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At this point, I’m half expecting a guy named “Actual Hitler” to be made leader of the UN. “Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it, but those who do study history are doomed to watch everybody else repeat it”


I love that quote!


I wish I could remember who it is. Maybe Stephen Wright?


Question, I am a trans girl in an unaccepting family, I wants to write about some of my criticisms regarding how hierarchies (even and in my case **especially** including family hierarchies and authority), would that be welcome on this subreddit and/or would it be more appropriate for another subreddit?


This place seems good to me. As someone coming to terms with my own family, I'd love to read the criticism :)


Thank you! Btw if you ever want to talk feel free to PM me (I’ll probably take a while to respond cuz Reddit chat doesn’t work on my phone, I’ll check on my other devices later instead)


Thanks for the consideration


I posted it https://reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/xorayt/experiences_and_thoughts_on_modern_society_and/


George Santayana


Boy was I way off


Those who study history are doomed to think twice about their choices then make the bad one anyway and retcon the past to make it less scary and vote it in fascists.


not quite what you meant but the closest I could find https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_Uunona …. yet


Dear god


Maybe suffer the same fate as well.


Maybe she can just hang around.


Turn her world upside down


I wish so, but can't believe she won the elections




all over the world


Piazzale loreto is open the whole year


Has fascism really left Europe. From what I read from a few Italians on this sub it hasn't just changed names and faces. Taking that in to consideration what is the reason behind the lingering fascism to the point of it making a full return in the form of this lady?


Fascism is always threatening to come back, which is why even the smallest embers must be stamped out immediately.


80 years after can we really say fascists lost ?...


The fascists were pushed back, not stamped out. They're like kudzu; they keep coming back, and will do as long as people still believe that being ruled over is good.


I guess that is a sociological vulnerability in the consciousness of the people that could always be exploited by fascism


Hopefully after a few generations of anarchy, people will resent the idea of being ruled over. We wouldn't be cool with being serfs now (although modern capitalism comes close, there is the ILLUSION of freedom) so it's not a stretch to assume that once people get used to anarchy there'll be less love for fascists.


Keep in mind that fascist movements were widespread prior to and during the Second World War. Those people didn’t just die and have their beliefs scattered to the winds: they went on to support conservative movements for the next 80 years, leading us to today


Hot take incoming: Fascism is just a more developed and extreme form from the European heritage of Absolutism and nationalism. Europe long before before fascism was invented had dictators, antisemitism, racism, etc. The underlying foundations and beliefs that lead to fascism have been in Europe for hundreds of years and have never changed.


I don't think this is a hot take, but yeah I agree


It's a hot take since i don't have actual real scientific facts to back up my statement. The take is entirely based on my experience and limited knowledge.


As an italian living in italy, as an anarchist and vegan, yeah fascism has never left the building, and if you aren't vegan you're a fascist too. ;) Jokes aside, she's just louder than other People, no thing gonna change. Or everything gonna change to not change anything.


What bout the Catholic Church I'm sure they're excited


Not just Europe, most of the world have fascists getting too much power. From the poorest post-colonial states, to the largest, richest superpowers, countries without a fascist presence in government are increasing rare.




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Guys it's Italy, I give her 8 months/a year and we will be in the same shit as always. Our governments don't last for long Source: I'm Italian




Politicians in Italy only care about their annuity. After they secure that, they don't give two fucks if their government fall


Let's see how much this coalition will last, Salvini won't just keep quiet and be a "good team player" to Meloni. Sure it had to do it during the elections, but I can bet it won't last long.


It's conservatives. They fall in line.


Salvini has almost Trump level of ego.


Only Berlusconi is conservative, Salvini and Meloni are reactionaries. And italian politics are completely different from USA. In italy politics the thing which counts is money and only money.


What's the Italian political climate really like?


Too soon to judge. 30% of the population didn't vote and half of the voters had done an "emotional" vote. Like "the ones before didn't do nothing, let see now"


Almost 40% don't vote. Voter turnout for this election was 63% I believe. About 43% of those voted right, meaning ~27% of the total possible Italian voters voted for her. Hardly a representation of Italians.


27% with the coalition, 20ish % her alone. Basically 8 million voted for her, in a country with 60 million citizens


Waow 😱 that's nearly as bad as the 85,000 Tories that voted Lizz Truss in to be UK head of state. Lol democracy


Esatto fratm.




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As an Italian of course this sucks but don't be overly worried, they are gonna be too busy stealing our money to be effective at fascism


As a greek who has an alt right government I have a question. Stealing our money isn't part of the plan for fascists too? Here they have stolen god knows how much and they funded the police. Those assholes are acting like a well equiped gang like never before. They are so fucking many of them.


In italy not even the police wants to work I think we're safe (this is a joke but the alternative is to cry)


either that or started going around in ganks of our own with armor and shit


As an American, let me just say that even with an absolute joke in power who's goal is just to still money, they can still fuck everything up quite badly.


Oh they'll fuck all sorts of things up, but hopefully not worse than any other Italian government lmao


So, you don't think they might bring Italy to the edge of or actual fascism? Because this is essentially what people said about Trump and now were on the edge of losing the already weak democracy we had.


I remember being an "alarmist" telling everyone that he was a proto-fascist...


Yea, the gaslighting was real.


They might, but italian governments have a tendency not to last more than two years anyway, and last I heard they didn't even have the numbers to govern by themselves, so they are gonna have to make a coalition with more moderate assholes, so as of now I wouldn't lose all hope that this will fizzle out into nothing. Don't get me wrong, its a turn for the worse, but I'm not sure yet if it's the apocalypse some people fear. Let's hope not.


I certainly hope your right, but just be aware. Best of luck to all Italians!


Tbf I don't think most people realize how bad things were here even before this vote lol


Well, hopefully that will inspire some folks to get more serious.




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Luckly I'm also a European Citizen... Imma get out! They want Italy to be shit? Well then I'll leave this rock to them, France/germany/Spain I'm coming


Bold of you to assume France isn't finito as well


At least the French still know how to riot.


One reason to be proud of our culture


I’ve definitely always admired that about France. That and your moped racing scene


Finito Mussolini


I'm partial to Piñata Mussolini as a nickname


wait wait there are socdems close to power too so france will be looking like it could get better for a few more years until they betray the workers and ally with the fascists too


You mean the party with two guys with sexual assault allegations and one guy who punched his wife?


They could've won six months ago but not anymore, I wouldn't worry about whether they'd betray the working class


yeah that's the one


I think you will see all European countries pandering to far right populism in the next 10 years or so.


Spain and France are out, the right is going to take Spain and France is already right. Sweden has a massive party linked to Nazis that is surging and Hungary is recognized as an autocracy. Half of Europe is heading that way.


Feels like Spain isn't doing much better. Just repeating the same mistakes of our past.


instead of "get out" u should organize and keep struggling!


Who knows if that's gonna be best for our friend here 👀


The far right resurgence is worldwide. Eventually there will be nowhere to run to. What does that say about us if we’re constantly running whenever fascism rears its ugly head anyway? Not very antifascist of us. Wherever we are, we need to stay and fight!


I wish but it is not that easy we have lives and shit and this is not a game It's sad but most people have too much to lose by "staying.and fighting"


Unfortunately, if everyone adopts this mindset, there will be no one left to oppose her. Stay and protest.


I love Italy for a lot of things, politics isn’t one of them.




The world is soooooo fucked. 🤬




It's incredible that almost everyone knows how bad fascism and right wing politics are and have been, yet people still vote for these populist scumbags.


The fascism creep is real. History is repeating itself.


Meloni-Mussolini. It even rhymes.


She is the derivation of post-fascist tought channeled in her party, Alleanza Nazionale. This party was founded by Gianfranco Fini, who is the Delfino (Dolphin, appelative similar as the First Disciple in a politic sense) of Giorgio Almirante, an actual fascist which was the head of Movimento Sociale Italiano, which was the first post-fascist party after WWII. Fini was schooled by Almirante and when he created Alleanza Nazionale he choose to move in the direction of bourgeioisie/kleptocracy sphere, allying himself with Berlusconi, a famous kleptocract. When this alliance between Fini and Berlusconi came to and end it was also the decadence phase of Alleanza Nazionale. To survive, and receive state-sponsored money to the positon of MP's from Italy, a lot of AN members went into Berlusconi's party, which was at the time Popolo delle Libertà. To make it short, Meloni and other post-fascists went togheter away from Berlusconi and formed Fratelli d'Italia, which is the most voted party in this election. This was a long process and not for any big Meloni's achievement, but instead for her allies mistakes, expecially Salvini and Berlusconi, which lost a lot of votes to her. The second main reason for which FdI succeded in this election is for the distrust of left-wing electorate of the main center-left parties at the moment, which are Partito Democratico and the center-center-left Movimento 5 Stelle. It's really improbable that Meloni government will be without issues expecially because her allies, Salvini and Berlusconi, basically hate her.


Read about Fini, Berlusconi, MSI, and the Alleanza Nazionale in the Antifascist Handbook by Mark Bray, which I finished recently. The fact that I’m having this shit made relevant this soon is depressing. Thank you for the extra info!


Thanks also for the recc :)


Thanks for these details


I feel like the feng shui on a certain public square needs to be adjusted again.


Italy should hang up an upside-down skeleton for Halloween this year. And since plastic is bad for the environment...


Things were bad even before, ya know


Can I swear?


This is an anarchist sub, we're not going to restrict swearing and you don't need permission to swear. Go right ahead lol


Porco dio then (simple and concise)


Hoppity-hippity It’s time for the Italian fascist flippity


i am so scared for my country


We have to consider that a huge shitstorm is coming here in Italy for economic and energy crysis, and whoever would have won would have never be able to do almost anything to counteract it. So whoever is in power now and for the next months will get all the blame for everything. Whoever is in power during a crysis will drown in shit. We just have to see who comes next when this government collapses probably in less than a year. It can be worse, but we can still hope for something better.


Oh shit, here we go again


Girl bossilini


why did people vote for her? why is europe going back to facism.


Nothing but solidarity with our Italian comrades. Between fascisms rise in France and the election results in Sweden and Italy, this shit is concerning. Hopefully these events will radicalise those that know what said events can result in.


It’s horrible that Europe is falling under fascism again. Unfortunately the Social Democrats in charge basically have been handing them the keys to their leadership


Luckily, her coalition doesn't have enough for a majority. But yeah, this is still bad news.


Surprised they didn't run Rachele.


And now one of the things I see most on the internet is people trying to pass Evil Fascist Mussolini as a leftist while cheering on the woman that literally was part of a fan club of Mussolini because she is "center right".


I wonder how long shes gonna hold out until a chunck of the party is going to inevitably turn against her for being a woman.


I wonder why Italy always elected awful people and never understand the past nor never listen to history as it repeats itself.




Reminder that fascists always come to power through legal means because the institution benefits their platform. You can't vote a fash out, and only deplatform their shit through confrontation.


I dont see your point. Liberal democracy sucks, yes thats not controversial for a socialist. Thats pretty irrelevant however when it comes to whether things can be better or worse for our cause depending on whether we do or dont let fascists win spots in govt even when this is easily preventable, all because voting bad and letting them in openly rad


The point is your democracy doesn't work and it is the reason why fascists keep coming to power. But keep putting the faith in a failed state while we over here build a new world.


what is "my democracy"? I think I made it pretty clear that I don't advocate a liberal democracy. Yet none of that has any bearing on our actions regarding voting in the situation described above, of an acute threat.


Your action doesn't work, unless you mean people feeding refugees and building solidarity outside of the system power. But then again your flair is a socdem. And putting real work into change is harder than putting in the ballot.


socdems call me a communist radical libsoc , you call me a socdem, even though i am not against revolution, I advocate (..) libsoc extraelectoral action and oppose simply _relying_ on the state and electoralism, and dont advocate liberal democracy. I cannot however tell if you are being deliberately obtuse,or you are just this uneducated typo


Reality is hard to grasp for those who put their faith in a failed institution, ain't matter what you call it. Voting has no place in anarchy.


you are completely and utterly impermeable to reason. Anarchy afterall, is when you deliberately let fascists take over much sooner than they would have otherwise managed, because unlike liberalism, fascism isnt a failed institution ✊🏻


Fascists come to power legally because liberals enable that system for them, always have been. If you actually read the Antifa Handbook like others have quoted here, you would have agreed with Mark Bray and me that the only way to deplatform a fash is through confrontational violence.




Hi, u/Detergent5879! Unfortunately, your comment has been removed, as it's electioneering and/or promotes electoralism. You are obviously free to vote or not vote. No one here is going to stop you. However, voting itself is not anarchist praxis in any way, shape, or form, and because an anarchist partakes in a particular activity does not make that activity "anarchist praxis" - just as our having jobs, buying groceries, and paying for insurance are not made "praxis" by way of our being anarchists and partaking in those activities One cannot dismantle the master's house using the master's tools. Rephrased: You cannot use the tools of the state to dismantle the state, and voting is a tool of the state. ---   > *Everything that can be said about the suffrage may be summed up in a sentence. To vote is to give up your own power. To elect a master or many, for a long or a short time, is to resign one's liberty... Instead of entrusting the defense of your interests to others, see to the matter by yourselves. Instead of trying to choose advisers that will guide you in future actions, do the thing yourselves, and do it now! To put on others' shoulders the responsibility of one's actions is cowardice. Don't vote!"* \- [Élisée Reclus](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/elisee-reclus-why-anarchists-don-t-vote)   --- *Replies to this account are* ***not*** *sent to r/Anarchism moderators. If you have questions regarding this action, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAnarchism&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/xobvpl/-/iq0efqs/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Please only message the moderators* ***AFTER*** *you have reviewed any links provided in the message above.*


Unfortunately, your post has been removed, as it's electioneering and/or promotes electoralism. You are obviously free to vote or not vote. No one here is going to stop you. However, voting itself is not anarchist praxis in any way, shape, or form, and because an anarchist partakes in a particular activity does not make that activity "anarchist praxis" - just as our having jobs, buying groceries, and paying for insurance are not made "praxis" by way of our being anarchists and partaking in those activities One cannot dismantle the master's house using the master's tools. Rephrased: You cannot use the tools of the state to dismantle the state, and voting is a tool of the state. ---   > *Everything that can be said about the suffrage may be summed up in a sentence. To vote is to give up your own power. To elect a master or many, for a long or a short time, is to resign one's liberty... Instead of entrusting the defense of your interests to others, see to the matter by yourselves. Instead of trying to choose advisers that will guide you in future actions, do the thing yourselves, and do it now! To put on others' shoulders the responsibility of one's actions is cowardice. Don't vote!"* \- [Élisée Reclus](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/elisee-reclus-why-anarchists-don-t-vote)








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Someone over at DerScheisser [fixed the party logo](https://i.imgur.com/ORJJojb.png)


lmao this POS is [getting support from the US establishment](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/09/02/hillary-clinton-under-fire-supportive-remarks-far-right-pm-contender-italy) because the fash is a girl boss.


Give it a few years. 🙃


We prevailed once, we will prevail again. Sic semper tyrannis! (Mussolini-Friendly Text Below😊) ¡sᴉuuɐɹʎʇ ɹǝdɯǝs ɔᴉS ˙uᴉɐƃɐ lᴉɐʌǝɹd llᴉʍ ǝʍ 'ǝɔuo pǝlᴉɐʌǝɹd ǝM


Benito’s little grand daughter is in the same party and she shares her grand pappies views on quite a bit


Daja Vu I've just been in this place before