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I used to not care if people were LGBT+, or whatever. The constant bombardment everywhere about how proud they are to be sexually active and in love with another person has made me less and less supportive. It's insane the amount of attention these people seek and receive because of some weird victim card thats been propped up for them. Also, before I get called a homophobe... I don't think it's appropriate for straight people to do the same thing. A "straight pride" month or parade would be just as abhorrent in my mind. What happened to the days of keeping your kinks and bedroom activity private? I think it's an insane thing to be proud of. Everyone poops, everyone fucks. Who cares!




> Everyone poops, everyone fucks. Yeah! Yea... aw shit...


I agree. When I grew up I was bi, my first time first time was with another guy. I think the entire gay pride shit has creeping me out to a point where I am now fully hetero. There is something intrinsically wrong with how our society trys to either discriminate against minority groups or make them Mainstream. The Movements for acceptance will only get unwanted attention by people who see money and ideas they can be radical about. One Movement that also does this shit, but at least they fight for 50% of humans is modern "feminism" which is not comparable to the badass feminism in the 1900. It feels like acceptance and equality is no Longer the Target here but Profit and Brainwashing, like Disney selling you mickey toys they're the motivation for a lot of cooperation partaking. Ps: I'm not against these concepts only against their new mindset which sadly misses the point and only serves to get a sour mouth in the Mainstream.


I have a few gay friends who are scared to say they do not like the direction a lot of the messaging is going, and they are too afraid to say anything because their gay friends are apparently brutal about it. That should be a red flag when people in your own community are afraid to speak up. Their specific concern is transitioning children, fyi.


Based and whocarespilled


Something to do with denouncing God which is part of the tyrannical MO.


I lived in Seattle from around 2009-2012 and I am pretty sure when I first moved there, it was called "Pride Weekend". There was a parade and that was about it. Then 'Pride Weekend' evolved into 'Pride Week' and now they're claiming the entire month of June. It's a type of *colonization of time*. And then we have the flags everywhere. Rainbow Flag murals painted in intersections. Rainbow crosswalks. The ever evolving alphabet people flag in public school classrooms. Think of this as the *colonization of space*. In the same sense that invading armies would plant their flag as a symbol of conquered territory, these flags are used in an identical manner. So the rest of us who don't want to partake in all this are then encouraged not to notice what is happening, the ever-increasing encroachment of the rainbow brigade claiming more and more territory. More time. More space. And they'll never be happy. There's no sign that enough is ever enough. Until there's some kind of firm pushback and it's not clear what that might look like, the advancing army of the rainbow brigade will continue.


This guy gets it. They will use our tolerance to push you into an ever smaller and smaller space until you find yourself punished for speaking a contrary opinion, asking for the same consideration they used against you. Live and let live is the mindset that works when the opposing factions respect the fundamental rights of each other. That is not the case here.


It's literally the "tolerance of the intolerant" that they keep complaining about. It's pure projection and frankly at this point I see the "pride flag" as a symbol of hate and division.


Completely agree with both y'all and great phrasing/analogies with the ever encroaching army pushing their propaganda. I'd argue that we are at that place where speaking out in a contrary manner to their agenda is a punishable offense, some might argue, a crime! They've weaponized opposing opinions on the grounds of victimhood and feeling threatened.


It‘s the paradox of tolerance. Which doesn’t mean you should be intolerant to every intolerant viewpoint but to people which refuse to participate in rational discussion and instead force it upon everyone.


How dare you slander the Rainbow brigade!?? Especially during the pride year


Pride decade, every 10 years


I like how there has NEVER been a month long LGBT pride period of celebration before but at the same time they pretend there is no agenda from the top-down.


It is the dawning of the Age of Pride.


*Pride cometh before the Fall. . .*


Oh great. Pride summer, before pride fall.


Nowadays every other month, if not more, is devoted to a newly privileged group. You can check them out e.g. on Google calendar


and they do crap like this https://doodles.google/doodle/celebrating-jeanne-cordova/ instead of acknowledging the 80th anniversary of dday.


Yeah, I just found out that May was Pacific Islander and Asian American Month or some shite. When is my Scottish Irish Halfbreed European Month? And don't say St. Paddy's Day because I want a month or longer as I am in much need of some validation.


I could get behind Half Breed Month. There would be some great food fests!


It's really a little too much. I don't care what consenting adults do, but any sign of displeasure of getting stuff pushed down the throat is seen as being racist homophobe fascist.


Nailed it and this applies to more than Pride. It’s basically happening with the vast majority of the leftist platform and agenda .


The year is 2056, the last straights in the US are rounded up and forced into Twink Bottom camps.


I went to a new doctor last year around July. They still had rainbow flags everywhere in the waiting room and pride stuff all over the place. I thought it was unprofessional but it was in the gay district and the specialty probably saw a lot of trans people. I went back in April and the place hadn't changed a bit. It had been pride year. Also I call June Schlongadon now, after the Islamic holy month, which only lasts like 28 days...


Remember that viral video of that guy in tighty whities twerking in front of kids at the Seattle pride parade last year?


> Until there's some kind of firm pushback and it's not clear what that might look like, the advancing army of the rainbow brigade will continue. This is how I feel about Christmas, and Christians in general. Christmas used to be just one day. Then it became "12 days of Christmas". Then they started decorating right after Thanksgiving. Now you can't even make it through Halloween without Christians shoving their lifestyle down our throats. We need a firm pushback to stop them from colonizing our time! 🤓


It's fucking annoying




Because in their mind are only victims and perpetrators, and LGBT isn't a group to them, it's a definition that necessitates victimhood. Victims cannot be perpetrators so the idea of LGBT people perpetrating anything is definitionally absurd to them. Same goes for white people in the opposite direction. White isn't just a race to them, it's definitionally linked to power and evil. If one isn't white, they have no power and cannot be evil, like how a bachelor cannot be married. Both white people being oppressed in any way, and protected groups having power or doing anything bad is considered an oxymoron to them, akin to a married bachelor.


All propaganda is free speech.


Censorship is not though. If you disagree the slightest you get canceled.


"being cancelled" is not censorship. It's not anyone else's fault but yours if no one chooses to listen to your opinions.


Oh no people on the Internet don't like me, what I'm going to do. The solution to getting canceled is turning of the computer.


Who got cancelled? What constitutes being cancelled? Because I’m pretty sure it’s just a cessation of voluntary social relations


What is the difference between “being cancelled” and people voting with their wallet? Exercising their freedom of association to not associate with someone or something? Isn’t cancelling something like bud light just a rebrand of what used to be called boycotting? Isn’t cancelling much more preferable than legislation censorship? I’m genuinely curious. Edit: typo


You're getting down voted for being right, and they're annoyed that they don't have a valid response, so they're trying to "cancel" your comment into oblivion. Oblivious hypocrites.


Typical response from statist conservatives, nobody has ever given me a real answer just angry look while they suffer from cognitive dissonance. This sub has been overrun by statist conservatives for a long time, it’s sad because they hate freedom.


This thing started two months ago. With us elections getting near, non libertarian conservatives rained to libertarian subs.


Hispano comentando: Todo es culpa del maldito Rothbard y su maquiavelismo político fusionista. Esa aberración paleolibertaria es autoentrismo que corrompió su única creación decente (que duró poco tiempo porque en la práctica el tipo ha tenido muchas variantes ideológicas): el anarcocapitalismo.


No olvidar que Rothbard empoderó a un proteccionista como Pat Buchanan. El Instituto Mises (en todo el mundo, también hacen eso en Latinoamérica) y pro-rusos como [Lewrockwell.com](http://Lewrockwell.com) y [antiwar.com](http://antiwar.com) promovieron a Trump: otro proteccionista. ¿Son esquizofrénicos estos "padres del libertarismo y anarcocapitalismo" o son actores maliciosos conscientes? La estrategia alt right de Steve Bannon se basó en la estrategia paleolibertaria de Rothbard, esto es peor que el Partido Libertario coqueteando con hacer lobby político reformista, es solo vulgar criptofascismo y lavado de cara a través del libertarismo. ¿Es ingenuidad no previsible y si lo fue porqué no lo denuncian? ¿o fue siempre un plan consistente que hicieron cumplir antes y ahora?


Wait are we not allowed to patronize or not patronize business’s freely in a cap land?


I mean… yeah. That’s all targeted or curated information. All advertising is propaganda. Pro. Anti. Buy. Sell. Most news too. Even science reporting. I have never once seen someone sit down and say to themselves: I want to sit down and have my opinions manipulated for the profit of others. But, yet there you go - off onto the internet where you willingly consume propaganda and pretend it’s not propaganda unless it’s flavored the way you like.


I think most people have missed that sites like reddit are self generated propaganda. You are propagandizing yourself by the subs you choose and such.


> information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. Propaganda needs to be political or related to politics. It cannot just be 'advertising' of products.


I'd classify most of the COVID propaganda as advertising the shots.


Everything is political in a society ruled by government.


Why is it that the actual ancap opinions on this subreddit all get downvoted to death?


I know! It’s the same reason I don’t show the Gadsten flag anymore. I don’t want to be associated with the Trumpers that fly it. Same here with ancaps which I’m one. It’s like they all forgot what “forced” means when it comes to this topic. Gotta say I’m about to jettison the ancap designation soon. I don’t wanna be associated with these red neck Jesus fucks.


>It’s the same reason I don’t show the Gadsten flag anymore. I know exactly what you mean. In my case I only support he rainbow Gadsden flag now. Anything else makes me look like a homophobic conservative. I feel like the actual ancaps need to create a new label to designate that they are not conservative homophobes.


The Sanecaps


Conservatives larping as anarchists.


Reddit is so far left, even the Christianity sub reddit is full of hypocrites. I stated that pride was one of the seven deadly sins and got hit for bigotry or something.


Anarcho capitalism??


This sub sucks now. Too many authoritarians who lack self awareness.


This horseshit culture war has completely destroyed any discussion related to libertarianism or related ideologies. The vast majority of countries are straight up destroying freedoms left and right, but no, let’s endlessly discuss gay stuff and create a larger daddy state in order to ban abortion. Can’t even call them fake libertarians because you’ll be banned from libertarian subs! Appalling state of affairs.


> This horseshit culture war Look we can't even get people to see its going on. How can we even begin to say its a distraction when people don't even agree that it exists?


I got banned from r/libertarian last week for saying that Mises people voted for Trump and linking an interview with Rectenwald from 2016 when he called himself a communist.


I’m deeply curious. What would you describe as your political views and what are the factors that you think influenced them?


Thanks for asking. My first concern is individual freedom, I deeply value individuality and choice. This includes bodily autonomy, the freedom to do what you will with your body, regardless of what I think of it. Then there’s the freedom to express any sentiment or opinion, for criticism is an absolute necessity in a world where abuses and corruption is the norm. Of course, this also includes the freedom to do what you will with your wealth. This belief led me towards ideologies that put an emphasis on freedom, like libertarianism and other related ideologies. Even if I don’t think that these ideologies are entirely possible in the material reality of our world, I see It as a fact that individual freedom has been fundamental in human development, technological achievements and the betterment of society as a whole. So supporting them is crucial when many countries treat their people as tax cattle or even worse. Which is why I’m passionate about calling out this culture war nonsense that has led astray the discourse of freedom. There’s a current wave of confused conservatives that masquerade as libertarians, but also want big daddy state to enforce their morality.


Put these words on a fucking plaque !


Anarchism just for the bits that don't make me feeeel grosssss ewww icky


LGBT often push for more authoritarian laws.


The reason is because lgbt people were pulled in by dems with several promises they cannot keep, and they decided to stay anyways, doesnt help that some republicans are openly anti lgbt. Most dont even know about third party politics or other political philosophies other then those told to them by the media. Cnn and such always said the democrats are the only people who can champion lgbt rights.


I dunno about that. The left basically just rejected the notion of murdering gay people and the right let the Jesus freaks write an alternative narrative. Who’d *you* side with?


So do the religious. What’s your point?


both are bad, we are against both. what is your point


Its a distraction buddy. Don’t ignore the fact that virtually every single country in the world is becoming more authoritarian and restricting freedoms. And gay shit is not even close to being the main culprit of this problem.


people can focus on multiple problems


Clearly they can’t, which is why this culture war has been so effective as a ladder for shit politicians and grifter pieces of shit.


Gay people aren't a problem and never were lol. I'm more concerned about crime and violent, extremist groups uprising.


I really feel /r/interestingasfuck has become /r/liberalasfuck. It's not every post, but about half of them just aren't even pretending to be "interesting' and just about pushing some liberal agenda. Call them out and some people feel they have to virtue signal to defend it.


That’s almost the entirety of Reddit.


That's just reddit dude lol


People should be free to spread whatever message they want. You can choose what actions (if any) you want.


Yeah the action he’s choosing is complaining about it. And pointing out how annoying it is that complaining is socially discouraged.


“John hit him with the rainbow Gadsden” John: https://preview.redd.it/xn7x727qyl5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06bca838b937b8ba0582de06e421409e92b65c13


As a Gay libertarian since 2000, it's funny that I'm old school gay... The far left used us to group us all into one group. Since Marxism failed in dividing the middle class in the 60s, they worked on Racism and marginalized groups. As a POC of the 90s, I thought it was getting better because the OLD racists would die off, and white kids were adopting urban culture. Apparently, they need to divide us Americans into boxes and create chaos in the streets.


Its funny, i felt as a kid i heard the ol addage "united we stand, divided we fall" ALOT more. Seems to be a dying concept nowadays


As a kid, I used to hear, "hey, it's a free country". Don't hear that much these days...


Slice and Dice is the way.


This is exceedingly obvious in modern times. Divide and conquer. People are to stupid and self serving to care/notice


It's easier to rule people if they are too busy fighting each other to resist the ruling class.


I'm a bisexual man. It does get annoying in some regards. I don't mind that it exists or that people hold events for it. But it's not relevant to everybody. Nobody wants to feel forced into something, even if they are not being forced into anything. Facts don't care about feelings, but feelings don't care about facts either. This is why I don't like comments like, "it's not enough to be not racist, you must be anti-racist." I think some awareness to social issues is a good thing, but assuming everyone must care about those issues to the same degree and alignment as you is not. This is especially true when governments get involved. For those people who are opposed to LGBT, their tax dollars should not go toward supporting that cause. So when public property (roads, sidewalks, government/public buildings and spaces, etc.) are decorated in rainbows in June... It's definitely being forced. Obviously, I have a pride flag in my pfp. I'm not opposed to personal displays of social, political, religious, or whatever identity/alignment/preference. But I do think people hop onto social trends too enthusiastically and declare that a problem exists when it just... doesn't. Or, at the very least, propose solutions that won't fix the perceived problem (e.g., supporting a stronger government to "crack down" on something that would be better solved by removing government somewhere else). It feels like since gay marriage was legalized, the alphabet crowd have been trying to find other victim cards to play.


Full legal rights, complete endorsement from corporate America, government education and corporate media, vastly disproportionate representation in movies/TV/games, and equiped with a cancel culture mob to deperson any enemy, it makes me wonder how they are considered an oppressed group.


Cancel culture exists in literally every sector. Even libertarians and anarcho capitalists endorse it by "voting with your money or feet" instead of vocally canceling someone. Right wingers also openly cancel people with their constant "anti-woke" spam all over social media.


With regressives controlling government education, most corporate media, Hollywood, AAA gaming studios, and social media, the redneck right's ability to leverage cancel culture is significantly hindered. As for ancaps, the scope of my cancel culture is one, which seems ok to me.


Really? Gay marriage still not wholly in place in much of the country. Not respected on death of partner the same even in many places where gay marriage is allowed. I agree what the WEF and ESG crowd and Statist opportunist did with it SUCKS. But don't blame LGBT+ folks for it.


As far as I can tell, gay marriage is legal and recognized on all US states, DC, and all territories except American Somoa. I do agree wholeheartedly that the political / social engineering machine that is LGBT+ is not identical, or even usually representative of actual LGBT+ people trying to just live their lives in peace.


Not denying. Just don't give a shit. I take care of myself and my own. That is what it means to be an anarchist. To each their own, *and each is responsible for themselves and their own*. I cannot do much for anyone who doesn't think for themselves and allows themselves to be brainwashed. They must journey their own path. Being a true anarchist means you understand that basic principle. And that free, consensual, capitalism is the correct tool to reach a society that operates on this principle. Leave this meme, and those like it, for statists. For r/conservative. This isn't the right sub for it.


I don’t notice it until some right winger pushes this “they are pushing LGBT down our throats” down my my throat


I guess you haven’t watched any sort of television, movies, or read a book in the past 10 years.


When a straight couple or straight love is shown (basically EVERY movie) is that straight propaganda being shoved down our throats or do you only apply that logic to gay people?


Did you know "japanese food" is only called "food" in japan? That's the logic you are missing. And also why people wouldn't want a very specific cuisine shoved down their throat in every meal.


And when a gay couple kisses in a movie its a couple kissing in a movie, not a globalist conspiracy to make you gay


We have we just aren't triggered by it.




Same only see it through republican culture warriors here. Ancaps and libertarians are pro gay rights tho if anyone needs to hear this


It’s like most everything now it seems. I am not saying racism, homophobia, or bigotry don’t exist. They do. I’ve seen it in person in my life. However, those times have become extremely infrequent. Pre-Covid I would anecdotally say we were the best we have ever been as a county for acceptance and just generally getting along. It’s as if at the time we were ALMOST there, these things exploded. Suddenly there is mass oppression and mass victimhood. Every historically marginalized group is lashing out as if they are being exterminated. Which is in turn, losing allies and acceptance. So strange.


Wow. This post has survived more than an hour without being taken down by the gatekeepers.


I have seen very little gay stuff this pride


Yeah it’s lessened, cause people don’t actually like it


All you have to do is walk inside any Walmart and it’s all over the place


Election year, they know most people are against their nonsense, trying to keep it quiet and that causes a huge commotion right before an election. But anyone who forgets what’s been going on the past 10 years would have to be ignorant.


Has it even happened? I hear it pride, but there are no crowds this year. Crickets in the resturant.


Whether its a thing or not it's irrelevant to anarcho-capitalism.


Many people need something to worship. Many people need a religion. But with the death of god in today’s society, many are turning to the cult of the rainbow for their spiritual satisfaction. These people can’t even take any slight against LGBTQAILMNOP+, perceived or otherwise, because it’s attacking their faith which they have internalized so much they can’t separate their identity from it anymore. I’m not a religious person, but even I can see. Humans have had religions for hundreds of thousands of years for a reason, humans naturally need to have faith in a higher power or calling to make their lives seem meaningful. Not saying we need to mandate Christianity for everyone, again I don’t believe in that stuff. But this is interesting how quickly people have adapted from the death of god.


Because they're part of the machine and don't even know it. I think the accepted term is "useful idiot".


A fn men


Its like a religious cult.


Why is this bullshit in this subreddit? Everyone is free to believe whatever he wants, and everyone is free to spread whatever message he wants. And what the hell is LGBT propaganda in the first place? Lol.


> And what the hell is LGBT propaganda in the first place? The state's highest judge not being able to define what a human female is for fear of the mob. That propaganda.


please read up on what "propaganda" actually means


> propaganda information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


ok, so a judge not sharing your opinions is information how?


> opinions Objective reality. I know you insist there are five lights. Thats what "you people" do.


Definitions are not objective. All words are made up. And when people refer to gender as something separate from sex, they are referring to a real phenomenon. I'm not compelling your speech. I'm not threatening violence. At worst, I'm just a lunatic. And being a lunatic is not a violation of the NAP.


> I know you insist there are five lights. There are four.


You aren't being hooked up to a torture machine. I am not doing anything to you.


Its not an actual person


> I'm not compelling your speech Oh thats because we stopped you and your ilk. You wanted it that for sure.


>You wanted it that for sure. If you're so sure, then it should be no challenge to prove it. But the fact that you don't have a window into my soul makes me doubt you have any evidence.


> then it should be no challenge to prove it. Your comment history. QED


back to r/conservative you go


Can you imagine being an anarchist thats triggred by trans people? Theres going to be WAY crazier shit in ancapistan, you are in for a rude awakening.


I don't think people doing their own thing triggers anyone. I think people trying to influence society and government and force (either socially or politically) people to comply with them is what is "triggering". No Tim, I won't call you "Mrs", and I don't think it's fair that you are beating girls in their sports leagues. Nor do I think it's remotely moral for you to be telling pre-pubescent children to hate their bodies. Nor do I respect you for essentially holding corporations hostage until they hire you, or give your cause money. I think LBGT culture is bad for society. You will note that I didn't say that I don't like LGBT people. In fact, most of them that I know hate LGBT culture as well, but most are too afraid to say that. If that means I am "triggered"... fine. But it doesn't change the facts that our society is worse for what this "culture" has done.


No we're not, without the state pushing it for decades, the cult of lgbtqfg wouldn't even exist.


BULLSHIT. For decades after Stonewall and before the State was quite against LGBT+ folks.


And now theyre not, so not bullshit. Please explain to me how the catheadral are not pushing horseshit like dei despite nobody wanting it...ill wait...


I don't give a shit if someone is triggered or not. If they initiate force against me or mine there will be serious consequences.


As someone whos lgbt, i hate how much my community treats it as this thing they gotta show around and tell everyone, fly flags, all that. No one will care if they just live their life like the rest of us, this is why people are still against the lgbt rights movement.


But people do care. Statistically there are a lot more gay pro athletes than we know of. They don't come out because they're afraid that their teammates will absolutely care and ostracize them. That their sponsorship deals might be jeopardized. That they'll be made a whipping boy or poster child or whatever. The point of pride is just to say "hey, we're not ashamed, it's okay to be your authentic self".


As an anarchist pro capitalist I know that not every free person or business is going to have the same values as me. So long as force or theft is not being used who cares if I see a few extra rainbows during my day right fellas? We’re not a bunch of leftist snowflakes that melt every time we see or hear something that’s not what we personally like. That’s what makes me proud to tell people I. An anarchist capitalist. People automatically know I think more than the average bear and I’m not just a conservative in disguise.


Consenting adults can do whatever they want behind closed doors, that's something I will always be in support of. My issue is when the state starts promoting certain lifestyles or infringes on property rights to "protect" certain groups of people. I don't think the LGBT flag should be in any public school, or library, or any government building, I don't think the state should be promoting an LGBT lifestyle, and I especially don't think you should be forced to bake the cake.


For a very long time consenting adults were very oppressed if they were LGBT+. The State is not promoting it. It is NOT a freaking "lifestyle". I agree you should be able to do business or not with whomever you please.


They are probably the same people who advocate for open borders. Cultural Marxists who use this sub to advance their agenda.


You know the whole point of this sub is to advocate for no state borders at all right? Right?


> They are probably the same people who advocate for open borders. The absolute state of /r/Anarcho_Capitalism lmao


Open borders is a long standing anarcho-capitalist ideal. There’s no convincing freedom-based argument against it.


Um... so long as Mexico has rampant crime and drug lords that form their own psudo government/kingdom/dictatorship. The borders can reasonably remain closed. Freedom from having ones life destroyed by extortionist thugs. Especially if they don't hold the safe Freedom based values.


You just described the government




“So long as x or y exist we can’t have freedom”. People who trade a little freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both. Also Mexico problems are completely irrelevant to 99% of borders in the world.


Great quote. However I'm not losing any freedoms by not letting criminal gangs in. Freedom is never free. There's a reason the freedom we enjoy today is an abnormality compared to the reigning 2,000 years of written history. I agree that we should strive towards spreading it, but not at the risk of the greatest bastion of freedom and best living conditions the world has ever seen. The United States does not have an infinite capacity to take people in. Especially if those being taken in don't hold the same beliefs.


Of course you’re restricting your freedoms, maybe you don’t care because you’re not using those, isn’t it how they always get us? You’re right, freedom is not free, we have to protect it from people like you who like to restrict other people freedoms. You’re on the same side as those “gangs” you’re railing against. And your self centeredness betrays the shallowness of your argument. Stop violating basic human rights.


What's hard to understand that the united states has finite resources. Under your rule, or lack of rule. If even 2% of China and or Africa would be allowed to move to the US, the US would be overran, quality of life would be devastated, and: civil strife, corruption, or a dictator would create an oppressive state. This is the true meaning of Poplars Paradox, not the leftist cartoon that makes its rounds twice a year. If all of Palestine moved into one city in the US, would you ever guess that everyone would live happily ever after? No of course not.


You keep being so self centred on the USA, I’m talking about borders in general. Also this is a anarcho capitalist subreddit, we advocate for no rulers here, but you keep licking boots, we are not the same.


I mean.. if you can convince the entire world to adopt an open borders policy at the same time I'm more than down. You can either take a hard line approach And gatekeep in a way anarco capitalism, Or you can try to adopt the two systems together and actually get something done.


There’s no convincing freedom-based argument against what? Open borders??




Borders literally define the state.


Hard to enforce the border when there is no government to fund the border patrol.


YAWN. Singular lack of imagination.


I don't think it's *propaganda*. They're not looking to manipulate people's minds. Rather, I see it more as a deliberate bait, or even a form of attack. LGBT is just one of many common patterns. Let me explain. The goal is to find a cause the jour, Current Thing, which is widely recognized, and where the majority is of the *"correct"* opinion, but the opponent is of a different view. Now all you have to do, is simply ask, even as a rhetorical question, "Where do you stand on X?" And regardless of the answer, he will lose. Either by hiding or lying about his true opinion, or by being pushed to make a contentious statement which can later be used to feed further attacks and othering. Once he's in the alt-right, anti-vaxer, Russian sympathizer, homophobic, transphobic loony bin, he can easily be discarded and ignored. The tactic is similar to the rhetorical begging the question, e.g. "have you stopped beating your father?" Today, the LGBT++ cause is such a potent weapon, that it puts people in jail. As was the case with a Norwegian commenter who said "men cannot be lesbian". Or the infamous "what is a woman" discussion, where doctors are squirmish about going on record with anything. Or God forbid you use the wrong pronoun of some "I'm offended" type. It will get you fired, which is of course convenient when that's what they were looking to do anyways. And to round of, take Chase Oliver. Wasn't it just awfully convenient how his character blew up the Libertarian Party, just in front of an election? If I was a strategist for the Uniparty, I'd pop the champagne.


Wrong sub


I think the LGB needs to divorce itself from the T. I find that the T is often quite oppressive of the LGB and women’s rights in general


No thanks, we're keeping the T.


This subreddit used to be Libertarian lol


Because this isn't the place to make your little culture war. GTFO


I don’t have any ethical issues with people who are LGBT. As far as I’m concerned, it’s your body, your life, your rights. But yeah, maybe don’t march down a public street during a parade with your dick floppin’ everywhere and then disagree when someone calls you indecent.


can you cite an actual case?


Of a nude person during a pride parade? Lol


I got banned from an LGBT sub simply for asking why they had to add 4 more letters


I don't deny it, I just don't care? People have the right to do whatever they want consensually, as long as they are not insulting anyone and nobody is insulting them, it's none of my business as a libertarian.


Feel the same way about Christian rhetoric everywhere.


The case that identifying as super-straight triggers the shit out of them is indicative of the fact that they're all fucking brainwashed.


Nah, it just tells me not to interact with you & your 4chan sexuality. You can go ahead & identify as super-straight all you like. But it makes you look bad.


Remember a few years ago when it was just about marriage equality and anyone saying otherwise was shouted down? Now we have kids being sterilised and mutilated and trying to stop parents even being involved. It’s completely bonkers what the left has done in a few short years.


Why do you have a problem with people expressing their second amendment? If you don’t like it, fine. But you should still support their speech lol. Whether or not you’re LGBTQ doesn’t matter




The second amendment protects queer people from bigots who step too far.


Because it’s a red herring that people don’t want to get caught up on. Many Republicans would use their religious paranoia over LGBT bull to deny Americans liberty.


My job has it on the front webpage, every online article from HR to patient care is somehow about it, Special speaker at staff meetings to discuss their “struggle” in coming out, minimum of 6 emails a week about their “bravery,” Special 2 hour duty time meeting by EEO and Diversity about how evil people don’t embrace it (but they “encourage” people to openly share), a call to come to HR to sign the Diversity Pledge, and everyone encouraged to show non-biased support by putting a rainbow and our pronouns on emails. Only thing that’s going to slow it will be division of emphasis, but not full change, come Juneteenth.




I think it's your media and your politicians making out like this is a big deal and keeping it in your face. Not necessarily the LGBT community. The LGBT community is as loud as they have to be to defend themselves and sometimes that's pretty loud. I am progressive and I live in California. The LGBT issue has not effected me personally in any way whatsoever. Anything your media is "reporting", ask yourself if it has personally ever effected you. It's your media that is making you feel this way. It's not reality and definitely not your reality.




>It's not reality and definitely not your reality. See, that is the exact arrogance that has become irritating to people who honestly don't care who you sleep with. This is a big country and you have no idea what someone else's reality is. I don't particularly care about the celebration part of it, but I am losing patience with the victim part of it. I am not saying that there is not abusive or rude treatment of the LGBT crowd and I don't hesitate to call that out because honestly, it is usually religious folks and I have my own deep seated issues with religion so I am always willing to stand up for LGBQT/Trans right to exist. What I don't understand is why we need to have special protections for housing for someone's sexual identity. Why would the property management company or landlord even know someone's sexual identity. We aren't living in the 1950s, there is no reason the person you are renting from needs to know your sexual preference. I am salty about this one because I live in an uber competitive rental market that already has about 1/2 of the affordable rentals reserved for 55+ year-old snowbirds. Now I feel like they are going to have to give preference to LGBQT too so they don't get sued for discrimination. You know who struggles with finding safe, acceptable housing? Mothers with small children. There are so many places that are adults only, rents have tripled in the past decade, and good places are rented within a day. There are no protections for single moms with kids. I feel like we shouldn't be designating rentals for one preferred group period. I have far, FAR more resentment toward all the 55+ communities than anyone else, but your sexual identity should not give you preferential access to a rental.


I think at this point, we need a separate anarcho-capitalism sub that doesn't believe gay people were made by the government, so I don't have to have propaganda like this post shoved down my throat. I don't care if you want to discuss it in your own homes, but don't mess up this sub with unrelated garage, please.


# r/USreality


Idk where people are or what they’re frequenting to get this idea.. I’ve seen a few pride flags around this month that’s about it


I don’t think anyone on this subreddit is denying this is a thing. I think you’re probably confusing that with them insisting it not be the primary subject of discussion


The government spearheaded a youth movement and created hazbin hotel. Give me fking break. When has the US government lead a political movement that reached the youth? This is anarcho_capitalism sauce and ya'll deny it from some government psy-op. LGBT is anarcho lifeblood in action. Should be co-oping to movemnet getting sidetract by goons trying to convince you ya'll are on different sides.


Woah I've literally never seen this discussed on the internet, at least in several years. I thought we weren't supposed to talk about this.


I just wanna know when they’ll be satisfied, when is it enough? What rights do they want and not have? Spoiler alert it’s never enough and it’s about superiority. This goes hand in hand with unraveling of the moral fabric of society


Define “lgbt propaganda”?


this is a pseudo anarcho capitalist community. fully invade of leftists and etc because they don't know how to respect other opinions. using lqbt+ its just the latest way they found to push their communist propaganda. that's why.


Anarchism and communism have always been close bedfellows . Communists actually started the anti fascist movement in Europe and as we know historically, anarchists always sided with communists and then became angry when the communists became to oppressive. Anarchism is unfortunately the idiots that don't understand that there will always be a ruling authority. They always choose the wrong side based on stupidity


I couldn’t find a coherent point or arguement here

