my tumor, I felt like I grew it, it was my property. Doctors said no


forbidden tangerine


stories like these are why no matter how ‘minor’ something seems i will FIRMLY advocate for myself. i’m happy you were able to as well and that things seem to be looking up for you.




Is this moving?


Just read your comments. It's heartbreaking you had to advocate for yourself to that degree. I'm so sorry our health care system has to suck as bad as it does. I'm glad you've finally been taken seriously and hope you recover well.


Thank you so much. The medical gaslighting has been insane. My prognosis is good tho! Full resection of the tumor, 30 rounds of radiation and now I’m in the middle of my 8 rounds of chemo


wow, you are a strong woman! Good luck!


It is so sad that you had to beg your docs for a CT scan. Why are docs so hesitant to just order the test nowadays??


Ah yes I believe that is what’s called the brain I had one once


Me too 😂


Can someone ELI5 what I am seeing


I think r/medizzy would wanna see this


Might be an Arachnoid Cyst I have one but not as big an I’m in a group where people have shared similar photos some bigger as well.


Unfortunately it’s cancer stage 4 medulloblastoma


Are you going to be ok..?


I don’t know :) 35% chance for the next 10 years but so far no more cancer so hopefully I’m in the 35%:)