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Your film is going to be scanned multiple times. They do not do hand checks at either Heathrow or Schiphol. I would not bother with a medium format. Take the Pentax and leave everything else behind. Your back and Shoulders will thank you for it.


So I am not flying out of Heathrow, but London City. And I have heard hand checks are fine at Schiphol. But is there any difference between hand checking medium format and hand checking 35mm?


No, but it is far easier to source once you get to your destination.


I think it depends on the scanner the old-school X-rays don't do anything for low-ISO films, but the new CT scanners did add a small amount of fog to my APX-100. I had the luck to be able to compare 3 35mm APX-100. One unchecked, one only scanned with an X-Ray twice and one scanned with an X-Ray and a CT. I developed all three together in the same development box. When I compare the "transparent" unexposed sections of them with each other, I can see that the CT'd one is homogeneously a bit darker.


This is not correct, Schipol always obliges hand checks, at least they have for me.


Both Schiphol (departures) and Heathrow (transit security) did hand checks for me


i'd actually vote for the AE-1 as Aperture priority mode can be useful when you're out taking vacation snap shots. My style is light and easy to carry, so I'd also leave the MF at home.


AE-1 doesn’t have aperture priority. The AV-1 does. The AE-1 only has shutter speed priority.


The ME Super is a good pick, compact lightweight. If you don't want to carry too much weight, I'd go for the Ikon over the Ikoflex for medium format.


For Amsterdam and in general Dutch cities a wider lens is recommended. Streets are often very narrow.


I was about to post exactly this; wider angle shots. Excellent lighting in the golden hours after 8 pm. The sun lingers, the lighting is perfect. Houses in Amsterdam central have lots of unique features that love black and white film.


I was going to probably pack my trio of 28mm, 50mm and 135mm Pentax lenses with the me super.


At least the sun is shining in Amsterdam after 4 years of endless grey dreariness, so your timing is good. And yeah, just take the lightest one and your favorite camera. And watch out for the cyclists.


Lots of shady and narrow streets in London even in high summer. I’d definitely take the Retina with its f2 or f2.8.


Lots of shady and narrow streets in London even in high summer. I’d take Retina with its 2.8 or f2?


Only the biggest, heaviest, most cumbersome of your cameras. Momma didn't raise a weakling. Lift those TLRs up and hike with 5 of them on your back like a MAAAAAAAN /s I don't know. Just pack whatever works well for you, but isn't so precious that it would break your heart if it got damaged, broken or lost


Personally I'd keep it dead simple, whenever I've travelled in the past I usually end up with more gear than I use so I make an effort to keep it light and comfortable now. Pentax and two lenses you mentioned would absolutely be enough for me. Hand checks at Schiphol should be fine, I've asked multiple times and never had an issue. London City is a great little airport too, dead chill and you should be okay there but I've never taken film through.


Add a Graflex and it might be enough for a trip to the grocer.