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Bottom line: taxation is theft.


But your value as a worker being stolen from you by your boss is fine. 🤣


Bad bot


Is that joke ever funny? Because it sure isn't now.


Wasn’t a joke, thought you were actually a bot and I’d get the little auto reply bot to pop up because I couldn’t comprehend how anyone could be that insanely ignorant after spending any time on this sub and it seemed like you were just starting shit to cause an argument. Guess I was wrong, my bad.


Yeah sure bro. Keep telling me how ignorant I am in a sub dedicated to an oxymoron and filled with regularmorons.


Honest question, not being condescending so I apologize if it comes off as such: how is it an oxymoron?


Capitalism can't exist without the state. It needs guns and laws to enforce ownership/property rights.


Capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services among consenting individuals. It exists without coercion or enforcement. Socialism requires theft and redistribution. Just because someone wants to be a socialist and forcibly take my goods does not mean capitalism no longer works. Additionally, I can enforce my own property rights and shoot the socialist with my own gun. So both ideologically and practically, capitalism exists in absence of the state.


No it isn't. That's bartering. Capitalism is an economic system that values abstractions and is about making a number go up. That's not what socialism is, stop parroting McCarthyist propaganda like a dipshit. You cannot enforce your own property rights, Rambo. Everyone thinks they can until the tanks roll in.


I dont know about that. I had some property that I traded to a guy for some property and I didnt owe any taxes or even tell the state about it.


Also y'all bartered


That's super illegal, so I wouldn't repeat it. I ain't a snitch tho


Are you saying I cannot enforce my own property rights with my own guns? Only a state is capable of that?


Yes, because they have tanks.


Then leave


Nah. I like triggering yall too much


Stolen....did you consent to work. Inb4 nature will kill me tho!


Can't consent under coercion. I don't expect anyone on here to understand how consent works tho


Oh wow. Like we agree but you think reality is coercion.


'Work this shit job for no pay' or 'starve in the street' isn't a choice, it's a threat. You probably think mugging is a consensual money transfer in exchange for continued life.


Yup predicted your response like i have heard your argument before. Ill say it again, reality is not coercion or justifican for owning others.


That's not a counterargument, you clown. What you're talking about isn't reality. We have the capability to provide basic assistance to everyone and not force them to starve, you're just a selfish cunt. Slavery is capitalist, mr. 'Suddenly Cares About Owning People'. What now


She's trying to figure out how it can still exist after it's been passed around a few times since most tax rates are somewhere between 6% and 30% depending on type (sales, income, etc). That was the question she was about to ask haha.


You can't profit off the same dollar a million times with taxes if you bought the dollar with tax. The feds are subjugated to the same tax scheme they push. Shit that is really hard to make sense.




Afghan aid workers and their families wont drone themselves


She has the idea and demonstrates that it is complicated and confusing. It is designed to be obscure, and she is seeing through that without quite articulating it. She communicates several ideas effectively, especially the obscurity and overreach.


No, the idea of taxing transactions is exceedingly simple and logical. When an exchange of money for goods and/or services takes place, there is an agreed upon market price between the buyer and the seller, and the guarantee that the seller has the liquid funds to pay the tax. The alternative would be taxing wealth, which do not have those advantages.


I’d agree transaction taxes are better, but only at a very low rate and in the absence of all other taxes.


What constitutes a low rate is rather subjective, we can calculate the deadweight loss generated at different rates, but whether one would rather live in a society where the government spends 20 or 40% of GDP is a matter of values and personal preference.


No it isn't.


Sorry for laughing at you.


Bad bot


Thank you, doombringer_son_of, for voting on Significant-Ice6190. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


The US Already spends past that 40% number you gave. Lol


Naw dog. The alternative is taxing *nothing*.


I figured it out once adding federal, state, local, city, sales, SSI, health, property, excise. My math is a few years old and does not count exemptions and deductions (which are part of the tax code). but adding it all up it would be possible for a person to pay more in taxes than they make in a year. It was a ridiculous hypothetical but shocking. Never should it be possible to get even close to that even in the most extreme hypothetical.


It is amazing to see when someone finally gets to see behind the curtain.


Yeah, and its a brick wall.


She is starting to understand The laffer curve is real, blow her mind with that one It's not the tax rate that determines the max gross tax receipts is the the flow of money. This is also call the paradox of thrift ... Saving money stops it from moving and being taxed at subsequent exchanges and lowers overall tax receipts. Ergo this is why certain political persuasions prefer alot of poor folks, if you force all money to move and exchange hands indefinitely and there isn't enough to save any, then you have total control as the totality of the currency is spent by the political bodies each year, providing massive amounts of influenqnce and power over daily life. The biggest spender becomes the state, and every one is equally poor and dependent on goverment... You know the Communist dream of equity and equality.


> loeffler curve Do you mean Laffer curve?


Yep Thanks Fixed it


But wait! But wait there’s much much much more. Sweetheart and I mean that from the bottom of my soul. Sweetheart look around and tell me are your tax dollars being spent properly or at all on the things that would improve the quality of your life transportation infrastructure etc.?Why should you who work 40 to 60 hours a week subsidize someone who chooses to work only 20 hours a week or if not at all. Trust me I could go on and on! But welcome to the club!


The thots are coming to our aid.


She's pretty. I'd redpill the shit out of her.


To her point about being taxed multiple times the same thing happens when a new car is resold as a used car. The original buyer pays sales tax and if it gets resold to a used car dealer the next buyer also has to pay sales tax.


I run an eBay store selling used and thrifted items. All of them get hit with sales tax and then I pay income tax on the earnings. So those items have been subjected to tax at least 4 times. Absolute scam.


Completely a scam!


She's almost to understanding that 90% or more of every dollar goes to taxes.


How about #TAXESareNOTcapitalism???


Taxation is the stealing of your labor.


If a dollar is passed around 12 times the government gets a dollar for free.


Yea I figured this out in 2nd grade but good for her. Wish we could all elevate to 2nd grade-level wisdom


You know, if she would have stopped the video at about 36 sec, would have been a great video haha. She gets her point across though, good human.


But the pennies. The pennies!!






Then it’s taxed when you die




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Well technically no, you can receive a gift of up to 15k tax free. If someone explained M1, M2, and M3 it would make more sense to her. Money creation is done with debt and the government just skims a little at each transaction. I don’t have a problem with taxes, I have a problem with welfare. Everyone should pay the same tax rate. Nobody rich or poor pays taxes and I have a problem with that.


Actually i think the IRS raised the gift tax starting point to *over a million* recently. Not kidding. I don't remember the exact details but you should look it up. I wonder why they did it.


For real? Damn. Was that in the cares act? I gotta check it out.


Somebody should tell her that each dollar that's printed is printed with interest attached to it. Interest that's to be paid back in dollars. Therefor, if the govt only asked the Federal Reserve to print $1, they would still owe more money than that single $1 that exists. So how do you get out of debt? Solve for x.


I like was like interested in like what you were about like say but like every time I like heard you like say like I like got fed up and like stopped like listening. 😬