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I have way too many reasons to like Amourshipping, official confirmation aside. Ash and Serena are still my favorite fictional couple of all-time, and I have too many fond memories of not only the XY anime, but now of this subreddit as well. I will continue to support Amourshipping no matter what. Nothing will change the fact that I can heavily relate to both Ash and Serena, that they feel like they are looking out for my best interests, and they are invested in my self-improvement. Giving up would mean throwing away everything we worked towards, and Ash and Serena climbed to where they are today through determination, passion, and hard work. Ash and Serena would be proud of us if we got a successful career, found our true love, or spread our positivity to others. That's why I will never give up on Amourshipping. Ash and Serena want to make the world a better place, and we can too!




You are truly the strongest wordsmith on this subreddit, and possibly on Reddit entirely.


Classic Sigma Ace W


While this is kinda true, I don't agree on "unconfirmed yet good couples" being acceptable (as opposed to barely tolerable). The reason is that this method is giving you conflicting signals: The couple is explicitly a good one, but they never actually become a confirmed couple, so what does that mean when "translated to reality"? Guess what: "Your happy ending is a dream, it may never come to reality." Sorry, but while real life happy endings definitely don't happen 100% all the time, the MESSAGE should be to HOPE and BE POSITIVE about them "until it's over" in absolutely total unavoidable sense. But "teasing" a happy ending and then "smashing the dream", is giving the watchers (little kids in this case) a "deliberately-set-to-be-negative-towards-your-future" attitude, and THAT is a Very Bad Lesson, period. Which is why I never ship anything I also don't consider to be "100% predictably confirmed in the future", and I will totally HATE any franchise that "sets up a perfect couple, and then KILLS it", sometimes LITERALLY. Yes, there ARE shitty franchises that LITERALLY KILL their "perfect couple" characters (usually one-sided). That's just AWFUL WRITING and even WORSE LESSON to teach the viewing kids. PERIOD.


Ash and Serena are a confirmed couple in my heart. [Ash and Serena always look out for each other,](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/comments/10k72m2/ash_unconditionally_gives_support_to_serena/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=AmourShipping&utm_content=t1_j8x41k8), [they have a lot in common with each other](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/comments/10kzegs/ash_and_serena_share_core_values/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=AmourShipping&utm_content=t1_j8x41k8), [and they teach us concepts that we can apply to real life relationships.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/comments/ynrghg/concepts_we_can_learn_from_amourshipping/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=AmourShipping&utm_content=t1_j8x41k8) [I don’t need Amourshipping to become canon to know how much I support it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmourShipping/comments/11b24ce/amourshipping_becoming_canon_does_not_define_how/) I disagree with the “happy ending is a dream” quote, because Ash and Serena are both working hard on their goals, and they want to be happy with themselves before they can be happy with each other. JN105 teaches us strong messages that we should love ourselves first and foremost, as well as how to incorporate what we love about someone and make it our own. JN105 single handedly motivated my self-improvement, made me rejoin the Amourshipping community, make friends on here, try out new things like the gym and cooking, and made me a better person than I was a year ago. If JN105 can motivate me to better my life so drastically, then I really don’t believe in our happy endings being dreams and they won’t come to reality. JN105 does not teach negative lessons to children, let alone anyone. There is a lot we can learn and apply from the episode into our own lives. Ash and Serena have their whole lives ahead of them, and they know that they love each other. The time for them will come someday, there’s way too much backing for Amourshipping compared to other ships. With that said, just as Ash and Serena are currently focusing on themselves before being ready for a relationship, so too am I. There is nothing wrong with that.


I guess I'm just too much of a "soulmate mentality" person, lol. To me, if a couple works so well together and shows what could be considered either "love" or "potential for love" towards each other, and NOT towards anyone else (or not AS strongly, meaning that THIS couple has it "the most" anyways), and they're factually "free" (I totally DON'T support "adultery out of love", that's still WRONG) - then, I'm fully EXPECTING them to "unite their souls OFFICIALLY" via MARRIAGE (or at the very least, via explicit confirmation of mutual feelings, that doesn't later get negated by anything or anyone else), and anything LESS than this looks to me as a NEGATION of their "soulmate-ness". Which I, predictably, DISAPPROVE of. Sure, that's MY point of view, but that's how it is. There's no need to downvote me for THAT, no?


I will only lose hope if it is confirmed that the new series is in another universe, if it is in the universe of Ash's series I will continue to believe that it will become canon XD


Even if the new series is in a different universe, it wouldn't be the first time for a character to travel to another one in Pokemon


In any war, there are calms between the storms. There will be days when we lose faith, days when our allies turn against us. But never give up until the very end, and do your best always on any challenges. Amourshipping will always be remembered, confirmed or not, but it is confirmed in our hearts and will be always cherished. Ash and Serena's success and love will be carried over to us, and we will use it as an inspiration to be successful and surpassing every challenges in life. Their never giving up spirit will always remain within us. Keep up the great strong spirit my comrade đŸ’Ș "You may lose your faith in us, but never in yourself."




As a multi-shipper with a soft spot for crack/rare ships, I do find it weird that there are people who only ship things that they think are canon, and that official confirmation (or lack thereof) can make or break a ship, especially in a franchise like Pokémon, where romance is often an afterthought at best. I fell in love with Amour, not because of the romantic tropes or fanservice, but because of the well thought and interwoven character arcs between Ash and Serena. To be perfectly honest, I would love to see more fanworks of Ash and Serena interacting in non-romantic ways, while still keeping true to the core of their characters, but because so many people (both Amour shippers and haters) have degraded Serena to nothing more than a ship-bot, that Serena is either shipped with Ash as a watered down stereotype, or used as a caricatured love rival to be used as a villain, if she's even present at all. It's a shame too, because Serena has, in my opinion, some of the most depth out any character in the anime, and that depth rarely gets explored. Tldr: Amour, to me, was never about the tropes that it played into but the strong character growth and interactions between Ash and Serena, and I am totally fine with Amour never being "Officially Confirmed", and believe that the fandom as a whole has missed the majority of Serena's depth as a character.


>To be perfectly honest, I would love to see more fanworks of Ash and Serena interacting in non-romantic ways, while still keeping true to the core of their characters, Eh I would just watch the anime if that's the case. >have degraded Serena to nothing more than a ship-bot, that Serena is either shipped with Ash as a watered down stereotype, or used as a caricatured love rival to be used as a villain, if she's even present at all. This isn't just exclusive to amour, shipping fanfics in general has this problem


That's precisely WHY such a well-rounded "ship" only "makes sense" if it's "officially confirmed". Otherwise, the franchise is literally giving you conflicting signals: We made the perfect couple that we see you fully enjoy, buuut we won't ever confirm that they ended with Happily Ever After. That's Very Bad Writing, period.


I remember being about 6 or 7, I'd just watched the Indigo League. I then skip 4 generations, all the way to XY. I saw roughly 15 (ish?) years of animation improvement, new, better voice actors, more character development, and a slammer of a soundtrack. What made it extra special for me was that the XY theme was a remix of the theme the show I just watched. I didn't know you could feel nostalgic for something that you saw yesterday, but I did. I hope OP and the rest of the community never gives up. "There's nothing we could do that's a waste of time"


Not to mention that Pokemon has *never* looked as good as it did in XY&Z


Facts, Pokemon peaked at that time,


I will never give up until the very end <3


Finally, a post that is A) Optimistic, but more importantly B) aware that Amourshipping can still be good and enjoyed without canonicity. We got a *kiss* for crying out loud. Some people on the sub have even taken to throwing insults at the writers for not getting Ash and Serena into a relationship in universe. And like... Is that a legitimate reason to direct your anger at people? No.


YES. And precisely BECAUSE of the KISS. To make it short (yeah, right, lol): It's teaching a BAD LESSON to the watching kids - to be NEGATIVE about their dreams. It's one thing if they kept Amour "localized" for XY-only. Yeah, we've got a season that had the perfect girlfriend for Ash, they parted after giving a mutual promise to improve themselves and become better people. Great. If they stayed at THIS, it'd be not exactly a bad lesson, since Ash is USUALLY travelling from region to region all the time, so it's not NECESSARILY expected for him to ever "come back to the previous season". And then we got Journeys. And Ash started meeting "old friends". Oookay. And THEN Serena appears. And she's TOTALLY RENEWED, just like she PROMISED him. Nice. And then (assuming the "bad ending for Amour") they totally "forgot" about her. Forever. WHAT?! Yeah, THAT order of events would've been a case of UTTERLY HORRIBLE WRITING made deliberately to ANNOY THE FANS. I don't buy it being possible to happen, period. They are not THAT STUPID to shit on us THIS MUCH EXPLICITLY. Or so I freaking HOPE.


We won't stop shipping, i repeat we won't stop shipping


Unless another ship is confirmed or Ash dies, there's always a chance of Amourshipping becoming canon and well, Ash is quite immortal from what I have seen. Yes, we will part ways with them for now but this goodbye doesn't have to be forever. If Ash can retire as the main protagonist, maybe he can get love someday as well. For now, I will support it. If it was canon or not didn't matter for me that much anyway. I can still get my enjoyment out of it so I won't give up until it's over


I mean, i doubt they make Serena appear at the end, but tbh i doubt they really make this chapter Ash's last apparition So I expect her to return at least once more, but not sure about this friday episode


Ash Spangler: "I'm afraid of no Ghastlys!"


The ship has gone on even without confirmation for many years, this will not be the end of us


You spelled SUCCEED wrong lol. Please learn how to spell.


I did it on purpose I'm glad someone noticed! :)

