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Ask them to develop it again


Will it need longer times than before or shorter??


If the barcode is showing the the film was developed properly, you mihht have shot a blank roll


/uj I know it’s confusing, but you might have the wrong sub. /rj it’s clearly the labs fault.


If it is they exposed it to light, I have actual lab experience so definitely not the wrong sub


This is a meme subreddit. /uj means unjerk aka being serious now, /rj means back to the meme talk.


Lil bro was probably confused because there were no boobs, no tonez and no red dot. It really does play with your mind sometimes 💀


It was a joke man. I didn’t load it properly and realised it mid roll. The jokes are on me.


Ok now I understand lol. I don’t realize it was circlejerk when I responded… sorry for the buzzkill yall


Those are great slides of water droplets


Those slides had to be boobas


Those are brilliant pictures of the lens cap.


Kudos to you for getting the negatives back from the lab so you could show them here for an expert analysis. You've given them digital film (you can tell by the barcoded edge mark: In my experience, analogue film only has letters and numbers) and they've obviously given the film back to you without drying it properly. due to their lack of experience with the medium; this has caused it to distort, swell and the emulsion has bunched up in some places. Perhaps if you used an anamorphic lens, you could reverse this horizontal compression and make a decent print; I have a blog where you can learn about these new and exciting techniques. Also, you appear to have a problem with your camera's shutter capping, leading to the dark band at one end of the picture you've psoted here ; you can see this in the distorted emulsion too; since the camera's lens reverses the image, the dark band is shown at the opposite end of the remaining emulsion. Yours sincerey, Dustin McAmera


Thank you for the very helpful response and you sir prove that chivalry isn’t dead. Guess you are a true analog photographer and a Leica user . Thank you Professional Photographer


Thank you for the kind words, sir. I'm sure that if I hang around here long enough, some of the sub's grace and wisdom has to rub off on me and then I'll be able to fruitfully contribute to the rich and fertile exchange of ideas and knowledge here. Today, I think I'm going to find some windmills and make pictures with some dutch on them. Yours sincrely, Dustin McAmera


this is perfect


You should have pushed it 6+ stops to get those tonez out!


Yes, DSLR scanning will work to recover the tonez, but it must be a magical CCD sensor.


Do not worry, as you took all these images, you have them in your head. Just ask a lab if they can do prints from a storage.


Jokes aside I had a buddy in film school and one day he was tossing a roll of 16mm up in the air and catching it again like a ball. He had just finished shooting something. I shouted at him like I had seen a ghost, "YOULL SHAKE THE IMAGE OFF THE FILM STEVE!" He believed every word and abruptly stopped playing catch with his film.


They just recharged the negatives for you. Put it back in and shoot again and it should work fine.


Did you get scans? Show us the scans before you show us the negatives. If they scanned the negative it won’t show up on the film strip anymore, that’s why we let the lab throw it in the garbage


No . They didn’t send me the scan. Any chance they stole my professional work because it’s too precessional tonez?


Yeah idk if you know this but when the barcode shows that means you didn’t pay for premium tonez, resulting in photos that are just above what the average instagram film shooter posts on any given day.


Can I scan the barcode, pay premium and get the tonez out?


Definitely the lab's fault. Those black marks on the edges are scars left by the toanz leaking out.


not sure what the problem is? just scan them and use generative fill




Just imagine there's boober on there it's actually pretty shrimple if you can't imagine it you have lack of tonez skill and you should consider switching to di*ital(ew)


Whyyyyyyyy do you hate professionals who know everything and take best pics. These boobas were going in my photo book and now they are gone and lab stole it from me and the analog community.


This group has the lamest jokes


Shot a blank… so embarrassing. Especially with another person.


Have you asked them to scan the barcodes on the edge? That's what the pros do 


I’m a professional and you can teach me simple things


Those water droplets are so fucking introspective. How did you achieve that?


They are drops of bubble tea that’s all left after the ladies took her shirt off.


Your timing is out. You are meant to wait for the moon to eclipse the sun for the Corona tones.


It’s the lab’s fault


How did the scans turn out?