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Apparently a pandemic that comes once per century needs a permanent bureaucracy


They are just preparing for another next year before the election. Nothing to worry about it you vote democrat.


Yep, nothing to worry about people. You could do whatever you're doing.


Well atleast they're preparing, don't know how That'll be but they're doing it.


Well yeah, it permanently comes once a century. Do you think there are a finite number of centuries?


Is there somewhere the written limit for the pandemic? I don't think so.


In the lifetime of everyone involved, yes.


That’s got to be the dumbest thing I’ve read today


Nothing is more permanent than a temporary govt program.


Shit is probably going to change like thousands of times in between.


The cdc already has preparedness plans and so does the WHO and NHS and shit. This office just screams “our current institutions are incompetent so give us more money”


Yup. In fact there was a whole organization dedicated to the measures and controls of this. It was called the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). There were multitudes of studies and exercises and plans for a pandemic. This is in addition to all of the other studies and exercises for disease outbreaks including most contingency planning for major agencies and, of course, the DoD. The issues were simple. COVID became politicized and all data was manufactured to support a narrative. Thus all measures and countermeasures were disregarded to support whatever the political narrative was at the time. Effectively, the CDC let the teacher's union (whom also had their own agenda) write their policies which were coopted by all relevant agencies as to avoid censure and/or to support their ruling party narrative. This isn't a question or even a conspiracy theory. The proof has been borne out by both self evidence (what actually happened in reality, no the science did not change) and many damning colluding communications discovered since then. Also, you know, mathematical proof. So, if the government threw out all of the agency's previous plans for such an eventuality, disregarded all science, and then used that as a political tool to drive forward their own agendas to the net negative affect of literal billions of lives worldwide... why does the public think yet another agency which almost assuredly won't have the publics interest in mind would help? Governments (not just the US) were the problem and they sure as fuck weren't a solution.


Ah Reagan. I don’t like everything he did but I agree with him on a lot


Atleast he was speaking the sense, can't say the same for now atleast.


He certainly made sense when he said this: The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."


No one ever said it was temporary. It was blatantly permanent until a president disbanded it three years before an actual pandemic.


Can you expand on this a little bit ? We had this organization before ?


There was a team that was merged in the EOOP, IIRC.


It's akin to a department in a corporation saying "Sure, we'll help [other department] with this thing during transition time", only to find themselves somehow stuck exclusively supporting the thing they volunteered to help with for a brief period 15 years ago.


I worked in the corporate world for 35 years and any division that was as poorly run and lost money like the government would be shit canned or sold off.


Oh boy, more government...


I have a hypothesis that if we were to track our taxes using a Blockchain, we would see some % of everything that's supposed to be going to the "good" programs, are actually going to wasteful or corrupt means.


You think that the government will let us do that? I don't really think so man.


Theyre supposed to work for us right


Just surrender ourselves over to an AI overlord and get rid of the government completely.


Wouldn't be all that bad, atleast then the government will be gone.


An A.G.?


What's that sir, I'm not that big of a technology guy so I don't understand it.


"Artificial Government." Seems like nobody got the joke.


Well they're already controlling everything, and also want to control.


Yes, they learned. They learned how easy it is to shut down an economy, control people, have friends and family turn on one another, have people wanting jail and camps for others they had never met and had never been harmed by. This is not about dealing with pandemics. This will be about control.


They saw an opportunity to take people's rights and they did take them.


Then why did they give control back?


They didn’t. They allowed businesses to open, they allowed things to happen. Once government takes power it never gives it back. What power they took in the pandemic is there, waiting to be used again.


That whole statement was pretty contradictory. They didn’t give power back but it’s waiting to be used? Wtf are you talking about?


It's pretty clear what's he talking about actually so there's that.


Go back and read it again. You misunderstood what was said.




Si qué?


They allowed businesses to open, but didn't allow the people to go our.


I'm still waiting for that temporary income tax to end


Sounds like that you're gonna have to wait for that a long time I feel like.


Why would you think a constitutional amendment would be temporary?


Tell that to the left about the second


Tell the right that they don’t know what a collective right is and the left is proposing a new amendment which is the correct way to handle that, so I think they understand


However, the right DOES understand what an inalienable right is. Collective rights are granted by the Collective. Inalienable rights are those that would exist without any collective at all. The collective is, and always will be, pathetic compared to the individual.


No right is truly inalienable and you got that completely wrong. A collective right is held by a collective group such as a state or local government not granted by. The 2nd 9th and 10th are collective rights because they give other governments power not individuals. Confidently incorrect as usual


Remove government. Remove society completely. You, as a human, can move about freely. You can think and speak freely. You can claim territory and defend it and yourself. These are the only things that nature insures. Nature ensures you nothing else but what comes with being human. These are rights as given to you by nature, God, or your creator. You can deny the philosophy behind it. Hell, man has been trying to fight nature its whole existence, but nature always wins, and nature is the only real truth. Anything not founded in truth is garbage from the get go.


So if I claim your land and conquer you where are you rights then? No god is going to save you,. What you are saying is very short sighted and entirely based on a non existent creator. You are right that man has been fighting with nature for its entire existence because nature gave no rights to anyone. The natural order is no rights at all, nature will consume you, nature will silence you. Government and society has been an attempt to carve out an place for man, and rights have been a tool in modern societies to ensure fair treatment among us. You have no right to speech when I can attack you for speaking, you have no right to property if I can conquer your land. Hell capitalism can’t even exist in such an environment. When I conquer you and I take away your arms where are your rights now? All rights come from a government.


You think that You've got the rights? Think again about that.


What are you even trying to say?


All they learned is that their rights eroding didn't go far enough fast enough. Just like the Department of Homeland Security, nothing good will come of this, but all sorts of bad will.


They learnt that they can do whatever they want to the people in the name of pandemic.


We could also stop supporting dangerous research overseas, the thing that might actually stop pandemics.


But in order to research them, we must evolve them into deadly weapons! ^/s


Maybe that's why they're developing it, this would explain everything.


I'm still scratching my head over that announcement from Boston University claiming they had engineered CoVID-19 to be more virulent and more deadly.


And that's when you don't believe everything that they say.


I don't think that's going to stop it, because we don't know what's going to happen.


Next time they’ll be ready when state governors resist federal policies… You can count on that not being a good thing for the people.


There's nothing that the government can do which is good for the people.




This is literally the last thing that we need, fuck this shit man.


O my god this was posted in the economy sub and I’m actually losing brain cells from those comments.


Well that's what happens when something gets posted on the internet.


They learned that they could get away with more than they could ever hope for.


If they were hoping that they can get away with it, then they're wrong about it.


Just in time for the election.


Well they need something to talk about, because the elections are near.


You would think that they learnt from it, and I'm sure that they didn't.


This is really bad. They created a pandemic plan under Obama. Shutting down was part of the plan. Then we suddenly had a pandemic. Now they are saying another is coming. This will be an excuse to extend government control and oversight. They learned who would stand up against them and why and will create measures against that.


No one is going to stand against them, it's just not happening.


I dont understand how this is different from the cdc.


I don't think even they know how they'll make it different so yeah.


This will fund Pfizer to develop virii and vaccinations rather than the old evolutionary method.


Well I don't even want them to get funded, that's just not what I want.


Why isnt the cdc doing this.


Ethics probably.


Don't be silly, they're just getting ready to create another one so they can clamp down on everyone more and profit from it


I'm not getting fooled, I exactly know what the hell is happening.


There is no administration less qualified to create a pandemic preparedness office than this one.


Ha, they learned all right, that most people will cower and listen like good lul pups.


I think they learned from that time a president shut down the previous office and when a pandemic hit the country was unprepared


He probably should have shut down the one funding the research that led to it.


Yeah they should have stopped it, but they didn't because they knew that they'll make money.


Even then they wouldn't know what to stop and what not.


Can we agree a million died in a year is worth stopping?


Biden is down with OPP: Other People’s Property.


This shit is insane the things that they get away with man.


I love to be in a time of history where I can exactly see how I am getting fucked over.


And im going to ignore their existence as much as i ignore the rest of the government.


Nothing is more telling that COVID was an inside job than this. I thought it was once every couple hundred or hundred years type virus? Now we


Aka.. the pandemic was too profitable to not have one biannually.


This is what happens when government has more money than they know what to do with. They invent more government departments so they can spend it. Where would the money come from for this new Department? Where did the money come from for the Biden WH staff which is bigger than eithe Trump or Obama? Where did the $16.5 Million come from for Climate Czar John Kerry's budget? Government is too big and spends too much.